golden scales

429 Issue Rewarding Mingjun with Loyalty

According to Zhu Cihong's original intention, the bigger the battle, the more he must appear on the battlefield, because the status of the crown prince itself can effectively boost morale.And when you really reach the commander-in-chief level, it is not necessary to suck the sores for the soldiers like Wu Qi, but you must always let the soldiers see themselves, and see that the commander is indeed fighting with him in the front, rather than hiding behind and having a good time.

The cumulative effect is the influence on the army.

The Battle of Tianjin was Zhu Cihong's gamble.According to the standard of a prodigal loser with a small gamble and a big gamble, this battle should be considered more than a small gamble and not enough for a big gamble.If they win, the Qing army will retreat to the outside of the customs at a faster rate, and may even voluntarily abandon Beijing; if they lose, the Ming army can only retreat to the Zhencang line of defense, and the Guangfu area will fall again.And because of the vitality damage suffered in this battle, it may cause Zhencang's defense line to be unstable.

Under such circumstances, something happened in the south!The timing was really well grasped.

Zhu Cihong couldn't rule out the possibility of accidentally bumping into each other, but if it was arranged by someone, then either this person had a collusion with the Qing court, or he had an eye and ear in the Qing court, and the status of this ear was not inferior to that of Song Hongye.

In order to fight the Battle of Tianjin, one of three members of the inspection department of each county in eastern Shandong was selected, and one of five members of the inspection department of Luxi and Henan was selected to recruit strong men and assign hard labor to form a rear defense division of 2 people.Chen Yongfu served as the commander of this division, responsible for ensuring the safety of the grain road from Cangzhou to Tianjin.

In addition to this unit, recruit battalions from all over the country assembled as quickly as possible and reorganized into a reserve division, with Min Zhanlian as the division commander. A total of 3 people went to the Zhencang line to fill the gap between the second division and the first division.

After the Battle of Tanghe, the Mongolian general Daisen Dari and other tribal leaders had to choose between being annihilated or surrendering.And this choice is not difficult, so the first division captured nearly [-] war horses and pack horses.

These Mongolian horses are the most popular horse breed in the army, but the Phalanx charge of the cavalry battalion requires high training of horses, and they cannot form a combat force for a while.Only a dozen or so good horses that hadn't been fanned were selected to go back as stallions.

With a swipe of the pen, Zhu Cihong left [-] horses for Xiao Mo to form a divisional cavalry division, sent [-] horses to Xiao Donglou, and sent the rest of the horses and the Mongols who sincerely surrendered to Xiao Tugeng's firearms battalion.

Xiao Tugeng was beaten dizzy by the meat buns falling from the sky.Too happy to find North!

What the firearms battalion lacked most was animal power.

Not only does it require a lot of animal power to transport cannons, but even humans need animal power to travel.

At the beginning of the selection of soldiers, the Firearms Battalion did not require running speed and endurance, and gave priority to recruits with a firm mind and good memory.Moreover, when all battalions have proposed higher physical fitness standards for this part, the firearms battalion still meets the old Donggong standard, focusing on training firearm loading speed and aiming skills.

Therefore, once the Firearms Battalion cooperates with other battalions to fight.The speed at which the troop marched was really...unfortunate.

"We are given so many horses so that we can run! Starting today, we will learn riding skills while marching! All those who can ride horses will be included in the cavalry bureau!" Xiao Tugeng was cruel.

Under the guidance of Mongolian herdsmen, it is not too difficult to learn to ride a horse. The main thing is to be able to easily maintain coordination with the horse and run long distances.And it depends on talent and savvy.Mongols get on horseback at the age of three or four. To them, it is no different from breathing and sleeping, so naturally they can't point out one, two, three.

Even so, the firearms battalion with horsepower finally got rid of the tortoise hat and rushed towards Tianjin to help.

