my skynet wife

Chapter 12 Lucky Night

Everything is lucky tonight!This is Guo Zhenbei's most direct feeling.Whether it's the lights on the 5th floor or climbing with Xiao Ah Liang just right, it's undoubtedly luck tonight.Guo Zhenbei only hopes that there will be more such hopes.

With the ax hanging from his wrist and the protective railing on the second floor, he easily went up to the third floor, and even the windows on the third floor were surprisingly unlocked.Especially when he searched the house and saw nothing to worry about.This kind of happiness absolutely makes people want to sing happily.

In the last days, he found a strong, clean, and huge house.It also has a gratifying kitchen with some food such as instant noodles, bread, snacks and so on.Guo Zhenbei immediately decided to see the lights on the roof tomorrow during the day, and the most important thing now is to get some food for the two of them first!

In this big house of about 240 square meters, everything is neat and tidy, there is no clutter in the slightest, Guo Zhenbei really has nothing to pick about here.

Living in the last days, what more can I ask for!

Little Ah Liang, who was put down from his body, neither cried nor made trouble.She just chased Guo Zhenbei's figure with her big black eyes, and her little hands tightly grasped the hem of his clothes.

"Ah Liang, are you hungry?"

There was no answer other than the attention in his eyes.

"Are you thirsty?"

The continuous questioning resulted in complete silence, only two dark eyes showed that she was still the cute little Ah Liang.

"Could it be that she can't speak because of being frightened? That's a pity!"

Guo Zhenbei guessed that maybe sitting together comfortably and having some food with Xiao Ah Liang, who was mentally relaxed, might become a little angel again.But before he could do that, he had to get the two backpacks up from downstairs.And he decided to take out that crossbow tonight as his spare weapon.

"Huh, what's in it, it's so heavy!"

Looking at the big hiking bag he pulled up from downstairs, Guo Zhenbei sat on the ground panting.Little Ah Liang hugged his arm and put her little chin on his shoulder.

Almost every time he took out something from his backpack, Guo Zhenbei almost cried out in excitement.It can be seen that the owner of this rucksack is a rich guy, and he is very familiar with outdoor activities.

There are not only tents, sleeping bags, moisture-proof pads, headlamps, multi-purpose knives such as Swiss army knives, binoculars, commonly used medicines and some compressed food in the rucksack.Things like tents, sleeping bags, and moisture-proof pads are not very necessary for Guo Zhenbei who is planning to go home.He would rather switch to the food that he found in this house, and of course there are things that are quite useful to him.

A pair of cut-resistant gloves and a bright flashlight are much more useful to him than tents and the like.But what matters most to him is a pair of high-waisted hiking boots that fit just right on his 40 feet, which is enough to make him consider it a very lucky night indeed.

It's a pity that a set of jackets can't be worn on the body because it is too small.

"It's unlucky, this guy has big feet and low stature!"

As for the other item, it was a little too fancy for him, and that was a night vision goggle with a Pulsar nameplate.Of course, this thing is a treasure for nighttime action, but Guo Zhenbei is not crazy enough to go out in the middle of the night when facing those life-threatening guys outside.

"We picked the treasure, good luck tonight!"

Xiao Ah Liang didn't respond at all to his words.The only one just looked at him, as if afraid that he would disappear suddenly.The attachment in her eyes made Guo Zhenbei feel sad, and the excitement of picking up the baby disappeared immediately without a trace.

"Well, let's check the situation on the fifth floor tomorrow. Tonight... No matter what, we can't let her go hungry!"

In a kitchen as big as the living room of an ordinary family, put some clear oil on a plate, and find a cotton rope at random, which is considered as a wick.The light of the dim oil lamp, reflected by the tiles in the kitchen, has a very warm feeling.

Wearing a headlamp, Guo Zhenbei moved the food he had just found and put it aside.Things such as instant noodles, luncheon meat and ham sausage are still thrown aside and put into the big backpack tomorrow.As for things like rice and noodles, Guo Zhenbei wasn't too fond of them.

Although his family has no money, there are still several thousand catties of wheat in the cement urn.Even in the last days, Guo Zhenbei still felt the safest in his own home.

"Xiao Ah Liang, are you hungry, uncle will cook you something delicious."

The so-called delicious food is nothing more than a dumpling of glutinous rice noodles.

In this kitchen, there are potatoes and carrots.In the refrigerator without electricity, the eggs are still fresh.The meat sausages that Shaanxi people are used to are still edible.

Simple noodles with soup are painted into simple noodles. I believe that in this cold night, a bowl will definitely feel warm and comfortable.

The important basis for them to be able to prepare this meal is that in small counties in the northwest, even in this kind of mansion, bottled liquefied gas is still used.Piped gas is really too extravagant for such a small county.

However, Guo Zhenbei didn't know what the clinking of pots and pans in the kitchen and the hot soup with sour and spicy aroma brought him.

Faced with a bowl of hot rice for ten days, Xiao Ah Liang seemed to think of something, but when she held the bowl in her little hand, she started to cry.In the big bright eyes, the bright black pupils have been completely covered by tears.There was a heart-rending sob from the little mouth that grinned without affectation.

These voices reminded Guo Zhenbei of his experience after leaving the hiding place at noon.Before he knew it, tears welled up in his own eyes.He stroked Ah Liang's hair.I hope that this kind of action can make Ah Liang relax from the longing for her grandpa.

"No matter what, Ah Liang will have enough to eat!"

He spoke with good intentions, but when he spoke himself his voice trembled somewhat.His sadness even inspired Xiao Ah Liang to cry. Although they knew it was wrong, neither of them could stop their tears.

Yes, safe, although only temporarily safe.But when faced with two steaming bowls of food overflowing with fragrance, how can we not make people sad when recalling the previous experience.However, before their sorrow was over, there was a knock on the door.

As if knocking on the door, there was a continuous sound from the thick anti-theft door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

This change caused Guo Zhenbei to quickly wipe his eyes with his sleeve, while Xiao Ah Liang got into his arms in fright.

"What to do... let's run..."

The hair stood on end, and even the skin on the back was numb.In such a night, if it is besieged by zombies, it will definitely be a fatal tragedy.

He took Xiao Ah Liang and quickly opened the kitchen window.What he is carrying is his own quiver and bow, as for the rest of the things at this critical moment, he can't take care of them no matter what.

But when one of his feet stepped out of the window sill, his heart was more or less settled.When he heard the voice again, he had a guess.


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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