golden scales

720 Letter from the Syr Darya

On New Year's Day in Longjing's tenth year, the entire city of Beijing was shrouded in thick smoke.Almost every household set off firecrackers, and the shredded paper on the ground piled up a foot high.

From the second year of Chongzhen to the present, it has been a full 32 years. This is the first time that Beijing has regained its prosperity.Even in the first five years of the Longjing Dynasty, there was never such a scene in the capital. Now in the tenth year, it seems that the sky suddenly brightens up, and every household has savings.

Wu Sheng came out from the palace on duty, smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air, let out a long breath, and condensed into a white streak in the cold wind.

At the beginning of the night last night, there was a sound of firecrackers in the city, which lasted almost all night.This morning, Shuntian Mansion reported that [-] or [-] houses were flooded. Fortunately, everyone was watching the new year and no one was sleeping. It was only a few people who were slow to react due to burns, but no one died.

This has not happened for many years, and it can be regarded as a by-product of the return of the prosperity.

The old family members who were waiting to take Wu Xin back drove over with a four-wheeled carriage and stopped firmly in front of Wu Xin.

As the chief assistant, Wu Yan can use the four-horse system, that is, a four-horse cart, which is the treatment above the county king.Otherwise, even the son of the prince can only ride in a carriage with two horses.As for the eight-horse cart, that is a regulation that can only be used by the emperor.

Daming is still a country of strict etiquette and strict hierarchy.

"Old Mr. Wu." A vicissitudes of life and crisp cry pierced the air, and it turned out to be You Shiwei in court uniform.

After Qin Liangyu disarmed, he declined the emperor's persuasion and went back to his hometown in Sichuan to take care of himself.Because of this, You Shiwei became the head of military generals, and he was not inferior to Wu Zhen in the guard of honor, and he also rode in a four-wheeled chariot.

"Great governor." Wu Tong stopped and turned around without any hesitation.With a smile on his face, he saluted.

You Shiwei still had some prejudices, and he took a step sideways, expressing that he only dared to accept a half-respect.

Now the status of generals is indeed earth-shaking.At that time, Li Chengliang guarded Liaodong as an earl.But he still had to salute Zhang Juzheng as a disciple, calling himself a "student under his sect".As for Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou, etc., they are also unavoidable.

"Mr." You Shiwei stepped forward quickly. "When spring comes and the sun rises, can you take a few steps with respect to your feet?"

"Dare not to obey orders." Wu Sheng laughed.

You Shiwei was smiling, but the tension in his heart was not relieved in the slightest.He knew that these civil servants looked like bodhisattvas, but he couldn't figure out the entanglement in his heart.The status of generals today is mainly created by the powerful emperor, which may not be what civil officials like.

But overall, this is a good start, at least people have not rejected you thousands of miles away.

You Shiwei is no younger than Wu Tong.But he has never put in effort, and now he is parallel with Wu Zhen, and his pace is obviously much more stable.He took Wu Xin's arm and sighed, "You guys still lost the battle."

Although the cabinet can no longer intervene in the military, such important national events must be notified to the cabinet as soon as possible, so Wu Sheng naturally knows that this is an urgent report from last night.And judging from the time when You Shiwei came out.His Majesty the Emperor must have invited him to have breakfast together.

"The old man read the copy." Wu Tong said calmly, "But the ones who only said they were defeated were Tulu Baihu and Seng Ge."

"It's really just Tulubaihu and Sengge's Wala native soldiers." You Shiwei said: "If any main division of the Northwest Army joins the battle, it will not be defeated." He paused, and said without concealing: " At least not so badly."

Wu Xuan's footsteps faltered slightly, and he said, "I can't tell from the transcript."

The notice copied to the cabinet only said that the Oirat soldiers encountered the Oros, Kazakh, and Cossack coalition forces and were defeated for sixty miles, and the losses were immeasurable.However, this was just a defeat in a battle, and at best it was a heartache. Daming's real combat power in the northwest has not yet been deployed, so it cannot be called a disastrous defeat.

You Shiwei called Wu Tong to stop, in fact, he wanted something from others.Since there is something to ask for.Of course, you can't hide your words.

"The army is defeated like a mountain. I'm afraid we can't even keep the line from Lake Balkhash to Kashgar." You Shiwei said seriously.

Wu Tong was quite surprised: "Why did you lose so badly?"

You Shiwei was a little bit embarrassed about this question.

It's not about being ashamed, but because I don't know whether Mr. Wu can understand.

According to today's military terms, the Oirats are still in the cold weapon war stage.Indeed, they did have a certain number of cannon and muskets.But their tactics and tactics are still the routines of the cold weapon era, strictly speaking, the routines of the Genghis Khan era.

However, the enemy they faced was a method of alternating cold and hot weapons.More advanced and efficient.This, of course, refers to the Stelz Legion of the Oros. As for the cavalry of the Kazakhs and Cossacks, they are not more advanced in tactics and tactics than the Oirats.In You Shiwei's view, the Ming army's tactics, equipment and morale definitely surpassed the Steltz's army by more than a notch, and it was inevitable to defeat them.

So we can only speak from the results.

"There are 3 people in Tulu Baihu, 4 people in Sengge, a total of 2 troops, and less than [-] troops gathered after the war." You Shiwei said: "These [-] people are not enough to guard the Far West. If you give up defending the front, you have to give up Dayuz, and even Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, and retreat all the way to Kashgar... If the Oros and Kazakhs chase down, Kashgar may not be able to hold on.”

