golden scales

734 White Cloud Canggou

Whether it is Zhu Cihong's visit to Guo Zhenren, or Zhu Hegui's conversation with Mr. Tian Shuang's garden, it is like the silt surging in a rushing river, buried deeply under the water waves.Even the person involved didn't know how his psychology had changed, and his life path didn't seem to be affected.

However, the real influence still existed. Zhu and Gui began to work hard on natural science, and at the same time taught themselves law and Buddhist and Taoist scriptures.Zhu Cihong refrained from interfering with his son, and began to quietly observe his son's changes.He knew that his eldest son was in adolescence, a stage when rebellion and ego filled every thought, and it was at this age that he was determined to become a rich man.

In order to rebel against his father who was a middle school teacher who was so noble that he was almost lonely.

Yes, my father in the previous life was a respected Chinese teacher with the demeanor of an ancient gentleman. He very much hoped that his son could make achievements in literature and history and fulfill his academic dream, but his son embarked on a money-making machine without hesitation. the way.This left the father-son relationship unimproved until the end of the previous life.


"Actually, I still love my lord father very much." With tears in his eyes, Zhu Cihong raised his head, not letting the tears flow down.

Sitting opposite the emperor was an elderly eunuch with a beardless face.Even though he was sitting quietly, he still couldn't hide the aura of war emanating from him.It's just that his current identity is no longer a member of the army, but a university professor—a professor of psychology at Jingshi University.

His name was Chen Chong, and he was a training officer of the Southwest Group Army who used to wear the rank of major general.

As the originator of imperial psychology, Zhu Cihong himself is not a good psychiatrist.It is also impossible for him to have so much time and energy to research, think, and conduct psychological experiments.In order to better grasp people's hearts, the training department has trained a large number of soldiers who are loyal to the emperor and the empire, and at the same time to solve the psychological problems of some soldiers, they have invested heavily in the field of psychology. Over the years, I have explored a path to psychoanalysis.

It's just that there are too few people who are really willing to receive psychological treatment or counseling, and perhaps His Majesty the Emperor is one of the few people.

Or maybe not.

Chen Chong knew that His Majesty chose him as his psychotherapist because of his "loyalty".Not "professional".Among the several professors in the Department of Psychology, I am afraid that his academic background is the weakest.Because he only studies the practical application of psychology.Unlike several other professors who are proficient in various ancient and modern thoughts, and the influence of those thoughts on people.

Even so, the emperor often deliberately covered up when he spoke, and was even suspected of deliberately misleading.

For example, the title "Father" is obviously not suitable for calling Daxing Emperor.

Chen Chong put a question mark in his heart, but still buried it in his heart.

Now is the time for His Majesty the Emperor to vent his emotions, if it is interrupted.It will definitely cause no small mental trauma.

However, the emperor quickly restrained his emotions. He wiped away his tears and said, "As I get older, my eyelids can no longer contain tears."

Chen Chong was older than the emperor, he just smiled slightly.

"Perhaps I should abdicate." Zhu Cihong said with a wry smile, "I agreed with the late emperor to abdicate fifty years ago... In the end, none of us kept it."

Chen Chong found that reason required him to keep silent, but emotion forced him to speak: "Your Majesty has enjoyed the country for 61 years, which is rare in ancient and modern times. As for the Dingding of the country, I believe that no one who has experienced national changes can imagine what it would be without His Majesty... What a sight."

"I'm useless now." Zhu Cihong sighed and said, "The border is solid. The people live in peace, the rich obediently pay taxes, and the officials dare not oppress the poor. I can only do this."

"Your Majesty, the old minister is bold. The American border has not been completely consolidated, and Ming is still inseparable from Your Majesty." Chen Chong seemed to have a premonition of something, and tried his best to persuade him.

"It's not my responsibility anymore." Zhu Cilang sighed: "Over the years, I have sent away too many people, and I really don't want to experience the feeling of being left. Nowhere, I don’t know who is walking with me.”

Chen Chongdao: "Your Majesty, this is an escape idea."

Zhu Cilang sighed and said, "I've never been a brave person, but I always have to stand at the forefront of the storm."

"Your Majesty, you are the strongest person I have ever seen." Chen Chong paused and said, "Your self-discipline is like a rock, and you will always shine on this empire with the light and heat of the sun. Lead the people forward."

