golden scales

695 ball game

After all, Tulu Baihu's wisdom is not as profound as that of the Panchen Lama.When the apologist Khan worshiped the Panchen Lama and conferred his honorary title, he actually distracted the Dalai Lama's appeal in Tibet.Whether it is the reincarnation of living Buddhas or the golden blood of King Khan, in the final analysis, it is actually for the three words "appeal".

Is it really okay to rob another religious leader of his political resources in this way?

Of course it matters.At the least, it will cause discord between the Panchen Lama and the Dalai Lama, and at the worst, it will split the Yellow Sect, giving the recently suppressed Kagyu sect a chance to make a comeback.In any case, the Panchen Lama didn't want to see this, so on the one hand, he didn't care about the Junggar tribe, but on the other hand, he wanted Turubaihu to take Galdan with him.

Because Galdan is also in Lhasa now, and he is also a disciple of the Dalai Lama.

Although he is very young, except that his secular status is lower than that of Turubaihu, and he is not a tribal khan, other conditions are very similar, enough to be worthy of going to Beijing to make a pilgrimage to the Son of Heaven.

And there is also a dark chess hand in it.

The Panchen Lama hoped that Tulu Baihu would make friends with Galdan during the journey of thousands of miles.

"If the old monk is not mistaken, it is impossible for Seng Ge to win the internal struggle in Junggar." The Panchen Lama said bluntly to Tulu Baihu.Tulubaihu knew about Sengge, and knew that he was a brave Khan who attacked abroad, but he was not good at the intricate relationships and ghosts and ghosts in Junggar.However, Tulu Baihu did not understand what the Panchen Lama meant, because he did not believe that a ten-year-old child could become the leader of the Junggar tribe in the future, or even become the so-called "last hero of the Mongols" by later generations.

Turubaihu hopes that he is the hero of the Mongols, who will overwhelm Junggar, unify the four tribes of Oara, and eventually lead all Mongols.He even thought of a nickname for himself, so he can emulate Huduntu.Played the banner of "Leading the Great Khan of Millions of Mongols".

Of course, relying solely on the Heshuo Special Department is far from being able to achieve such a grand feat. Perhaps this is the reason why Master sent me to Beijing to seek the support of the Ming Dynasty.

However, can a King Khan who accepted the title of the Han still be regarded as a hero of the Mongols?

Turubaihu vaguely felt something was wrong.But I don't know why I have this strange feeling.

Before the concept of nationalism was popularized, both the Junggar tribe and the Han people were foreign to Turubaihu, and there was not much distinction between them.However, the theory of nation and country spread in the Han area now clearly divides the Han and Mongolian into two camps.From this point of view, Heshuote and Junggar should be closer.In August of the fifth year of Longjing, Tulu Baihu and Galdan rode horses and led a mighty entourage down the plateau to ask for pilgrimage.Most of them brought monks and servants, although there were many of them.But it didn't mean to show force.However, many corals, giant clams, gold, and silver... are implying that their tribe is rich and powerful.

"These things are so vulgar, they can still wear them." Dang Shousu and Xiao Mo met Tulu Baihu and Ge Erdan, and were particularly speechless about the ornaments on the two of them.From the neck to the wrist, these two Tibetanized Mongolians wished to wear everything they could wear on their bodies. Even Dang Shousu, who was born as a peasant, couldn't see it.

"Mongols and Tibetans live on the grass. To facilitate moving, they usually replace their belongings with these things and take them with them." Xiao Mo explained for him.It feels a bit like being a teacher.

These two former opponents are now colleagues, even though their military ranks are low.But his background determined that Xiao Mo's status was superior, and Dang Shousu always felt inferior.It is precisely because of this that after Dang Shousu took over the Long Army, he had very strict requirements. Finally, after the self-esteemed guards watched the Long Army's drill, they had to be convinced.

"Come to Daming to show off your wealth. It's really interesting." Dang Shousu sneered.

"We can't let them enter the customs with such arrogance," Xiao Mo said.

"How about a big review?" Dang Shousu suggested.

"The murderous intent is too heavy, I'm afraid that ten-year-old child will be frightened." Xiao Mo thought of his own children, and the youngest one was already ten years old. "Let's play a jujube ball." Xiao Mo said, "Experts can understand it, and laymen can also watch it."

Jujube nuclear ball has developed its own development after Zhu Cihong let go.The wooden barrels behind the enemy's line were turned into hollow earth platforms, and bricks were used where possible.In this way.The larger the area, the more beneficial it is to the offensive team—the teams of all armies are guided by offense, so everyone can't wait to make it bigger.

There are also regulations on protective gear, and only rattan armor can be worn-it turns out that iron armor can indeed kill people.

At the beginning, the only prohibition "no punching and kicking" was successfully circumvented by the generals.

It's true that you won't see punches and kicks on the court, but you can enjoy wrestling, wrestling and sumo wrestling.

In the end, everyone reached a consensus that as long as they did not attack the fallen, nothing else mattered.Even if someone really throws a fist at each other, as long as the winner is quickly determined, the referee will treat it as if they didn't see it.In the final analysis, jujube core ball is a passionate game. If the players are gentle and courteous on the court, then there is nothing to watch.

