golden scales

129 Heroes take advantage of current affairs to separate regimes

"What! The supply line is broken!" Sun Chuanting lay in the tent, his hands shaking violently.These days, the army was running around without sleep day and night, which caused Sun Chuanting to catch the cold, and he would lie in the bed to work when he had nothing to do.As a traditional literati, he knows how to keep healthy but not healthy. Once he is separated from the peaceful and comfortable living environment, his physical condition will deteriorate from bad to worse.This is also the reason why many civil servants are in good health in the court, but they will be sick when they go on business trips.

Chen Yongfu hurriedly said: "Master, it rained heavily last night. The mountains on both sides of the Xinliang Road were unstable. Huge boulders fell and cut off the road. In the morning, people were sent to remove the boulders, but with this rain... I'm afraid we won't be able to get food within three to five days." gone."

Sun Chuanting leaned heavily on the head of the bed and let out a long sigh.He seemed to hit Jishui, the last time he was also in Jia County, it was also because of the rain that the original victory turned into a rotten defeat.After a year, God actually did it again!Didn't it mean years of droughts?Why did I, Sun Chuanting, feel like the sky leaked when I came here?

"What's the news from Ruzhou?" Sun Chuanting asked out loud.

"There is no news from Ruzhou yet." Chen Yongfu responded.

Sun Chuanting still couldn't let it go, and pretended to be relaxed and said, "I don't expect any good news, as long as there is no bad news. Mr. Chen, in my opinion, he still has to return to the army."

"Even if you want to return to the army, you can't return now." Chen Yongfu shook his head slightly.

"When Jia County is conquered, there will be General Lao soldiers guarding the county seat. I will lead the Qin soldiers to go back and open the grain road to help His Royal Highness." Sun Chuanting said: "If the country is in turmoil, you and I will be blamed for death!"

Chen Yongfu frowned and remained silent.He knew that it would be impossible for the whole army to return, but he hoped that he would take the Henan soldiers back to open the grain road.There is no other reason. Facing such a beast like Li Zicheng, everyone hopes to retreat to the second line.A two-foot-high city wall will definitely not be able to stop the elite rogues led by Li Chuang himself.

"There are a lot of soldiers in Qin Dynasty," Sun Chuanting saw Chen Yongfu's entanglement, "I'm afraid that if we stay to defend the city, we will run out of food and grass."

The commander-in-chief Bai Guangen's men were almost all train battalions, and they couldn't exert their combat effectiveness in the heavy rain. It was a waste of food to stay in the city.Sun Chuanting knew that the officers and soldiers left behind must be unstable, but in the current situation, of course, he would rather let the soldiers in Henan be unstable than keep the Qin soldiers trained by himself.

The so-called throwing away the pawn to save the car, throwing away the car to save the handsome, isn't it the current situation?

Chen Yongfu knew what Sun Chuanting meant, but he was unwilling to be abandoned by the heat, and he still refused to express his position, and there was a sudden silence in the tent.

"Report to the supervisor! General! There are messengers from Ruzhou!" The guard outside the gate reported loudly, breaking the silence in the tent.

Sun Chuanting coughed twice: "Come in." After saying that, he got up and dressed.

Chen Yongfu helped, and then turned his attention to the messenger who came in.

The messenger kowtowed and stepped forward to hand over the letter from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to Sun Chuanting.Sun Chuanting first explained that he was not in good health, and then sat in the bed to open and read the letters.Of course, it was Zhu Cihong who asked him to stabilize the morale of the army and not to worry about the rear.At the same time, he also said that all the official documents and imperial edicts from the capital will pass through Ruzhou first, so he can just feel free to fight.

Sun Chuanting breathed a sigh of relief and handed the letter to Chen Yongfu. After Chen Yongfu read it, he smiled wryly and said: "The country is wise, but why does it disagree with us every time?"

"When His Highness sent this letter, he didn't know that the Xinliang Road had been destroyed." Chen Yongfu was also very helpless: "But fortunately, His Highness is willing to resist the urging of the capital for us, and it can be regarded as saving the supervisor."

