"Is it possible to live like this? You are the kind of rich lady at first glance?"

Guo Zhenbei couldn't help but scrutinized Yang Yanzi in front of him, wanting to see if this girl was making fun of him.

"Actually, I'm not rich. My main source of income is just the facade house left to me by my parents. I rented this house. I majored in Chinese language and literature, which can be said to be the most useless subject. And I'm not very good at dealing with other people, so..."

At least Guo Zhenbei didn't dare to think about it, the only thing he thought about was.With a monthly salary of 1800 yuan, except for the 1500 yuan that was handed over to his mother as a "wife book", the rest of the money is the source of all his expenses.

As for the future vision, it is to use one's own ability - making bows, to obtain some money.If possible, the income can be used to build a small garage for myself, and if all goes well, I hope to build a small processing factory.

This is probably all his dreams. He has never dared to dream about luxury cars and mansions.

Stefanie Yang speaks crisply and loudly, and has a lively and lovely personality. Judging by the amount of books she reads, she is also a learned person.How can you not be good at dealing with others!And as far as Guo Zhenbei recalled the beauties he had seen, she was still the most beautiful.

To put it simply, one white and two black can be used to describe her.Probably she had been covered for a long time at home, her skin was very white, and even gave people a dazzling feeling.Of course, when she knocked on the door, Guo Zhenbei was also frightened by Bai.

Her eyes were black and shining, and like her hair, they all showed a certain youthful vitality.But her advantages end here. Under the single eyelids are double-curved eyes, which look like two crescent moons when she smiles, and usually look like she is not awake.

"You are not good at dealing with others, I didn't see that!"

Seeing that Guo Zhenbei didn't believe her words, Stefanie Yang panicked.

"Really, the guy who rented my front door, when he talked, his eyes rolled and rolled, and he didn't know which sentence was true! And I found that there are many people like that now. No wonder there is a writer in Taiwan. I said that the more people he knows, the more he likes dogs! Regardless of whether he is right or not, the current social environment in our country just proves this.

If you look at the root, it is just the lack of legal justice, and the lack of legal justice..."

A series of fast and urgent words made Guo Zhenbei realize Yang Yanzi's other characteristics, the first is simplicity.But in an era when honesty is only worth the price of cabbage, simplicity is a sin.The other thing is that this girl has a disease, the name of the disease is talking tuberculosis.

As for Guo Zhenbei himself, he would rather not speak.

Observe, analyze, plan, act, this is his consistent way of doing things.This is similar to many liars in society, but with one difference, he does not harm others for his own benefit.This is the special education given to him by the mountain village who advocates pragmatism since he was a child.

Seeing that Guo Zhenbei wasn't interested in what she said, Stefanie Yang looked a little frustrated, she squinted at him.

"Are you a man? Isn't this kind of topic something you like to discuss!"

Guo Zhenbei smiled, at least he knew that Stefanie Yang in front of him was a trustworthy person.Compared with those so-called smart people, he prefers to deal with such simple-minded people.

"You don't have to doubt the first one, and I won't prove it to you. As for the second one, I'm just a car repairman. Do you think I'll be like your male classmates? Finally, if you like to say these things, Then I promise to listen carefully, and generally speaking, I am a studious person!"

Guo Zhenbei's answer was approved by Yang Yanzi, at least she found someone willing to listen to her.

"It's actually very simple. The law brings justice, and justice brings integrity. An honest society is the foundation of our social development! But this has to solve a problem, because there is no law to supervise, but it is just a fig leaf... "

Taking advantage of Stefanie Yang's chatter, Guo Zhenbei poured the noodle soup from the pot into a bowl, poured the fried vegetables into the pot and stirred a few times, and it became a pot of fragrant noodles.

"...It tastes good. If you are not afraid of getting fat, I will eat some for you. You must know that wasting it at this time is not only shameful, but also a kind of suicide...Okay, let's continue our conversation..."

Guo Zhenbei's head was a little dizzy, he never thought that anyone could talk about such a topic for so long.And her ability to quote scriptures showed that she had read a lot in that room.

"Well, Yanzi, can you tell me first, where does the electricity in your house come from?"

Guo Zhenbei, who was sitting in front of the computer with a small pot in his hand, kept thinking about this question. When the whole city is plunged into darkness, where does the house get electricity?And he was ready to go to bed late, according to his guess, the chatterbox in front of him could talk about this issue for at least one to two hours.

"It's not difficult, a wind generator. Use a motor to change it into a generator, and then use thick PVC pipes to make wind blades, then there will be electricity!"

Yang Yanzi's performance really surprised Guo Zhenbei, she answered in one sentence, isn't she a chatterbox?

"you made it yourself?"

After asking this question, Guo Zhenbei found out that it was broken.Stefanie Yang showed a proud look on her face, indicating that she was about to suffer from tuberculosis.

"Of course, the method of production is the full set of materials I searched online. Haven't you read it? Huh, I knew that when people like you go online, they think about one-night stands all day long, and they don't even dare to QQ Open. Or I can only play online games... The information on wind turbines is checked online, and I did all the work myself... It's not difficult to do it, but those idiots are busy all day How can I sometimes think about these things. But I am different from them..."

Half an hour later, Guo Zhenbei's large bowl of noodles and noodle soup had been filled into his stomach.But what Yang Yanzi said in front of her was just a beginning. It seemed that as long as Guo Zhenbei was listening, the chat would continue until tomorrow.

"...You can imagine the same, if our buildings...especially those high-rise buildings..."

According to Guo Zhenbei's observation, Stefanie Yang likes to have an in-depth discussion on a problem.Moreover, after the discussion begins, they often jump to a certain aspect related to this issue to make a long speech, and then go back to continue the original topic.Let alone understanding for some people with poor patience, her jumping around is enough to make people feel uncomfortable.

Of course, apart from these, he found that the housewife in front of him was really knowledgeable.She may not be proficient in every science as a web writer, but she can speak to almost all of them.

Guo Zhenbei thought vaguely about this.

"Perhaps erudition is also an advantage!"


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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