golden scales

252 The garrison rides out of Xiaoqiang

When Zhu Cihong got the report from the guerrilla battalion, he had already left Laizhou. .When he learned of Gao Jie's death, he was more concerned about Li Chengdong.If I remember correctly, this person first became a thief, then surrendered to the Ming, then surrendered to the Qing, and finally rebelled against the Qing... He really brought the capricious villains of this era to the extreme.

Zhu Cihong has no obsession with morality and cleanliness, he is a pragmatist to put it bluntly.As long as he has the ability and is willing to abide by the rules he made, even those who bully his sister-in-law are not unacceptable.Even a big Han Jian like Wu Sangui and King Sanshun, if he is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, no matter what kind of dirty thoughts he has in his heart, for the sake of eliminating the civil war, he can give a good death... It's just Li Chengdong, who is the master of Manchuria Santu Jiading's executioner was a bit too harsh.

In this time and space, Li Chengdong has not committed such heinous crimes, can he be convicted because of this?

In the end, Zhu Cihong still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, and said: "This kind of unrighteous person who beheaded the commander-in-chief before the battle is really disgusting. Considering that he surrendered in time, it can be regarded as saving my Donggong soldiers, so let him take people to mine Right. Other rewards and punishments submitted by the Luo Department will be approved. Let them submit the battle summary as soon as possible, and send it to the General Staff for publication and distribution.

The military command soon transmitted Zhu Cihong's order.

Only now did Zhu Cihong return to the meeting room, and there was only one person sitting in the meeting room, and it was Li Banghua, the imperial censor of the left capital of the Daming Metropolitan Procuratorate.

As an important minister of the Chongzhen Dynasty, Li Banghua has experienced too many ups and downs, leaving deep footprints both at the local and central levels.Nowadays, scholars come to join the emperor every day, and many of them are also former students of Li Banghua.However, this old minister was really too old. After undergoing Jiashen's upheaval, his head was covered with white hair and his walking was sluggish.

Li Banghua came to see Zhu Cihong today to discuss about becoming an official.

Zhu Cihong prioritized dealing with military affairs, and he had already made up his mind when he returned to the reception room.From his personal outlook on life and values, being able to end his life at work is the best destination in life.From a practical point of view, in this period of lack of human resources, it is better to die in the office than to let loyal ministers die at home.

He looked at Li Banghua and said: "I really don't want to let Mr. go back. In terms of personal affairs, Mr. gave me a lot of guidance when I first left the palace, so that I, a naive child, can listen to others and not be deceived by others. This is a great favor." .”

"On public affairs, Mr. has gone through local, scientific, and military affairs, and mastered Shufu. He is really a rare important minister of the country." Zhu Cihong sighed and said, "I think Mr. is still as healthy and healthy as before. How can he be willing to serve as an official?"

"It's been rare since ancient times to live in the [-]s, and the old officials are now very old, and it's also the number of years they have served in previous dynasties, so they dare not be greedy for power and position." Li Banghua said.

Zhu Cihong immediately said: "Greedy for power and position? Where did this start! Now that the country is in a weak state and Shenjing has fallen, if you are not loyal, sir, how can you stay in the court?"

Li Banghua said with a wry smile: "The old minister is really unbearable..."

"Jiang Shang is eighty-year-old prime minister, and Mr. is only seventy... Oh! That's right!" Zhu Cihong stood up clapping his hands, "Sir, it's really not suitable to run around. That's right, I'm thinking of setting up a separate department to set up the general policy of the court, The important matters from all over the world are gathered on one paper, published all over the world, and people are required to make overall arrangements, and Mr. Wang is rightly qualified for this task."

"Your Highness," Li Banghua was a little surprised: "Isn't this the Secretary of the General Administration and the residence report?"

Zhu Cilang said with a smile: "Actually, I want to read this errand from the Secretary of the General Administration. It is not called the Dibao, but the "Huangming Bulletin". From now on, the silver desk will only accept internal and external memorials. Can't get in or out."

The origin of Di Bao can be traced back to the early Western Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, engraved Di Bao appeared, and in the Song Dynasty, the publication time was fixed.The publication of the Mansion Newspaper in the Ming Dynasty was under the responsibility of the Minister of General Affairs. In the 11th year of Chongzhen, movable type printing was used. Although the quality was much worse than that of the engraved Mansion Newspaper, it was better than the timely publication.

As his own mouthpiece, Zhu Cihong certainly cannot allow others to get involved.As long as the "Huangming Bulletin" can open up the market, establish its position in the public opinion circle, and become a recognized court weathervane, no matter what actions the emperor makes in the future, it will not be able to suppress the voices from the East Palace, nor will it be able to weaken the East Palace in Shilin. Influence.

