golden scales

317 Kelu Fengshuang Dream Home

Four-wheel vehicles are an inevitable stage in the development of transportation. As the flattest continent in the world, Europa naturally has inherent advantages in developing four-wheel vehicle technology.However, with double the number of wheels, there is naturally double the bumps, so in ancient Europe, their chariots were still two-wheeled vehicles like the Chinese ones.

There are many mountains and hills in China, and the technology tree of four-wheeled vehicles obviously does not meet the needs of the ancients, so four-wheeled vehicles were only the hearses of the princes after death for a long time.Later, Taiping cars were used to pull goods, and there was no need to consider comfort issues like hearses, so there has been no special progress in steering and anti-bumping.

After Zhu Cihong exerted influence on the world, Tang Ruowang also popularized Western steering and shock absorber technologies in Daming.

After being able to turn smoothly and have a bow-shaped reed shock absorber, Shandong's four-** car was quickly accepted by the people.Coupled with a sufficient amount of high-quality tough steel, plus the meticulous management of mule and horse breeding, Shandong's transportation industry has made great progress.

Sitting in the carriage, Wang Yi carefully placed his body on the straw bales, and looked up at the ceiling made of bamboo poles.With the bumping of the carriage, the luggage on the ceiling made the bamboo pole creak and scream, as if it would break the bamboo pole at any moment and hit the heads of the passengers below.

But the other people in the car didn't have this kind of worry, and they were all in a daze or taking a nap, looking very calm.Everyone sat under a straw bag.This straw bag was not placed there by the car owner to take care of the passengers, but the accompanying goods. From the feeling, it seemed to be a soft object such as fur that was not afraid of being pressed.

It was the first time for Wang Yi to take this kind of car. After a brief surprise, he became a little puzzled: there were 14 passengers in the car, and if each person counted five cents, that would be sixty cents.It takes two days to travel from Dezhou to Shenzhou. After paying the feed for the animals and the wages of the driver, there may not be much money left.

"Won't the car and horse business lose money?" Wang Yi couldn't help asking Hu Er.

"No, you will lose money if you run empty carts." Hu Er is obviously very clear about these things: "These carriages are all used to pull goods. They used to pick up some people and goods here to earn some fodder money. The big money is pulling leather goods from Shulu.”

Wang Yi let out an oh, and immediately understood.Anyway, by the way, earning one is one, which means that someone has solved the material money in the past.These businessmen are really smart.While sighing, he secretly said: I went from home to the new barracks, and it has been less than three months now, but it seems like I have been isolated from the world for 300 years!The last time I passed by here with the army of rogues, there were still groups of thieves, starving everywhere, but now there are businessmen again.

Thinking of the army of rogues that he once lived with his father, Wang Yi felt a smile in his heart.He already knew that the army surrendered to the crown prince, turned into an official army of the Ming Dynasty, and got the designation of the Duli Guerrilla Battalion.Reminiscent of what he saw and heard when he was in the guerrilla camp, Luo Yukun might have secretly communicated with His Royal Highness the song style very early on.

——Luo Yukun is also really loyal, even Kong Sheng's family has copied it, no wonder His Royal Highness the Crown Prince believes in him.

Wang Yi thought to himself.However, he soon doubted whether Luo Yukun knew the background and status of Duke Yansheng's mansion, so this admiration disappeared in the jolt of the carriage.

The carriage stopped at the halfway station and the village, and changed horses twice.

The driver semi-openly sells private goods to the villagers along the way, earning some small money.

There are also villagers who take a horse-drawn carriage from this village to a nearby village, but the fare is a handful of grass, a handful of beans, a bowl of rice soup... the most expensive one is an egg. ——The man sat in the car for most of the day.Naturally, all these things fell into the pocket of the coachman, and there was no need to take a commission from the chariot and horse dealer.

Wang Yi changed seats with the person outside, and that person got his wish and sat in a good seat without the wind, with the corners of his mouth grinning to his ears.

Wang Yi turned his back to the carriage, looking at the autumn scenery slowly passing by outside, the smoke of people appeared in the distance, and the crops in the field looked much more energetic than what he had seen before!

In a daze, Wang Yi suddenly remembered what the training officer of the new barracks had said: Everyone has to eat food, where does the food come from?Planted in the ground!Only by keeping our land and our people can we live a good life of eating whatever we want!We fought desperately to fight and kill the enemy, isn't it so that we can have enough food, parents can have enough food, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren can have enough food?

——The land at home is enough for my father to eat and use, but I have to help Mr. Huang atone for my sins when I come to serve as a soldier.

Wang Yi reminded himself.

Somehow, the clouds in the sky are like dough in the hands of a fairy, changing and changing into the appearance of Senior Sister Huang.

He once wrote a letter to Mr. Huang, and greeted his wife and sister in a seemingly polite way, but he never received a reply from him, and he didn't know what was going on at home.

——Mr. Huang's family is a criminal officer, and I heard that life is very hard.However, since the senior sister has become a female official, the family should not be so distressed that they can't solve the problem.

