forbidden place

Chapter 774

The barefoot man's face changed, he saw Han Hui approaching the mountain gate stealthily, and he was about to kill him with a wave of his hand. In the chaotic world, the life of a monk is as cheap as a dog.

Unexpectedly, Han Hui pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger, tyrannized Ruosi, and could kill a yin god with a single punch. He had no choice but to turn his head again, and the unicorn of the alien beast in his hand suddenly turned, and killed Han Hui.

Han Hui sneered, shook his sleeve, and the spinning unicorn disappeared into the sleeve. Naturally, it was suppressed and received into Xiaoqian World.


Han Hui stood up and punched the barefoot monster, his eyes shot fierce light, he opened his mouth and shouted angrily, an ax appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Han Hui's fist.

In the end, there was no suspense, the ax shattered, the person was severely injured on the spot, and an eternal restraint flew into the center of the person's eyebrows, restraining him and sending him into Xiaoqian World.

At this time, a handsome young man, with a long purple sword in his hand, fought with the arhat. Looking at the process of the fight, it was obvious that the young man had the upper hand.

Han Hui didn't have a good impression of both parties. The Wanzi Sect is also a full-fledged cult, "forcing" people to surrender, and if they don't surrender, they will be killed on the spot. He didn't know the root of the Wanzi Sect at the beginning, and he joined the Wanzi Sect only after he wanted to test it out. Yes, I didn't expect to meet someone from the Wanzi Sect here again.


Not only these few people came to the Wanzi Sect this time, but with the sound of killing, several Yangshen monks appeared and attacked Han Hui from afar.

The barefooted man is a monk in the fairyland, and they are not the logarithm of Hanhui, let alone the sun gods, they can only attack from a distance.

Han Hui had already killed the people of Wanzimen, and now he didn't have so many estimates, his whole body was full of chaotic will, and his body suddenly shot out, in front of several people.

These few people obviously didn't expect Han Hui's speed to be so fast, which simply surpassed the limit of their imagination. , entered their bodies, and controlled them.

If these people are seriously injured, they should be handed over to Cui Zhongqing to devour them. No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, let alone a sun god. If the injury is light, try to surrender. It is time to prepare some masters.

When Han Hui thought about it, he would subdue a large number of masters, and each master would occupy a cell, covering a long river of time. At that time, he would basically be able to control the long river of time.

He wants the marginal Wannian pine leaves. Tens of thousands at a time is nothing at all. He needs 10,000+, millions, or even tens of millions of leaves. Only such a quantity can make Xuanyuan Avenue go further.

Xuanyuan Avenue is now at the peak of Mingshen, and if he goes one step further, he can ascend to the sky. Similarly, he needs more and more Wannian pine leaves.

Without enough vitality support, let alone improving the state, he can't even maintain the current state. This is the magic of the Dao body.

Of course, it is also possible that the real Dao body is not in this business, and the real Dao body itself can generate majestic vitality.

Or maybe the real body of the Great Dao just has the potential for limited advancement, without matching vitality, and the body of the Great Dao has no future, and it is only famous all over the world because the Dao came with such a body and showed its peerless strength. The vitality of Dao itself is limited.

What is going on with the Dao Body, Han Hui is still not clear, but what he knows is that if Xuanyuan Dao is promoted to the realm of ascension to heaven, there will be no one among the monks who can threaten him anymore.

Those who can threaten him are immortals, real immortals!

One monk after another was killed, and when Han Hui started killing, two monks from the Immortal God Realm came out of the void.

These two people shot out suddenly, the sky was full of dazzling purple, but this purple color disappeared in a flash, facing the absolute power and absolute speed, the two of them had no chance to resist at all, so don't get seriously injured on the spot . [

"Little thief, you are looking for death!" A purple sword light descended from the sky, the speed of this sword light was extremely fast, even with Han Hui's speed, he could barely dodge it.

"What a powerful sword intent!" Han Hui was startled.