After hearing Xiao Mo's proposal, Dang Shousu became even more interested, and immediately agreed.

Unlike the First Guards Army, the Long Army was a battle-hardened army. It can be said that it has not experienced division-level battles since becoming an army.But playing jujube balls was a celebration of the day when the Long Army was established. It can be said that as long as the Long Army has been established, they have been playing jujube balls for as long as possible.In addition, people from Gansu have good martial arts factors in their blood, so they like this game very much.

"Let's just play a game between our department and your department." Dang Shousu said with a smile: "Since the two armies were stationed together, I really haven't played a military-level ball game."

Xiao Mo knew that Long Jun was a good player on the field.The battalions of the two armies also played games informally, and the guards lost more than they won, so Dang Shou always had the courage to challenge.

"Yes." Xiao Mo agreed to the challenge simply and clearly, and at the same time said generously: "Let you play the home game."

On the vast Gobi Desert, the least valuable thing is land.Outside Jiayuguan, just draw a square to be a flat ground that can be used as a golf course.So almost every inning has its own court, but there are varying degrees of differences in conditions.

The Long Army formed an army in Lanzhou. After moving to Jiayuguan, they built castles, piers, and stadiums. Among them, the stadium in Guannei was the most elegant, with narrow ditches on all sides, and straws were inserted in the middle with shovels, like a small fence.Every day, people are sent to level the field, not even a single stone will be spared.

Before the start of the game, it is even extravagant to sprinkle water to prevent the dust from filling the sky, so that the surrounding audience cannot clearly see the exciting moments on the field.

After moving to Jiayuguan, the First Guards Army has long been salivating at this Guannei stadium and wants to play a good game here.


"Watching football?" Ge Erdan's eyes widened: "Isn't that for children?"

Stuff some fine down in the pig urine bubble, this kind of ball is indeed not something a ten-year-old child can play.

"It's a ball game played by the Han people, a ball made of jujube pits." Turubaihu said cleverly.

He could understand jujube core balls, but he didn't know that they were actually made of wood, and they were called date core balls just because they were shaped like date cores.

"I'm not going. It's not interesting. It's better to copy the scriptures in the tent." Gerdan was wearing a lama costume and bowed his head slightly.

Turubaihu didn't know how to explain it to the kid.

The Mongols have never been a people known for their interpretation.

"If you don't go, you have to go!" Tulubaihu released the coercion of his sweat, and showed the attitude of a father: "Sometimes I will copy the scriptures for you, but you must go to see the jujube ball today!"…

Although Gerdan already has the appearance of a young tiger, the age gap makes him shrink back.Finally, full of reluctance, Galdan put on his best monk robe and followed Tulubaihu to the stadium.

The game hasn't even started yet, but the stadium is already full of excitement.As a rare recreational activity, the nearby people even came from hundreds of miles away.All kinds of small businesses and hawkers shuttled among the crowd, selling all kinds of goods, and the smell of mutton skewers filled the air, just like a grand market.

The people Gerdan has seen in his life combined are not as many as the ones he saw at this moment, his eyes widened, and his mouth couldn't even close his mouth in surprise.

Tulu Baihu also became more and more excited as he walked, what a rich place this must be to have so many people!So many business trips!So many merchandise!

Sure enough, it is indeed the old land of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, once the territory of Tian Khan.

"Gushi Khan, Lama Geerdan, please go this way." The officer in charge of the Ming army greeted him politely.

The Ming army did not recognize Tulu Baihu's Khan position, but he could not immediately deny his Khan position, so on the one hand, he followed his own custom in terms of address, but did not give him the treatment of a foreign Khan king in terms of reception specifications.For the Ming people, this was a change of authority, but for Turubaihu...he was completely unaware of the entanglement, because in his opinion, the hospitality of the Ming army was already very embarrassing to him.

"General Xiao and General Dang are waiting for you in the VIP room." The officer said politely.

Turubaihu was even more proud, even the generals of Ming Dynasty had to wait for him, the king of Khan, which showed his status.This illusion was not dispelled until he entered the VIP room, because Xiao Mo and Dang Shousu were seated together, seeing him and Galdan coming in, they didn't even have the intention of getting up to be polite.

The only thing that pleased him was that the two generals invited him to sit with smiles on their faces.

At this time, the ball game has not yet started, and the military dance is being performed on the field.This kind of dance is passionate and masculine, and it is indeed very suitable as a warm-up activity for a ball game.

"Today is the match between the First Guards Army and the First Long Army. I gambled a feast with the Dang General, and I also invited Gushi Khan and the Lama to be witnesses. No matter who wins or loses, both of them will reward you." Xiao Xiao Mo was very happy in his heart, and laughed loudly.

Dang Shousu waited for the court to feel elated and echoed repeatedly, hoping that the game would start earlier.

"When does the game start?" Gerdan asked impatiently.After all, he was still too young to know the mystery of Pi Li's age.

"It's noon." Xiao Mo didn't lose interest in the slightest by the kid, he answered while wiping his binoculars.

ps: Pay off a chapter first~~!


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