golden scales

515 Banner Ten Thousand Slashing Yama

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is leading troops to the south, it will be too late if we don't do anything!" An anxious voice echoed in the empty crypt.

"Is the news conclusive?" asked another.

"Why is it not conclusive? I have seen the real person! It's just that they are a little far away, and I can't see the eyebrows clearly."

"I'm asking about leading the soldiers. Which soldiers did you bring? How many did you bring? Are there any artillery pieces? Have you checked all these out?"

"Where can we inquire so much! But someone has seen the double-winged flying tiger flag and the banner of the Tank Division, so it should be the First Guard Division."

"This is troublesome..." The calm voice just now was quite depressed: "They beat Chuang Wang and Donglu very fiercely. We don't even have a club in our hands. How can we fight them?"

"Why don't we file a complaint?" A timid voice intervened: "I heard that Li Chuang and the bandits didn't kill anyone who was willing to surrender. Besides, we haven't rebelled yet."

"Complain? The crown prince is wise, but what about the dog officials around him? Can you see the crown prince? Which of those dog officials has hundreds of servants in their homes? Who will give us justice when the officials protect each other?" Before The anxious voice became more and more anxious.

"It's reasonable for you to say that, but we can't file a complaint or rebel, so we'll just hide in this cave for the rest of our lives?" The timid voice gradually gained confidence, and said again: "Now there are many people looking for us outside, and they have been arrested. But it would be dead."

"Those dog legs! Sooner or later they will be skinned and their flesh eaten!" the man spat bitterly.

"Are you against it?" The calm person before suddenly shouted: "Brothers, are you against it!"

The cave magnified his voice countless times, asking over and over again: "Would you say no! No! No! No!..."

"If you die, you will die even worse! Brother, let's rebel!"

"Brother, you can't go against it. Once you go against it, there is no turning back! Let's file a complaint first! Those killings don't follow the court's law, so they don't want to die!"

"Big brother!"

There was a sudden silence in the cave.

The man who was regarded as the eldest brother by everyone wanted to glance at the brothers around him, but there was darkness in front of him.Only hazy figures.But he was very bright in his heart. There are 36 people here, all of whom are servants of rich families, and they are beaten and scolded on weekdays.Children and grandchildren can only become pariahs, not allowed to take imperial examinations, allowed to be beaten and scolded by others, and treated like cows and horses.

"It's the other way around!" The man stood up and let out an angry howl, but there was no sound from below, even the one who yelled the loudest just now was frightened.

"The emperor's family has settled in Beijing again, and they have gone out of the customs. If they don't turn against it now, will they be slaves for thousands of years! When there is still a wheel master in the world, do we want to be slaves and slaves to rest with the world!" The man He raised his arms and shouted: "Fuck you! Brothers. Let's ask for the bond, and we will never be slaves again!"

"Reverse! Reverse! No more slaves!"


In the twelfth lunar month of the 19th year of Chongzhen, Zhu Cihuang drove to Fengyang, the central capital, and worshiped the imperial mausoleum accompanied by Yuan Jixian, the governor of Fengyang, and local officials.The burial place here is for the great-grandparents—Emperor Injo Chun, the empress, and his brother-in-law and family.

At the time of the earliest burial, only Taizu and his second brother were left in the family.Taizu was only about ten years old, and he was unable to buy a coffin, so he had to dress the concubine in old clothes, wrap her in a quilt, and dig a three-foot shallow pit for a hasty burial.Later, Taizu led the army, and then the mountain mausoleum was rebuilt.After conquering the world, and then building the central capital, and finally creating the scale it is today.

Zhu Cihong walked around the entire imperial tomb.Carefully examine the restoration of the cemetery.Yuan Jixian and Fu Shan are on the left, Min Ziruo and Xiao Mo are on the right, like a formation of wild geese.

Yuan Jixian had already repaired the imperial mausoleum once after he took office, and this time he heard that the crown prince was coming, so he took the time to check it twice, and there was nothing Zhu Cihong could criticize.

After Zhu Cihong made a circle.Back in the stele pavilion at the southern end of Shinto, I stood in front of "The Stele of the Great Ming Emperor's Mausoleum" again, and read the inscription written by Emperor Taizu Gao himself.Judging from the diction, Taizu had already read some books at this time, and wrote in parallel prose throughout.The words are straightforward, without embellishments, and they do not shy away from the poverty and embarrassment of their own family back then.

"There are not many words left by Emperor Taizu Gao, and this one is the best." Zhu Cihong stretched out his hand to caress the edge of the stele, and read: "'The inscriptions on the imperial mausoleum are all whitewashed by Confucian officials'... These words are not in the text, but It affirms a truth: Seek truth from facts. At the beginning of a country’s corruption, there is always whitewashing. The more whitewashing, the bigger the problem. It’s like a person who has mange and doesn’t seek treatment, but paints up the disease and avoids treatment. In the end, it’s only myself who suffers.”

"What Your Highness said is true. If all the shepherds and guards in the world can 'don't hide their mistakes, don't be self-confident', what difficult things can't be solved?" Yuan Jixian responded.

After Zuo Liangyu died of illness, Yuan Jixian successfully led Zuo Menggeng back to the right path - he wanted the imperial court to grant him a patent.Of course the imperial court would not refuse to grant it, but once Zuo Liangyu took this imperial seal, it would be concluded that he was born as a man of Huang Ming, and died as a person of Huang Ming.When his subordinates saw him, they naturally knew that Zuo Menggeng did not have the ability and courage to stand up for his father, and had already bowed his knee to the court.

In this way, the left army no longer has the possibility of attacking eastward.Ma Shixiu refused to use boats to cross the river when Zuo Liangyu was alive, not to mention Zuo Liangyu died, and Zuo Menggeng asked the court for his favor.