Sun Chuanting shook his head, then nodded again, feeling a little overwhelmed.Although Da Ming puts more emphasis on literature than military, it also "emphasizes literature over military" in terms of punishment for defeat.When a general is defeated, he will be reprimanded at most, and then allowed to make meritorious deeds.If civil servants lose a battle, they will be dismissed from office at least, or imprisoned at worst. Compared with the preferential treatment in the past, it has fallen from heaven to earth.Therefore, if he is also a high-ranking official, if he loses this battle, Chen Yongfu will not be punished, but Sun Chuanting can only go back to Beijing and sit out of prison.

"But we have reached the point where we have to go back." Sun Chuanting said: "There is a shortage of food in the army, can we grow it on the spot?"

"Jia County won't have much food either." Chen Yongfu said helplessly.

No one expected that there would be food in Jiaxian County. The so-called capture of Jiaxian County was just pawns who worked hard because of the lack of food on the spot.Li Zicheng has been in Jia County for so many days, and he didn't leave in a hurry. If he would leave food, unless the rain these days has all entered his mind.

As the army approached, Jiaxian finally came down with one blow.The army immediately sent out a grain harvesting team, but in the end they only collected one day's rations from the common people, and more than ten thin mules and donkeys, which could not last for two days.If you still have to endure this and not retreat, you don't need Li Zicheng to fight, you will be defeated first.

Sun Chuanting entered the dilapidated county town of Jiaxian, and no one was seen on the streets.There is not even a bluestone slab on the ground, and they were all sent to the top of the city to defend the city. At this moment, the streets are full of mud and water, making it more difficult for people to walk.Just looking at the bleak street scene, Sun Chuanting didn't want to stay here for a long time.If you can't pursue Li Chuang, you have to turn around and open the grain road first.

It's just that I have to meet the prince when I turn around, and I'm afraid it will be embarrassing to disobey twice.Especially Liu Zongmin besieged Ruzhou, which made Sun Chuanting even more uncertain, as if there was a little mouse in his heart all the time, constantly tearing his heart and lungs.


"Your Highness, it's impossible to beat such a heavy rain." Chen De said worriedly from the side.

Listening to the sound of rain outside, Zhu Cihong said: "Indeed, the weather is so bad that even if you are on your way, you have to stop temporarily, let alone be killed." Seeing that the prince was still sensible, Chen De felt a little relaxed.But Zhu Cihong said again: "However, God is always fair and selfless. Our army can't fight in the rain. Is it okay to break into robbers? Our army's training, equipment, and food are not more important than robbers? If it rains I can't fight like a bandit, so why should I spend so much money to raise an army?"

Chen De choked.

This is indeed the truth.The owner hires people, some of them get two taels of silver a month, and some can get two taels of silver a day.The reason why there is such a big difference is that people who get two taels of silver a day can accomplish things that others cannot!The Eastern Palace guard camp has all kinds of treatment to stabilize the intruders. If they can't show their superior combat power at the critical moment, then it's not a waste of the Eastern Palace's meal!

This is true, but not necessarily so.

Chen De broke away from Zhu Cilang's train of thought, and said in a straightforward manner: "His Royal Highness, according to the news from outside, the Eastern Palace Guards can win against the burglar's Zhongquan personal guards, which is really a strong army in the world. But even a strong army can't go against the sky." Knowing that Xiao Mo was going to have a field battle with the intruder's personal guards, Chen De felt his heart beat.If a random army could have such combat power, then it would be impossible for the robbers to become a major problem in the world.

Who would have thought that the guards of the Eastern Palace would win!

This army, which set foot on the battlefield for the first time, actually won the camp of intruders who are rampant all over the world!

Although Liu Zongmin is not here, the general who can be selected as the personal guard of Zhongquan, could it be the first brother who has never fought?Could it be a mediocrity?

This victory has already surprised Chen De, and he never believes that the Donggong Guards can perform another miracle.

"My Donggong guards battalion is strong in discipline and military codes, but weak in lack of experience in the battlefield, rigid rules and lack of adaptability." Zhu Cihong remembered the unexpected cannon fire in the report, and added: "Adding physical codes is not comprehensive. , the implementation is not thorough enough, so it is too early to say that it is a strong army in the world.”

"Even Zuo Zhen may not have the confidence to defeat Zhongquan's personal guards." Chen De admired it from the bottom of his heart, and he also wanted to read the Buying classics to study, and did not agree with the "incomprehensible" that the prince said .In his opinion, apart from not stipulating how many times soldiers should go to the latrines, this code of conduct clearly stipulates everything else.

