golden scales

321 At this time, the sorrowful Huan Sima

The three of them talked in the small courtyard of King De's Mansion, and it was quickly summarized as a guiding spirit, which was conveyed to the editorial department of "Huangming Bulletin". .

As the tongue of Emperor Ming, this nascent newspaper not only has the power to republish the imperial decree, but also serves as a weathervane for the court today.Because there is a veteran official like Li Banghua at the helm, even if the officials of the Eastern Palace Clan remain silent, in the eyes of outsiders, the Eastern Linnan Party is at a disadvantage of being suppressed.

No one in the court will sympathize with the weak, as long as you stand firmly on the upper edge, there will be enough people to vote for you.As the saying goes, everyone has the icing on the cake, and there is nothing in the world to send charcoal in the snow.

Chongzhen originally thought that the "Emperor Ming Bulletin" was his son's seizure of power from the Secretary of the General Administration and his voice.Thinking about myself, I was almost emptied, and even the six departments fell, let alone a general administration department?Ask for the surname and acquiesce.Later, I saw "The Metropolitan Procuratorate Requests Li Huangming to Publish the Law Book", and realized that this kind of newspaper is not a document that conveys news like the Dibao, but a sharp weapon for competing for public opinion in the world.

With this understanding, Chongzhen naturally couldn't let it go. He immediately summoned Li Banghua to ring the alarm, and at the same time ordered his servant to submit it to the "Emperor Ming Bulletin".Later, I heard that someone in Jiangnan had also obtained the qualification to publish newspapers, so I asked my servant to send them along.Nowadays, there are three kinds of newspapers that are often used in imperial cases: "Huangming Bulletin", "Liudu Weekly", and "Quyuan Miscellaneous Tan".

Compared with the small family of "Liudu Weekly", Chongzhen still felt that "Huangming Bulletin" was the most appetizing, and even felt guilty for Li Banghua because of this, regretting that he did not call this capable minister into the cabinet sooner.

As for "Quyuan Miscellaneous Tan", there are no major national affairs in it, only stories from the market, new songs and fresh lyrics, which are purely for boredom.

"Ridiculous! How can such a thing appear on the national mansion newspaper openly!"

On the sixth day of November 17, Emperor Chongzhen read the "Huangming Bulletin" published today while eating breakfast, and was suddenly furious.

Empress Zhou, who had dinner together today, also put down the "Quyuan Miscellaneous Tan" in her hand, and took the "Huangming Bulletin" from the case table, wanting to see what treasonous thing happened that made the emperor so angry.

The thick and dark headline jumped into Zhou Hou's field of vision at once, and it was clearly printed: "The barbarian customs of the East will not change, uncles and nephews vie to marry Huang Taiji's widow".To the left of this title is a larger and thicker title: "The Ming Dynasty warns Erman, how can the human ethics be violated!" "

In this front-page newsletter, the story of Dorgon and Haoge's vying to marry Huang Taiji's puppet concubine Zhuang was roughly written, and at the same time, he stated his position: as a model of morality and rationality in the world, Nuer Gandu is the legal ruler Well, the Ming court will never recognize this [***] rebellious, outrageous behavior.Strongly urge Dorgon and Hauge to reflect on themselves and cut off this animal idea.

This manuscript was reviewed by Zhu Cihong himself, and even edited and edited by himself, adding a lot of Qing court stories: such as Daishan having an affair with the Fucha family, and giving his father Nurhachi a cuckold; Abahai had an affair and gave his Lao Tzu Huang Taiji a cuckold.

These things are not considered secrets within Jiannu, but the Han people don't know that's all.Although Zhu Cihong didn't know much about it, and there were some pornographic stories that were probably fabricated by later generations, the war of public opinion was not originally based on "truth" as a weapon.

Such a newsletter that the moralists couldn't look at directly would naturally annoy the Chongzhen Emperor, who had a serious literary and youthful spirit.

In particular, he regards the "Huang Ming Bulletin" as a variant of the Di Bao, and the appearance of this kind of text in a grand manner is simply an insult to the state.

Things that do not conform to the etiquette, you can't even look at them, you can't even listen to them, let alone talk about them and make them public?

"Let's pass on to Li Bang...wait, let's pass on to the crown prince!" Chongzhen was still angry.

Zhou Hou also couldn't bear to read, so he glanced at it and threw it aside, which was a bit of a blow.

Before Zhu Cihong greeted him in the morning, he had already had breakfast and dealt with many political affairs. Hearing the call from the emperor, he took a rest and took a walk, and went to the living hall.

Chongzhen didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "How can such words be recorded here!"