In addition, Zhu Cihong also launched the "I, Wang Shi, and I Conquer the Tartars" activities in village schools and Li schools in various places.During the activity, each student must use his own strength to contribute to the frontline soldiers.The most common is to work for military families.The second is to donate money and materials. No matter how bad it is, you can write some gratitude articles and poems to the frontline soldiers... The main purpose is to combine the rear and the frontline, so that the people and the soldiers know that they are one with each other.

"Students who performed outstandingly in the activity will be given a red scarf, a belt, and a sword. They will be called the 'Young Pioneers'. The village school physical education teacher will serve as the general captain, the natural teacher will be the chief of staff, and the liberal arts teacher will be the discipline officer. This team practiced for half an hour every morning. Team members who were over four feet tall were instructed to learn firearms." Zhu Cihong still remembered the first time he wore a red scarf in his previous life, but he really couldn't understand how it was just a decoration. Other students are different.

Now that he has authority in his hands, no one will make irresponsible remarks about Scout, of course it can be at the lowest level.Start with dolls.Two or three years later, these young pioneers will be an excellent source of soldiers with a little training.

Everything is under control, except for the south.

It was Zuo Liangyu's sudden action that brought Zhu Cihong's plan to rush to Tianjin to an abrupt end.

The bigger trouble was that Zhu Cihong could no longer squeeze any troops to contain Zuo Liangyu.

Unless the military town under the command of Fengyang Governor Ma Shiying is used.

Gao Jie died, Liu Zeqing fled alone, and now I don't know who to send him under.Liu Liangzuo is in Shouzhou, and Huang Degong is in Luzhou. These two towns can be used, but I don't know if they will obediently obey the imperial court's orders.What Zhu Cihong hates the most now are the rumors that he imprisoned the emperor, making something so complicated even though it is so simple.

Moreover, there is no way to explain this matter. Even His Majesty the Emperor himself came out to refute the rumors, and it was said that the Crown Prince was coercing the Son of Heaven to order the world.

——If it doesn’t work, let Huang Degong do it.

Zhu Cihong had a candidate in mind.Huang Degong is a rough man. When he was a child, he stole the wine brewed by his mother and was scolded by his mother.Later, when the Liaodong war broke out, he was caught in the ranks with a knife in his hand, beheaded two heads, and received 50 taels of silver as a reward. He went home and said to his mother, "This is to pay you back for your wine." In the eyes of scholars, it is "unfilial", which means caring about mothers.

Because he was accustomed to using an iron whip, he would charge forward in every battle, and the army called him "Huang Chuangzi".

This person was plotted against by Gao Jie in the original historical time and space, and all three hundred riders around him were killed, and he almost died too.Therefore, he went to the imperial court to fight Gao Jie to the death. After Shi Kefa persuaded him several times, he persuaded him to come down.It can be seen from this that Huang Degong is also able to endure humiliation and self-sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation of the world.

It can be said that among the four towns, only Huang Degong is considered a loyal general.

"Now that Huang Degong is stationing troops in Luzhou and Tongcheng, he can be ordered to go straight to Jiujiang. The left army is not allowed to go east." Zhu Cihong also has a lot of trust in Huang Degong's combat effectiveness.In the original historical script, Zuo Jun was defeated by Huang Degong.

You Shiwei and others also believed that such an arrangement was quite feasible. Although Huang Degong was not as good as Zuo Zhen, he could attack and defend, and the disadvantage of numbers could be made up by the city defense.Take a step back.As long as Huang Degong resists and holds Zuo Liangyu, it doesn't matter even if he loses Nanjing.

What Zhu Cihong was really worried about was the loss of Xuzhou.

Xuzhou has a wealth of water power that can be used, and it is also a coal and iron producing area, a transportation hub, and a local important town... Now it is Zhu Cihong's metallurgy and cannon casting center.If Xuzhou loses.The entire war capability will drop a lot.

Fortunately, at most two months, as long as the left army can't hit Xuzhou in two months, the main force of the East Palace can go south to deal with them.