Judging from the above, Yuan Jixian really entered the tiger's den alone at that time, and he did a good job of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

With this credit, Zhu Cihong also planned to make great use of Yuan Jixian, but he couldn't find a suitable position for the time being, so he put it in Fengyang.

The two were talking, but Lu Suyao received an urgent report.She opened it and glanced at it, knowing that it was a serious matter, she hurriedly sent it to Zhu Cihong.

Zhu Cilang took the bulletin, read it expressionlessly, and handed it to Yuan Jixian.

After Yuan Jixian saw it, his face was pale and bloodless, and he said bitterly: "Your Highness, is this... sent back to the Beijing Ministry for discussion?"

"Send Beijing to know, so the discussion will be avoided. Since I am here, let's settle it on the spot." Zhu Cihong didn't think it was a big deal, but he was unhappy: "I think this matter is mostly 'officials forcing people to rebel' ! This county magistrate of Yi County is a villain who can only 'whitewash', even the incident is so big that it can't be covered up, and it's still whitewashing!"

Fu Shan didn't know what happened, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of Xiao Mo's bright eyes, looking eager to try, so he knew it was not a good thing.Hearing the crown prince say "officials forced the people to rebel" and "Yi county magistrate", his heart trembled, and he thought to himself: Don't be another people's rebellion!

Unfortunately, Fu Shan guessed correctly, and Zhu Cihong got the report of the slave rebellion in Yi County, Huizhou Prefecture.

As the saying goes, if you have too many lice, you will not itch, and if you have too many debts, you will not worry.Because Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong made too much trouble, and there were also internal invaders from the East, who attacked the city and seized the land, and plundered the people... people think that the world is just three major events: rebellion, sacrificing thieves, and eastern captives.

Actually it is not.

Ten years after Chongzhen, the south is also full of disasters.Jiangxi, Huguang, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Nanzhi, Fujian, which provinces have no rioters and bandits?It's just because the momentum is not big, the scale is only tens of thousands of people, which is not worth mentioning compared with the hundreds of thousands of Chuang, Xian, and captives, so they were ignored.

This time, the enslavement change in Yi County was only made after the defeat of the "Three Thieves", so that it was able to reach Tianting directly and reach Zhu Cihong.

In this circular, the county magistrate of Yi County only emphasized how these "rebellious servants" insulted their masters, plundered their wealth, and demanded slave bonds.

"The landowner doesn't care about his virtue..." Zhu Cihong pointed to the words on the tablet: "It is precisely because he has no virtue and ignores it that the emperor Gao came to Linhao. The local officials are mediocre and incompetent, and the master does not know virtue. Is this going to force the Ming dynasty to change? Xiao Mo, send someone to Yi County...Wait a minute, what is the role of that Wang Yi who fought the Battle of Tanghe now?"

Xiao Mo didn't expect that Zhu Cihong still remembered a little Baizong, and he was surprised and quickly said: "Wang Yi is still in the Tank Division, and now he is the deputy commander, with the rank of captain."

"Who is the commander of the tank?" Zhu Cihong asked, "Or Liu Laosi?"


Zhu Cihong laughed and said: "It's been so long that he hasn't been able to train a successor, it's Liu Lao Si's incompetence. This time I appointed Wang Yi's general, and asked him to take the troops from the headquarters to escort Feng Yuanhui to Yi County to resolve this slave change."

Feng Yuanhui did not accompany the driver at the moment, but supervised the implementation of the "Clan Law (Draft)" from behind.After being dispatched by the crown prince, he hurried on the starry night to Fengyang to join Wang Yi's department.He was still thinking on the way, this really is the first thing to do if he is close to the water. If he stayed in the capital, such a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds would be gone.

As a broken-boot gangster who has been in the arena for a long time, Feng Yuanhui has no worries about his eradication of slavery.He has long heard that the people in Huizhou are tough, and the people don't study, and most of them get rich through business.After getting rich, it is natural to raise servants and servants.And these people actually got rich overnight, without the background of the Shili family, raising servants is like getting crowned with monkeys, and they don't treat these servants as human beings at all.

If it is true that slavery is prevalent, Jiangnan and Zhejiang are the first.One is that there are many meritorious families, the second is that there are many official families, and the third is that there are many wealthy families... Why is there no slave change there, but Huizhou slave change?Doesn't this just show that Huizhou merchants don't know how to behave!

Feng Yuanhui thought so in his heart, but he didn't hate those Huizhou merchants for abusing their slaves, he was just happy that he got such a chance to make his mark.

But he didn't know that as early as the seventh year of Chongzhen, there had been a slave rebellion in Tongcheng under the banner of "enforcing the law on behalf of the emperor", and it was later suppressed by the local government.

More than ten years have passed, and the survivors of the slave rebellion are still in their prime, not yet old. When they heard about the slave rebellion in Yi County, they lamented that their slave status cannot be revoked, and there are more than one hundred thousand people in the world who suffer together!

As the saying goes, once again, they called on old people, contacted the township party, split their clothes into banners, and cut off their tips into blades. They went to the master's house to ask for a body deed, and those who refused to give it would be killed in public.If there are slaves who do not want to leave the master's house, all the slaves will also kill them and dismember them to vent their hatred.

This wind is not limited to the changes in Tongcheng. From Yixian to the east, the suffering slaves in Nanzhi and Zhejiang are disturbed to revolt one after another;

In the 20th year of Chongzhen, he came down quietly amidst this chaos.


Tsk tsk, after only sleeping for a while, the great gods worked hard and left Xiaotang behind... Please support me with monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~~!

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