Wang Yi was confused, he just looked up at the sky blankly, and soon found that there was someone else beside him.

Hu Er switched to Wang Yi's side, looked up for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "What's in the sky?"

Wang Yi smiled at him: "Is the blue sky and white clouds not enough?"

Hu Er muttered, and wanted to change in again, but the salesman who changed places with him pretended to be asleep, neither the jolting of the carriage nor Hu Er's pushing and shoving could wake him up.Hu Er had no choice but to become the door god with Wang Yi.When the sky gradually faded, the wind blew in a chilly way, which made Hu Er sneezed several times, and kept complaining to Wang Yi.

Finally, at the end of the night, the coachman exchanged a carload of people's excrement and urine for free accommodation, and the others curled up in the carriage and wood shed to make do for the night.

"Ma'am, my brothers and I have no place to spend the night, can it be convenient?" Wang Yi found a seemingly wealthy villager, knocked on the door, and showed his harmless smile: "We will definitely wake you up tomorrow morning." Water and firewood."

The aunt looked at the two strong boys, feeling timid in her heart.She doesn't mind helping others, since she and her wife are the only two people at home, so there is no shortage of space to make a shop.

But this year is too unstable, if you run into a thief...

"Ma'am, we are all soldiers of the crown prince, look at this sign!" Hu Er squeezed Wang Yi away, and took out the soldier card hanging around his neck: "Look, aunt, there is my number on it."

The Donggong army travels across states and counties. Not only do they have to pay for anything they buy, but they also have to give a soldier's badge, and ask the seller to record the soldier's number. In case of disputes, they can go directly to the camp to find someone.This seems to be a decree restricting military discipline, and at the same time it has given the East Palace Army a good reputation.Villages like this one located next to major traffic roads all know that as long as they see a soldier sign, they are the crown prince's men and horses, and they will never do bad things.

Sure enough, the wrinkles on the aunt's forehead quickly unfolded, and she invited the two strong men into the room, and took out the quilt for the two of them.Wang Yi didn't expect to be treated like this when he was a soldier. Compared with his days as a bandit, it's a world of difference.At that time, if you accidentally placed an order, you would be lucky not to be beaten to death by the villagers. How could anyone invite him into the house for the night?

"There's really nothing to eat at home..." The aunt said regretfully, "I still have half a bowl of millet, how about making some porridge for you?"

Wang Yi and Hu Er hurriedly thanked them, but they didn't have the entertainment they promised to the aunt. They took out the dry food they had prepared from their bags and ate it by themselves.

"Auntie, then you have no rice at home. In the days to come..." Wang Yi drank the water brought by the auntie, swallowed the dry food, and couldn't help worrying.

The aunt was not worried, and said with a hearty smile: "You can go to the village elder to receive rations with your household registration. This is really a blessing for Mr. Taiwei Xing. He was about to starve to death, but fortunately Mr. Taiwei Xing came! Now the village is supporting us for nothing, and my old man can do some carpentry, so we can live on."

"Yo? You know carpentry?" Hu Er's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Master, do you know how to make jujube balls?"

It took a long time for the uncle who had already passed out to say: "I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

Hu Er got excited, stepped forward and said: "Grandpa, I'll give you the size, and you can make two for me? It costs two yuan each!" The jujube pit ball is made of loose wood, and a jujube pit-shaped embryo is cut out. Grind it until it doesn't scratch your hands.As long as a carpenter has all the tools and materials, he can make a carpenter, even if he has never learned carpentry, it is not difficult to do it.

Two pennies can buy a big meat bun in the county town!

Naturally, the old man would not refuse this door-to-door business.

After dawn, Wang Yi and Hu Er fulfilled their promise to fill the old man with water and chop enough firewood.The old man also made three jujube core balls, and Hu Er was overjoyed and gave seven big coins.Because the two also drank the millet porridge cooked by the aunt.

"What is this jujube core ball for?"

In the car, Wang Yi asked Hu Erdao.

Hu Eryi slapped his forehead: "Yes! You should have been locked up by then."

The corner of Wang Yi's mouth twitched.

Hu Er was unconscious, and excitedly told Wang Yi about the ball game newly invented by the crown prince.From the rules to the tactics, and to all kinds of battle examples, the words are full of words.Wang Yi listened with gusto. For the first time, he found that Hu Er wasn't particularly nagging, and sometimes his words were quite interesting.

Not only Wang Yi was interesting to hear, but the people in the same car had also experienced the jujube ball game, and they all came together to discuss it.Immediately, the whole carriage became lively in an instant, and it felt like seeing each other late.

Wang Yi had never seen this kind of ball game before. He just listened to the excitement and saw the enthusiasm of the crowd, which aroused his curiosity. He made up his mind to experience this ball game when he arrived at the station.

"How often is this ball game?" Wang Yi asked.

"Regularly, it's once every ten days," Hu Er said with a smile, "there are people who play tricks every day."

every day?The soldiers of the first battalion of guards play ball games every day, don't they need to practice?Wang Yi was even more puzzled. (To be continued.)

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