golden scales

Chapter 54 The Poisonous Dragon Ties Ears to Receive the Thunder

When the woman arrived at the second aunt's house, she first took out the money, which was regarded as repaying the principal and interest of the rice borrowed last time, and finally dissipated the chill on the faces of the aunt and uncle.She explained her purpose, and finally emphasized: "Now my man is working for the prince."

The gunpowder shop where Wu Jiazi works is a well-known big shop in the capital, and there is a set of "Water Margin of Loyalty" fireworks store.The fireworks can explode lifelike portraits in the air, all of them are Water Margin characters, a total of 500 people.Each cannon costs five taels of silver, and the full set is discounted to [-] taels. Only wealthy and powerful families who really spend a lot of money are willing to spend this money.

However, in the capital, there is no shortage of people from Baise, and wealthy families from all over the country gather, so what is 500 taels? The 5000 taels are just the cost of their banquet.Therefore, the business of this gunpowder shop is extremely prosperous, and the treatment for the buddies and apprentices is good. Even if you want to go in to do odd jobs, you have to ask for some favors.

On the other hand, it is the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace. If he follows the Crown Prince, he will be the one who eats the emperor's food.

The Wu family thought about it, and they were not willing to give up the high-paying job of one tael a month, nor the opportunity to eat the imperial food.

Mrs. Liu saw that her second uncle was so unhappy, she tapped on the side drum and said: "Now my man's uncle is the prince's big companion. I'm afraid, with that style, tsk tsk, I really don't know how to say it. He guides my man to take care of me." After entering the Anmin Factory, it only costs five taels of silver a month! The prince often comes to the factory, how often does he not talk to my man?"

"My uncle is promising." Second Aunt Liu praised casually.

"I'm also thinking about my uncle and aunt taking care of my family, so I just want to say something more." Liu said: "The crown prince obviously values ​​this gunpowder very much. I heard that in the next year, all the gunpowder shops in the capital will be sold. That's Prince! The eldest son of the emperor! What does he want to do? If he followed the prince earlier, maybe his cousin would be a treasurer when he returned!"

Mrs. Liu's words are false and true, and there is no way to verify them.In case there is nothing to do with the prince next year, since people have already been tricked out, can they still go back?Besides, it's nothing more than a matter of wages. A man has power in his hands, so what's wrong with giving his cousin a higher price?

Second Aunt Liu lowered her head and thought about it, she felt that what the niece said was reasonable, she looked at her husband and said, "What do you think, the head of the family?"

The man from the Wu family was still undecided, and said: "I think it's better to ask about this matter first, and then call back to my uncle at that time."

Seeing that it was hard to move for a while, Mrs. Liu nodded and said, "That should be done quickly. If there is a delay, the good things in the factory will be gone."

The Wu family thought about it for the same reason, nodded again and again, and they were going to call their son back that night.

The name of the Wu family's son is "Bu Cheng", and when combined with his surname, it becomes "Wu Bu Cheng", which is a very auspicious name.Xu is credited with this name, but Wu Bucheng is really smooth sailing, what he does is what he does, he has been a teacher in his early twenties, and he has a position in a gunpowder shop, with a monthly salary of one tael of silver.

The master had already told him privately that if he opened a branch in Linqing next year, he would recommend him to be the third shopkeeper in the past. This is a great trust.At this rate, he might be able to become the shopkeeper of a store before the age of 40, which can be described as young and promising.

Wu Bucheng returned home and listened to what his parents told him, but he had other concerns in his heart.He was in the marketplace, and he heard a lot of rumors.The prince is Taiwei Xingjun, and he will definitely be promoted to Ziwei Xing in the future. It stands to reason that no one in Huangming is more powerful than him in this world.However, everything is not going well in the country now, natural disasters[***], internal and external troubles, there are many sayings in the capital market that "the sky has changed", and the old man also said that the world may have to change his surname.

At this time, if you still hang out with the prince, do you want to be a loyal minister?

Wu Bucheng felt a chill on his neck for no reason, his heart pounded twice, and he said to himself: "Being a loyal minister is a matter of losing your head!"

"Let's just tell my cousin to forget it," Wu Bucheng said, "After all, I have no hair on my mouth, and I can't do things well. If my brother-in-law's errand is ruined, it will be bad."

The Wu family couple didn't know their son's true intentions, and persuaded: "There is no need to worry about this point. Your brother-in-law's uncle is a big celebrity around the prince. Even if it really goes wrong, it won't be a big deal."

"You can't say anything about the gunpowder. If it doesn't work out, it will blow up. The time at Wanggong Factory and the time at Xin Factory, didn't they all screw things up? How many people died!" Wu Bucheng His face was wrinkled, deliberately scaring his parents.He added: "And the official family is the least respectful of rules, what if someone else gets your son killed?"

After hearing this, Wu's couple felt their hearts pounding, and said: "My son is right, right."

The Wu family has only this single seedling, and he must not be allowed to have any troubles.

"Then I'll go back to your cousin's husband tomorrow." Wu Liushi said.

Wu Bucheng nodded.


"Anmin Factory is said to be an outside factory, but it is also the yamen of the Twenty-Fourth Prison. Those old men who have accumulated a lot of time are grouped together to deal with Liu Wei. Of course, he can't do anything." Zhu Cihong said softly.

Liu Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief.The reports from Anmin Factory delivered in the past few days made him feel uneasy. Everything was the same as before his nephew took over, even the amount of wear and tear was the same.The only explanation is that the group below not only did not make less money, but even privately shared the share of the original factory supervisor.

Liu Ruoyu knew Liu Wei's surname very well, and it was impossible for him to have the guts to accept those black money.

Regarding this point, Zhu Cihong saw it very clearly.In later generations, few executives who were airborne could settle the situation within a year. Even if the board of directors supported him, he would not be able to carry out drastic reforms. After all, the company's operations depended on the executives under the leadership of the middle-level backbone.

"I never expected Liu Wei to arrest the matter immediately." Zhu Cihong laughed again, "You are an uncle, and you haven't thought of anything for him?"

"I just think of something for His Highness." Liu Ruoyu chuckled.

"Tell me."

"Actually, it's an old method," Liu Ruoyu said, "just add some sand to it."

"That's right," Zhu Cihong nodded, "How do you plan to mix it?"

"The veteran thought that we could send some people who are familiar with the rules from the second and third departments of the attendant's office." Liu Ruoyu said.

Zhu Cihong shook his head and said: "Those people have only been here for more than a month, and they may not be reliable, so how can they manage others? What I mean is: let the major shops in the capital participate in the shares."

"Participation?" Liu Ruoyu was startled: "Your Highness, Anmin Factory is the Gunpowder Bureau and the Yamen, how can you participate?"

"Restructuring." Zhu Cihong said without hesitation: "Change the Gunpowder Bureau into the Tianjia Gunpowder Factory. From now on, we will be responsible for our own profits and losses. The gunpowder supply of the three camps will be bought with money, or it can be done on the books. Let the capital People from the gunpowder shop in China came up with the formula, gave them shares, and a year-end dividend was a lot of theirs."

"It's easy to say, but I'm afraid not many are willing to come up with prescriptions." Liu Ruoyu shook his head slightly.

"I only want the formula for the power of gunpowder, I'm not interested in other tricks." Zhu Cihong said: "Furthermore, there are not many people who toast and refuse to eat fine wine. Killing two monkeys is enough."


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