golden scales

Chapter 505 Xuanwei Budemin Joy

After Zhu Cihong finished writing the word "Zong", sweating slightly, he put down the brush and folded the paper, and asked the servant to put it in the wastebasket.This habit has existed since ancient times, not because of the expensive paper, but because of the awe of culture.After a certain amount has been collected, these writing papers will be respectfully burned in the courtyard, which can be regarded as clean in quality.

Nowadays, the paper-making workshops in Daming are not enough to provide enough paper for work, writing with a brush is almost a luxury, and only the final and preserved documents are written with good paper and brushes.In the usual workflow, you can use a sand table to use a sand table, and if you can’t use a sand table, use a blackboard chalk pen. If you must write on paper, you can also use a charcoal pen. After writing a line, you can write another line with a brush.

Zhu Cihong mobilized his subordinates to collect old paper and recycle the calligraphy paper that was supposed to be incinerated.Due to technical problems, this indigenous recycled paper is inconvenient to use for writing, but it can solve personal hygiene problems, and it can also be regarded as waste utilization.

The servant took the waste paper, didn't dare to look at it, sent it directly to Lu Suyao, and put it in the wastebasket.In the imperial palace, there is a separate Department of Treasures and Banknotes, which is specially responsible for handling the writing paper with the imperial pen—and the quasi-imperial pen, the writing paper of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Lu Suyao disposed of the waste paper and reported, "Your Highness, Li Mingrui has arrived."

"Invite him to come in." Zhu Cihong picked up the tea mug, took a big sip, and felt a lot of satisfaction in his chest.

Li Mingrui was wearing a public uniform, and on his chest was the Xiezhi Buzi, which symbolized justice and strictness.With the wind under his feet, he almost ran into Zhu Cihong's study room.Before Lu Suyao came to the door, Li Mingrui quickly bowed and bowed, saying that he had seen it, and immediately said: "Why does your Highness decide the law according to the person?"

Xie, Xingye, is flat like water, so he follows the water; Xie Zhi, who sees people who are not straight, touches each other with his horns, so he goes away from the water.

The ancient man-made word "灋" has already covered the basic understanding of the law: fairness and justice.

In Li Mingrui's view.Legislating separately for soldiers and ordinary people undoubtedly divides people into two categories. Different law enforcement means different social status.Judging from the current military law.Soldiers are taller than civilians.For example, soldiers are strictly prohibited from extorting confessions by torture, they are not allowed to kneel during interrogation, and as long as they attack later, it is self-defense.

"Especially the law of interrogation, the judiciary at all levels is not allowed to intervene, and only the military handles it. Isn't this ad hoc for the disadvantages of love?" Li Mingrui did not come to the crown prince to discuss the philosophy of law, but to actually point to the executioner in Zhangjiakou : Zhou Yuji.

Zhou Yuji's deeds in Zhangjiakou, Zhu Cihong and Chongzhen were overjoyed; Southern merchants were delighted to hear about it, they rushed to Zhangjiakou to share a sip of soup, and wantonly occupied the market share of Western merchants, especially the three livelihood areas of salt, iron and grain.It can be said that Zhu Cihong ate meat.The soup and bones were all cleaned up by those Zhejiang and Huizhou merchants, and there was absolutely no waste.However, the Huizhou and Zhejiang Merchants Gang, because they had supported Shandong, felt that they had made great contributions to the dragon, and they lived with peace of mind.

The most unhappy ones are Shanxi merchants.

The Shanxi Merchants are not only the Eight Great Masters in Zhangjiakou, in fact the Shanxi Merchants in Zhangjiakou are just a branch of the Shanxi Merchants Gang.Undertake inside and outside the pass.After they fall, Shanxi merchants will of course suffer as a whole, and naturally they will launch a counterattack in North Korea-China relations.They have nothing to do with the emperor and crown prince, but they are confident that they can kill Zhou Yuji.As long as Zhou Yuji died tragically, who would dare to be the executioner for the Zhu family in the future?

According to common sense, the emperor will intentionally or unintentionally launch a scapegoat to save the handsome man after losing his car.In the end, the situation calmed down, and the emperor was still wise and powerful. It was just the guy who "can't do things" who was unlucky.

Li Mingrui may not have been bribed, but someone must have whispered in his ears that Zhou Yuji's incident was a serious breach of the "rule of law of the Ming Dynasty".Although Li Mingrui is not stupid, he is obsessed with the field in front of him after all, and can only look at the problem from the perspective of Dali Siqing.It is impossible to see through the turbulence and treachery of the people's hearts in this political situation.

"The change of the ancestral system has to be done step by step." Zhu Cihong didn't know what the Shanxi merchants were doing later, but also knew that Li Mingrui would never be bribed, otherwise Dongchang would have reported it long ago.

"Your Highness, there is Zhou Yuji's case now. It is a good time to change the system." Li Mingrui thought that Zhu Cihong had other concerns, so he said.

"Do you know why the Taizu made it so that military households who violate the law can only be tried by the guards and the capital, not under the jurisdiction of the prefecture?" Zhu Cihong asked.

In fact, not only the military households, but also the civilian households and artisan households living on the land of the guards, their jurisdiction also belonged to the capital of the guards and were not managed by the prefecture or county.

"At the beginning of the country, it was nothing more than raising an army of millions. However, the guard house has already existed in name only, so why should your Highness still stick to it?" Li Mingrui asked puzzled.

"It's not just for raising the army." Zhu Cihong shook his head and said, "Because the military has its own structure. In ordinary places, the common people can reason with the government, and they can even appeal to the government. Is it possible in the army? In the place of the dead, they wait day and night, licking blood from the knife head. How can people who have never joined the army understand the feeling?"

