golden scales

631 Mountain scorpion raging jackal tiger howling

There are Benren Hall and Jiyi Hall on the left and right of Huadian. Now Benren Hall has been sorted out as the study room of the empress dowager, and Jiyi hall has been converted into a library and collection room to store the private collections and books of the empress dowager.

In the study room of Benren Hall, another corner has been turned into a "children's paradise", with a camphor wood slide and a soft bed piled up with quilts. At this moment, the eldest grandson of the emperor is jumping on it heartlessly. Jump up and laugh out your nose even if you fall down.

The maids looked at the eldest grandson with trepidation and were always ready to wipe his sweat and nose.Ten steps away from them, the god-like emperor was sitting in an armchair with the chief minister of the dynasty, sipping hot tea and chatting about state affairs in a low voice.

The few words that drifted over from here were all uncommon words such as "Baihai", "Ewenki", and "Daur".

"Donglu is really struggling in Heilongjiang. He wants to return to my Ming Dynasty, and he is determined to kill someone with a knife." Zhu Cihong looked at the kid playing at the other end, and said to Wu Shen gently: "I'm not stupid, why? May not know their intentions."

Wu Tong echoed, sometimes I really feel that sitting next to the empress dowager and chatting will create an illusion, as if this is not a young man in his 20s, but a 70-year-old old man.

"But the battle still has to be fought. I don't intend to give up this land to the Russians." Zhu Cihong said.

Wu Xuan's hands trembled, and he said: "Your Highness, there are seven martial arts skills. Is it really necessary for a piece of permafrost thousands of miles away to put my good man, Daming, in danger?"

Zhu Cihong shook his head and said, "This place can be regarded as rich."

Siberia's mineral richness is beyond the imagination of people in this era.Even if Zhu Cihong has no conditions to mine in his lifetime, it is necessary to occupy it first and leave it to Sun.

Wu Xuan was noncommittal about this.He had never heard of any minerals in that kind of freezing place, but he was facing a Shengming empress who knew it well.It's better not to talk too much.So Wu Tong changed the direction and said, "Nowadays, the southwest of our country is not yet stable. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to rashly start a war with the Russians in the northeast."

"It's not a big problem, they don't have many people. Hundreds of people are great." Zhu Cihong said: "And I heard that their country is at war with another big country, so they probably don't want to annoy me, Ming, at this time. As for the Southwest By the side, it's just a clown, I'm very relieved to leave it to Liu Zongmin and Gu Junen."

Wu Xuan thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, there are always guilty people over there, you can use it but you can't believe it!"

Zhu Cihong smiled.

"Your Highness, instead of using troops in the Northeast, it is better to concentrate our forces to attack Luzon." Wu Sheng said: "The benefits of Nanyang are obvious. If we start from Nanyang, the voice of opposition from the court may not be too great."

Zhu Cihong thought about it.Said: "I have to wait for Nanyang. After Tang Wang arrives in Europe and finds out the strength of Spain, I will make a decision. Moreover, these few years are the time for shipbuilding and training the navy. It is not very interesting to rush to fight. .Furthermore, before attacking Nanyang, I have to solve the Japanese problem first."

Wu Xuan nodded when he heard this, and said, "Your Highness, there are too many places to use troops, and I can't keep up with my military equipment."

There are only [-] grassroots officers trained by the Armed Forces University every year.According to the distribution standard of the second lieutenant flag captain, this is five hundred flag teams.Academy officers accounted for one-third of the army's expansion process, so a maximum of [-] additional flag teams were built each year.

That is 5000 people, approximately equal to an army.

In fact, these are only the number of officers at the flag team level. The higher the number of officers is, the less the number of officers is, and the greater the restraint they receive.However, most of the trainees trained by the Martial Arts Hall are non-commissioned officers, and it takes at least half a year of advanced training to transform into an officer.The above are theoretical maximums, and a large number of staff officers cannot serve as officers.

Zhu Cihong herself was a little embarrassed.Said: "My appetite is too big?"

"His Royal Highness has far-sighted eyes, which is rare in ancient and modern times. The old minister just thinks that His Highness has forgotten the foundation of his victory." Wu Sheng said.

"Ask sir."

"Your Highness," Wu Xuan cleared his throat, "Back then we had a new army, but we didn't fight against Chuang Ni. Isn't it because our strength is still weak? Wait for me to accumulate strength, and with the momentum of thunder, even the so-called invincible Eastern Cavalry will be defeated I had to travel thousands of miles away. It is the same today, instead of constantly raising troops, it is better to complete all achievements in one battle. This is what Wu Qi means by "one victorious emperor."

Zhu Cihong couldn't deny that Wu Tong was right. If the national situation showed a state of being crushed, many places might even surrender.

"Old sir..." Zhu Cihong pondered for a moment, then asked: "What was the use of the pile warehouse built by Song Taizu back then?"

Zhao Kuangyin, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, set up a pile bank, and once said to his neighbors: "Shi Jin (Shi Jingtang of the later Jin Dynasty) cut off Youyan and bribed Khitan, so that the people of one side are restricted to the outside world. I am very sympathetic to him. I want to wait until the library is full. Wan, even if you send an envoy to make an agreement with Khitan, if you can return my land to the common people, you should use up the gold and silk as a redemption value. If it is not possible, I will disperse the stagnant wealth and recruit warriors, so that I can attack and steal it."

