golden scales

624 Daytime Wind and Dust Rides

Zhejiang is different from Shandong.This is a traditionally developed area of ​​industry and commerce, where the legendary sprout of capitalism grows.The wealthy households here have changed their traditional habits. In addition to keeping a certain amount of farmland for their own use, they have invested large sums of silver in sea trade, tobacco fields, mulberry gardens, computer rooms, and commercial tickets of old companies—similar to the stock.

Its computer room is a labor-intensive workshop, with as few as a dozen machines and as many as hundreds of machines. It is not enough to rely on tenant farmers and poor clan members.In order to prevent helpers from stealing their belongings, the powerful lords inevitably came up with all kinds of extreme methods, which may not solve many problems, but it did lead to an increase in the confrontation between labor and management.

Liao Xing's so-called evacuation and blocking refers to evacuation, such as identifying good and evil and persuading businesses that employ people.This is also the direction of Shandong's efforts, which stems from the "blocking is worse than sparse" that has been recognized throughout the ages.However, Liao Xing is not a scholar, he has already tasted the high efficiency brought by iron and blood, and it is this high efficiency that made him rise to the top.

Instead of making so much effort to guide them, it is better to directly strengthen the police force to deter the younger generation.

The basis for the establishment of the previous police system was the three classes of yamen servants and the white servants and public servants hired.These people are already in the gray area of ​​society, and they are hooligans standing in the government.Now Liao Xing has proposed a plan to strengthen the police force. In short, it covers every neighborhood and every village.

Such a grand goal naturally requires people to implement it. Who would take up such a job that is hated and feared by others?

Wu Yi knew that his administrative ability was not enough to lead this great change, so he spent a lot of effort, and with Liao Xing's own cooperation, he finally transferred Liao Xing to Zhejiang Province Chief Envoy Si Yamen to participate in politics, and was assigned to tour the Hangzhou government. County, presided over the expansion of the police system.

Liao Xing felt like flexing his muscles, and he no longer needed to waste his life in sourness.He first set up a team of inspectors with Liao's younger brother to supervise the police.Secondly, the police station with the three classes of yamen servants as the main body is divided into three types of police: the bailiffs who are mainly slaves in the station class, and the criminal police who are mainly fast hands in the arresting class.There are also civilian police who are mainly strong and strong.

The bailiff not only protects the yamen, strengthens the prestige of the chief official, but also lends it to the yamen such as the Xingdali Temple, the supervisory censor, and the tax envoy.So these people are tall and big, and it doesn't matter if they are stupid, but they must be obedient.

Criminal police are responsible for handling local criminal cases, which is no different from their original work.Many old Kuaishou are passed down from generation to generation, and do not have a set of case-handling know-how.No layman's advice is needed.In this regard, Liao Xing only strengthened the requirements for passing the exam, and changed the "chasing stick" - if the case was not solved on schedule, Kuaishou would be punished, it was changed to deduction of fines and bonuses.

The work of the police has changed a lot.Originally guarding warehouses, prisons and other tasks were assigned to the bailiffs.At the same time, they have to undertake household registration, population investigation, street patrol and other tasks.This is also the most important department for the expansion of the police force. Many children from small families who have graduated from school, as well as the elderly who are too old to be reused, have been included in the civilian police system.

These new policemen who lack combat effectiveness have put on a uniform soap suit.Wearing a pointed hat and a long knife at the waist, walking out is enough to strengthen the prestige of the court and deter Xiaoxiao.

After the increase in the number of police officers, people generally feel safe.Hangzhou has been a prosperous place since the Song Dynasty, and now it shows a prosperous scene of not picking up lost things on the road and not closing the door at night.

After Wu Yi completed the "Zhejiang Tax Income Rules", he finally made a second political achievement that can reach the heavens.I was in a good mood for a while, just waiting for the Zhejiang Police Academy to start, to train the police force systematically, and to completely govern Zhejiang into the best district of the three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River.

As long as next year's tea tax can keep up, the problem of promotion will not be a big problem.

This time, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the State Administration of Taxation have spent a lot of money on the tea gardens in Zhejiang, looking for old farmers to evaluate them, and sending people to monitor them day and night, just to find out who is evading taxes.Fortunately, although these things happened in Zhejiang.But it has nothing to do with the chief envoy of Zhejiang, he just needs to cooperate.

Wu Yizhi returned home full of pride, and seeing the beautiful family members greet each other, his heart was even brighter, and he felt that he had lived up to this life.

"Husband." Wu Shi blessed his body, and while changing Wu Yi's clothes, he said, "The old lady called you over."

Wu Yi changed Yanju's clothes.Disapprovingly said: "Why did mother think of calling me?"

"It seems that my uncle committed a crime." Wu said in a low voice, "Now he is released on bail pending trial, so he came back and begged."

Wu Yi was taken aback.He knew that his younger brother had never been anything special, but the heavenly family valued the eldest son, and the common people loved his youngest son.Mothers love children.She has always been pampered, but this time she really caused trouble!

"I'll go right away." Wu Yi's good mood was swept away immediately.

