golden scales

266 Hong furnace shines through the night

In the 17th year of Chongzhen, the first year of Shunzhi, July [-]th. .

Thousands of people in Yanjing City were empty alleyways, all of them went to watch the Donglu army swear their troops out of the city.Seeing Donglu unfurl the white banner and write the eight characters "Sweep out the rebels and return to welcome the Emperor Ming", many people believed it and wept loudly.

In the private seat on the second floor of Tiande Building, a Manchurian Zhenyi wearing arrow sleeves, pierced ears, and money rattail braids on his head, and a man wearing a wide-sleeved Hanfu, full hair and a big collar, wearing ** A Han man in a uniform hat sits by the window.

The Han man filled Manchuria Zhenyi with wine, and said with a smile, "Young Master..."

"Hey!" Ai Xing'a interrupted loudly, "Call me Dutong!"

"Master Dutong!" The Han man was not picky, he was Song Hongye, the Minister of War.He smiled and asked: "My lord, isn't Shi Tingzhu Han Chinese? The lord can trust him so much?"

Ai Xing raised his head and laughed loudly, and said, "Do you think his surname Shi is Han? He is Suwan Guerjia, a true Manchurian. His great-grandfather Habu was the commander of the Zuowei in Jianzhou in the old Ming Dynasty. , Grandfather’s name is Arsun, and his father’s name is Shi Han. At that time, because he wanted to be an official in the Ming Dynasty, he took Shi as his surname.”

"He is the Zhengbai flag? Isn't that the prince's flag?" Song Hongye pretended not to understand, and asked loudly.

"Haha," Ai Xing'a laughed, "You really don't know anything! He is the Zhengbai Banner of the Han Army, how could he have the same banner as the prince?"

"Oh!" Song Hongye responded long and hard, "How do you think it is the Manchurian, Mongolian, or Han army?"

"Manchuria and Mongolia, look at the hair." Ai Xing'a pointed to his head: "The Han army generally used bird guns and long spears, and they were not very good at using smooth knives. When the late emperor was here, they were called Wuzhenchao at first. They are heavy soldiers who know how to cast and use cannons. Hey, why don’t you know anything?”

"I didn't dare to inquire before, for fear of breaking a taboo..." Song Hongye cautiously looked at Ai Xing, looking like a pissed off daughter-in-law.Seeing Ai Xing's expression of disapproval, he said quietly just now: "After all, I am an outsider."

"According to me," Ai Xing grabbed the mutton on the table, "you, don't be reluctant to part with this hair. Shave it in two or three times, and I will lift you into the flag. Even if you can't enter the Manchurian flag, you can enter the Han army flag ah."

"I'm afraid that there will be no meritorious service." Song Hongye shook his head heavily, then raised his head suddenly and said, "That's right! Du Lord, is there anyone writing the Chronicles of Manchuria now?"

"What Manchuria?" Ai Xing'a was taken aback.

"My Han family has a genealogy, a local chronicle, a state history, and a record in the dynasty." Song Hongye said excitedly, "I just heard about Shi Tingzhu's family from the governor, and I feel that Manchuria has a long history. The surnames of the family are compiled into local chronicles, so that people can look up to them."

Ai Xing'a stroked the hard beard around her mouth, nodded slightly: "It seems to make sense, so you don't always regard us as barbarians."

"However, we still have to ask the prince for instructions..." Song Hongye said.

"Don't think about it." Ai Xing'a chewed the mutton and waved: "Although what you said makes sense, this job must be given to Sony and those old guys, lest they have nothing to do and fart all day long in front of the prince. Hey, let me tell you something serious, if it is done well, it will be a great contribution!"

"Please praise me, Lord Du!" Song Hongye quickly put his ear to it, with an air of listening attentively.

Ai Xing'a lowered her voice: "My lord intends to set up a House of Internal Affairs to take charge of the emperor's family affairs."

Song Hongye nodded, and thought to himself: Isn't this the eunuch's job?

"There's a Punishment Department inside," Aixing paused, "I want to find someone capable to take care of it. I recommend you."

"Ah?" Song Hongye exclaimed in a low voice, and said seriously: "Master, I am also loyal to our Qing Dynasty. It's okay to shave my head, but I won't do it if I cut my eggs! I don't have a son yet..."

"What did you say to cut the eggs!" Ai Xing'a scolded with a smile: "It scares you! The errands in the House of Internal Affairs are all coated in the upper three banners. The emperor's family, they are in charge of those who have no eggs."

