golden scales

519 Banner Ten Thousand Slashing Yama

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents. Scholar-bureaucrats don't pay much attention to money, because they already have a lot.

What Shilin likes most is the official position, which is their real parents.

At the time of the national change, the imperial examination was not popular, and there were not enough officials to eliminate bandits.In such an extraordinary period, it can be regarded as an expedient measure for the crown prince to engage in female affairs and appoint villains to handle affairs.Moreover, at that time the prince's lands were all in the barren places in the north, and the scholars in the south regarded them as fearful of the road, and wished to let those villains occupy the position so that they could stay in good places such as Jiangnan and Jiangxi.

Now the Crown Prince brought so many people to the south of the Yangtze River and lived in the Imperial City of Nanjing. He took over Yingtian Mansion just after offering sacrifices to his ancestors.From the magistrate of Yingtian Mansion who is the third rank, to the scribes of the various houses who are not in the top class, none of them will be spared.Judging from the situation, it seems that there is still a butcher's knife behind him, so he needs to settle it properly!

How amazing!

The city of Nanjing suddenly became noisy, and there were many more people running on the streets.

Before these people could discuss the countermeasures, on the morning of the fourth day, the ministers and ministers of various ministries in Nanjing were about to ask the crown prince to uphold the ancestral legal system and not to be reckless. The crime has been placed in front of everyone.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Chen Qi:" Gao Hongtu stepped forward and said, "I heard that under Sanmu..."

"There is no torture to extract a confession." Zhu Cilang interrupted this old minister, one of the three sages of the Southern Ming Dynasty: "There are witnesses and physical evidence for every crime, including the correspondence between this man and others, the diary he wrote, and the confiscation at home. Nearly one million taels of assets, including gold and silver, antiques, gold and stones... Speaking of it, the valuations of calligraphy, paintings and antiques are probably undercounted."

Gao Hongtu was speechless for a moment.

"I have ordered the evidence to be exhibited at its original site. All officials and people are welcome to visit." Zhu Cihong's voice became colder and colder: "If someone wants to reverse the case for him, just show evidence, and be careful not to get yourself into trouble by rambling. among the accomplices."

There was silence in the hall, only the sound of sweat dripping to the ground.

"A magistrate, under the watchful eyes of Nanjing's important officials, can be greedy so much? You, you, and you! Don't you people have eyes! Or are you taking bribes from him and deliberately hiding them!" Zhu Cihong shouted sharply.

The few people who were named were so frightened that they fell to their knees and kept saying that they were innocent.

Zhu Cihong was actually pointing a false finger, not referring to a specific person.Seeing their ugliness, he smiled in his heart, waved his hand and said, "The censor is on duty! Drag these people out and investigate!"

Zhang Shenyan and the other senior officials did not dare to offend Huxu at this moment, and shook their heads at each other.

"Your Majesty Lu Daqi, the right servant of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, said to His Royal Highness," Lu Daqi said as he stepped out of the squad, "Your Highness, all the ministries in Nanjing are originally 'hidden officials' and have no real power. How can they monitor the Chief of Yingtian Mansion? Your Highness's so-called cover-up makes loyal officials feel cold. The ancient sage said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fresh food. Your Highness, the wind and rain are of course from the grace of heaven, but Ying Tian's government may find it difficult to carry out official duties. Seeing that the spring plowing is just around the corner. And the mansion is empty, how can we do the herding work? Your Highness please Only punish the chief evildoer and let his subordinates go."

Zhu Cihong snorted, and said: "What Lu Shilang said is nothing more than two sentences: first, Nanjing Busi is just a fake, and can't do practical things. No wonder you. Second, if I start killing people, the officials below will kill me." If there is a strike, there will be chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, won't it?"

Lu Daqi did not expect the crown prince to interpret it in this way, although the truth is indeed the same as what he said.But why does it sound so harsh?

"My minister, Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, Zhang Shenyan, the imperial envoy of the right capital, said to His Highness:" The silver-haired Zhang Shenyan came out of the class and said, "Lv Daqi's wish from this hometown! Concealment is the name of helplessness."

Zhu Cihong glanced at Lu Daqi.I thought to myself: You are considered popular.

Seeing that Zhang Shenyan came out to make amends for him, Lu Daqi had no choice but to admit his mistake: "I made a mistake, please punish me."

Seeing that Lu Daqi who had just fallen into the pit was pulled up again, Zhu Cihong said: "Whether you try hard or not is not a matter of words, it depends on the actual situation. Order all the officials of the Nanjing Ministry Temple to submit a 'work report' within ten days, listing the posts. The government affairs that have been carried out since then must abide by the format, and those who discuss non-formally are regarded as not submitted. Those who do not submit reports are regarded as dereliction of duty."

Zhu Cilang looked around again, and said: "As for whether this small dish in the south of the Yangtze River is cooked fiercely or stewed slowly, the key is not with me, but with you! Think carefully, don't make mistakes, I only give opportunities, not Forgiveness. Retire."

The early court, which was originally just a formality, turned out to be the first confrontation between the crown prince and the officials in the south of the Yangtze River.It's just that in this confrontation, Nan Chen's fighting power really made Zhu Cihong vigilant - not too strong, but too weak.

These people are all from the top two ranks, and most of them are Donglin or Donglin's sympathizers. Nanjing is not only their political exile, but also their old nest.It is said that they are unable to supervise the shepherd officials, but in fact, the prefects and counties below saw their famous posts, which ones ran like dogs!