Now that Wu Yi is an official in Zhejiang, he brought his parents from Suzhou to take care of him.Except for a few of Wu's younger brothers who wanted to take the imperial examination, they still stayed in Suzhou to study. More people thought it was a shortcut to become an official. What's more, there was a provincial Fangbo on this shortcut, who followed the time wisely. In Hangzhou, those with good qualifications have already entered the chief envoy's yamen as the head.

When Wu Yi arrived at the inner courtyard, he saw his parents sitting in the hall and his younger brother standing beside him, his eyes were red and swollen like peaches, obviously he had just cried.

"I greet you two adults." Wu Yi stepped forward to salute and kowtow.

"Sit down." Wu Laoshu said angrily.

Although she was granted the title of a gentleman because of her age, people's hearts are always biased, and she still prefers children who are not successful enough.

"Your brother was arrested by the Metropolitan Procuratorate for three days and was released today. Do you know about this?" the old lady said coldly.

Wu Yi was startled, and looked at his younger brother with a little resentment.What kind of human nature is it that if such a big incident happened at home, if you don't report it to yourself first, you will only ask your parents to take the lead?Parents are old, can they stand such a toss!

"I really don't know." Wu Yi looked at his younger brother Wu Jing again and said, "What did the Metropolitan Procuratorate say?"

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate asked me to pay 2000 taels of security money, let me come back, and didn't allow me to leave Hangzhou." Seeing that his elder brother was a little scared, Wu Jing said while hiding behind his mother.

"What did you do? You even alarmed the censor?" Wu Yi was amazed.

Ordinary criminal cases are first detected by the police station, and then handed over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Supervisory Censor for public prosecution after the results are obtained.

It is often officials who commit crimes directly by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and they are too lazy to deal with trivial matters, and it is said that they are all thrown to the new censor for training.My younger brother has no fame, in other words, he is not qualified to enter the Metropolitan Procuratorate... Could it be that the Metropolitan Procuratorate is eyeing him?

Wu Yi's heart tightened, and he carefully recalled the details of his own administration of Zhejiang, and he was sure that he had not violated any rules, so he was relieved.

"A few days ago, I bought shares in a tea factory, but I was arrested by the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Wu Jingyu cried: "Brother Mingjian, younger brother, I was tricked!"

Wu Yi's heart turned cold, and he said, "Where did you get the silver to invest in the tea house?"

"I gave it to you!" The old lady slapped her crutches, raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't worry about this matter. You are Fang Bo of Zhejiang, and you have been bullied on your own head? You go and get the 2000 taels back and clear the case." If it’s sold out, your brother will return to Suzhou tomorrow.”

Wu Yi's head swelled up suddenly, and he said, "Your Excellency, Rong Bing. The bond will be returned after the trial. As for closing the case, it is a matter for Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. My younger brother leaves the martial arts world, his departure will be a charge of obstructing official duties, and it will not be a fine at that time."

"You are a provincial uncle, and they dare to arrest your brother? You are fooling me, a woman!"

Mrs. Wu was always afraid of her own guilt and dared not speak up for her son. He also felt that his old wife was biased, so he had to cough twice to show his support.

Wu Yi hurriedly said: "My lord! Today is different, and I, Fang Bo, are only acting as herdsmen for Shengtian. I have only met a few times with the judge of Xingdali Temple and the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and I have never spoken much. Dare to say, how can I order them? There were a lot of tea tax evasion in Zhejiang last year, and both the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the State Administration of Taxation were investigating it. Compensation is better, if the mad dogs and censors bite you, you won’t even be able to go to Liaodong to mine.”

Wu Laoshu was also startled, and immediately turned into a rage: "You refuse to help your younger brother! What is the way of loyalty and filial piety taught you since childhood? Kneel down!"

The two brothers Wu Yi and Wu Jing knelt down with a plop.

The old lady looked back at Xiao'er, feeling helpless, and said in a low voice, "It's not about you."

The child quickly stood up, stood behind his mother, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh, you just have the heart to see your old lady who is half buried in the earth suffer this humiliation!" Wu Laoshu repeatedly stood on her crutches and shouted at the top of her lungs.

Wu Yi burst into tears, and cried, "Since your lord has said that the palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh, why is it that you alone don't care about Nian'er's future?"

"In all dynasties, I have never heard of Fang Bo's family being punished!" The old woman scolded: "You are so cowardly, and you will inevitably be bullied in the officialdom in the future."

"Today is indeed different from the past!" Wu Yi cried, "I'm only a year old, but I'm an official, and I don't know how many people are coveting. How can I know that today's events are not a trap for my son? I really can't just fall into the trap."

"You, you, you... you are rebellious!" Lao Shu stood up so angry that she first took a celadon cup from the table and threw it at it. Seeing Wu Yi shrink back, she became even more furious, and raised her stick to beat her.

This time Wu Yi didn't dare to hide anymore, so he forced his mother to slap him twice to vent his anger.

"Get out! Tomorrow I'll go back to my hometown in Suzhou, and I won't have to look at your face again!" the old lady said angrily.

Wu Yi got up quickly, enduring the pain in his back, and retreated wiping away his tears.

Seeing the old matriarch clean up, the servants outside did not dare to go forward until Wu Yi retreated, and then said: "Master, Liao Dacan is here to welcome you into the flower hall to serve tea."

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~!

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