golden scales

Chapter 52 The Poisonous Dragon Ties Ears to Receive the Thunder

The Imperial Hospital is an unpopular yamen, and it is a "witch doctor and musician with a hundred craftsmen" that Han Yu said "a gentleman is disdainful". Therefore, who is in charge of this yamen does not attract too much attention from civil servants.They are also willing to change to a better doctor, so that they can have someone to rely on in case they get sick.

As for the Gunpowder Bureau, it was a fat vacancy in the 24th bureau, and it was an important link that could participate in the profit sharing of the Beijing camp.

The emperor allocates military expenses from the internal funds to the three major battalions of the capital every year. After eating up most of the vacancy, all kinds of soldiers and armor and gunpowder eat up less than half.Among them, the gunpowder head is the most beautiful, as long as you take it back, who knows if it was used in practice?Although the optimal formula for black powder has long been available, in order to save costs, who cares about the lethality of gunpowder as long as it can make a sound.

Zhu Cihong received Lu Bin, the envoy of the Imperial Hospital.

This old man who is a Zhongyi doctor and Zizhi Yin Jiaguanglu Temple Shaoqing has no opinion on the replacement of the new leader. Anyway, to him, the emperor and the prince are not much different, they are the ones who control their own careers.

The prince is also not interested in this kind of "good doctor" who is good at warming and nourishing, who is good at medicine, and would rather do nothing than make mistakes. He just asks him to copy the raw medicine inventory list of the Tai Hospital as soon as possible, so that the medicinal materials can be used conveniently.

As a result, Yu Chang officially worked in the Imperial Hospital, had the right to read all inventory materials, and became a well-known confidant of the prince.

But the Gunpowder Bureau is in some trouble.

"Firearms are booming, this is something you can even think about with your knees." Zhu Cihong returned to the East Palace, and his mood was obviously much brighter.He said to Liu Ruoyu in the study: "If you compare firearms to healthy soldiers, gunpowder is the courage of soldiers. Soldiers are on the front line of life and death, there must be no negligence in this. Who do you think is competent?"

Liu Ruoyu thought for a while, and said: "The Gunpowder Bureau is also rich and vacant. If a greedy person is sent, I'm afraid something bad will happen. But there are very few people in Zhongjuan who are not greedy for money."

"There are always clean and honest people." Zhu Cihong said.The Gunpowder Bureau has a more limited surname than the Taiyuan Hospital. It is an internal prison office and has always been in charge of eunuchs.

Liu Ruoyu smiled softly, "When the old minister was in the palace, he heard a story."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"In our palace, there is a place called An Le Tang, which is the place where ancestors favored and treated internal officials and those with small fires." Liu Ruoyu said.

"Yes, I know." Zhu Cihong nodded.

Liu Ruoyu went on to say: "During the Wanli period, two internal officials lived in An Le Tang. One of them was late and had nothing around him except a copper basin. When his family came to restrain him, they searched for the copper basin. The pot couldn’t hold it. The other internal official also died soon after, and when he restrained himself, he found a copper basin hidden in the quilt, which was the relic of the previous internal official.”

Liu Ruoyu smiled wryly and said: "This matter was passed on as a laughingstock for a while. So it is said that the surname of the minister is greedy and will not be married until death. The old minister is very unwilling to witness all kinds of bad habits, because he has three major wishes. One is not to play tricks, the other is not To build a house, three do not accept the property of the former official. Therefore, the prisoner sits down first, and the minister's legacy is worthy of a smile."

Zhu Cihong was noncommittal.He knew that Liu Ruoyu was indeed clean, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen into a situation where food and clothing were worrying after he was released from prison.However, Zhu Cihong was well aware of the good life of the chief eunuch, so he didn't have much sympathy.

"So, it's hard to find someone among the eunuchs?" Zhu Cihong lightly touched the fluff on his upper lip, which had recently become black and hard.

"The old minister really can't think of a suitable candidate... Please forgive me, Your Highness." Liu Ruoyu said.

"Then it's just irrelevant."

"I'm afraid civil servants won't go to that kind of place." Liu Ruoyu said.