"I will order the military command department to draft an order and convey it to the military department." You Shiwei said.

Now there are two kinds of "officers and soldiers" in Ming Dynasty, one is to obey the military orders of the Ministry of Military Command, and the other is to obey the cultural transfer of the Ministry of War.The former is naturally the direct descendant of the Eastern Palace.The latter is a Ming veteran.

"After the communication, the General Staff Headquarters will also go to the front line, and Cangzhou will set up a Xingyuan." Zhu Cihong said: "I'll wait until I have an idea here."

You Shiwei led the way out.

Emperor Chongzhen was also very concerned about the accidents that happened in the heart of the south of the Yangtze River, even more than the Tianjin campaign in the north.His focus is on Nanjing, which has been one of the capitals of the Ming Dynasty since Hongwu established the capital.Moreover, the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Gao is still in Nanjing, in case it is collided by rebels.Could it be that the descendants are unfilial!

Although Chongzhen had already made plans to let the crown prince supervise the country, he would neither abdicate nor take power, but if Nanjing was lost again, he could be regarded as the emperor who lost the capital twice.

Zhu Cihong was summoned by Chongzhen every day to inquire about the behavior of the Zuo army, and the imperial court's countermeasures could be regarded as extraordinarily patient.However, he also took this opportunity to explain to his two younger brothers what military affairs are.King Ding and King Yong also learned to read maps through this incident.

"Your Highness, someone outside claims to be the envoy of Governor Yuan Jixian and asks for an audience." On November 18, [-]th year of Chongzhen, the guard reported early in the morning that someone had come to see him.

Zhu Cihong saw that he was Yuan Jixian's envoy.Of course, it was related to Zuo Liangyu's matter, so I announced it immediately.Unexpectedly, the one who came in was a Taoist man wearing a red Taoist robe.When the Taoist saw Zhu Cihong, he slapped him in a big way, and reported to himself: "Fu Zhenshan, a small Taoist, was entrusted by Governor Yuan. I will report the south affairs to His Highness."

Immediately, Zhu Cilang became more curious about Fu Shan than Zuo Liangyu, and asked, "Are you Shanxi Fu Shan?"

"It's the trail." Fu Shan gave another salute respectfully.

Zhu Cihong stepped down from the throne, invited Fu Shan to take his seat, and had a discussion with him face to face: "I thought that Mr. Shanxi is a hermit, why did you come from the south?"

"Xiao Dao did practice in Shanxi before, and was recruited by Governor Yuan's handwritten letter. Jia Jiajia agreed to go to Jiangxi to buy some alchemy utensils, and then stayed in Yuan Governor's shogunate to praise the paintings." Fu Shan said not in a hurry. Not slowing down, but in my heart I was wondering why such a high ranking figure as the crown prince would pay attention to him.

At this time, Fu Shan's medical skills have not yet been mastered, and he does not have the title of medical saint; he has just begun to learn swordsmanship, and such fine dust skills are nothing more than self-defense for walking in the rivers and lakes, let alone being able to reach heaven; as for calligraphy and painting, at this time Although he has a slight reputation, he is not outstanding among a large number of calligraphers and painters in the Ming Dynasty, and he has to wait for later generations to praise him before he can ascend to the altar.

Therefore, Fu Shan's real fame was nothing more than complaining for Yuan Jixian.Since then, Fu Shan has been indifferent to fame and fame, and has not participated in the imperial examination until Chongzhen entered Li Jiantai's shogunate in 16 years, hoping to help the university scholar pacify Shanxi from the bandits.

Fu Shan thought about it, and only these two things could make the crown prince remember him.The former had to be transferred through Wu Xin, because Wu Zhen was the governor of Shanxi at that time, and he was very helpful in rescuing Yuan Jixian.The latter is because the crown prince was in Shanxi at that time, and he probably heard his name from his classmates in the academy.

Who would have thought that he would be portrayed as an omnipotent god-man by later generations!

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