golden scales

614 Bow and Arrow Pedestrians at Waist

Changing customs is not an easy task. Not to mention in Daming, where information technology was backward, even in the first ten years of reform and opening up, people could not immediately change their minds and focus on "money".

At the beginning of the Kingdom, due to the troubled times, the status of military commanders was much higher than that of civilian officials. During Yingzong's time, there were relatives who went through the back door and asked to be transferred to military positions.But now it is not easy to encourage the common people to practice martial arts.

In addition to trying their best to obtain a higher social status for the soldiers, the training officers of the General Training Department also compete with the Ministry of War for the control of grassroots soldiers.

Especially in the setting of the position of "county lieutenant", the Ministry of War believes that it should be held by civilian officials.At the beginning, military attaches were used to facilitate local stability and suppress bandits.Now that the banditry in the Wind Howling Mountains and Forests has subsided, the Ministry of War should be withdrawn by mobilizing the power of the Xiangyong and the Inspection Department.

In the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, only the general training is the most firmly opposed, because this position is an important position for retiring veterans and non-commissioned officers, and if it is too little, how can it be given to the Ministry of War?What's more, this is also the most direct manifestation of improving the social status of soldiers.When people find out that being a soldier is also a way to become an official, they will naturally take a high look at the soldiers who may become an official in the future.


Jiang Yuan was sitting on the table, beside him was a sword with a chicken-wing wooden sheath, and the hilt was covered with copper. This was a batch of officers' sabers newly ordered by the training department.

As the founder of the Han Society, Jiang Yuan has an advantage in age among a group of young men in their early twenties.

He is over forty.

As a typical scholar of the Ming Dynasty, Jiang Yuan was working hard for a student quota before the age of 30, but the result was nothing.

In the four years since he turned 30, he once thought he had accepted his fate.Teach in social studies in the township to enlighten children.It can be imagined from the level of the teachers that the future of these children sent from their families with less clothing and less food is not bright.The most promising among them may be ten or twenty years after they set foot in society.Become a small steward of a firm.

Although cruel, it is the reality of Ming society.

Until His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly emerged, Jiang Yuan entered the army as a "scholar".Compared with those students and recruits who abandoned their pens and joined the army, Jiang Yuan has never read any military books and war books, has no concept of warfare, and even feels sick when he smells sulfur and saltpeter... So he joined the training department.Continue to be a teacher, and then become a trainer.

It can be said that he has personally experienced the period when the "training officer" is equal to the "old lady", and he especially cherishes the glory of the General Training Department as one of the pillars of the four headquarters.

Since he was born against the military formation, Jiang Yuan devoted his limited energy and time to the infinite speculation of people's hearts, and devoted himself to improving the level of ideological education.People often say that "people have the same heart and the same reason", and there are routines in ideological and political work.It's as small as tucking in a quilt, but as big as remembering bitterness and thinking about sweetness.There are thousands of means, and luck is almost one-hearted.

Jiang Yuan is willing to ponder and has life experience, so he is naturally much better than the fledgling young man, and has gradually become the core of a small team.Now that we have a team, we must have cohesion and work together.Jiang Yuan united more young scholars with the principle of restoring the martial spirit of the Han Dynasty.

Internally, these scholars regard eunuch trainers as shameful.Externally, he represented military officials to fight for power against civilian officials.With these two pressures, the "Han Society" has become increasingly cohesive.The influence gradually expanded, and even spread to Qin Liangyu's ears.

As for Zhu Cihong, he has already obtained the list and resumes of each Hanshe member from the ten-member group, just because their existence helps to promote the work more efficiently, and because of their loyalty to the crown prince and the royal family, so Adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards development.

At this time, there were three people sitting in this Chinese style private room.Except for the leader Jiang Yuan.There are also two young people who have grown beards and look much older than their actual age.

One of them is the third hero of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, after Qiyang King Li Wenzhong, named Bangfa in the spectrum.In terms of seniority, he is a generation higher than the contemporary Marquis of Linhuai.

Compared with Jiang Yuan, who is at the bottom of the society, the children of aristocratic families like Li Bangfa pay more attention to "clear name".And because of the education they have received since childhood and the perspective of seeing problems, they are more likely to accept the concept of "nation-state". "Those who are not of my race must have different minds" is exactly the homework these scholars have to memorize since childhood.

And in the original text, after this sentence is "Although Chu is big, it is not my family."

Considering that even the Chu people were foreigners at that time, but now the land of Huguang is the granary of Daming. It can be seen that expanding the territory is the essence of China since ancient times.

"This step is still too slow. Just relying on us to wear casual swords and want to change the atmosphere? Difficult!" Li Bangfa sighed: "Now the common people are not in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, what the romantic celebrities do, they follow the trend. It is useless Don't get up early."

"We are here today with the two virtuous brothers for this purpose." Jiang Yuan said: "My Ming Dynasty does not lack the territory of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but what I lack is the fighting spirit of the Han and Tang Dynasties to expand the territory! Eunuchs are timid, and it is okay to be old mothers. If you want to use them Encouraging soldiers to be brave and good at fighting, isn’t it just a matter of hope? Therefore, one of us must be the head of the training officer school, and we must personally pay close attention to the education of the younger generation.”

Li Bang nodded and said, "Brother Shi Tan is right. But I have a plan."

"Appreciate further details."