"There are sunspots in the sun." Zhu Cihong forced a smile and said, "Speaking of this, how long have you been providing psychological counseling for me?"

"It's been 20 years, Your Majesty." Chen Chong blurted out without counting.

Zhu Cihong pursed her lips, seemingly regretful, but also proudly said: "Then you haven't seen me through."

"I just come here every week to listen to the hadith, I'm really ashamed." Chen Chong bowed his head.

Zhu Cihong shook his head and didn't say anything more.

When Chen Chong went out, he turned off the light by the way. He knew that His Majesty the Emperor needed to rest for a while.

In 50 years, half a century in Yeli's terms, Daming has completely stepped out of the shadows.

With the successful first voyage of the steam-powered iron-clad giant ship, Ming Dynasty finally started his own era of sea power, turning the east of the Malacca Strait into his own swimming pool, and even the Pacific Ocean became an inland sea between the east and west territories.

In terms of land borders, because Russia broke out a large-scale copper coin uprising in Longjing 12 years, it had to sell the Ural Mountains to Daming in exchange for silver and gold to quell the rebellion of the princes and the riots of the Moscow citizens.This was not mentioned in the history textbook of Zhu Cihong's previous life at all, but in this time and space, it has become a blow to the revival of Russia.

Naturally, the shadows of Jin Yiwei and the Military Intelligence Division floated in it.

In the 23rd year of Longjing, Song Yingxing, as the number one scientific master after Wang Zheng, successfully found a yellow explosive that could be used as a dye. In addition to winning the Kui Xin Award, he was also named Duke of Yue.His yellow dynamite was soon used in the research of flowering bombs and firecracker bullets, and it shined brilliantly in Longjing's 25-year war with the Ottomans.

In the 25th year of Longjing, the imperial double fists Xiao Mo and Xiao Donglou led troops to attack Istanbul. Under the power of dynamite, the Ottomans, who were capable of fighting, could only sue for peace in pain, hoping that the war would end soon.

The Ming Empire finally retreated for a thousand miles, fixed the border on the west coast of the Black Sea to the Persian Gulf, returned Istanbul, ended the war, and forced the Ottomans to carry out business activities fairly and justly.

Both tactically and strategically.Daming has a perfect ending.

On the American side, also thanks to the dynamite.The Spaniards finally agreed to cede all the territories north of Mexico City, respect Ming's values ​​in the Americas, legislate against the slave trade, and send existing slaves back to Africa in an orderly manner.

However, the war did not end there.

In the 26th year of Longjing, there was a border dispute between the southwestern border guards of the Ming army and the Mughal Empire in the Rakhine Mountains.In the following three months, Li Dingguo's troops of the Ming army crossed the Ruokai Mountains and occupied Bangladesh.The Northwest Army broke through Kabul-this can be said to be the birthplace of the Mughal Empire.

The war lasted for six years, with a total of 30 people from the two Ming armies in the north and the south, ending the history of the Mughal Empire in Sri Lanka, and adding an Indian capital to the Ming Dynasty.

In the 31st year of Longjing, because the war gradually faded away, the military nobles had to seek a new foundation.Following His Majesty's investment direction, they invested the spoils obtained in the new territory into scientific research.In the following ten years, Ming Dynasty was like a playground for scientists, as long as there was a whimsical idea.Someone is willing to invest money in it.

Because these military aristocrats are the ultimate beneficiaries of science and technology, intellectual property rights in Ming Dynasty are valued far more than Zhu Cihong's expectations.

In the 37th year of Longjing, the world's first electric motor was successfully developed.Electricity came into this world after 31 years of gestation.

In the 38th year of Longjing, the Royal Power Group was the end of the same year.Its subordinate lighting group produces 39 lighting bulbs per day.Three years later, with the rapid progress of electric motors and generators, the daily output of Bulb Group's [-] factories across the country reached [-], and continued to rise.

In the 40 years since Longking, electric four-wheel vehicles powered by chemical batteries have appeared on the streets of Beijing.

In the 50 years of Longjing, Song Yingxing finally completed his internal combustion engine plan in the early years and manufactured the world's first internal combustion engine.However, at this time, Daming's electric motor has become the mainstream, and people are more willing to use non-polluting electric motors, and almost no one can see the future from the newly born internal combustion engine.