"Besides, the source of the Mansion Newspaper is too narrow," Zhu Cilang said, "it only focuses on political affairs, and they are all the final conclusions of the court. The "Bulletin" I want to see needs voices from all walks of life. Contradictions and disputes. Therefore, it is not suitable for the Secretary of General Administration to come out."

Li Banghua is an old man, not to mention that there are no such private newspapers in Jiangnan.To put it bluntly, some people wanted to confuse people's hearts and influence the selection of Chinese people through words.Hearing what Zhu Cihong said, he had already realized it in his heart, he was grateful for the trust of the crown prince in him, but he really couldn't think of anyone who could replace him.

It's not that Wu Xuan and others are lacking in talent, but that the word "selflessness" is the most important thing in order to run the "Huang Ming Bulletin" well.How to make the "Notice" the crown prince's mouthpiece, rather than a sharp weapon for party struggles, is the fundamental requirement for choosing the person in charge.

Li Banghua's biggest advantage is: standing in line early and not forming a party.

After that, he was proficient in the government affairs and military affairs of the northern and southern capitals.With him in charge, there is no need to worry about the imaginary words of pedantic scholars appearing in the Bulletin.

Zhu Cihong looked at Li Banghua so sincerely that the old official had no way to refuse, so he could only say: "If so, I will try my best to do it. Once your highness has outstanding talents, the old official will abdicate and make way for the virtuous."

"Sir, I have to train one for me." Zhu Cihong smiled, and then said: "Sir, what do you think this yamen should be named?"

Li Banghua's turbid eyes were slightly closed, and after two long breaths, he said: "Your Highness, it may not be the Yamen."

"May Mr. Wen have a high opinion." Zhu Cihong said.

Li Banghua coughed lightly: "Since the Song Dynasty, private newspapers have been rampant. After the Wanli Dynasty, there were also many private newspapers in the south of the Yangtze River. In the future, the "Bulletin" will become popular, and it will inevitably be effective. If it is ignored, it will be slanderous The father of the king has an additional weapon. The veteran thought that a department should be set up under the Metropolitan Procuratorate to supervise the newspaper industry, keep the good ones and eliminate the evil ones. As for the "Huangming Bulletin", it can be imitated by six The establishment of shops and factories is Tianjia's private business. It can not only get convenience, but also take advantage of Weifu."

Zhu Cilang thought about it when he heard the words, this was one step closer than his own idea, and it really was a long-term discussion from the perspective of the whole country, he deserved to be an important minister of the court.In contrast, the pattern of wanting to eat alone is a bit narrow.

"Sir, this theory is especially good!" Zhu Cilang praised: "It can be named the Cultural Management Department, and all newspapers, books and periodicals in the territory will be under its supervision in the future. This matter needs to be taken care of by Mr. convenient."

"Yes." Li Banghua got up slowly to leave, but he secretly thought in his heart: Originally, he wanted to beg for a rest and go back to his hometown, but he got such an errand, who else in his family would be useful?

Zhu Cihong sent Li Banghua out of the room all the way, but after Li Banghua's repeated farewell salutes, he finally did not send out the second door.

Zhu Cihong stood at the door and watched for a while, and waited until Li Banghua's figure passed the corner before turning back to the house.

Liu Ruoyu waited for a long time in the office outside, and finally waited for this opportunity, and rushed to catch up before the crown prince summoned the next one, and said: "Your Highness, I have something to tell Your Highness."

Zhu Cihong stopped, turned to Liu Ruoyu, and said with a smile, "Is there something urgent for Liu Ban?"

Liu Ruoyu heaved a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that the crown prince is in a good mood, and it's a good time to talk about it.He stepped forward and said: "Your Highness, Liu Si was very disrespectful in front of the emperor a few days ago. After returning to the palace, the ladies cried for a long time. His Highness didn't comfort him, but rushed to Tai'an Prefecture in a hurry, afraid that something might be wrong."

Zhu Cihong nodded slightly, and said: "The empress mother and the emperor's aunt are people who respect the world, and they should treat people in the world as their children. A son who is ignorant and presumptuous is not a big deal."

"Your Highness, the Tian family has its own dignity, how can it be indulged just like that." The wrinkles on Liu Ruoyu's face gathered together.

Zhu Cihong paused, and couldn't help thinking inwardly: Tianjia majesty?You are dignified only when your subordinates agree with you; if you betray your relatives, you are a fart!When the capital fell, there wasn't even a King Qin soldier, so you still want to find Weiyi from me?This old Liu can't tell the difference between distant and close relatives today!

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