Li Bangfa looked at the two people present, held his sword in his arms, and said: "My nephew and the Shangguan of the Ministry of Officials can teach privately. If I want to retire, I have to get rid of one of the prefects."

Jiang Yuan looked at Li Bangfa, half questioning and half persuading: "You joined the army with fame and fame, and now you can get rid of the rank of major. The future is bright, why should you be obsessed with the rank of civil servants?"

"Do I want him to make up for me?" Li Bang raised his voice and said, "I want to advance to the ministry as a civil servant. Their military department wants to rob me of the military power of the general training in the prefectures and counties, so why can't we copy them? Our general training is not an officer without a Jinshi background, and the General Staff also has several Jinshi. Once we transfer to civilian positions and support each other, we may not be able to join the Ministry of War in a few years. As long as time passes, whether the Ministry of War is a civilian or a military officer has to be carefully considered .”

The Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is in charge of the soldiers, and the Ministry of War is in charge of the power to deploy troops. This is exactly the check and balance technique set by Emperor Taizu Gao.

The former could not be transferred with soldiers, while the latter could be transferred but had no soldiers, so that the emperor could sleep peacefully.If this group of people were allowed to be in the same place, with soldiers and the ability to deploy them, if someone did something reckless in the future, wouldn't Daming have to change color?

Jiang Yuan knew that the higher-ups would not allow such a whimsical thing to happen, but if an officer can take charge of local civil affairs after retiring from the military, this is a sign of the improvement of the status of the soldier.

Nowadays, the number of local people-friendly officials is insufficient, and there have been an endless stream of candidates and students who were county magistrates or prefectures. It can be seen that the background of the imperial examination is not important, and the important thing is the graduation from the "Administrative Academy".

No matter how low your previous fame is, as long as you have studied and graduated from the School of Administration, you can get state and county officials at your fingertips.

The reverse is also the same, even if you have a Jinshi background, if you want to learn what you really need, you have to go to the School of Administration to learn it again.

For a son of a family like Li Bangfa, it is like pinching a screw with three hands to take the entrance examination for the School of Administration.What's more, his family has connections and backgrounds, and it may not be impossible to become a magistrate with his military qualifications.

When the time comes, although I will be wearing the Bird Suit, my heart is the heart of a beast, so who can say anything?

Jiang Yuan figured out this joint, and couldn't help applauding Li Bangfa's unique approach.

He turned his gaze to another young man of few words.

The young man's complexion was a bit dark, at this moment, he looked at him first, cleared his throat and said, "I want to go to the navy."

The navy has more problems with the country party than the army.

Not to mention that at this time the navy is dominated by people from Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong. Even the Republic Navy of Zhu Cihong's previous life was also dominated by people from Fujian and Guangdong.It is precisely because of the township party and background that although Daming has assigned trainers to each ship in the navy, the effect is not as good as that in the army.

Since the generals of the navy had no one in charge of the governor's mansion, they naturally had no one to fight for military expenses for them, and all depended on the crown prince to watch over them.They are too lazy to intervene in this kind of dispute, they just follow orders, and they don't have the ambition to open up the territory like the army.The General Training and Training Department has long wanted to reform, but it is unable to do so.

"I'm from Cantonese, and I happen to be going to the Nanyang Navy. It's best to set up a team of training officers in the navy with my Han society as the mainstay." The young man said.

Jiang Yuan cheered up, and said: "That's very good! Your Highness advocated the theory of "Sea Power", but the old spirit of the Navy is hard to get back. If Zhongqing can change the old view, this achievement is not inferior to that of Huo Huqi in the vast desert. !"

The two young men looked at Jiang Yuan, who was more than ten years older than them, and said, "The matter of the Discipline Officer Academy..."

Jiang Yuan straightened his waist, laughed and said: "Since the two virtuous brothers have planned for a long time ago, then only Brother Yu will be Feng's wife again and become a teacher. The three of you and I will work together to revitalize Huaxia Ambitious, let me Da Ming red banner, sweep the old domain of Han and Tang Dynasties!"

"May we bear this oath together!"

The three of them solemnly raised their wine cups and drank them all in one gulp.


Just after the three left, the door of this private room was opened again.Two beardless eunuchs came in one behind the other. They were all in ordinary robes, making it hard to tell the depth.

There are only three low tables in this private room, and there is a row of low cabinets against the wall.On the low cabinet are decorative ring-shou knives and the logo of the Han Dynasty: red and black lacquerware.There are bronze lamp slaves and incense burners in the corner of the room, and there is a small screen near the door.It's a little too simple for Ming's aesthetics.

The eunuch headed by them was wearing socks, stomping his feet on the floor that had been brushed with tung oil several times, making a thumping sound.He walked to the low table behind the chief seat, glanced at the soft mat woven with straw, and sat upright with his knees bent. As soon as his buttocks touched his heels, he frowned and changed to sitting in a dustpan.

"This is the Han style arrangement." The eunuch said, "It's more comfortable to sit on a chair."

The other eunuch was obviously uncomfortable sitting in front of him, but he did it out of necessity. (To be continued..)

ps: I came to update with trepidation today, and seeing the voices of support and understanding in the book review area, Xiao Tang was really touched!You guys are so kind!I wish everyone good health and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!With the impudence to ask for leave, there is only one chapter today, and the double update will resume tomorrow.If you think that Xiaotang’s thick skin has reached the limit, please read the following confession that breaks the record of thick skin: ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket~~!

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