Song Yingxing had no choice but to give the internal combustion engine to His Majesty the Emperor.It is said that this gasoline-burning, dirty machine can become the heart of a flying machine-unless the battery motor can overcome its shortcomings such as instability and prohibitive cost.But His Majesty the Emperor, as always.This new power machine was first used on trains, which greatly improved the carrying capacity of the railway.

With the emergence of diesel locomotives, the transportation network of Ming Dynasty continued to increase, and the mining of various industrial raw materials became more efficient.

During the ten years from the 50th year of Longview to the 60th year of Longview, productivity showed explosive progress, and the materials produced were almost the sum of the past 300 years, so that the units of measurement had to be expanded tenfold or a hundredfold.

In the 67th year of Longjing, after Zhu Cihong enjoyed the country for 67 years, on his 88th birthday, Mishou, he passed the throne of emperor to the already grizzled crown prince Zhu Hegui.

Zhu Hegui has made great achievements in Confucianism, and has no interest in the belated emperor's throne.

He even rejected the suggestion of the Confucian officials to change the Yuan Dynasty, and announced that starting from himself, and even his heir, he would continue to use the Longjing reign name, so that this great era would continue for thousands of years.

Facing his son's statement, Zhu Cihong was not at all relieved.

Because as the founder of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, Zhu Cihong is very aware of the truth behind this.

The second son of the emperor, Zhu Heqi, controlled the Imperial Guards, which frightened the whole world; the third son of the emperor, Zhu Heyuan, controlled many industries under the royal family, especially the newspaper industry of the Emperor Ming Dynasty, railways, and shipping; the fourth son of the emperor, Zhu Heyin, followed Fu Shan Taoism, the great abbot of Quanzhen, who was canonized by Zhu Cihong, has four princes among the people, and is quite respected by believers;

Zhu Hetan, the fifth son of the emperor, graduated from the School of Law of Jingshi University. He went to Europe when he was young. The whole world has recognized the territory of the current Ming Dynasty, and it is quite popular among the Qingliu and young people in China.

Backed by the military power of the Ming Dynasty, he drafted international laws and established the Guangzhou International Criminal Court to try crimes against humanity such as piracy, slave trade, and genocide. With the help of his Thai and Western allies, he made Ming a truly world empire.

From the moment Joo and Kyu put on the emperor's crown, he knew his situation hadn't changed a bit.He still lives in the shadow of his great father, Sheng Ming.

"Since I can't change it, none of you should change it."

The new emperor had already thought about that ethereal "constitution" in his heart.It was a sharp weapon that I heard from my father by chance.

"Isn't it good to draw up a charter, and the emperor will rule the world in the future?" Zhu Hegui asked his father.

Zhu Cihong looked at the eldest son who was also exuding an old aura, and was quite tired under the warm sunshine, so he forced himself to ask, "What do you want in exchange?"

Zhu Hegui was not at all surprised by his father's quick thinking.

"I want to use this guarantee in exchange for the imperial family's control over the royal assets." Zhu Hegui said.

In the hands of Zhu Cihong, the imperial family can naturally use its own equity to have a direct impact on the operation.However, Zhu Cihong let go.Zhu Hegui discovered that the management right had actually fallen into the hands of his younger brothers, and he had no equity in it, but he had to risk his life and death if he wanted to affect the management.

For half a century, the power of capital has prevailed.

"I keep saying that you are naive, but you are still not convinced?" Zhu Cihong almost murmured.

"Father, my only innocence has long been exhausted." Zhu Hegui almost burst out of decades of depression, and said loudly: "Why does Father think that everything I do is wrong! I have worked hard Do everything right!"

Zhu Cihong sighed heavily, and said: "If you come to ask for my opinion, I hope you don't change anything. Just like you continue to use the Longjing reign name, until a powerful emperor appears among your descendants, maybe you can restore it. Emperor Zhen's room."


"If you want to have a showdown with your younger brothers over this, I'm worried that your descendants can only be a puppet with seals." Zhu Cihong said: "But no matter what, at least there will be no second Fengtianjing difficulty. You will be pushed to the guillotine by your own people, and you will be content with treachery and rebellion." Zhu Cihong closed his eyes, unable to say anything more.