Zhu Cihong brought Ying Tianfu, but they just had this kind of reaction, like a Sanda master who was slapped by a hooligan, turned around and left.

"Your Highness, do you want to transfer some more servants from Beijing?"

After retreating from the court, Lu Suyao also smelled the strong smell of gunpowder in the air.She followed Zhu Cihong and asked in a low voice.

Zhu Cihong's employment of people emphasizes ability and despise literary talent, which is at a disadvantage for the Ming Dynasty's court struggle.Because people with good literary talent, even cursing articles can be passed down through the ages.Many people support him simply because it is comfortable to read.But Zhu Cihong also has a solution, that is - collective creation.

Let the brain find loopholes and entry points cleverly, let the logical people formulate the outline and framework, let the people who are proficient in common affairs list the facts, and finally let the people with good literary talents organize them into an article, so as to concoct an article with profound insight and strict logic , conclusive examples, brilliant writing masterpiece.

When Zhu Cihong recruited Wu Weiye at the beginning, he wanted him to be the last link of the creative collective. It was only because of the lack of officials that he was sent to the grassroots to exercise and understand common affairs.

"It's just one less person to do the finishing touches. Wu Weiye should be here." Zhu Cihong came out of Beijing in a hurry, but the prefectural and county officials did not stop the job review.Liao Xing got his job halfway, and then went to Zhejiang to study politics.Wu Weiye was in the next batch, and he was arranged in Nanjing.

Zhu Cihong has already decided to take Wu Weiye back.Shen Jiaxian, the magistrate of the Huaiqing Mansion, is quite capable, and his previous officials were also very good. When the final count was made in 19, the Huaiqing Mansion reported a flat harvest, but the grain harvest was [-]% higher than in previous years. This colleague contributed a lot.So letting Shen Jiaxian appear in Ren Huaiqing's mansion is the meaning of the title.

As Zhu Cihong spoke, he stopped in his tracks: "These people kept their hands in the hall, presumably they have other ideas. I think it's mostly newspaper opinion."

Lu Suyao was not surprised. In the past, the imperial court was fought by memorials, but now it is fought by newspapers. Nan Chen's shifting positions can leave a way out, and the two can better utilize their local advantages of large numbers of people.In the end, the only ones who could use memorials to fight were Jinshi, but in the new battlefield of newspapers, even freshmen and even Baiding could get involved as long as they could write.

"I will inform Wang Chuanxin and Tian Cunshan to prepare articles to publish in the newspaper." Lu Suyao was full of fighting spirit, like a lioness preparing to hunt.

"You..." Zhu Cihong shook his head, and said, "Didn't I tell you? Everything needs to focus on the two ends, and the middle process only needs to be monitored and fine-tuned. You obviously forgot again."

"Ah?" Lu Suyao blushed up to her neck.

"What are the two ends? One starts and the other ends." Zhu Cihong taught patiently: "What should I catch at the beginning?"

Like a student facing an exam, Lu Suyao immediately backtracked: "When, where, who, how to start."

"What about the usual methods?"

"Striking grass to startle snakes, sounding east and west, throwing bricks to attract jade." Lu Suyao quickly recalled the lecture notes in her small notebook.

"You remember the complicated one, but you always forget the simple one." Zhu Cihong sighed helplessly.

Lu Suyao had already remembered, recalling her mistake just now, her face was as red as if she had drunk too much wine, "Yes, we must hold on to the ultimate goal and never forget it."

It is obviously not the ultimate goal to get confused with Nan Chen.

Only shrews fight, and the real fights are all one-shot kills, and the opponent is not given a chance to pull.

The fundamental purpose of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is to clear Jiangnan and spread the influence of the Eastern Palace system over this land full of resistance.

Under this fundamental purpose, it is to preserve cultural products as much as possible and avoid causing civilization to be broken.

"Now we have already scare the snake, and for the ultimate goal, we still need to lure this snake out." Zhu Cihong said: "So, let Wang Zhixin and Tian Cunshan stand by as much as possible, and at most only talk about the slave change, and don't mention political affairs. Metropolitan Procuratorate Over there, let a group of newspapers and periodicals be chartered, and let them make a fuss, and the louder the noise, the better."

"Yes, I understand."

"Well, by the way, didn't they call me Ni Chu before? It's a good term and can be used again." A smile appeared on Zhu Cihong's face, and he once again smelled the fragrance of victory.

In the first month of the 20th year of Chongzhen, Nanjing's official circles experienced a shocking upheaval, and then suddenly fell to the ground.More than [-] members of Ying Tianfu, from the magistrate to the clerk, were killed. Such a bloody upheaval was silent after a court meeting.

Just as when a tsunami comes, the sea ebbs eerily to accumulate strength. On the sixth day of February, newspapers and periodicals in Liudu suddenly burst out in unison to denounce the crown prince's wanton behavior.

Back then, some people said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had put the Emperor under house arrest in Shandong, and wanted to do spiritual and martial arts, and there were still opposing opinions in the Southern News.But at this moment, the crown prince has suddenly become a scourge pointed out by thousands of people. The entire Jiangnan scholars and officials from the south have all abandoned their previous suspicions and stood unanimously on the opposite side of the crown prince.

"Quyuan Miscellaneous Tan", which had always been on the opposite side of several Qingliu newspapers, had a full-page discussion of opera and miscellaneous opera, without a single word of political opinion.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~~~ It’s the last nine days~ I can’t fall anymore~~~

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