golden scales

292 1 The Crow Doesn't Startle the City Drum Low

After Xiao Donglou cleaned up the battlefield, it was completely dark. This not considered a battle at all, but a unilateral expulsion and capture. .The Second Guards Battalion captured more than 13 Eastern prisoners at the cost of slightly injuring 3000 people, but more than [-] of them were newly captured Han Chinese slaves along the way.

Facing captives twice as strong as his own, Xiao Donglou could only let the unshaved slaves stand up, take the captured weapons, and guard these captives together.Many people's family members died in the hands of these Dong captives, and because they themselves fell into the hands of Dong captives for several days, they suffered so much that they wished to skin these Dong captives and swallow them alive.

Xiao Donglou could only send out soldiers who were resting as the banner captains of these temporary soldiers, and strictly controlled them, otherwise the five thousand laborers might be killed in a few days.

"A lot of people escaped." Cao Ning said regretfully, "Some people escaped down the river. It's really evil, Liaodong people can float?"

Xiao Donglou was also quite regretful, saying: "There is not enough troops, otherwise we can capture more. We can't leave tonight, otherwise those people have to escape."

"Then set up camp first, find two honest people from among the captives, and lead the way to report a letter to His Highness." Cao Ning said: "Oh, and when reporting meritorious service, don't forget that it was Mao Shi who beheaded Shi Tingzhu."

"Mao Shi?"

"It's black skin."

"Oh! Yes! It's him." Xiao Donglou said casually: "It's getting dark, hurry up and arrange security, I'll take a close look first."

Cao Ning glared.

Xiao Donglou smiled and said: "Your Highness said that the military commander is only responsible for fighting and ordering, and the rest are the affairs of the staff. Hahaha."

"Yes, if the camp is robbed tonight... the chief officer will also be responsible for the crime." After Cao Ning finished speaking, he applauded and left.

Xiao Donglou's laughter was choked in his throat, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​being lazy, and took his personal guards to patrol around.Although exhausted.But inexplicably picked up the biggest result of this battle, it is still pleasant.


Zhu Cihong was sitting in the first battalion in armor, and received two military reports from Xiao Donglou and Dan Ning one after another.

According to Xiao Donglou's military report, the Zhengbai Banner Han army was defeated, and 8000 people were captured, including [-] good people who were rescued along the way.Slay Shi Tingzhu in battle, and get the real banner of Gushan forehead.There are six sides of Jialazhangjing Banner.

According to Danning's military report, the third battalion bombarded the gate of Huolu County with artillery from the battalion. The huge firepower and neat military capacity made Ping Nanbo Liu Zhong surrender without occupying it, and obediently handed over the previously occupied Huolu County. County and Jingxingguan.This time, Dan Ning didn't dare to send troops to guard the rear, and even overkilled. Even Zuo Guangxian, a general who had surrender experience, didn't believe it. The headquarters is in the direction of Shanxi, which is more or less like a remedy after a dead sheep.

Zhu Cihong didn't care much about Liu Zhong's infidelity. From this man's use of troops and integrity, he could guess that he won the position of Ping Nanbo mostly because he was a general of the Ming Dynasty.But all the years of bandits.Those who were granted the title of Duke Hou by virtue of their military exploits often have their own opinions on the military. It is very common to leave without a fight, but surrendering without a fight is a bit too much.

It is worth noting that Liu Zhong brought more accurate and timely news from Shanxi.

After Jiang Yu killed Zhang Tianlin in Datong, he surrendered to the Manchu Qing, and joined forces with the Manchu Yechen tribe to go south.There is also Wu Weihua, younger brother of Wu Weiying, Marquis Gongshun of the Ming Dynasty.When Dorgon entered Beijing, he greeted the head of the horse, and volunteered to go to Shanxi to recruit the place for the Qing Dynasty. .With this two-pronged approach of civil and military affairs, Daizhou, Fanzhi, Naoxian, Wutai and other places changed their flags and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty one after another, and it seemed difficult to preserve Jingle, Dingxiang and other places.

As long as Dingxiang is lost, Yangqu County, where the government of Taiyuan is located, will be exposed to the front of the Manchu Qing army. It is hard to say that Taiyuan can hold for a few days.If Li Zicheng moved faster, he could still catch up with the reinforcements.If he is slow, he may not have time to cross the Yellow River until Shanxi changes hands.

Another news that caught Zhu Cihong's attention was that when Li Zicheng withdrew from Shanxi, he left Wenshuibo Chen Yongfu to guard Taiyuan.Chen Yongfu is Chen De's father.He used to be the general soldier of Henan in Ming Dynasty.Zhu Cihong didn't know much about him, and Sun Chuanting didn't bother to mention how good he was at fighting, but judging by his evaluation, he was a head lower than Zuo Guangxian and Niu Chenghu.But Chen De is really Zhu Cihong's favorite young general, and he taught him carefully when he was with him before, and he was not put in the engineering battalion for the purpose of discarding.It means tempering the mind.

