After lunch, Guo Zhenbei could see the pretty clerk in the grocery store opposite from the glass window, and she was still "sitting" at the door of the grocery store.That was the girl he had always liked, and sometimes he even dreamed of having a few gossips with her.

Now she is still sitting like that on the steps in front of the grocery store, with her back against the wall on one side of the store door.The afterglow of the setting sun shone on her face, and she who once had a youthful smile was only recognizable at this moment.

The cheeks, which were always rosy and smiling, turned blue at this moment, and the skin was like some crumpled paper with some terrible wrinkles.At this moment, the former dream lover has become the protagonist of Guo Zhenbei's nightmare at night.Not far from her were zombies wandering back and forth with vigorous steps.

Looking at the streets in my heart, although it was not beautiful, it can still make people live happily.And everything he ever dreamed of, Guo Zhenbei's eyes turned red.The bitterness in his heart was like a large group of stones, choking him almost out of breath.

He held his breath, his face was flushed red, tears finally couldn't help blurring his vision anymore.Although the tears were finally uncontrollable by himself, he still held back, trying not to make a sound.

As the sun set and the light in the street outside dimmed, the girl could no longer see clearly.The street lights will never be turned on again, and those corpses will probably wander the streets forever.

What about those who are still alive, what will become of them?Guo Zhenbei, who doesn't leave home, doesn't know anything about it.

When the last rays of the setting sun had completely disappeared, Guo Zhenbei completely lowered the curtains.This thin curtain will not only cover him from the cold, but will only comfort his heart more.

Withdrawing his gaze from the girl, he slowly slid down against the wall with his back.Both legs were limp and had completely lost strength.When Guo Zhenbei's butt touched the ground, he held his head and panted for a few times, then wept silently.

Thinking about everything that day, he couldn't easily forgive himself.Even after seeing the girl's body every day, he would cry like this once a day.

"The one I like turned into a corpse just like that, it's all because of me!"

December 13, 12 was also a time when such afterglow was about to end.After finishing his work, Guo Zhenbei used cold water to wash off the oily dirt on his body in the toilet. The cold made his body tremble like chaff.Then dragged and drilled in the garage for a day, and returned to his basement with a tired body.

Turn on the radio on your phone, lie on your own hammock, and gently pluck the bowstring with your bow in your hand.The tight bowstring made some low sounds.Just like a piano, although it can only produce one sound forever, to him, this is still the best sound.

Before he could really rest, he heard the sound of "wind" that had been "blowing" until today, as if the sky was whimpering.

"Help... help..."

Startled by the screams, he saw from the small window in the basement what he could never forget.Grocery girl being pulled by a man covered in blood with a gaping mouth.Her shrill cry was like the brightest whistle!

"Ah, what are they doing?"

Subconsciously, Guo Zhenbei jumped off the hammock, opened the window and drew the bow.The arrow in his hand was already aimed at that guy, and he was sure to shoot through the opponent's head with one arrow.

"When you are in the city, you must remember that the matter has nothing to do with you and hangs high...out of sight, out of mind..."

His mother's admonition, and the righteous choice in his intuition, were entangled together to form a mess of thoughts, crowded into a ball in his head.

"Don't be stupid, you are just a handful of people who don't understand the truth...!"

More worries forced Guo Zhenbei to put down the bow in his hand and think again.Suddenly, the 36-year-old man from Hunan rushed out with a kitchen knife in the grocery store and slashed at the head of the man who was pulling the girl.

"Well cut, this old man is interesting!"

Seeing someone coming forward, he put down the bow and arrow in his hand and wanted to run out of the basement.Even if you can't help, you can at least call the police.

But then, an even more frightening scene caught his footsteps.More people stretched out their hands and ran towards the grocery store with crooked steps.It seems that these people have gone crazy together, and they are not afraid of the threat of the kitchen knife in the hand of the old man from Hunan.

"What's going on, are they all crazy?"

In doubt, Guo Zhenbei opened the window and looked around, the whole street had fallen into complete chaos.The out-of-control car crashed into houses on the street, crashing and crashing.Crowds of people were chasing one or two screams, and the dead bodies that had fallen to the ground were slowly getting up.

"Oh my God……"

Guo Zhenbei's courage in the sigh was completely wiped out.At this moment, seeing the old man from Hunan who couldn't help his clerk, he turned and ran to the small shop and slammed the door.

Just when Guo Zhenbei hesitated, in this short period of time.He could only watch helplessly as the man whose skull had been chopped off by the kitchen knife, regardless of the girl's desperate resistance, just put the kitchen knife on his head to the girl's neck up and down.

The heart-wrenching fear on the girl's face condensed in front of his eyes the moment she was bitten, and Guo Zhenbei's heart was instantly shattered by that unforgotten expression.The sharp screams came through the window like a sharp knife, cutting the flesh of Guo Zhenbei's heart, and the feeling made him twitch in pain.


" mother...outside...the people outside are crazy...!"

When everything was irreversible, Guo Zhenbei, like today, slipped against the wall and cried weakly on the ground!

In 10 days, when death is approaching with the reduction of drinking water and food, this short period of time becomes more rapid.

The 4 rooms in the entire basement are full of car accessories and various oils. The only farthest room is piled with some food for the workers in the garage, half a bag of flour and some cooking oil.

As an underdeveloped Northwest region, it still has to rely on the kitchen in the garage to make food.In the kitchen in the half-buried basement, there is a coal-burning stove and chimney.It was probably due to the suction effect of the chimney that Guo Zhenbei was not discovered by the zombies outside.

Drinking water is just a few boxes of bottled water that the boss put here, and there is not much left now.With these, he can hide in the basement comfortably for the time being, without having to face the outside world immediately.

Taking advantage of the last rays of the setting sun, Guo Zhenbei returned to the workbench, sawing the alloy sheet up and down with the sawbow in his hand.His movements are not fast. When the saw blade moves too fast, the teeth on the saw blade will be broken.He needs to saw these metal pieces into this narrow diamond shape, and then sharpen the edge on the grinding wheel.

This is his daily life. Since December 13, 12, he has been living in this almost completely dark basement.Apart from eating and physical exercise, making arrow branches is his only job.

On the morning of the second day, he fixed the arrowhead he just made in his hand into the groove at the top of the straight arrow shaft, and finally glued the arrow feathers.

"I have to leave this place that has been closed for half a month. Maybe I can escape while my physical strength is still good!"

The last arrow with the fletching attached was carefully placed on the stool by him. Guo Zhenbei knew that his fate was about to be decided now.

"Wait a few more minutes, let the glue that sticks the feathers dry so that it will be stronger..."

Thinking about these far-fetched things in his heart, he began to pack his things.

His backpack is still an old schoolbag.This is the best equipment bought for him by his mother who knows how to make him study and improve.In the 6 years from junior high school to high school, this already somewhat tattered bag is still the best treasure in his eyes.

Thinking of his mother, who was less than 50 years old at the moment, and whose face was already wrinkled by the wind on the mountain, Guo Zhenbei's heart became stronger.

"No, no matter what, I'm going home!"


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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