Under Fuji Qing's surprised eyes, the pneumatic nail gun in Yang Yanzi's hand made a "pop" sound.Those little zombies who were still carrying their schoolbags fell silently to the ground one by one under the impact of the pneumatic nail gun.

"This girl's heart is really cruel!"

Fujiharu also picked up the crossbow and caught the target through the dot sight.

For some reason, she had such an idea when she shot the first arrow.

"You can't be compared to this girl!"

At this time, Guo Zhenbei on the ground has already fallen into the danger of his own making.


Guo Zhenbei roared in his heart, complaining about his kindness just now.

Yes, those children are still carrying schoolbags and wearing red scarves around their necks.The little face that was once full of hope and welcome is now full of sad death.Even so, Guo Zhenbei couldn't bear to add another scar to their little faces, so he ran around.

But now the unlucky thing happened, precisely because of what he did just now, when a few little zombies were chasing him, they stepped on those thin guide ropes, and the rope was even wrapped around a little zombie's ankle, And this brought huge troubles to Guo Zhenbei.

His actions have alarmed the leaving zombies.Some of the zombies who saw his figure and smelled his scent were already running towards this side.Although there were more zombies, because of the noise just now, they didn't notice the changes here.

"Brother Zhenbei, hurry up, it's important to be alive!"

"You idiot, come back quickly, it's too late!"

The voice of Fujiharu gnashing his teeth came from the earphone, while the previous sentence came from Fujiro.He also watched Guo Zhenbei's actions from the window, and secretly worried for him.Because this was originally the task of the two of them, but unfortunately he was injured, and at this moment his arm could not use that much strength at all.

"Yeah, it's important to save people!"

The target of Guo Zhenbei's adventure, but there was a family calling for help in this building, and there was another family that lit candles last night.Although they didn't call for help, if they wanted, Guo Zhenbei would take them to Stefanie Yang.Of course, if there are too many people, her house will definitely not be enough to live in, and the house that is intended to be used as a warehouse and monitoring center is not suitable for too many people to live in.

Before cleaning up the community hospital, cleaning up the fifth floor of Stefanie Yang's house and searching for supplies is the next step.But in any case, they must leave the city before March, and prepare everything in the small mountain village.

If Stefanie Yang's estimate is correct, what she will have to face at that time is a zombie whose strength and sharp claws have evolved to destroy the security door.

The earthen spear in Guo Zhenbei's hand was no longer merciful this time, it pierced into the little zombie's head with the sound of the wind.After it fell, Guo Zhenbei quickly untied the rope around its feet.

Such an almost instant delay has already put him in crisis.

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, the first batch of big zombies who ran back were only about 10 meters away from him.And the "woo-woo" sound they make seems to be calling for their companions.More zombies stopped when they heard the sound, and they also found Guo Zhenbei who was about to turn around and run wildly.



The shrill voices of the two women on the roof left Guo Zhenbei with a tingling pain in his eardrums, which made him regret turning up the earphones too loudly.But at this moment, he couldn't care less about the pain in his ears being pierced by the sound.He ran towards the opposite building, and there were dozens of zombies, large and small, behind him.

If he was surrounded, no one would be able to save him.


Yang Yanzi and Teng Qing, who were in charge of covering him on the roof, kept clearing the zombies in front or behind for him with weapons in their hands.They seem to have reached a tacit understanding at this time. The fast-firing pneumatic nail gun is mainly used to eliminate the zombies chasing after Guo Zhenbei.The crossbow in Teng Qing's hand was for Guo Zhenbei to remove the small zombies blocking the way.

Stefanie Yang holds a pneumatic nail gun in both hands, like a veteran, the laser point does not tremble at the target.In contrast, Fujiharu needs to be wound, and when she shoots, she must carry the crossbow on the concrete platform of the rain eaves.

"This damn crossbow is wound slowly and laboriously!"

Fujiharu cursed the person who equipped the rescue box with crossbows instead of guns.

In fact, she blamed the wrong person. Compared with guns, although the crossbow fired slower, it was better in silence, and the crossbow was relatively easy to replenish.Compared with a gun that would summon a large number of zombies when it was fired, and it was not easy to replenish the bullets when it ran out, it was more suitable for people who had never had military training.

Fortunately, Guo Zhenbei was not too far away from the opposite building at this time, but it was obviously impossible to go straight to the target.He turned slightly sideways, and in front of him was the white security window of a certain house.Guo Zhenbei jumped up suddenly, his hands were already on the thick iron railing.


Accompanied by the low and threatening roar, Guo Zhenbei has gradually become accustomed to the stench of zombie liquid.In the house where he was holding on to the anti-theft iron railing, a pair of zombies sprang out.

Why is it a pair? The two zombies that came were a man and a woman, both naked.It looked like the two of them were doing something they loved when disaster struck.It is probably always infected during passion. Judging from the wound on the woman's chest, it is probably the man who gets the attack first.

"It's not a bad way to die, it's so comfortable to die!"

Generally speaking, apart from the wound on the chest, the naked female zombie's body in front of him is quite attractive, but it's a pity that Guo Zhenbei is not in the mood to appreciate the cruel "spring" in front of him at this moment.Just guessing that when the disaster hit, when they were doing those things, it was near the balcony.

This pair of sultry zombies had already arrived at the security window.Their claws with deadly nails stretched out from the railing, and tightly grasped the clothes on Guo Zhenbei's shoulders.Although Guo Zhenbei was wearing a helmet, the two claws on his shoulders couldn't penetrate the rope armor, but it was enough to make him break out in a sweat.


At this moment, Guo Zhenbei had no choice but to use his arms to lift his body up, and his feet to push hard on the wall, so that he could quickly get away from the zombies who were almost chasing him behind him.At this critical moment, he could hear the sound of "Puff" from the zombie behind him.

Don't ask if Yang Yanzi and Teng Qing are covering him, and even the zombies that fell below helped Guo Zhenbei.His foot just stepped on the head of a zombie that fell under the wall, and this moment allowed him to get rid of the pair of zombies in the anti-theft fence.


Under the force of both sides, the clothes on Guo Zhenbei's shoulders were scratched, but this also allowed Guo Zhenbei to be free in a critical moment.He hurriedly climbed up with his hands and feet, and after a few moves, he was already standing on the anti-theft railing on the second floor.

He finally escaped danger!


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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