You Shiwei paused, and added: "Yang Wei, Chief of Staff of the West Road, believes that the Russian-Kazakh coalition forces can easily reach the North and South Roads of Tianshan Mountain. Of course, if they do this, our army will be idle."

After Yang Wei served as the chief of staff of the Northwest Army, his rank was naturally raised from colonel to major general, breaking Wang Yi's record and becoming the youngest general in Ming Dynasty.However, Wang Yi is a military chief officer who was beaten out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, while Yang Wei was a staff officer, so he still cannot match the former in terms of popularity.

Wu Sheng had contact with Yang Wei, and also learned about "Geographic Theory" from Yang Wei.He had absolute confidence in this young hero's military vision, especially since this hero was in the Western Regions, so he must have sufficient and reliable first-hand information.

"It's up to God, and it doesn't matter if you can't keep it." Wu Chen is not enthusiastic about the expansion of the vast Western Regions, such as Balkhash, Kashgar... These names make people feel that they are not the land of China, and they really have no feelings.

You Shiwei thought to himself: I really didn't come to you in vain, what I'm afraid of is that you think so!

"Actually, the relationship between them is really quite important." You Shiwei said: "His Majesty's earliest intention was to push the country to a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, such as the three passes of Qin, and then China will naturally be able to last for thousands of years, and there will be no more dangers." The barbarians are invading. Now that the Far West has suffered setbacks, the national border has retreated thousands of miles, and troops will be stationed in the future. What a huge military expenditure!"

Wu Tong continued walking, glanced sideways at You Shiwei, and said, "Those lands, to be honest, can't be regarded as the homeland of China."

"It doesn't matter whose homeland the nations are fighting for hegemony." You Shiwei paused and said, "Even if Kazakh Sanyuzi is not the homeland of China, is it the homeland of the Oros people? It’s nothing more than wanting to occupy the land of the Seven Rivers.”

The Kazakh Khanate is a Mongolian Khanate founded by the Shuchi lineage who left the Golden Horde.They were never ruled by the Northern Yuan Dynasty, so even if the Ming Dynasty claimed to inherit the legal system of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, the reasons for ruling them were not sufficient in terms of jurisprudence.

Especially today's Kazakh Khanate has split into three Yuzi, among which Dayuz Khan is the Kazakh Khan, and the main force of the Dayuz Khanate is Tuqishi, a part of the Turks, which is also the main force in the expansion of the Arab Empire .

Five years ago in 130, the Oirats and the Kazakhs started a war. According to the history books of Zhu Cihong's previous life, this war was called the "200-year War". The Kazakhs were always at a disadvantage and were finally defeated by Galdan of Junggar. .

Now in this time and space, the Oirats have received the support of Daming in terms of logistics and armaments, put on unprecedented solid armor, brandished sharp sabers, followed the achievements of their predecessors, swallowed Dayuz in one fell swoop, and forced the Kazakhs to Khan fled to Xiaoyuzi and asked the Oros for help.

Oros was originally quite afraid of the Mongols in the east and south, but the Sangge of Junggar was extremely rigid towards Russia, and even once had a small-scale battle to attack the fortress of the Russian army.When it was heard that the Oirats invaded Dayuz, Tsar Oros, who had already extended his claws to Little Yuzi, mobilized an army, and finally defeated Sengge and Turubaihu who underestimated the enemy and rushed forward in the Battle of Syr Darya.

Judging from the current intelligence, the Tsarist Russian and Kazakh coalition forces have only 5 people, and they were able to achieve a complete defeat. This somewhat implies that there is a contradiction between Sengge and Turubaihu.

This contradiction is actually very realistic. Seng Ge first felt resentful towards Turubaihu's alliance with Daming to seize the North-South Road of Tianshan Mountain, and secondly, he was not happy about Turubaihu's lack of greed and followed to attack Kazakhs.As for Turubaihu, since he was able to do such insatiable things, he probably acted as if he should be hated, and maybe he would sell his teammates in the decisive battle.

Although these are reported without written documents, how can the elites in the capital think of them?

"It's Taros again!" Wu Zhen sighed, without revealing any other position.

In the tenth year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao period, the Tang Army led by Gao Xianzhi and Li Siye fought a great battle with the Arab Empire in Talas, west of Congling and south of Lake Balkhash, but unfortunately they were not defeated.After this battle, the Arabs captured tens of thousands of Han troops, and thus learned papermaking and other Tang technologies.Judging from the military and political situation at that time, the Arab Empire thus replaced the Tang Dynasty and established hegemony in Central Asia.

Shortly after the Battle of Talas, Abu Muslim was murdered because of his great deeds, and his general Ziyad ibn Saari was also executed. This led to a large-scale rebellion, and the Arab Empire was busy suppressing the chaos. .

"The difference between today and Talas is that there is no safety hazard in our dynasty." You Shiwei said.

Two years after the defeat of Talas, Tang Anxi had recovered its combat effectiveness, but because of the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, eight years of civil war, when Tang Suzong finally rebuilt the Tang Dynasty on the ruins, the Tang Dynasty was no longer the one built by Tian Khan Datang. (to be continued~^~)

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