But Zhu Cihong knew that this was just something he made behind closed doors, and he didn't see any problems when he used it in training.Especially when fighting in "enemy-occupied areas", the endless problems will expose the true face of this Codex, which is riddled with holes.And even if the soldiers strictly enforced the Code, they would not be able to meet the actual needs due to lack of ability.

For example, the defense of the Muzhai was obviously due to the lack of scouting experience of the scouts.

There are also some advantages that are underestimated.

Like the will to fight.

"Fighting in the rainstorm will definitely hinder your martial arts skills, but it will also test the morale of the two armies." Zhu Cihong said: "Only looking at it now, our army is still better than the intruders in this regard, why not give it a try? ? If we can capture and kill Liu Zongmin and cut off the arm of Li thief, even if we give up Luoyang, it will not be in vain."

Zhu Cihong, who lacks generals under his command, really has a deep understanding of the great role of generals.It is unrealistic to expect Sun Chuanting to change his fate against the sky. This poor supervisor will probably still end in defeat.This is also because this butterfly is too weak to cause a big storm.However, if Liu Zongmin can be captured and killed, it is really the best entry point to change the general trend of history.

Thinking of this, Zhu Cihong couldn't wait to fight in person.

"Liu Zongmin..." Chen De felt his scalp go numb when he uttered this name.Although Li Chuang's name shocked the world, Liu Zongmin, who rushed to the front in every battle, was also a big name that people looked up to.When he was a teenager, he didn't understand the meaning of the word "famous general". It wasn't until he went out with his father that he felt the tremendous pressure of the "famous" name.

"You are a newborn calf, why are you afraid of tigers?" Zhu Cihong laughed.

Chen De bowed to apologize, and said: "Your Highness, I still think that in a humble position, nothing is better than everything."

Zhu Cihong shook his head: "It's not that I want to win too much, but that I see an opportunity to win."

"Your Highness, the Eastern Palace guard battalion wins in battle formation. If the two sides break up during the heavy rain, the guard battalion loses its advantage in formation. How can it fight against the bandits?" Chen De had to say what he was most worried about.

"It wouldn't be too scattered if it wasn't for the surprise attack." Zhu Cihong said, "Besides, if it wasn't for the current situation, I wouldn't have decided on a military rank early on."

It was only then that Chen De remembered that the biggest role of military rank is to establish the core of the formation when the team is separated.

"If you want to go, follow me. If you don't go, stay in Ruzhou." Zhu Cihong stood up and said with a smile, "Talking with you, I feel more and more that this is a golden opportunity. It's a pity not to try it."

"Your Highness!" Chen De said in horror: "You want to fight in person? How can this be done!"

"Alas, there are no generals in the camp." Zhu Cihuang smiled heartily, "If there are one or two generals under his command, why are we so stretched?"

"The last general is willing to go! I hope Your Highness will cherish your body and not go into danger lightly." Chen De quickly knelt down and asked for a fight.

"You are really an outsider compared to my Eastern Palace guards, how can you bring them over?" Zhu Cihong shook his head and said, "Soldiers don't know generals, generals don't know soldiers, isn't that the way to self-defeating?"

"Your Highness!" Chen De called out, then thought of another question, and said shudderingly: "Your Highness, Zuo Ying doesn't seem to be the elite of the guard camp!"

"It's enough." Zhu Cihong was full of confidence, and even though Chen De was still kneeling on the ground, he stepped out and ordered someone to put on armor for him.

As a town commander, he would never be so irrational to fight a decisive battle on an unsuitable battlefield.However, as an unyielding soul who has been chased by fate for more than ten years, Zhu Cihong is absolutely unwilling to give up this opportunity.In his eyes, the stronger the opponent, the better. Only with enough high temperature can a peerless soldier be tempered.Since the fate made him return to the node of Jiashen, if he only wants to be undefeated and undefeated, what's the point of stealing a life of wretchedness!

If a man wins under the horse's hoof by gambling, or wins a Ming Dynasty, or gets a posthumous posthumous title, how can he be willing to sit in the hall and listen to the sad rain! (To be continued.)

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