Zhu Cihong said again: "What's more, there are other laws in the army. If the army is governed by civil law, it will be too strict; if the military law is used to govern the people, it will be too strict. For example, in the army, firearms are not repaired, and knives and guns are corroded. These are crimes that must be punished. How to communicate with the people? Could it be that the peasants’ hoes are rusted, and they are also caught and beaten?”

Li Mingrui frowned, and also felt that military law had nothing to do with civil law in some regulations, and some were stricter than civil law. ".If he is sentenced in Dali Temple, he must be charged with killing innocent people!

But he never thought about it, Zhu Cihong wholeheartedly wanted to let the soldiers have dignity and know honor and disgrace, so how could it be possible for civilian officials to override military officials?Those military generals of the first and second ranks will kneel when they see the civil servants of the fifth and sixth ranks. Who in such a perverted society is willing to throw their heads and blood to defend their homes and the country!

"Let's talk about Zhou Yuji's case, I think the verdict is good." Zhu Cilang paused: "Zhangjiakou has not yet been recovered, so it is only natural to deal with some spies who belonged to the thieves. If there is a judicial department there, Zhou Yuji can't act recklessly. But since he captured it In enemy-occupied areas, it is also our duty to eliminate spies and exterminate enemy bandits. Don’t get entangled in this.”

Li Mingrui's lips parted, and when he was about to defend himself, Zhu Cihong suddenly said, "By the way, how is the system of keeping relatives secret?"

Li Mingrui had no choice but to be diverted from the topic by the crown prince: "Our department discusses: within the five servers, all should be hidden; outside the five servers, only teachers and students can hide."

Confucius said: "The father hides from the son, and the son hides from the father. This is right in it." Since the Tang Dynasty, "Kindlings must hide each other" has officially become an important judicial principle, written in the law.What seems to be a "crime of harboring" in later generations is a natural "straightness" in a society of etiquette and law.

If the son denounces the father, he may also bear a more serious crime than the father's crime.For example, if the father steals, he will be sentenced to one year in prison; if the son tells the story, it will violate human relations and he will be sentenced to exile for three thousand miles.

In the Ming Law, there are naturally relevant regulations, but in judicial practice, it is somewhat vague.For example, during the time of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the humble children who hid their elders did not bear criminal responsibility;In the Tang law, there are also ten heinous crimes such as treason, treason, and treason, which do not apply the article of "concealment between relatives".

"Wouldn't the five clothes be hidden too widely?" Zhu Cihong asked.

The five clothes here refer to the fifth-class mourning clothes, which is also a sign to distinguish the distance of kinship.The most important thing is to chop off, which is made of the thickest raw hemp cloth, and the broken part is exposed without showing the edge, which means that there is no embellishment to express sorrow. The service period is three years, and it is served by close relatives.Then there are Qi Decline, Great Gong, Minor Gong, and Su Ma, which decrease in turn, which means that the relationship between relatives is gradually weakening.That is to say, in today's era, the relatives of the fifth generation ancestors still wear plain clothes and wrap their heads with a ruler cloth, but the relatives of the sixth generation ancestors have no clothes.

Therefore, "The Book of Rites? The Great Biography" says: "The fourth generation will sacrifice, and the obedience will be poor. The fifth generation will be spared, and the same surname will be killed. The sixth generation will exhaust all relatives."

These descriptions in the copy are often a headache to read, but when something really happens, the people are very clear, and if someone wears the wrong clothes, they will be laughed at by the neighbors.Li Mingrui adopted the "five clothes" theory, and with the help of this profound custom and tradition, he easily resolved the definitions of close relatives and interested parties in the civil law.

"There are other differences, and I should write an article to advance." Li Mingrui just said roughly: "The death penalty is only within the scope of Qi Shuai, and the ten heinous crimes are only beheading. Crimes between relatives, crimes committed by the humble and the elders, should not be used as a crime." Hiding from each other; others can be hidden for close relatives, but not for distant relatives."

"Can you conceal your innocence even if you rebel?" Zhu Cihong frowned.

"If the ten heinous crimes are reported, the main crime can be reduced; if the relationship is concealed, it is not a crime." Li Mingrui said: "It is because the relationship between heaven and earth does not suppress human relations."

Parents and children are a family relationship, and monarchs and ministers are just human relations. In the eyes of Ming people, the back door patch that Tang law opened for the heinous crimes is purely a violation of family relations by human relations, which is indecent.

Zhu Cihong didn't argue much, and said: "The law of implicated companies can be abolished, but how to deal with property issues?"

The result of concealment of relatives is the complete abolition of cool laws such as Zhulian and Yizu.Zhu Cihong didn't care about killing fewer people. The key issue was how to confiscate criminal property.Like Li Sancai, on the one hand he was an upright official and scolded the emperor, and on the other hand his son amassed millions of fortunes, Zhu Cihong was not willing to let this kind of person go anyway.

"If the family is separated and the property is divided, each will be judged; if there is no separation, it will be regarded as its private property." Li Mingrui's voice gradually lowered, obviously lacking confidence.

"A person who commits a crime should be fined 3000 taels. If his father is still alive, how can he get the family property to be punished?" Zhu Cihong asked.

If the immediate elder is alive, the children cannot have property under their name, the most is the private money saved by the bank.If the children dared to talk about dividing the family and property while their parents were alive, they would be punished by the government directly, and their parents would not have to sue them for disobedience.

Li Mingrui's problem lies here. If he is not implicated, there will be a big loophole in the enforcement of fines.

"I'll give you an idea, you go back and discuss it." Zhu Cihong said: "There are unlimited joint and several liabilities in civil and commercial law, so what if the law of beheading is introduced."


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