golden scales

528 Banner Ten Thousand Slashing Yama

Unexpectedly, Yang Chengde, the magistrate of Kunshan County, still met the special case censor Zhang Rian alone.

Zhang Ren was wearing a blue shirt uniform, like a pedantic scholar who has tried for a long time.He knew that Yang Chengde would definitely send someone to watch him, so he had just walked around twice in the morning when he was "encountered" by the county magistrate.

"I haven't gone to check the warehouse yet, could it be that it's really short-lived?" Zhang Yan asked bluntly.

Yang Chengde burst into tears and said: "Senior, it is clear that when the next official takes office, the Jiliu warehouse is already empty!"

Zhang Ren nodded, and said: "This is the evil of the country. I know that the warehouse is at a loss, but seeing my predecessor's promotion and being in the same officialdom, I can only admit it with my nose."

Yang Chengde suddenly felt that Zhang Ren, the censor, was too reasonable.In the official circles of the Ming Dynasty, it wasn't that his own county economy was short-lived?Why do you insist on biting yourself!

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince supervises the country in Nanjing, and wants to make a big difference. You are also unlucky, and you hit the knife edge." Zhang Yan said with full understanding: "Actually, how many counties in the south of the Yangtze River have accounts and storage? .”

"Senior..." Yang Chengde knelt down and hugged Zhang Ren's thigh: "Please, senior, save me because of the love of Hanmo!"

Zhang Ren let out a long sigh: "You are out of your mind. I came from Beijing. After so many days, you didn't adjust the grain to fill up the Jiliu warehouse?"

"Senior! The spring famine is approaching, where can we get food?" Yang Chengde cried, "Now that the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, even if I borrow food at a high interest rate, they won't accept it."

"Are you going to ask merchants to borrow food?" Zhang Ren snorted, "Why are you so thoughtless?"

"Senior, please show me the way!" Yang Chengde cried, "If the subordinate escapes this calamity, he will definitely resign and become a monk, and pray for senior every day."

"National folks definitely can't borrow it, but you can go to other states and counties to borrow it." Zhang Yan said in a low voice: "First of all, if you have to reason with them, and if you have some benefits, someone will always give you a hand. "

Yang Chengde suddenly realized!

The reason is very clear, the crown prince will set three fires, Ying Tianfu is the first one, and Ji Liucang is the second one.After the burning of Kunshan, why not burn it elsewhere?If Kunshan really finds out that there is a problem.Can other places in the south of the Yangtze River escape?The really smart way is to turn the Kunshan Jiliucang case into a frame-up by the eunuch party, then naturally there will be no more clearance checks in other states and counties.

Yang Chengde was a fan of the authorities, and bystanders had already prepared food in secret, waiting for him to speak.

"I'll give you another five days. After five days, the accounts will be cleared, and I will have to open a position to count." Zhang Ren said.

Yang Chengde is naturally grateful.

Zhang Ren ended this "encounter" with satisfaction, and quietly returned to the post house, as if nothing had happened.

Kunshan County, which was just on the cusp of the storm, suddenly calmed down.Now Daming's interviewers dare not interview officials, so they can only ask them to inquire, trying to sniff out something strange.Because a large amount of manpower was transferred to Kunshan County, the criticism of the crown prince in the newspapers suddenly decreased a lot.

After Zhang Shenyan finished reading the newspaper, he muttered in a low voice, "How dare you yell when you are being led by someone so easily?" He took another look at the servant who was serving him.Asked: "How is the matter of Yixue going?"

The family said: "Go back to the master, it has been done."

The school site is an outhouse of Zhang Shenyan in Nanjing. It was originally a place where family guests arranged to stay, but now it can be used as a school building after cleaning.Students are not recruited from outside, they are all family servants and tenant farmers.There are also a few nephews from concubines, about 70 people are gathered together, which is also considered spectacular.

Textbooks can be bought from bookstores on the street, and it is also the consistent practice of Yixue to let students learn while copying.As for the husband, it is even simpler. The Qingke raised at home already has proficiency in laws and accounting, and he can teach with more money.

At present, only Mingfa and Mingsu are two majors.The purpose is to pass the judicial qualification examination of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple and the accounting examination of the Ministry of Households as soon as possible, and obtain an accounting certificate.

"The sooner the better, the first one who passes the exam, I will reward him with 50 taels of silver, plus three acres of land!" Zhang Shenyan can be said to have spent all his money, to let these children enter the East Palace system as soon as possible.Escort the future of the Zhang family.

Although the family members don't have such a long-term vision, they can still feel the sense of urgency and put more effort into this matter.

Although Zhang Shenyan is not ostentatious, Shilin is only such a big place, even if he wants to keep it a secret, he may not be able to keep it secret.Now is the time of spring.However, the Zhang family took the road of new learning, and it was inevitable that they would be compared and criticized.

Some people criticize and others naturally follow suit.

The most difficult joints in running a school in later generations are: approval, school buildings, and student resources.For these powerhouses in Nanjing, there is no problem at all.

