forbidden place

Chapter 72 God's Whip

Han Hui also made up his mind to build his own strength. When he was on earth, how many resources did he have under his command?He can control a gang casually, build a company, and his hacking skills can even threaten a country. When he gets here, he is threatened everywhere. He has long wanted to change this situation.

What's more, when the people of the Yin Yang Sect released the Wuji joy fog to surround them, Song Shixiong really behaved like a man, and Han Hui admired him.

"Follow me!" Ignoring Song Shixiong's gaze, Han Hui took the lead and walked towards the dilapidated house.

Song Shixiong followed suspiciously. He was very suspicious that Han Hui had inhaled the Wuji joy mist because of his lack of experience. It is said that after absorbing this poisonous mist, Ren Hui became extremely happy, thinking that he was an omnipotent god.

The symptoms of Hanhui are exactly the same as the symptoms of absorbing the Mist of Promise.

"Brother, you may have absorbed the poisonous mist, but these mist are only released by the people who built the realm together. You have surpassed this realm, and you can definitely force it out. You should use your skills to force the poison now!" Song Shixiong followed Han Hui said nervously behind him.

Han Hui smiled slightly and said: "You are not affected by the poisonous mist, will I be affected? Calm down, run the essence in your body, I have everything!"

Looking at Han Hui's clear eyes, Song Shixiong was puzzled, and he didn't look sane. Could it be that Wuji Huanxi's fog is really so powerful?

Song Shixiong still persuaded him: "Brother Han, you should use your kung fu to force poison first, and I will talk about my affairs later!"

One sentence almost depressed Han Hui to death, why no one believed me when I told the truth?

"Do you see how I want to be poisoned? Killing them is like killing a chicken. If you sit down, will I still kill you? If you want to pay it back, do you still use it like this?" Han Hui said.

Song Shixiong sat cross-legged helplessly.

"Calm down, follow my guidance to operate the Jing Yuan, the time to witness the miracle has come!" Han Hui once again pulled out a sentence of earth language.

Then, Song Shixiong felt a pair of palms attached to his back, and a wave of essence poured into his body. This wave of essence was like a sharp sword, stabbing deep into his meridians.

Song Shixiong reluctantly mobilized Jing Yuan to follow up, but Han Hui didn't have to go through such trouble if he wanted to kill him.

Suddenly, his slightly closed eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He broke through!

Everything was like a dream, and the Hezhu Pass that had troubled him for many years broke through.

Then, something that shocked him even more happened. The long sword composed of Hanhui Jingyuan in the body was like a broken bamboo all the way.

When Han Hui retracted his palms and stood up, Song Shixiong still had his eyes wide open with a dull expression on his face.

Now he is already at the peak of co-building?Is that the breakthrough?There was also a change in his dantian, and a vague tower appeared in it.

How could it be possible to achieve the realm of co-building after a narrow escape?

After a long time, Song Shixiong jumped up from the ground and blasted out with a punch, a wave of air formed, rushed straight to hundreds of feet away, bombarded on an old tree, penetrated the old tree, and surprised the birds.

Song Shixiong turned around in disbelief, looked at Han Hui and stammered, "This, this, how is this possible? I am now in the Hezhu realm?"

Han Hui is also extremely excited, it is really possible, he can also let others break through like this, this is really developed.

Although the heart is very excited, the face still maintains this calm: "It is not only the joint construction state, but also the joint construction peak state! Here are some elixir, after you take it, you can stabilize the state!"

As he said that, Han Hui took out the elixir from his bosom, these are the elixir condensed by the black inkstone absorbing the essence inner alchemy of the golden python, and it has a miraculous effect in consolidating the realm.

"I'm protecting the law for you. The Yin-Yang Sect has suffered heavy losses and won't come back for a while. When you consolidate your realm, the two of us will disappear completely!" Han Hui said leisurely, looking at the white clouds outside the sky.

Song Shixiong nodded his head heavily. Until this moment, he was still in a daze, all of this was too unimaginable.

Who is this young man in front of him?Is it really the head of the natural door?But it's impossible for the head of the Natural Sect to have such a magical skill?Is it really a fairy who descended from the mortal world?

However, he still honestly harvested the elixir in Han Hui's hand, swallowed it and began to refine it.

He was right in thinking, from the peak of Pentium Realm to the peak of Constructive Realm, the head of the Natural Sect can't do it, and no one in the world can do it, only Han Hui can do it.

Anyone who wants to break through the realm has to slowly grope and continue to exert strength. If the seal in the meridian is really a lock, others will open the lock by slowly rubbing it slowly by themselves, and gradually break the lock. Grinding, Hanhui relies on the key, the two are not a concept at all.

One is the method of primitive people, and the other is the method of modern people. The genius is different, just like the gap between man and beast.

If I give you a lock, will you be able to grind him to pieces?

You must know that the strength of each realm is fixed, and if you want to grind the sealed lock, it is impossible to grind the small lock with ten thousand catties.

