Without any hesitation, Han Hui swayed his body, galloping towards the golden desert like a ghost, and the desert golden pythons neighed, and the sound resounded throughout the world.

As soon as he entered, he saw three big pythons attacking a person. The person waved his hand to block the tail attack of one big python, but he didn't have time to block the other two.

"crack" "crack"

Loud noises kept coming out, and a strong man in the Pentium realm was beaten to death!

Lu Zhenyu was also caught in a life-and-death crisis at this time, his head was burning with raging flames, and an iron rod in his hand crazily bombarded towards the surrounding golden pythons.

How could there be so many golden pythons at one time? According to Han Hui's thinking, after these people stepped into the golden desert, they should wake up the golden pythons.

Could it be that these golden pythons also had wisdom, felt that there were too many people coming, and dared not show up, and waited until the crowd went deep before attacking them together?

However, now is not the time to think about these things, Han Hui's body shook, his fists poured down towards the golden python in front of him like raindrops.

After no punch was fired, a colorful fist of vitality formed in the sky and ruthlessly blasted towards the golden python.

With his current cultivation at the peak of Dingmai, he can easily kill a golden python with a single punch, but his purpose is to absorb the golden blood and inner alchemy of the golden python, and he controlled his strength when he shot, and the golden pythons were beaten one by one Bruised but not dead.

At the same time, the black inkstone in his hand was thrown out, passing by the golden pythons one after another, like a harvester harvesting wheat, the golden pythons shriveled one by one.

At this time, there were only five elders sent in, and each of them received a lot of damage. One person fought against several golden pythons, and only the force of the shock also injured their internal organs.

Seeing that Han Hui was like a demon god, as soon as the black inkstone came out, the desert golden python instantly turned into a layer of skin like a grass snake, and fell to the ground, looking at each other in dismay.

The gap was too great, ten of them teamed up, but within a short breath, five of them fell, and the other five were injured, and the entire army would be wiped out in a moment.

But after Han Hui came, the sky was full of fist shadows, blasting golden pythons into serious injuries, and then the black inkstone absorbed and refined them into elixirs, which is really a fairy-like method.

When he heard the roar of the golden python inside, Han Hui rushed in like lightning, and none of the remaining elders brought by him moved.

This time Hanhui brought a total of sixteen elders, ten of them went in, and there were six left. These six people were terrified when they heard the roar in the golden desert.

Especially after seeing Han Hui rushing in, he had other thoughts.

"I don't know how many golden pythons are in the spirit of the voice. I'm afraid it's at least a few hundred. The leader may not be able to resist it if he goes in!" said an old man with a goatee and sly eyes.

"The head of the group is invincible. No one knows what methods he has, but he is too ignorant of the golden desert. The number of golden pythons has reached a certain level, and there is no human power to resist it!" Another elder agreed.

"What should we do? Should we go in? Or wait here?" An elder next to him coughed and asked in a low voice.

"Go in? The ten people who just went in are afraid that all of them will perish. What can we do when we go in? There are hundreds of golden pythons opening their mouths at the same time to emit suction, which can tear us apart! Have you heard of the last python disaster? The old monsters in the construction period were all torn to pieces!" The goatee said with lingering fear.

"If we??? If we stay here, the leader will come out, how can we explain?"

This is a consequence that everyone must consider. The God Mercenary Corps is killing a lot, and the legends about them are all related to killing.

The mercenaries recruited on the mercenary mountain were all squashed because they were not active in combat. They were the second batch of recruits, and they were afraid of following in the footsteps of the previous group.

They were very entangled outside, while Han Hui happily killed inside, and the golden pythons were drained of blood, and their inner alchemy was drawn out, turning them into pills for stock capital and Peiyuan.

Killing, killing his face also changed!

There were more and more golden pythons, and the huge suction force was tearing at his body, and the qi that protected his body was torn apart in a mess.

He could no longer protect the elders, so he grabbed the remaining five elders with his palm. A palm appeared out of nowhere in the sky, grabbed the five of them, and headed outside.

If these five people stay here again, they will definitely die, and their bodies will be torn to pieces just by the throughput of countless golden pythons.

This big hand composed of vitality is densely covered with layers of restrictions, and these restrictions seem to come alive, walking on the big hand non-stop.

Before the five Pentium-level elders could react, they were picked up by big hands and thrown outside.

With a sound of "bang", just as the person was thrown out, the colorful hand shattered into pieces.

Without the protection of the big hand, even though their bodies flew a hundred feet away, they felt waves of destructive power rushing towards their backs.