Zhou Hou also complained: "How many people get up early to read the newspaper, even in the harem, there are people who read it. Isn't it disgusting that you let people publish these things!"

"Father," Zhu Cihong was quite helpless, "it's nothing more than Donglu doing such beastly things outside the pass, but in my old capital of Shenjing, how can I sit idly by and ignore them? If they don't treat them as beasts The trip was announced to the world and expressed indignation, and in the future my dynasty will be regarded as indulgent by future generations."

Although he knew that the crown prince was always right and could be unreasonable and cunning, the dissatisfaction of the empress still dropped a lot.

"Is this true?" Chongzhen asked.

"This matter was spread from the capital to Jiangnan, and from Jiangnan to Shandong, and the whole world knows about it." Zhu Cihong confused the order of transmission, and said with an innocent face: "It is better for the country to tell the world than to let the people in the world talk nonsense. , to rectify human relations."

"I heard that the woman who is going to marry is the biological mother of Fulin, the puppet emperor of the Qing Dynasty, not the Huangtai Jizheng Palace. Could the empress dowager of the puppet palace be able to sit and watch?" Chongzhen paid great attention to legal system because of the complexity of titles involved. surname, so I didn't say much in the past, but now I am bombarded with such information, it is inevitable that I am a little abnormal.

"The false Empress Dowager of Qingzheng Palace is the aunt of this false Empress Dowager who is going to marry," Zhu Cihong said bluntly, "A aunt, nephew, colleague, and husband can do it, what else can't they do?"

Empress Zhou turned her face away, gently caressing her chest with one hand, feeling a little nauseous.

Chongzhen was also shocked when he heard the words, with a look of sadness on his face: "This kind of unethical wild species has actually occupied the land of my ancestors. How can I, I, I have the face to meet my second ancestor!"

"Father," Zhu Cihong also felt that he had overdosed the medicine, and quickly persuaded him, "After Shenjing has washed away the smell, it still does not lose the sacred place of the Chinese people. Isn't this what Emperor Taizu Gao did?"

Chongzhen knew that his son was comforting him.Taizu restored China from under the iron hooves of the Mongols, but he himself was the fugitive king who lost his ancestral temple. How can it be the same?However, he was unwilling to uncover such scars by himself, so he changed the subject by the way, and said, "How is the frontline fighting now? Winter is approaching, are the cold clothes ready for the soldiers?"

Zhu Cihong replied: "It was sent out last month."

In November during the Little Ice Age, if you don’t wear cold clothes, you will freeze to death even in Guangdong.

"When the spring begins, I'm afraid there will be another big war." Chongzhen made a strategic prediction, also reminding his son not to be careless.

"No." Zhu Cihong shook his head and said, "When spring begins, we will be busy with spring plowing, so we won't have time to fight."

Chongzhen was about to present arguments for his argument, but Zhu Cihong continued: "My ministers will send troops to attack them next month, after the Chinese New Year."

There was silence in the entire hall.

Zhou Hou saw that the father and son were discussing military affairs, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.But these days the emperor's authority gradually dissipated, and she also wanted to know more about the world's major events, so she just sat there and didn't leave.

"The Yellow River will freeze solidly next month," Zhu Cihong said, "and the people's food reserves will gradually run out. Logically, it is impossible to fight a war." He first gagged the emperor's mouth to prevent Emperor Wenqing from being exposed again. Strategic ignorance.

"However, our army has logistical support and does not need to collect food from the local area, so there is an advantage in marching that cannot be compared with the rebellion against the Qing captives." Zhu Cihong said: "Besides, fighting in winter means supplying logistics, otherwise it is easy to cause non-combat attrition— —that is, the soldiers died of freezing and starvation. Coupled with the freezing weather, drought and no rain, it is a good time for our army's firearms to flourish."

"The weather, people and harmony are all in my hands. If I don't take advantage of the winter to beat them up, it will only affect the spring plowing after the beginning of spring." Zhu Cihong concluded.

The launch of the winter offensive was first proposed by the General Staff, and it seemed to touch Zhu Cihong's heart.

Today, the output of artillery has reached the shocking Nissan ten, and the first pass rate has reached an unbelievable 90.00%.The daily production capacity of flintlock guns has also reached 120, which can stably provide [-] assembled troops per month.On the contrary, Xiao Tugeng's firearms unit was too small, and the personnel training could not keep up.

It's just one and a half provinces of Ming Dynasty, and the war potential that erupted is enough to make people tremble, not to mention that now that Zhu Cihong is at the helm, the entire North China has already embarked on the high-speed channel of war.

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