There is no restriction in Neishan, and with the leadership of the three people, the road is unimpeded, no one asks, and occasionally meets people, just say hello, no doubts.

After seven turns and eight turns, he actually entered the interior of the mountain. The interior of the mountain is so wide that it is beyond imagination, as if creating a new world.

Han Hui couldn't help admiring, these bandits enjoyed it too much, and the amount of work was too big, hollowing out an entire mountain.

Eternal lanterns were hung everywhere, illuminating the surroundings like daylight. The five of them walked all the way, and they all came to a gate. There were hideous ancient beasts carved on both sides of the gate. The gate was made of unknown material. Come.

Two men in short shirts and holding long knives stood guard at the door. When they saw a few people coming, they waved their long knives and shouted: "Stop, don't even look at this place, how dare you trespass!"

After being restrained by Han Hui, the person who spoke first was the first one to speak this time. His name is Qin Qing, and he was very clever. He walked two steps slowly, walked in front of the two of them, bowed slightly and said: " The fourth leader sent us to deliver the letter, we must meet the first leader, so I would like to ask the two of you to make it easier."

In fact, there are not too many people in Mount Mang, and they have lived together for tens of hundreds of years. Who can you not know?

The two gatekeepers also knew that the people who came were members of the Sidang family, but they saw a person they didn't know, and the clothes they were wearing were not the clothes of their Mangshan bandits, so they asked: "Who is this person? The Sidang family Let you bring outsiders?"

"That's right, this person was sent by the Fourth Sect. We just escorted him here. This is the one who wants to see our Sect Leader." The man said with a smile.

"Well, you go in!" As he spoke, he gently pushed open the door, and the person who spoke cupped his hands gratefully and said, "Thank you, brother."

"You and I are brothers of our own family, if there is any trouble, don't bother!"

The reason why the Mangshan bandits were not strict in their investigation was not for other reasons, but because they were too confident in the guard formation at the entrance of the mountain.

Stepping into the door, Han Hui felt that the vitality in the air was ten times thicker, and there was a little horror in his eyes. The Mangshan Bandit has some tricks, so he has to learn this trick, and he will also set up a cave like this to practice in the future.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed in front of my eyes, and a person in white clothes blocked the way of everyone. Not only his clothes were white, but his whole face was frighteningly white, his hair and eyebrows were silvery white .

"The three leaders are discussing matters inside. What are you doing here?" The man in white said in a cold voice, as if what he spit out was not words, but ice.

"Master Bai Wuchang, the fourth master asked us to come here, and we have something important to report to the third master." Qin Qing replied respectfully.

Bai Wuchang's eyes glanced at Han Hui, and he could see that Han Hui was only at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and shouldn't be an infiltrating enemy.

He shook his head coldly and said, "The three masters are discussing matters in the room, you wait!"

Just as Qin Qing was about to speak, Han Hui said, "Since the three masters don't have time and are not interested in making this voice, we'd better go back and just answer the four masters truthfully."

Bai Wuchang's indifferent eyes changed, and he snorted coldly: "Young man, find out where you are, and you will be punished for talking nonsense!"

"The business of one billion qi invigorating pills is here for you. The three of you in charge don't see any customers. I can't see sincerity. There are plenty of people doing this business. I'll leave first." Han Hui turned around and left after speaking.

Bai Wuchang snorted coldly, grabbed out one palm like lightning, his five fingers shot out traces of icy air like hooks, and grabbed Hanhui's Jianjing point.

Han Hui's body suddenly became weak, his figure collapsed, Bai Wuchang's expression changed, and he saw Han Hui's body appearing beside him intact.

"Go and report to the three masters, and tell them that there is a business of one billion qi invigorating pills, and ask them if they will do it. If I don't do it, I will leave. I don't have time to wait here for you!" Han Hui said expressionlessly.

Bai Wuchang was really taken aback, and he gave Han Hui a look and said, "I hope the news you bring can satisfy the three masters, otherwise, you Hui will regret it!"

After speaking, he turned and left, and within a short while, a sound of footsteps came from the depths of the cave, and Bai Wuchang came out respectfully following three thick-looking men.

The leader was wearing a black blouse with broad shoulders and narrow waist, his eyes were shining brightly, and the two behind him were also extremely muscular middle-aged men.

The leader looked at Han Hui and said, "Who are you? What news are you here to pass on? Why didn't my fourth brother come back together?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Han Hui's mouth: "Your fourth brother can't come back!"

In an instant, his body bounced up, and a mirror in his hand flew out, covering all directions. At the same time, a big stick was formed in his hand, and hit the leader.

No one thought that Han Hui would attack suddenly, they were all masters of pulse stabilization, but Han Hui's attack was beyond their expectations, a little Pentium level Qi practitioner, dare to fight with them?