Daming's academies are blooming all over the place, and no one thought of approving them.The school building is not a problem, who doesn't have a few gardens?Pick one at random and it can accommodate three to five hundred people.The source of students is also very simple. There are so many sons born from concubines, who could not get the family property in the first place, so they just learned a few tricks, so that they can help the big house in the future.

For a while, the wind of running a school in Nanjing actually caught Zhu Cihong's ears.

"Your Highness, don't you need to check?" Lu Suyao worriedly counted the newly opened "schools" in Nanjing, and there were already a dozen or so of them.This is still on the bright side, and there must be omissions that have not been included.

"It's a good thing, why bother?" Zhu Ci laughed.

"His Royal Highness's civil administration depends entirely on employing people. If you let them, the children of powerful families, mix in, you will inevitably become the second officialdom of the Ming Dynasty." Lu Suyao said.

"You haven't figured it out yet." Zhu Cilang said with a smile, "Why would I dare to allow the Metropolitan Procuratorate to attack those judges in Dali Temple? Because our Faculty of Law and Politics is getting more and more people, and we can harvest nearly 500 people in three months at most. And as the scale expands, there will inevitably be more and more people. If there are more people, I dare to change. On the other hand, I have to be more cautious on the Jiangnan side, and don't let the Metropolitan Procuratorate make big moves, otherwise all the officials will be arrested. What about the people? Let the people govern themselves? Will there be a court in the future?"

Lu Suyao was still worried about "pollution". Just as she was about to speak, Zhu Cihong said again: "These people will definitely bring in a lot of old customs, but I don't think I should worry about it. Why? You see that the attitude of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty towards their mentors and teachers knew."

The mentor is the teacher who really enlightens these students, and is also a "teacher" in the sense of later generations.The lecturer has never taught them, at most they just hang out and listen to them when they publish academic speeches.Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty treated their masters, house masters, and grand masters as if they were serving their parents, and their filial piety was immeasurable.But has anyone ever heard of someone doing this to their mentor?After changing into the official robe, if Master Meng salutes slowly, he will be picked on!

Is it just because the teacher has won their papers that there is such kindness?Why were the students in the Tang and Song Dynasties more filial to their teachers?

Very simple, the key lies in who has the political resources!

With the teacher as the core and his political resources as the thread, Jinshi and Juren can be connected into a huge network.Everyone is contributing to this network, and at the same time absorbing nutrients from the Internet.

Donggong's new learning system has fundamentally eliminated this core.

For example, if someone passed the judicial examination and was able to enter the Dali Temple, can he find the examiner who approved his papers?They are all standardized test papers, and the examiner himself may just be a literate rural student, so what benefits can it give him?And his instructor is just a teacher, let alone pave the way for his official career.

Therefore, the new learning system is doomed to be unable to form a network, which means disintegrating the bureaucratic group from the source—until the bureaucrats clearly realize that there is a conflict between their administrative power and the imperial power, and they fight for it clearly... This is the bourgeois revolution. It is not an issue that Zhu Cihong needs to consider at the moment.

"It is those old habits that will ruin His Highness's New Deal." Lu Suyao insisted.

"Changing customs is not something that can be done simply by talking about it." Zhu Cihong said: "Even if the source of students is strictly controlled, the original Eastern Palace officials will gradually become corrupted and become stagnant water. Only flowing water can prevent corruption, so open source is extremely important. What's more, As long as the rules are listed, those who dare to break my rules will have to pay the price. Only the more people waiting behind, the faster the sword in the hands of the court, can we really never tolerate it."

"Your Highness is right. If the decree of Taizu's time is followed, how many officials in the world can escape the fate of being stripped of their skins? The reason why they are tolerated is that there are not enough manpower." Feel helpless in this situation.

In terms of loyalty, female officials are higher than eunuchs.Because eunuchs can still accept adopted sons, but female officials are truly lonely—if they can’t get married.

According to the practice in the palace, the higher the position of a female official, the more difficult it is to get married.Therefore, when Lu Suyao achieved the position of "Yinjun", she had already given up the idea of ​​leaving the palace to marry someone, and she only regarded the crown prince as her reliance, and she could never be half-hearted.

Zhu Cilang smiled: "Once we get on track, it will naturally get better. By the way, didn't the Metropolitan Procuratorate say that it sent an officer to take charge of the case? Why hasn't there been any news after so many days?"

"It's a bit strange." Lu Suyao said: "It stands to reason that after checking the accounts and opening the warehouse, it should be clear who is right. Is there any surprise?"

"Send someone to ask. There are not enough officials in the south of the Yangtze River. It is best to govern one place and one place. Don't get involved too much, otherwise you won't be able to change people. Once you tolerate it, there will be fools who think that the court is just pretending. The reputation of incorruptibility accumulated over the years has been ruined." Zhu Cihong said.

Lu Suyao responded.She knew how strict the self-examination in the Metropolitan Procuratorate was. Although Li Banghua was old, his royal skills were perfect.

If the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not show favoritism, then the case is probably complicated.

The more complicated the case, the more people involved.

Lu Suyao inevitably had to plan ahead, and made a list among the family members who could be released.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~~~ The master behind the monthly ticket is getting closer again~!So scared~!

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