"Send a message to Chen Yongfu, tell him that Shanxi must not be defended, and advise him to lead his troops into Beizhi from Jingxing." Zhu Cilang paused after finishing speaking, and said to Min Ziruo: "Send Chen De, let him deliver this letter."

Min Ziruo secretly said: Letting their father and son reunite, wouldn't it be letting the tiger go back to the mountain?But thinking so in his heart, he didn't dare to question the crown prince's decision, so he quickly made a record and went down to deliver the order.

Zhu Cihong sat alone for a while, and heard Xiao Mo's voice outside, as if asking the guard if His Royal Highness was asleep, cleared his throat and said, "Xiao Mo? Come in."

"Your Highness," Xiao Mo dressed neatly, opened the curtain and strode in, "I will see that the tent is brightly lit at the end, I guess His Highness hasn't rested yet."

"What's the matter?" Zhu Cihong picked up the tea on the case and took a sip, feeling refreshed.

"The battle damage has been calculated." Xiao Mo lowered his voice and said: "The overall battle loss rate of the first battalion is 40.00% point three, and the battle loss ratio of the Donglu is as high as one to one. Among them, the second battalion and the third battalion that lack support Battalion, the battle damage even surpassed that of the eastern barbarians."

The battle damage report submitted this time was not simply a list of numbers, but also a military doctor's inspection report on the corpse.Therefore, in addition to the accurate number of personnel losses of the flag team, the greater space is the location of the fatal injuries of the soldiers damaged in battle.

Such an autopsy can exercise the psychological quality and technical quality of doctors, and can also provide a basis for the teaching camp to design tactical actions.Armor design can also be improved by combining wound location stats for wounded soldiers.

Zhu Cilang took the report, looked at it carefully, and said: "Although we suffered heavy losses this time, we have also tried out the strength of Donglu. If we can improve our tactics, we must first offset Donglu's numerical advantage, but in terms of combat effectiveness, we are not Don't let the wind fall."

"Your Highness is right," Xiao Mo said, "Now the staff of the first battalion and the staff headquarters are summing up the tactical gains and losses of this battle, the last general can't say much, but this battle also shows that Donglu's tactics are still very simple, As long as our military is disciplined, their harassment tactics will be useless."

Although Zhu Cihong agreed, he still wanted to sound the alarm: "A large number of cavalry from Jiannu are still stationed in Beijing and Shanhaiguan. Even Ye Chen's troops who went to Shanxi led more cavalry than Bahana. It was an even formation, the [-]th headquarters was able to break through the Eastern Barbarian Front, but the [-]nd and [-]th headquarters fell into a stalemate with it, and in the end even fell short, which is also a manifestation of the decline in combat effectiveness after the expansion."

Xiao Mo lowered his head and said, "Your Highness is right. Although the headquarters of the [-] and [-] were built by veterans from the former guard battalion, the soldiers are not as well versed in the drills as the veterans."

"So we have to practice at the root," Zhu Cihong said, "the root is discipline! The soldiers of the Eastern Captives usually hunt and encircle, and fight in wartime. It seems that they have no practice, but in fact they practice every day. And they are brutal. , do not know the natural virtues, and have no compassion. Therefore, in terms of the strength of a single soldier, the people of China are hard to resist.

"Civilized people can defeat these barbaric orcs only by strict discipline and advanced weapons. In the final analysis, it is discipline! Back then, our army had red barbarian guns, tiger squats, and bird guns. What is the reason for slavery? It is difficult to defeat the Jiannu offensive because of lack of discipline."

"The final general will keep His Highness's teachings in mind!" Xiao Mo said with his head bowed.

"There is also the matter of expanding the army." Zhu Cihong said: "This time your troops have suffered the most casualties, and the 5000, [-], [-] soldiers from the headquarters will be recruited from the reserve battalion first. After Liu Zhong surrendered, he will bring more than [-] soldiers , I think it would be good to have [-] people to use. I plan to train five phalanx divisions with the [-] people, four of which will be added to the first battalion, and the first battalion will be promoted to the first guard division."

Xiao Mo was overjoyed, and tapped his feet together, saying: "The final general will live up to His Highness's expectations and train an iron army capable of conquering and fighting well!"

"From the time I beat you with the [-]th army stick that night, I knew you were a great general." Zhu Cihong said with a smile, "But I will not be able to promote you until the first division is formed and you show your achievements in battle."

"The late general understands!" Xiao Mo replied in a loud voice, his voice was full of joy.


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