That is the official position of eunuch, which civil servant is willing to go?And it is also difficult to arrange in terms of rank.

"I do have a nephew who is honest and willing to work. I don't know if he can be promoted." Liu Ruoyu bowed.

Zhu Cihong glanced at him meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Do not avoid relatives with internal actions, and do not avoid enemies with external actions. You can talk about this way of loyalty. What strengths does he have?"

"Honest and willing to work." Liu Ruoyu repeated these four words: "The old minister has been following His Highness for a few days, and it feels quite refreshing. The first sages must acquire talents before taking on general affairs, but Your Highness sets rules, specifies rewards and punishments, and then Use common affairs to train talents. So the old minister thought, as long as people are honest and willing to work, and can follow His Highness's rules meticulously, it is better to use someone who has no ideas of his own."

Zhu Cihong's smile became stronger, and when he looked at Liu Ruoyu's eyes, he seemed to be a confidant.In his previous life, he didn't believe in star employees, and preferred institutionalized team strength.It is said that there is a genius in a certain software giant who has completed a project. Such a person cannot be found, let alone relied on.

Only an iron-like system and airtight norms can make the entire team, and even the empire, go further.

This is also the reason why Zhu Cihong is not in a hurry to take in his confidants in the palace.As long as there are norms and authority, the backbone cultivated by oneself is more reliable.And those people who burn cold stoves and sit on the wall are everywhere. If there are no particularly outstanding candidates, there is really no need to bother to collect them.

"Since you have the confidence not to avoid relatives, I have nothing to worry about. But you know my rules, rewards and punishments must be clear, I am very concerned about the Gunpowder Bureau, if he dares to violate my taboo, I am afraid it will implicate you " Zhu Cihong said seriously.

"The old minister will also pay attention to it, and will definitely not let the Gunpowder Bureau make any mistakes." Liu Ruoyu's original intention was to take the Gunpowder Bureau into his hands, and this is the real foundation for him to live and work.However, his status was too high, the prince seemed to value his ability to plan by his side, and he didn't intend to let it out, so he carried his nephew out.

Although his nephew was cowardly and could not even hold back a woman, but he was born tall and big, with strength and a rare solid eye.At home, there is no one to support him, but when he is outside with the crown prince's banner, he may not be able to do something.What's more, those craftsmen in the Gunpowder Bureau have a lower status than Liu's nephew, and they definitely don't have the guts to commit the following crimes.


"You rascal, you only know how to exert strength, but don't know how to pick fruit. How long did we raise him for nothing? He should take care of your only nephew. Aren't you the only one in your Liu family? "The mother-in-law babbled on as usual, but she didn't dare to point her nose and scold in the same way that day.

She even used a kind and persuasive tone, and said: "Do you think that when you do odd jobs for others, how much money does it cost in a month? Now that my uncle is flattering us, you still think about it like this for an errand of five taels a month ?”

"I'm just afraid that if I can't do it, my uncle will suffer." The man was smoking a cigarette, his whole face wrinkled.

A monthly income of five taels of silver is a high salary that was unimaginable before!Those talented men who can write and count, go to rich and powerful families to teach and clean up for others, and that's the amount for a month.I don't know a lot of Chinese characters, and I may not even recognize my own name when I take it apart, but because of my uncle's support, I have ascended to such a high position, and my legs feel weak just thinking about it.

"Besides," the man said timidly, "Didn't uncle give us 100 taels?"

"Scared! Mountains of gold and silver can support you so much!" The woman's voice suddenly rose so high that the man's neck shrank in fright, and he dared not speak.

The woman hurriedly lowered her voice, and persuaded: "Furthermore, you didn't hear the neighbors say that the prince is Taiwei Xingjun, who can subdue demons. Now that there is a plague in the city again, you can go to the East Palace to soak Come back with some immortal energy, the family will be safe, right? Maybe I can use this noble energy to conceive a boy and a half girl?"

With the reputation of inheriting the family and continuing the incense, the man can no longer find any other reason to refuse this job.Sullenly took two puffs of cigarette, said: "Okay, I'll go!"


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