Fujiharu blew out the candlelight. At this time, she was completely confused when she cared about her brother.Even angry, she rushed to the shattered glass that gushed in the cold wind outside, and let out a mournful cry.

"You...why did you kill people? When is this, how many people are still alive! You...how did you manage to do it?"

In this cold wind, the mournful voice was like a deadly ghost.The desolate voice rushed into his ears, Zhao Yongzhu gritted his teeth, and told himself so.

"I... what can I do, if I don't kill you, my family will die!"

This voice also caused Lin Zheng and his subordinates to cheer, at least they had successfully warned the people outside.This building is their territory, don't even think about coming here to share their things and take over their power.

Guo Zhenbei dragged Fujiro who was drowsy due to injury.Whether he or Fujiro, in a realistic sense, they are still recruits.Even if one is trained in the modern army, the other is "instilled" in the training of the most elite army.But this is not so helpful to them at the moment.

Whether it's the injured person, or the person being shot for the first time.Too much adrenaline makes people feel a serious nausea, when they leave the opponent's range and come to a safe house, the body is hot and weak.

"Bandages, alcohol!"

Panting heavily, Guo Zhenbei sat down on the ground and reached out to pull off the cumbersome helmet.At this time, Fujiharu was in a panic, shaking his brother and crying in a low voice.

"Fujiro, Fujiro, how are you, don't scare me...!"

"Please, don't bark! First go and close the curtains, then light the candles, and then go get the medicine box, the medicine box in those rescue boxes!"

Guo Zhenbei was holding a grudge against Teng Qing's collision just now, and he complained very much when he spoke.At this moment, Fujiharu is no longer so fierce because he cares about his brother.Quickly half-buried on the ground, first carefully closed the curtains, then re-lit the lamp, and brought a medicine box from the rescue box.

It is said to be a medicine box, but it is actually a plastic box with double buttons.There are a few sticks of antibiotics, needles, bandages, Yunnan Baiyao spray, and hydrogen peroxide spray, etc. commonly used medicines and emergency medicines.

When Fujiharu came to Guo Zhenbei again holding the box, Guo Zhenbei had already untied Fujilang's clothes.On his arm, there was a short crossbow bolt, and there was a wound on his back.Fortunately, the motorcycle leather suit he was wearing and the special armor for motorcyclists.There was only a wound left on the back, but the crossbow bolt on the arm was deeper.

"This arrow has a barb, but luckily it didn't hurt the blood vessel, but you have to use a scalpel to get it out!"

Fujiharu looked at the wound, her eyes straightened.The triangular arrow tip pierced deeply into the strong muscles on Fujiro's arm.When she heard that Guo Zhenbei was going to operate on her brother, she was startled.Look at him in disbelief, no matter how you look at it, this guy doesn't look like a doctor!

It is not an easy task to shoot with a knife and shoot an arrow.A bad blood vessel is injured, and it is too late to save it. It is not a job that ordinary people should do at all.But now Guo Zhenbei is no longer a simple repairman, at least suddenly, he knows everything he should do.

He hastily disinfected his hands with hydrogen peroxide, and Guo Zhenbei, who reached out to pick up the scalpel, didn't even tremble his fingers. First aid on the battlefield is not gentle.The scalpel pulled open the flesh near the wound, and made as small an incision as possible along the edge of the crossbow bolt.

Blood flowed out like a small fountain all of a sudden, looking at the bright red blood that seemed to have heat, Teng Qing's legs softened and knelt beside his brother, even ignoring the blood to absorb with a piece of gauze.The gushing blood suddenly made the wound blurred.

"Suck the blood away!"

It wasn't until hearing Guo Zhenbei's low growl that Tengqing came back to his senses.There was a piece of yarn sandwiched between the protruding galvanized camera, and the hand trembled like a convulsion.Guo Zhenbei sneered coldly, like a cold-blooded veteran on the battlefield.

"Take a deep breath and suck the blood away!"

Tengqing couldn't help admiring Guo Zhenbei's calmness, thinking in her heart that Guo Zhenbei must have some extraordinary experience.In other words, like his brother Fujiro, he is a well-trained soldier.Such a person, in such a biochemical apocalypse, always makes people feel comforted.

As she sucked the blood away with gauze, the wound became clear again.Guo Zhenbei quickly drew two other wounds on Fujiro's arm, which relieved the obstacle of pulling out the crossbow.

"Prepare the hydrogen peroxide spray, as well as gauze and bandages. I will pull out the arrow, and you will stop the bleeding and spray the medicine. I think your brother may need a few stitches!"

The big triangular wound kept bleeding.At this time, Guo Zhenbei had no doubts that Yang Yanzi must have done something to his head.Otherwise, how would I know this kind of near-professional knowledge.

In fact, dealing with simple wounds is just part of the survival training of special forces, and there is nothing magical about it.But when it appeared on a person who was a car repairman yesterday, it was so magical that it couldn't be more magical.

Under the light of a few flickering candles, I watched the crossbow bolt leave my brother's arm, watched Guo Zhenbei hold the curved needle in the camera, pulling the open triangle wound together.At this time, Fujiharu had recovered from the initial surprise.

In my heart, I no longer hated Guo Zhenbei who just took advantage of me. On the contrary, when I looked at him, I had a strange expression.In this moment of biochemical doomsday, what can be compared with having a warrior by your side and a capable warrior!

When Guo Zhenbei completed this complicated and difficult task in the eyes of ordinary people, he was also sweating when he did this kind of thing for the first time.At this time, Fujiro was already in a coma due to the injury and the head-down problem.His body trembled from his stupor as the needles pierced his skin and muscles.

"Xiao Lang, don't move! This... this...he is stitching you!"

At this time, Fujiharu, who had gradually become calm, saw his brother wake up, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him down.Guo Zhenbei, who is in stitches, secretly envies Fujiro, who can stay with his woman at this time.

"This one named Xiaoqing... is pretty good looking. At this moment, I'm afraid it's not easy to find such a beautiful woman!"

Fujiharu waited on Fujiro carefully, wiping away the painful sweat that Guo Zhenbei caused when he pulled out the thread from time to time.The hand on the brother's arm felt the trembling of his body, and couldn't help but blame him.

"Look at you Fujiro, if you listen to me, how could such a problem arise!"

Such old-fashioned words attracted Guo Zhenbei's attention, and he glanced at Fujiharu, but he no longer envied Fujiro's "good fortune" in his heart.

"This woman is young, why is she acting like a mother? If she is such a woman, she should not be!"

Guo Zhenbei, who is full of fantasies about marriage, doesn't want to find a mother for himself.


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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