With a sound of "pa", the big man in black was hit in the chest by Han Hui's stick, his body flew upside down, and a lot of blood spewed out from his mouth.

The other two were furious, shaking their palms, a long knife and a black sickle appeared in their hands, both three-star treasures.

Han Hui was secretly happy, this time he really got rich, these two treasures are very valuable, the big stick in his hand is like a criss-crossing dragon, encircling the two of them.

Bai Wuchang shot a fierce light in his eyes, and stared fiercely at Qin Qing and the others. Qin Qing and the others were all human beings, pretending to be very shocked, staring at Han Hui in disbelief, as if they didn't know Han Hui at all. It will be shot suddenly.

Bai Wuchang was bluffed all of a sudden, and he didn't understand what was going on. This cold glow was obviously only in the Pentium state. Why did he suddenly exert such a powerful force and surround the two masters with a big stick? Could it be that these four This boy was deceived just like himself?

The second master and the third master are both in the early stage of Dingmai. The long knife and sickle in their hands are filled with infinite light, flooding the entire cave.

Who knew that the moment the sneer was revealed, it would instantly become sluggish, Han Hui swung out a stick, and hit Erdangjia's long knife fiercely, and Erdangjia's body was shaken and flew out on the spot.

At the same time, a three-foot-sized scorpion puppet appeared, with a wave of the scorpion's tail, the body of the third master who was striking at Han Hui with a black sickle shook, the black light in the sky disappeared, and the sickle in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. The person fell on his back.

Er Xiangjia, who had just landed, was shaken and his arms were numb, his face flashed with anger, he swung the long knife in his hand, and was about to rush over, when suddenly his pupils shrank.

He saw the tall body of the third master fell to the ground, turned around suddenly, and was about to run away. A ray of light passed through his head, and the second master of Mangshan was also killed instantly.

Bai Wuchang looked dumbfounded, the tail of the scorpion puppet was aimed at him.

Han Hui smiled and said: "Brother Bai Wuchang, as you can see, this is my one-billion-billion qi-invigorating pill business, annexing the entire Mt. , I will save your life, if you don’t want to, they will be your end!”

Bai Wuchang felt that he was in a daze, his mouth was dry, and he licked his lips with his tongue slightly: "Who the hell are you? How did I, the Mangshan Bandit, offend you? Why do you have to kill them all?"

"It's not right to say that. You also know that you are bandits. I don't care if you rob or rob others, but if you rob or rob others, what else can I say? I can only destroy you! Besides, I It didn't kill them all, as long as you surrender, you can survive, and you will die if you don't surrender!" Han Hui's voice was always calm, but the murderous intent in the calm still made Bai Wuchang tremble.

"Don't even think about me surrendering!" Although Bai Wuchang's body was trembling, he still chose to resist. Flipping his hand, a stream of icy essence shot out from his body, and the tail of the scorpion puppet shot out a ray of light, dispelling the newly born cold energy , Bai Wuchang's body crashed to the ground.

Han Hui turned around, looked at Qin Qing and the others and said, "From now on, this will be the home of the God's Whip Mercenary Group. How do you choose?"

Qin Qing knelt down on the ground and raised his hands above his head: "This subordinate is willing to join the God Whip Mercenary Group!"

The other three also realized at the same time, they all saw Bai Wuchang's fate, not to mention they had no choice, they knelt down on the ground and said in unison: "This subordinate is willing to surrender and join the God Whip Mercenary Group!"

Han Hui shook his head and said: "The lowest level of my God's Whip Mercenary Group is also the peak of joint construction! If you want to become a full member, you still need to work hard. Now is the time to clean up Mount Mount. What masters are there here? You deal with it!" If you can't, call them all out, and I'll kill them!"

Qin Qing raised his head and said: "The four masters are the most powerful in Mount Mangshan. The remaining masters are only black and white. It's nothing to worry about!"

"Hahaha, okay, now it's time to collect the fruits of victory. Where is your treasure house?" Han Hui asked with a smile.

While speaking, his body was like a ghost walking around the bodies of the three masters and Bai Wuchang, and he searched them all.

The eyes of Qin Qing and the others were shining. This is the ancestor of the thief. Looking at this technique, I don’t know how many years it has been practiced. The fourth master chose this master as a fat sheep, and he really wanted to die.

"We don't know where the warehouse is. If there is a warehouse, it must be in this cave!" Qin Qing reported.

"Well, then you have to look for it carefully. You guys are doing robbery and robbery. You must have a lot of good things. This time you made a fortune." Han Hui smiled and walked towards the depths of the cave.

After passing through a dark passage, they came to a cave. There were four futons on the ground. It was the training place of the four masters.

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