This sword intent can directly kill the will and soul of a person. The Wanzimen is indeed a tyrannical sect that can mass-produce this kind of sword.

Han Hui's heart moved, this sword should be taken away, and after taking it off, it would be good to give it to Old Wei for use, Old Wei basically has no use now, if he has this long sword, it will still be useful.

"What's the name of this fellow Taoist?" Han Hui punched out, and the power of the fist descended from the vast side, the young man's face changed, and he swung the purple long sword in his hand continuously, and the sword light shot out thousands of times, like Zhang Zi Se's big net swept towards the Arhat and Han Hui who were fighting with him.

At the same time, he flipped his palm, and a palm-sized purple ship model appeared in his hand. With the movement of his palm, the model flew up and turned into the big purple ship that Han Hui had been on. The youth flickered, Jumped onto the big boat, pushed the big boat, turned into a purple lightning and swept towards the sky.

Han Hui had just made a move, completely startling this guy, without this purple long sword, he would not be able to support even a single face-to-face in Han Hui's hands.

Seeing this man fleeing, Han Hui did not pursue him either. This long sword was so powerful that even he was afraid. This Arhat, with the help of the big formation on the mountain and the treasure bowl in his hand, could barely resist. He suffered a lot of injuries when he met him, which shows how powerful this sword is.

"This layman, who came from that famous mountain? Which arhat did he work for?" The arhat said to Han Hui with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm here to kill the arhat!" Han Hui smiled, his body puffed up, and his fist came in front of the arhat.

Arhat's face changed, and the bowl in his hand turned, and Han Hui felt a monstrous huge wave sweeping towards him. This was not a real huge wave, but an o control at the level of poisonous will.

The waves are so violent that it seems that the whole world has become an ocean, and the flood of the last days will submerge the whole world.

The void in front of Han Hui suddenly shattered, the chaotic will shattered the void, and the tyrannical force rushed towards the monstrous sea water.

If the clear water in this bowl erupts with ocean-like power, Han Hui's chaotic will is like a black hole in the starry sky, which can swallow even planets, let alone a mere ocean?

Arhat's complexion changed, he let out a muffled groan, and backed up repeatedly in the void, and the clear water in the bowl became muddy.


Before the arhat could adjust his body, Han Hui's fist came in front of him again, and the void shattered one after another. This was a false shattering, but a real shattering.

In this fist, each finger has hundreds of millions of magic weapons gathered in it, and the power is simply immeasurable. If more than a dozen magic weapons are concentrated in a space the size of a fist, how terrifying is the explosive power?

Anyway, facing this punch, the so-called fearful Arhat had a frightened expression on his face, and then the bowl in his hand was shattered, and his body was also shattered, and a black hole suddenly formed, swallowing everything in it. At that moment, Han Hui summoned Cui Zhongqing.

Now Xuanyuan Avenue is already at the peak of the Mingshen realm, but Cui Zhongqing is only at the early stage of the Mingshen realm, and Han Hui needs him to improve his strength quickly.

Cui Zhongqing improved the fastest during the battle, but Xuanyuan Dao couldn't do it. Even if one mountain gate was plundered, could one obtain something that could increase one's vitality?What's more, at the current state of Xuanyuan Avenue, ordinary things that increase vitality are useless at all.

Only rare things like Wannian Pine can do it. Even such a pure thing needs to rely on a huge quantity. How can ordinary sects have such a huge amount of things?

After killing Arhat, Han Hui began to slaughter the entire mountain gate. Anyone who tried to stop him first would be killed by him. When he robbed the treasure of this sect, these lay Buddhists were brave enough to die , Han Hui killed tens of thousands of people in this battle before he left calmly.

Of course, his small world is also full of storage bags and various resources, and even magic weapons have 10,000+.

All these magic weapons can be returned to the furnace to be refined again, and refined into more powerful magic weapons that can be combined into formations.

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