The swallowing power of these golden boa constrictors is extremely strong. The inner alchemy is swimming in their bodies, and the huge power is lingering in their bodies. As they open their mouths, a vortex of power is formed, tearing people into their mouths.

The iron rod in Lu Zhenyu's hand suddenly shook, a golden light came from the head of the rod, forming a golden shield to protect him.

With the help of the shield, the body is like a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the outside of the golden beach.

The seemingly ordinary iron rod in his hand turned out to be a treasure, and it couldn't stop the suction vortex formed by many golden pythons at all.

The other five people didn't have time to study his stick, and they used their life-saving means one by one, and the weapon's energy was desperately blocking behind them, and they galloped out desperately.

It's a pity that the suction of the vortex is too strong, but in an instant, all the guards collapsed, the bodies of the four people were torn apart in the air, and only the shield swung by Lu Zhenyu's stick barely resisted a breath, that is, Such a breathing time gave Lu Zhenyu a chance to survive.

With the help of Hanhui's throw and the moment the stick stopped him, Lu Zhenyu's eyes were red, his hair was burning, his body turned into a blaze, and he galloped outwards, like a meteor falling to the ground, and suddenly hit the ground, forming a human-shaped pit .

The other five elders of the same level didn't see what was going on, so Lu Zhenyu buried himself in the sand and disappeared.

"What's going on? What was the fire just now?" The goatee elder widened his eyes, watching the newly formed pit being buried by sand again.

"It seems to be a figure? Is it the leader?" An elder stared like a copper bell.

A few people were about to start digging, when the sunken sand suddenly sprang up like a fountain, and a figure flew out of the pile of sand.

The goatee flipped his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand, and the other five people also took out their weapons and surrounded the man

Lu Zhenyu's eyes were red, he stared at the six people around him and shouted: "What are you doing?"

"It sounds like Lao Lu's voice!" said an elder.

"Of course it's me, who else would it be if it wasn't me? Do you think it's a golden python? Am I so tall and burly?" Lu Zhenyu was very angry.

Think about it too, anyone who has just narrowly escaped death to get it back will not be happy when he is surrounded by his comrades with weapons.

Several people took a closer look: "It's really Lao Lu, why did you make it like this? What's going on inside, how many of them are there?"

When Lu Zhenyu saw that everyone had put away their weapons, he turned around and looked towards the direction of the Golden Desert. His eyes showed fear, and his words trembled a little: "All of them are dead, and there is not one left. There are so many golden pythons. There are hundreds of them, and the regiment leader slaughtered them inside!"

The six people gasped at the same time. Because of the special sand pillars of the Golden Desert, they couldn't see what was going on inside. They couldn't help but be surprised when they heard Lu Zhenyu say this.

It took a lot of effort, nine of the ten Pentium Realm masters fell, and there was one left, who was completely unrecognizable, with no hair left, and became completely bald.

Lu Zhenyu took out a handful of qi invigorating pills, swallowed them in one mouthful, and slowly sat cross-legged on the ground, standing up after a stick of incense.

All the redness on his body disappeared, and the color of his skin returned to normal, but the six elders could see his weakness.

Just now he used the means of escape, burned his vitality, and paid a huge price. Now there is not a single hair left, and he is bald.

In the golden desert, Han Hui was still slaughtering crazily, and the six scorpion puppets were also released, and dozens of golden pythons were killed with just one breath.

The black inkstone seemed to have been aroused fiercely, hanging in the sky, continuously absorbing the blood of the golden python, and the elixirs produced poured down like rain.

Han Hui became violent, and led the six scorpion puppets to charge in all directions, preventing the golden pythons from forming a joint force. These giant pythons joined together to form a swallowing vortex, which he couldn't resist even at the peak of Dingmai.

Lu Zhenyu and the others waited outside for a full two hours, the sound of fighting inside continued, and the hiss of the python resounded through the silent desert.

"How many golden pythons have to be slaughtered here?" Lu Zhenyu's eyes showed a horrified light.

He participated in it personally. Ten people passed by, and half of them were killed in the blink of an eye. Under the protection of Han Hui, the other four fell instantly. escaped with his life.

He originally thought that Han Hui would come out soon, after all he had also seen Han Hui's killing methods, with the black inkstone, killing the golden python was like mowing grass.

However, such a terrifying killing method actually killed two hours?

How many golden pythons were killed?Millions?

Han Hui didn't know how many golden pythons he had killed. Anyway, he only knew that the more he killed, the more golden pythons rose from the ground.

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