"Is that so..." Song Hongye gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked, "Shouldn't the Punishment Department be related to the Ministry of Punishment? I am the Minister of the Ministry of War."

"That's it, come here." Ai Xing pulled Song Hongye, and almost sprayed his face full of fishy smell: "My lord suspects that there is an old spy in Beijing!"

"Ah?" Song Hongye didn't know if Ai Xing was lying to him, and pretended to be surprised: "How can there be such a person? Zhu Ming's life is exhausted, and now is the time for my Qing Dynasty to start the foundation of the world! How could it be?" There are those waiting!"

Ai Xing smiled: "Who says it's not? But a few days ago, the prince appointed two armies to march south and west. This is obviously a secret. The only people who know are me, Tan Tai, Sony, Obai, Fan Wencheng, Gang Lin, Qi Chongge, Hong Chengchou are few..."

"That's a lot..."

"Listen to me!" Ai Xing'a pulled Song Hongye again: "It turned out that the prince who imprisoned the emperor Laozi rushed to the north at this knife point. You said, he didn't move sooner or later, but this Time to move. If there is no spy, how can there be such a coincidence?"

"Perhaps he has collected enough food, just in time to send troops to fight..." Song Hongye retorted.

But Ai Xing ignored it, and said: "Among these people, the prince can trust me the most, so let me find my confidants, go to the Punishment Department, and then catch this murderer!" He clenched his palm hard, as if pinching the thin heart.

Song Hongye shook his head again and again: "It's hard for me to say this, they are all bannermen, and they are all dignitaries... Tsk tsk, I should feel at ease as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Admiral of the Patrol Battalion."

"Hey, no hindrance!" Ai Xing said: "As long as you enter the Punishment Department, you should investigate and do what you need to do. The Minister of the Ministry of War and the admiral are still in charge. Anyway, it's the same thing."

"Where is this the same thing? How can I, a little servant, offend these people?" Song Hongye cried slightly: "Besides, I'm not the coat of Shangsanqi."

"Your lord, I am the Zhenghuang Banner Manchuria! What's the matter? How wronged you to be a coat for the lord?" Aixing said displeased.

"How can..."

"Then go back and shave your head quickly!" Ai Xing laughed and said, "The prince thinks highly of you, and thinks that you are a safe and organized person, much better than those who can't do anything."


Song Hongye returned home in a daze, sent his servants away, and got into bed with his wife.

"Did he promise to compile the book?" The charming little lady suddenly changed into a different person without any greetings.

It was the plan of Song Hongye and his "wife" to compile a Manchurian clan annals. From this, they could justifiably collect various family information of Manchurian nobles, as well as information about generals of Mongolian and Han Eight Banners.With this personal information, we can know what kind of grievances and hatreds exist between them, which can lay the foundation for the implementation of countermeasures.

Moreover, the crown prince also said that what is fought in war is the human heart. As long as the weakness of the Manchu general's heart is mastered, why not prescribe the right medicine?If this errand can be negotiated, it will be even more blatant to collect and pass on information.

"I'm afraid it won't be my turn." Song Hongye said: "Ai Xing thinks this matter is a bit interesting, but said that Nine Chiefs are likely to be handed over to Sony and others."

"That's it..." The lady sighed helplessly: "It depends on whether it can be used."

"But he gave me another errand..." Song Hongye took a deep breath, and said that he would invest in the Shangsanqi as a coat and enter the Department of Punishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to track down the "old Ming and spy".Hearing this, the little lady was dumbfounded, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses: "That is to say, you will catch yourself in the future?"

"Jiu Chief is the top-notch intelligence among the Manchurians, so I'm afraid I can't play with him." Song Hongye frowned and said: "He can guess that His Highness has information, it must be more than what Ai Xing said, otherwise it is no different from guessing ? In my opinion, either His Highness has a spy on his side, or...he really suspects me."

"You heard that information from Tan Tai, what are you afraid of." The lady bit her lip and said.

"I just don't know if you told me on purpose..." Song Hongye felt his heart tightening.

The lady slapped him on the arm, and said: "Don't scare yourself. A bunch of savages, what can you measure? From my point of view, they went to pick up the errands openly, and saw the tricks! What are you afraid of? Just put If the news spreads out, His Highness will decide whether it is true or false, so what is your business?"

"No, no, no," Song Hongye shook his head repeatedly, "I suddenly thought of a way to catch me in no time." (To be continued.)

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