my skynet wife

Chapter 4 Facing the Terror

Guo Zhenbei took light steps on his feet, ready the bow and arrow in his hand, and pointed to those rooms.

Black blood was sprayed on the wall, or bloody handprints were drawn across.There are also places where shovels and iron bars have been smashed or scratched.

Looking at these, one can imagine the scene when the disaster happened.Screaming running people and zombies, groans of pain and heart-piercing pain as life leaves.

"All died, and none survived?"

He thought of those young apprentices who learned to smoke, drink, and play mahjong at a young age, and their heads were dyed in various colors.He doesn't like them, but now if there is one alive and kicking in front of him, he promises that he will cry with joy.

"How nice to have a living person!"

There was no dead body in the entire courtyard, and nothing suspicious was seen.With the bow and arrow in his hand pointing at every door that looked dangerous, Guo Zhenbei took steps and slowly stepped back.

The room with the wide open door without lighting gave people a feeling of darkness at noon on a clear winter day.Just like some big mouths opened, Guo Zhenbei was even worried that those "big mouths" would pounce on him at any time.


The steps under his feet had already stepped on dead leaves, and the sound of cracking made Guo Zhenbei stop his steps, and his dark eyes turned around to look around.


There was still the sound of whimpering wind, but there was no movement other than that.Even so, Guo Zhenbei didn't know why, but there was always a trace of fear in his heart.It seemed that as soon as he turned around, a scary guy would suddenly appear there, planning to bite his own neck.

His scalp was numb with tension, and he boldly turned around slowly.As far as the eyes can see, except for the dead leaves on the ground, there is an empty gate not far away.

"Hey, it's not a big problem..."

He was happy for a while without any certainty, but danger struck him in an instant!


Following the cry, he looked behind the guardrail on the second floor, and at this moment stretched out a hand shaking in the air.It seems that the sound of crushing leaves just now gave away his whereabouts.

"It would be a living person, is that possible?"

Amidst a hint of surprise and doubt, Guo Zhenbei stared at that hand intently.Shaking hands grabbed the edge of the concrete guardrail, and it could be seen that its owner was straightening up vigorously, and then the human-shaped thing that had just made a sound was exposed.

A large piece of flesh was missing from the bluish-purple face, and the exposed blood vessels were sticking up like a branch.Where the facial muscles have been lost, the teeth and half of the tongue can be seen inside.Beast-like, blood-red eyes staring at him with mad appetite.In the wide-open mouth, the holes in the back molars could be seen, which made his ugly voice a little leaky.

Although it was a little ugly now, Guo Zhenbei recognized it immediately, that was the stingy boss.At this moment, his obese body is clumsily climbing over the concrete guardrail.

Powerful fear immediately wrapped Guo Zhenbei tightly.It seemed that a hand was holding his heart tightly, about to tear it in half.


The obese body fell to the ground, and even Guo Zhenbei felt the ground under his feet tremble.But the fat boss got up quickly. If this agility was used when he was alive, it would definitely be the best performance of his weight loss success.

"Old...boss...why did he become like god..."

Seeing this frightening scene, Guo Zhenbei didn't even remember to use the bow and arrow he had prepared.He only yelled like crazy, turned around and ran out of the auto repair shop.

The winter wind was whistling in his ears, like a headless chicken, he completely forgot his goal, and just kept running towards the residential area not far away.I just hope that the farther away from those terrible things, the better.Subconsciously, I just hope that I can run to a place where I can still see living people.

Although the chasing zombies were not moving fast, their loud roars summoned more zombies.They twisted their bodies one by one, and sprang out from nowhere.This made the already narrow small street immediately overcrowded with corpses.

"Oh my God……"

As long as he thinks of the teeth in the fat man's mouth, Guo Zhenbei's heart twitches nervously.The greatest hope in my heart is that I can immediately hide in my mother's arms, close my eyes tightly and don't look at anything.

"Help me... someone help me... I want to go home..."

Guo Zhenbei's voice was filled with tears, and he ran desperately.In the violent panting, he felt that his lungs were about to be burned into a ball of coke.

"Ah... woo..."

More and more zombies let out louder roars, like the wind before heavy snowfall in winter.Along with the roar, more zombies appeared on the street ahead with the roar of corpses.

"It's over!"

Guo Zhenbei, who had been cut off, felt extremely cold in his heart.The row of iron gates behind the residential building may be his only hope.

"Crack... ku..."

The iron doors, despite his kicking and kicking, made his cold heart even more desperate.And the nearby zombies were getting closer and closer to him in a short period of time.

The danger that was getting closer and closer made every muscle in Guo Zhenbei's body feel the pain from their big mouths biting.

"It's over...I don't want to die...I don't want to..."

Facing the last iron door, his courage is about to be lost.Guo Zhenbei's legs became weak for a while, and he leaned back, holding his head in his arms, and sat on the cold mud like all dejected people.


Unexpectedly, when he leaned against it, the iron gate behind him made a trembling sound, which frightened him again.He jumped out a few steps so violently that his fearful heart seemed about to explode.Even the last cry is already in the throat and is about to burst out.

The iron door that swayed and opened slowly kept shaking like a goblin, and the empty building behind seemed to mock his timidity.

"What a great ancestor...!"

Guo Zhenbei was like a death row prisoner who was pardoned at the last moment, the joy in his heart made him cry out.The door of this three-story residential building was not locked, so he rushed in and slammed the anti-theft iron door downstairs with a "snap".


Probably the prey that was about to be chased by sight was blocked by a solid iron gate.The stingy boss turned into a zombie, roaring in anger.Swinging its fist, it slammed the iron door fiercely, and the whole iron door made a "bang bang" sound like a drum set.

The exhausted Guo Zhenbei didn't dare to stop in that angry cry.Dragging his frightened body, he ran desperately down the stairs to the top floor.It seems that only there is the safest place.When he stopped on the third floor, Guo Zhenbei, who was sitting on the stairs, looked around in horror while panting heavily.

In my heart full of fear and disappointment, I was only thinking about an unanswered question at this moment.

"What to to do this..."


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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