A generation of legendary masters of the Hua family was killed by Han Hui's palm just like that. Han Hui couldn't help but let out a long howl. Seriously, he recognized that the whistling sound was the person who snatched his treasure.

Han Hui felt relieved. In the past, when confronting people, they were always a little higher than others in order to force a tie. He had to rely on the unique skills on the Kuangsha dense roll. Now he finally got rid of the predicament. one head.

Song Shixiong and the others were not afraid at all when Hua Chou appeared, although they were just building together, and Hua Chou showed the strength of Dingmai period.

In their eyes, Han Hui is an invincible god!

Sure enough, after a face-to-face meeting, Hua Chou was beaten to death.

At this time, Wang Weiyi and Liu Qianshan's complexions turned sallow, they were not from the Hua family, but they came here to die.

They couldn't leave even if they wanted to, the two members of God's Whip surrounded them, and they were about to kill them.

"Senior, please forgive me! We are not from the Hua family, and we just came to be a guest. We didn't make a move when we first made a move, senior Mingjian!" Wang Weiwei knelt down on the ground.

Liu Qianshan suddenly realized, his body trembled, and he also knelt down on the ground, begging bitterly: "Senior Mingjian, we are really just here as guests. We escaped just after the battle started, and begged the senior to wait for a chance for the younger generation. To be a horse, you must also repay the kindness of your predecessors."

The people behind them also knelt down and kowtowed, not because they were spineless, but because they were frightened by Han Hui and the others.

Having lived for hundreds of years, no one has ever seen a scene where so many peaks of the Pentium Realm were massacred. People in the co-construction period were slaughtered at will like chickens, and Dingmai was beaten to death in front of their eyes. .

When faced with death, everyone is afraid. The key point is that this kind of death is worthless. Others can kill them with a wave of their hand, and they don't even have a chance to resist.

After they die, the whole family will decline, and their descendants will be fished by others.

"Are you here as guests? Why is it such a coincidence? Didn't you know that our God's Whip is going to destroy the Hua family today?" Han Hui asked gently in front of King Wei Wei and Liu Qianshan.

Although Han Hui's voice was gentle, it sounded like a devil's roar in their ears, devouring people's hearts.

"We really didn't know that God's whip was going to destroy the Hua family at first. We have committed crimes and meritorious deeds, and we know where the Hua family's wealth is hidden! We only hope that the seniors can spare our lives!" Wang Weiyi said hastily.

Liu Qianshan thanked him and said, "This junior is also willing to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds!"

"Okay, you go and take all the rest of the Hua family, and take back all their wealth. If even a little bit of it goes into your pockets, do you know what will happen?" Han Hui himself could feel that his voice was like blackmailer.

"Seniors, don't worry, juniors will do their best to do things for seniors!" More than a dozen people kowtowed on the ground at the same time.

With a wave of Han Hui's hand, these people flew away one by one, and rushed towards a courtyard of Hua's house. The five people from God's Whip also flew out, distributed around Hua's house, and watched closely the escaped people.

If you beat a snake without dying, you will regret it for thousands of years!

All the dangerous members of the Hua family must be killed, and the remaining small miscellaneous fish can be let go. After all, as a civilized earthling, Han Hui cannot do things that implicate the nine clans.

After arranging this group of people, only Hanhui Song Shixiong, Ma Detao, and four people brought by Song Shixiong remained.

"This is Patriarch Ma? Could it be that Patriarch Ma wants to stand up for the Hua family?" Han Hui looked at Ma Detao's bald head and said.

He understood in his heart that the Hua family was said to be the number one force, and the Ma family was not weak. After joining the Yin-Yang Sect, the power became even stronger, and each of the four people he brought with him was at the peak of cultivation.

When Ma Detao came here, he was full of ambition, and felt that Han Hui must be taken down today. It is very likely that Han Hui's hands will kill the members of their Yin-Yang sect.

The masters who suddenly appeared in the entire Mocheng were Song Shixiong and Han Hui, and Yin Yangjiao would of course target them.

In their estimation, Han Hui is very likely to be at the peak of co-building, and there must be a helper behind him, otherwise he would never dare to attack the Hua family.

The Yin Yang Sect mobilized its forces, and within ten days, mobilized four co-builders to Mocheng to help Ma Detao, but after seeing Hua Chou being beaten to death by Han Hui, Ma Detao did not dare to let these four do it.

"Senior, you are joking, how can our Ma family, He De, dare to stand up for the Hua family? The Ma family is far inferior to the Hua family in Mocheng!" Ma Detao said respectfully.

Han Hui's strength showed that he couldn't help but bow his head. In the middle stage of Dingmai, he would kill if he wanted to. He is a bird in the early stage of construction?

"You put up such a battle today, if I let you go like this, I'm afraid it's inappropriate? Others will laugh at me as God's whip for bullying the weak and fearing the strong!" Han Hui's voice changed suddenly at the end.

Ma Detao hurriedly said: "Senior, calm down, the Ma family can give you some qi invigorating pills!"