How much power is matched with how much lock.

This is also the reason why many people are stuck in one realm for a lifetime. After passing the Emerging Realm, they have 500 years of lifespan, but how many people can't break through the Emerging Realm for 500 years?

That night, Song Shixiong consolidated his meridians and stood up, with a fiery light in his eyes. In his eyes, Hanhui was no longer an enigmatic disciple of the Sword Sect, but a legend of the ages, even surpassing the ages. The legend is a god!

In heaven and on earth, who can do this except the omnipotent God?

"What should we do next?" Song Shixiong suppressed the excitement in his heart, bowed to the ground, and said respectfully.

Now he doesn't dare to call Han Hui Brother Han anymore. After knowing that Han Hui might be a master of Dingmai period, at Han Hui's request, he still dares to call Han Hui Brother Han Hui. Now, who dares to call themselves brothers and sisters with the omnipotent God?

"The next step is to recruit soldiers and horses. This is your strength. We want to build the strongest mercenary group in history!" Han Hui's faint tone revealed the aura of looking down on the world.

"I also ask the leader to give me a name!" Song Shixiong turned over and fell to his knees.

The leader of this mercenary group must be Han Hui, there is no doubt about it.

Han Hui smiled and nodded: "Don't be like this in the future, we are brothers for a day, and we will be brothers for a lifetime!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to help Song Shixiong up: "Our mercenary group is called the "God's Whip", whipping the universe and teaching all sentient beings a lesson!"

Song Shixiong's eyes lit up, he had a good name and a great spirit, and only a godlike man like Han Hui could have such a heart and spirit.

In fact, this name, this name is Hanhui’s online name on the earth. Back then on the earth, the descendants of Yan and Huang were bullied, and every small country dared to step on it. Let others jointly develop their own territory. No, you have to admit that it belongs to someone else.

That's why Hanhui's hacker name is God's Whip, which has returned to the glory of Genghis Khan. In history, Mongolian iron cavalry conquered the world, and historians called it God's Whip, or Huang and Huo.

Han Hui was the Genghis Khan of the hacker world back then, the whip of God who whipped the world, and the nations who taught the lesson were in awe.

After coming to this world of qi training, he was also bullied, whether it was human or not, everyone wanted to humiliate him, and wanted his life at every turn, so he wanted to recreate the God's Whip to beat the world's qi practitioners.

"You will be the deputy head of God's Whip from now on, and you will be responsible for recruiting troops to strengthen my God's Whip!" Han Hui ordered.

It couldn't be easier to change his face. Under Han Hui's guidance, Song Shixiong easily learned Han Hui's routine and became another person, but he was as tall and mighty as before.

Han Hui has turned into the chubby Chen Hongdan again, he is not afraid of the Hua family making trouble, so I stand up, you fucking let me be the bait for the golden python, can't you charge some interest?If it weren't for God's virtue of being good at life, he would have killed all the people in that group long ago.

Of course, the most important thing is that he heard from Song Shixiong that in the real Mocheng, Pentium Realm can be regarded as a master in the true sense, and Hezhu Realm can support a top family. There is a family, so I live in Yaoyue Tower. Some people say that they are hiding in the Hua family for retreat, and some people say that they have traveled around the world long ago. Of course, many people say that the Hua family has no masters at all.

Hearing that Mocheng's top combat power is only in the Dingmai period, Han Hui has no scruples, I will kill if I am in a daze, you are a fart, he wants to see if the Hua family dares to move, If the Hua family dared to move, he would destroy the Hua family, and achieve the reputation of the whip of God in one fell swoop!

After the two changed their faces, they went out of the valley hand in hand and went their separate ways. Song Shixiong went straight to the Mercenary Alliance in the city, and Han Hui went to Baoshi.

This time, Han Hui didn't just maintain the power of the Emerging Realm, but sealed the meridians that he built together and stabilized the meridian, retaining the power of the peak of the Pentium Realm.

This is also easy to deal with some emergencies. After all, his hidden skill is too thorough, just like the real thing. He can't react to other people's conspiracy. It is impossible for the big shots in Zhuqi to plot against him.

The three members of the Yin Yang Sect went out and never came back. In a secret stronghold, there was a tall, bald middle-aged man with a straight nose and dark eyes.

"There was no news of the three brothers once they left. I'm afraid that some kind of accident happened, and such a master came to Mocheng! Then who did Song Shixiong climb up to?" said the bald middle-aged man.

"No matter who he climbs up to, if he dares to kill anyone from my Yin Yang sect, he will be killed. Brother Ma, you must use the power of the Ma family to investigate. You must find out Song Shixiong's secret. Who is he clinging to?" !” said a man in black robe beside the bald head.

The members of the Yin-Yang sect became brothers and sisters to each other, and they were generally referred to as brothers and sisters. The bald head was Ma Detao, the current head of the Ma family.

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