For an old man nearing the end of his life, it was tragic to see his sons killing each other.

When Zhu Hegui walked out of the Supreme Emperor's bedroom, he felt as if all his strength had been drained.It is impossible for him to be swayed by others now, because he himself is a great Confucian in the world, and he is influencing other people's thoughts.He also has his own school of thought and many disciples.However, among these people, there are few heroes who can see current events clearly.But due to the bureaucratic system of Ming Dynasty, even if he is the emperor.It is also impossible to promote these disciples exceptionally.

—I want to take matters into my own hands.

Zhu Hegui secretly made a decision in his heart.


In the 68th year of Longjing, a bad news was sent to the capital via cable telegram.

Ding Wang Zhu Cijiong died, because he had no son, he could only face the situation of expelling the country.

Three months later, Zhu Cihong met the white-haired Concubine Lu Shi.

"Although the removal of the kingdom is inevitable, don't worry, the industry in North Korea is still yours. You don't need to worry about your life in the capital in the future." Zhu Cihong said.

Lu Qiaochu was not worried about his life in the capital, not only the industry in North Korea, but the Lu family itself had become one of the most prominent families in Ming Dynasty.His father, Lu Xiangguan, finally paid homage to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and went out for a walk as usual before he took office, adding the title of Dongge University Bachelor.

His cousin Lu An, as a famous economist in the Longjing era, has been at the helm of the Imperial Bank for 30 years, and his salary and bonuses alone are already incomparably rich.

"I just ask the Supreme Emperor to allow me to be buried in Babao Mountain." Lu raised his head stubbornly: "Together with the soldiers of the Second Army."

Zhu Cihong did not forget that she was a female general in the army, so she nodded silently.

"For decades... I have wronged you..." Zhu Cihong said.

"I got used to it later on." Lu Qiaochu thanked the Supreme Emperor and Supreme Empress before leaving.

Duan didn't know about Lu Qiaochu's past, so he wondered, "How could the soldiers of the Second Army be buried in Babao Mountain?"

Babaoshan is actually a mound in the Xishan Mountains. Since Chengzu moved the capital, the eunuchs in the palace all went there to retire there when they got old, and they were finally buried there.In order to praise them for their loyal service, the royal family set up the Baozhong Huguo Temple in Babaoshan to let them sleep peacefully.

The army under Zhu Cihong may be the most united army, so when they were dying, Xiao Mo, Xiao Donglou and other famous generals expressed that they did not want to be buried in the family cemetery, but together with their subordinates, they would still be emperors in another world. His Majesty's battle guards.

So Zhu Cihong chose Babaoshan.All high-ranking generals, draw a picture of the temple of meritorious officials.He was bestowed the title of "Fengtian Zhengguo Pushing Sincerity Xuanli Military Minister", and at the same time enshrined the god's throne in Baozhong Huguo Temple and buried it in Babaoshan.

However, ordinary soldiers may not be buried in Babao Mountain.

"Perhaps she refers to the generals who fought side by side together." The name "Xu Cheng" appeared in Zhu Cihong's mind.

This name did not leave an impression on people before Longjing 25 years ago, but in the 25-year battle of Istanbul, it was the colonel and battalion officer who led his team into Istanbul city.With the subsequent mopping up operations.Xu Cheng eventually became a general of the Ming Dynasty, and died in the army at the age of 67. He was enshrined in the Gongchen Temple and buried in Babaoshan.

"I've been the emperor for almost 70 years and haven't built a mausoleum for myself." Zhu Cihong turned to Duan and asked softly, "Where do you want to be buried? I'll let the emperor prepare."

"Just Tianshou Mountain, to save money." Duan said lightly, "I hope I can live until the completion of the project."

"Now the construction is not as fast as it was back then." Zhu Cihong recalled that he built the mausoleum for his father, Emperor Chongzhen. At that time, there were no electric motors, no internal combustion engines, and the efficiency of steam engines was beyond praise.

Although he has never worshiped his father, as a son, he still has to give his father a good posthumous posthumous posthumous title.Finally, Chongzhen entered Fengtai Temple with the temple name of "Lizong".His posthumous title is "Emperor Fengtian Zundao, Inspirational, Respectful, Xiuwenbu Wuren Xiaojian".

