golden scales

174 Blowing Sand and Traveling for Miles

"You think I'm just here to exchange Zong Min?" Li Zicheng sat in the Qin Palace, looked at the civil and military officials on the steps below, and said, "I made it very clear in the letter that the exchange of generals can only be exchanged when the crown prince comes to the river. Wait for the exchange." After Zong Min, my brigade ambushes all out! Are you still afraid that he will escape? If he dares not come, who will work for Zhu Chao in the future?"

Gu Junen and the others secretly said in their hearts: A strategy is a good strategy, but the prince of the Zhu Dynasty over there, would he really take risks for a few Liju veterans?According to the practice of the Zhu Dynasty, only a posthumous title will be granted.

Even if Emperor Ming was captured, the court would not make peace.

Niu Jinxing said in his heart: Liu Zongmin was captured for ten months, and he never heard the news of his sacrifice, so he might have surrendered to Zhu Chao secretly.However, His Majesty never forgot about him, and wanted to exchange him with You Shiwei and others.This is clearly messing with public affairs with personal feelings!Alas, after all, Your Majesty has lost a bit of the decisiveness of a real dragon. Even if he wins the world, he may not be able to hold it.


Holding the letter, Zhu Cihong smiled at Wu Tong and Sun Chuanting: "Sure enough, a happy event is coming. You Du and Wang Shiqin, Shiguo, Li Changling, Huixian and the generals have only been arrested, and they haven't died yet."

Sun Chuanting frowned slightly.Wu Zhen also had a serious expression on his face.Both of them were thought-provoking people. Just hearing what the crown prince said, they knew that Li Zicheng wanted to exchange hostages for Liu Zongmin.Captured Liu Zongmin that day and had already been rewarded by the emperor, so if he were to be replaced, wouldn't it be a crime of deceiving the emperor?However, looking at the prince's expression, it seems that he intends to exchange.

"Your Highness..." The two dared not say anything.

Unexpectedly, they started in unison, but was stopped by Zhu Cihong, and said with a smile: "Li Zicheng also said that he wants me to kiss on the river, and then exchange. Hehe, this is obviously fishing."

"The thief is delusional!" the two said angrily.

Using You Shiwei and others as bait to catch a big fish like the crown prince is indeed a bit whimsical.However, if the crown prince did not go, Li Zicheng would spread rumors widely to shake the loyalty of the generals, and let them only say that the court does not even care about the brave defenders of the land, and there may be more military towns and cities in the future.

"It's beautiful to play with both hands." Zhu Cihong patted the letter paper and sighed.

"Your Highness." Wu Xuan's mind had turned a few times, and he immediately said, "I don't know the truth yet, so don't trust it."

"Your Highness, it must be fake!" Sun Chuanting insisted: "You Shiwei and others have fought for a long time, only to know that they died with white knives, how could they be humiliated by being tied up? If you want to capture him, you will definitely look for an opportunity, how can you let Thief Li bring him all the way from Yulin to the river!"

In the original historical script, Sun Chuanting died in the battle of Tongguan, as he himself said, he would rather kill himself than suffer the "shame of being bound by a rope".The two of them said that, in fact, they had already set up a step for Zhu Cihong, and they could avoid Li Zicheng's move by following the steps.

Zhu Cihong knew it in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously, and said: "The country is in trouble, and if we have any strength to resist the bandits and restore the country, we must save it. You Shiwei has been in the army for a long time, and his experience is really a treasure for the country. I have the intention to establish a lecture on martial arts Tang, it is necessary for veterans like You Shiwei to pass on their experience, so that the soldiers don't have to risk their lives to go to the dead end again."

Wu Sheng said: "Your Highness, not to mention that the imperial court will convict you if it finds out. Once this precedent is set, who will die? If you see that the limelight is not right, you will inevitably do something to save your life, and only wait for Your Highness to rescue you."

"Just do your best." Zhu Cilang said with a smile: "You don't need to do your best. You can do your best only if you are alive."

"Your Highness is determined to meet Li Chuang?" Sun Chuanting said helplessly.

"He wants to catch me, so why don't I want to catch him?" Zhu Cihong stood up and stretched his muscles: "I'm not as good as him because he is more powerful than others. But if he comes up with an ambush, he may not be my opponent."

There are many factors in winning a battle, the ancients summed it up as the right time, place and people and these three main factors.In the big branch of Renhe, there are discipline, morale, and military spirit, all of which have been supplemented and completed by military strategists of all dynasties.However, for Zhu Cihong, who deals with people professionally, he has summed up a factor that has been neglected: imagination.