Han Hui rolled his eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "I'm not easy to kill, how many qi invigorating pills can you produce?"

"Ten thousand! Our Ma family is willing to give out ten thousand qi pills!" Ma Detao said respectfully.

"Ten thousand is not enough, do you think the Patriarch of the Ma family, a master of construction, is worth at least [-]!"

"Although the younger generation is the head of the Ma family, the Ma family is really not as good as the Hua family. We can make [-] to [-] qi invigorating pills by emergency dispatch, and please be kind to senior!" Ma Detao's face jumped when Han Hui was startled , [-] qi invigorating pills?What a joke, this is going to empty out the Ma family.

"I won't force you either. In three hours, someone will bring the qi invigorating pill, and the matter will be over. Otherwise, the whip of God will hit the Ma family!" Han Hui didn't bargain with him at all.

This kind of big wealthy family in Mocheng has the power of master builders, and generally has experienced thousands of years of development, which is much stronger than Liulang's background.

Liu Lang can take out tens of thousands of qi pills, let alone a big family like their Ma family?

"Time is running short?????" Ma Detao said.

"There is no rush, three hours is enough! I know that your Ma family is a super wealthy family in Mocheng! And you are a Protestant. If it is not possible, you can ask your church friends to help you." Han Hui had something in his words.

Ma Detao knew that Han Hui was implying himself, even if he had a Yin-Yang background, he was not afraid.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now!" Ma Detao said.

"I'll wait for you here for three hours. If the three hours don't arrive, I'll take the whip of God and go to Ma's house to find you!"

Ma Detao glanced at Han Hui, turned around and left, and the four people around the courtyard followed Ma Detao to leave.

The Hua family didn't even have the peak Pentium Realm at this time, and they never thought that Han Hui would win, and they never arranged for anyone to escape.

Catch it all in one go.

Mountains of elixirs were packed into storage bags, and all kinds of alchemy materials were also packed. Anyone who dared to resist was killed on the spot.

Hua Qishao was also staggered and pushed over, his eyes gleaming with hatred, staring at Wang Weiyi and Liu Qianshan.

These two people used to fawn over Hua's family so much, but in a blink of an eye, they actually helped outsiders come to destroy Hua's family, and turned out all the underground warehouses of their flowers.

Wang Weiyi stretched out his hand and pushed suddenly, and Hua Qishao, whose body was sealed by layers of restrictions, was thrown to Han Hui's feet like a dead dog.

"Hehe, Hua Shao, we meet again!" Han Hui said leisurely.

At this time, Hua Laoqi regretted in his heart, what sin did he do, why did he insist on arresting him as bait.

It was because of me that the entire Hua family was wiped out, and I became a prisoner from the young master of the most powerful force in Mocheng, and Wang Weiwei, a beast, dared to slap himself.

"Originally, you used me as bait, but I took your treasures, and it's over if I got your qi pills. There's no need to argue with you juniors. Who knows that your Hua family is too domineering, and even the whole Mocheng asked me for it? The only way is to destroy your family!" Han Hui said calmly.

"Hmph, kill or cut as you please, don't talk nonsense here!" Hua Qishao knew that he would not be spared, so he hardened hard.

Han Hui nodded: "Originally, I wanted to let your father kill you with his own hands and apologize to me, but your family doesn't know current affairs!"

Speaking of this, Han Hui's face suddenly turned cold: "In this world, everyone has the right to live. Are you going to become the bait of the boa constrictor casually? Relying on the strength of your family, you will act recklessly!"

"Today, I'm going to kill you in public, to let you dudes know that there is justice in this world!" Han Hui waved his hand as he said.

A man from God's Whip came over, stretched out his hand to lift Huashao, and flew away like lightning, passing over the sky of every wealthy family, and shouted: "The seventh young master of the Hua family, disregarding human life, God's whip, discipline on behalf of heaven, servant On the mountain of soldiers, kill the bully!"

"The seventh young master of the Hua family, disregarding human life, God's whip, discipline on behalf of heaven, mercenary mountain, beheading bullies!"

Soon, the news that the Hua family was destroyed spread all over Mocheng, and the news that Hua Qishao was beheaded in public also spread.

The families who used to be friends with Hua's family stayed behind closed doors, for fear of causing trouble, and those dudes who followed Hua Qishao and did a lot of evil were so frightened that they hid in the basement.

Ma Xin'er also heard about this, and Han Hui's shadow appeared in front of her eyes. She had expressed her appreciation for him at the beginning, and as long as he didn't die, he would be accepted into the Ma family. If he could do better at the beginning, maybe he could really Get a powerful ally.

Everyone knows that Ma Xin'er and Hua Qishao are a couple, and the patriarchs of both parties agreed, and they just waited to pick a wife and get married. Now that her fiancé was caught on the mercenary mountain and beheaded for public display, she felt extremely ashamed. I felt that even the servant girl looked at me with mockery.

Three hours later, Baldy Ma rushed to the ruined Hua's house in a daze with a hundred thousand qi pills.

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