It is also Zhu Cihong's gratitude to Chongzhen for not believing in Zi Huan.

"What posthumous title do you think they will give me after I die?" Zhu Cihong asked suddenly.

"What do you want me to say?" Duan stared sideways.Feigned annoyance.

Although he is over eighty years old, there is still the spring of youth in this glance.

The Ming Dynasty has gone through three and a half centuries.It is still so vivid in this spring scenery.


Daming Longjing 360 four years, Daoist calendar [-], Jesus calendar [-].

Zhu Zhancheng walked off the plane slowly and took a deep breath of Daming's fresh air.When the plane just entered the airspace of Daming, he saw the green forest below from the porthole.Compared with the barren and dirty Europe, these trees are more likely to make people happy.

"Your Highness, the six-hour flight was really exhausting." The steward of the palace who came to pick up the plane greeted him.

Zhu Zhancheng smiled and said, "I just fell asleep."

The steward followed Zhu Zhancheng and said, "Your Highness, when you were in Persia, King Cheng sent a newly produced suspension car."

"Thank you." Zhu Zhancheng said simply and clearly, "Did he ask for any conditions?"

"He wants the manuscript that Emperor De gave to the Song family," said the housekeeper.

After Zhu Cihong's great success.His posthumous title is "Ti Tian Chang Dao Zhuang Yi Wen Hong Xing Wen Xuan Wu Ren Zhi Cheng Xiao De Emperor", temple name Dao Zong.

According to the explanation in "Aristocratic Family", this is citing the "Posthumous Law": Suirou people are called virtue; people who are not powerful are called virtue; noble but good manners are called virtue; loyalty and pure preparation are called virtue; people from Suihuai are called virtue; Being strong and gentle is called virtue; being diligent and sympathetic to the people is called virtue; being loyal and practical is called virtue; assisting the world and longing the people is called virtue; ; Wisdom and daily renewal are called virtue; good governance and nourishing the people are called virtue;

As for the name of the temple, it is also because "Tao" means to transform the people with virtue.

Ever since the emperor had a posthumous title, no one has received more praise than Zhu Cihong.

Zhu Zhancheng came from the lineage of King Mi, the third son of Emperor Longjing, and has no relationship with the current imperial family.However, as an authority in the study of Emperor Longjing, he has a lot of collections that make the clan jealous.

The manuscript given to the Song family refers to the original manuscript written by Zhu Cihong to Song Hongye about intelligence work.This manuscript has been carefully collected by Song Hongye. Later, because his wife Wang Huazhen's cousin joined Jinyiwei, it was passed on to the Wang family as a gift and became a family heirloom of the Wang family.

"If he comes again, return the car to him." Zhu Zhancheng denied the news without even thinking about it, but he quickly paused and said, "But... I can transfer the two calligraphy written by Master Daomiao, provided that It was they who were willing to let Qi Zhao enter the family tree."

The butler lowered his head, indicating that he shouldn't be beaking this.

Zhu Zhancheng knew that this was really shocking and might attract opposition from the people all over the country, so he sighed and quickened his pace to get on the car.

In the fourth year of Longjing 360, the people of Ming Dynasty still could not accept a child born to a barbarian woman to become the royal family of Ming Dynasty, even though the barbarian woman herself was the queen of an allied country.

Zhu Zhancheng sat in the car, looked at the scorching sun that had just risen in the sky, and thought to himself: Maybe Qi Zhao can only go to England to become the king.

Being a king in that country full of dust and smog is not even as happy as being a commoner in Daming!

Looking down from space, the places other than Daming would be pitch black at night, and they wouldn't even be willing to use kerosene lamps emitting black smoke!

In particular, Britain has to fight France every ten years, but this is Ming's arrangement.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhancheng felt unspeakable sourness in his heart, and the blood of Emperor Longjing could make him accept his fate.

Perhaps, the 650-year-old Ming Dynasty is about to usher in a new story. Zhu Zhancheng only hopes that he can fulfill that little dream in this new story.

(End of the book) (To be continued~^~)

PS: The story is over here, thank you for your support all the way, more words will be placed in the postscript, thank you for accompanying Xiaotang for this year!

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