However, in the end, Song Dynasty neither redeemed the ten prefectures of Yanyun, nor did it recruit warriors to take them back.

"I can wait until the Ming Dynasty is strong before fighting. I'm afraid that the Russians will stand firm at that time, or the country will be peaceful, and the people will not want to fight. What should I do?" Zhu Cihong asked.

Wu Xuan stroked his beard and said, "Your Highness's concerns are indeed justified, but I'm afraid it's not auspicious to fight for years..."

Zhu Cihong stood up, and Wu Tong followed.

The two walked to the window and looked at the dry and cold world outside. It was obvious that the dry season of the Little Ice Age had not passed yet, and even the snow rarely fell.

"I originally planned to conquer Japan in the 23rd year of Chongzhen." Zhu Cihong said with a dry smile: "I sent people to Ryukyu to teach Chinese since the [-]th year of Chongzhen. In fact, it was to use Ryukyu as a platform to conquer Japan from the southwest sea route."

Wu Zhen had been suspicious for a long time, and he was not very surprised to see the empress dowager admitting it.However, in terms of the mind of a young man, being able to plan four years in advance, collect information, communicate in language, and prepare to attack a country without showing off the mountains and dews is really extremely deep in the city.

"It seems that Japan's national fortune can continue for another two years." Zhu Cihong lightly clenched his fist and knocked on the window sill: "I want to fight Russia first."

Wu Xuan sighed, and said, "Your Highness, there must be great repercussions in the court, and many people don't even know where Russia is."

"Let's not talk about Russia." Zhu Cihong said: "We will fight from Mongolia. After the new year, all policies will be tilted toward Shan, Shaanxi, and Gansu. The cavalry division will be expanded into the first cavalry army, and the Shaanxi division will also be expanded. The army came out. Gansu was separated from Shaanxi and a new province including Ningxia Wei and Hami Wei was established.

In this way, Daming gained a new province after Liaoning and Haixi, and there was a huge shortage of officials.The Northwest is different from the Northeast. Not only is it bitterly cold, but also the deserts and grasslands are less suitable for human habitation than forests and mountains.Wu Tong did not expect that he would "enlighten" such a tricky job this time.

Zhu Ciwang looked out the window, and was turned back by his son's laughter, but he was thinking about how large an army Daming's people could build.Due to the problem of the proportion of industries in later generations, there is no reference value. If you compare the number of troops in the early days of Taizu and Chengzu, it should be affordable to build a standing army of one million.

Moreover, the current military service system in Ming Dynasty has a service life limit, which has far less impact on civilian human resources than the military household system that has no retirement period.With the future advances in the southwest direction, Vietnam and even Siam will become the granary of Daming, let alone worry about the food problem.

In five years, Taiwan should also become a real treasure island.

"Your Highness, don't you want to strengthen Liaoning and Haixi?" Although Wu Tong learned geography later, he knew that Ninggu Pagoda was thousands of miles away from Qin and Jin. What are you doing?

"I don't plan to go there." Zhu Cihong grinned and said, "I want to seal the wolf as a Xu."

Wu Zhen was taken aback by Huang Taizhi, but he didn't immediately understand the relationship between Fenglangjuxu and the Russians thousands of miles away.He returned to his workplace, took the "Wan Guokun Atlas", and checked it carefully before he realized it, and he took a deep breath of air-conditioning that filled his lungs.

The Empress Dowager didn't want to compete with those Russian hunters for a city or land at all. She clearly planned to invade the hinterland of Russia directly from Mongolia and cut off the retreat of those Russians!

But this seems to be farther!

Wu Tong's fingers were lightly gesturing on the map. He knew that every time he moved a thumb joint, hundreds of miles had passed. After measuring it like must be thousands of miles away!

How many troops did Ming need to mobilize to prepare for such an expedition?How many people are ready?Supplies, maps, enemy situation... Numerous problems lingered in Wu Sheng's mind for a long time.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that this kind of thing was no longer the chief assistant's concern.

In the final analysis, I am just a chief assistant, not a prime minister.Now that the empress dowager has made a decision, the specific strategy should be taken care of by the governor's office.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong felt a lot more relaxed, but he looked at the map again, and thought of the allusion of "Feng Lang Ju Xu", and his heart felt ominous again.

This allusion from Huo Qubing in the former Han Dynasty is very popular, but from the perspective of a politician, Emperor Wu was suspected of "playing off".Although the national power and military strength of the Han Dynasty reached its peak here, the victory over the Huns did not bring new impetus for the Han Dynasty to take off.

Wu Zhen let out a long breath, sat back in his seat, and several Hanlin names came to mind.

Although I am not the prime minister, but as the chief assistant, after all, I want to be a loyal minister who is loyal to the country, not a mediocre who will leave a bad name to future generations!

ps: It’s the weekend again, I wish you all a happy weekend~~~!Thank you for your support, please vote for a recommendation ticket, and double the monthly ticket at the end of the month, thank you~!

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