Among the battles that have been handed down from ancient to modern times, whether it is Zhao She's rescue and battle, or Lu Meng's white clothes crossing the river, they all have one thing in common: the general dares to think!

The so-called "surprise" is the competition of imagination.Only a person with a strong imagination can come up with tricks that catch the enemy off guard and achieve amazing results on key battlefields.This kind of person is a person who sublimates war from professional killing to art, and is also a genius general who has never been born in the world.

Being well-informed can make up for the lack of imagination, and it can also make it more difficult for the enemy general to use strange moves.In this regard, Zhu Cihong has taken advantage of it for 400 years.At the same time, because he has enough natural science knowledge reserves to enable the plan to be put into practice, Zhu Cihong will also add 200 years of advantages.

With this kind of confidence, Zhu Cihong of course dared to use his odds to make a bait to catch Li Zicheng's pseudo-dragon.What's more, Xu Dun sent a secret report yesterday about breaking into the camp to deliver military rations to Longmen Town. It can be seen that Li Zicheng has selected Longmen Town as the rear granary for attacking Shanxi.

Longmen Town faces Shanxi Wanrong and Hejin across the river. It seems that this is the area where Li Zicheng selected the army to cross the river, and such a battle is bound to be fought.

Having made up his mind, Zhu Cihong sent the envoys from the camp to meet Liu Zongmin first, and immediately sent the old men from Yulinwei in the camp to check the identities and physical conditions of You Shiwei and others.He held a military meeting in the camp to discuss the layout of the battle.Because it involved a surprise attack, this military meeting was limited to the two generals of the Donggong Guards Battalion, as well as the two battalion officers Chen De and Niu Chenghu.Sun Chuanting attended.

"If Li Zicheng chooses to exchange on the river, if His Highness wants to withdraw, he will have to gallop across the open space for three miles. When the time comes to break into the camp and shoot the cannon or shoot the arrow, we will have no way of resisting it." Xiao Mo pointed to the newly made Hejin-Longmen Sandbox, pointed out three possible exchange locations.

These three points are all suitable places for Li Zicheng's cavalry to attack. If Li Zicheng has evil intentions, he must choose one of these three points.In other places, either on one side or on both sides, there are piles of rocks on the shore, and it is not easy for even infantry to pass through, let alone horsemen who have higher requirements for road conditions.

Xiao Mo paused, and said again: "If we want to avoid these three roads, it's useless. Thief Li can just charge straight across the river with his cavalry and attack Hejin to cut off our army's retreat."

Zhu Cilang looked at the three dots on the sand table where small red flags were purposely inserted, and said, "I also need an open place to set up an ambush. Here it is!"

All the officers looked towards the place Zhu Cihuang was pointing at. It was a key point just after the Yellow River came out of Yu's gate, and the width was in the middle among the three points.

"Your Highness, this place is too close to Yu's gate. If Thief Li comes up from the south, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to retreat." Xiao Donglou said.

"Don't be afraid, he won't be able to cross the two points to the south." Zhu Cihong said with a smile: "We need to set up formations on the river."

In the cold winter months when dripping water turns into ice, the easiest way to block the river is to use icicles.As long as it is half-height buckets and tanks, even a few wooden boards hooped out temporarily and wrapped in a layer of straw can become a container for water.In the severe winter and low temperature, before the water flows out much, it is already frozen.If it weren't for the limited conditions, Zhu Cihong still wanted to connect these icicles with iron chains, and it would be even more difficult for the cavalry to pass through.

When the intruder passed through the icicle formation, the formation must be in chaos.The guards of the Eastern Palace lined up on the river bank just waited for work at leisure and killed him.

"Your Highness, what if Thief Li sees these icicles and refuses to exchange them at the place we have decided?" Niu Chenghu asked aloud.Although he has no establishment now, he is generally regarded as the default Qin Bingjun officer, and a red heart has also been handed over to the prince.

"Then we have nothing to lose." Zhu Cihong said, "It's nothing more than a little labor."

"Then don't change?"

"Haha," Zhu Cihong said with a smile, "Li Zicheng is more anxious than we are! Liu Zongmin and him are good brothers through life and death, but You Shiwei and I have never had an affair. If I don't change You Shiwei back, Daming will understand Chilling. Doesn’t he feel chilled when he sits and watches Liu Zongmin being killed and the generals who broke into the camp? It will be even more unfavorable for him if the current game is exhausted. When the Yellow River thaws, it will not be so easy to fight Shanxi.”

Everyone understood clearly, it was to see who could hold their breath. (To be continued.)

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