eclectic mission

126 I'm really not a man

() After Gu Bo introduced Huang Wuyi to everyone, he introduced Tang Sanmu to Shu Zhijian and Huang Wuyi: "Boss, Wuyi, this is Tang Sanmu, the brother I mentioned to you, also called monk, you Just call him a monk."

Shu Zhijian's eyes froze when he heard this, and he couldn't help but look at Tang Sanmu a few more times. Shu Zhijian would definitely pay attention to a person who broke Su Dang's leg and was safe and sound.

A group of nine people came to the room reserved by Mei Hanxiao. Tang Sanmu found that, except for Gu Bo, who was talkative, Shu Zhijian and Huang Wuyi didn't like to talk. Before the banquet, Shu Zhijian and Huang Wuyi sat silently without saying a word Pass.

But, after the banquet started, Tang Sanmu was shocked!

As soon as the dishes were served, Shu Zhijian opened the bottle and poured the wine. This wine was strong wine exported from the Celestial Dynasty!Shu Zhijian filled the wine glasses of the four men with spirits, and said the first sentence: "Third brother, I will leave the ladies' wine to you."

Ling Jia nodded and poured red wine for every woman.

Shu Zhijian called Ling Jia the third child, and Gu Bo also called Shu Zhijian the boss. The boss Ling Jia said should also be Shu Zhijian. This is very intriguing!In the Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Tang leader ranked third. Could it be that Shu Zhijian was the Qin leader?Could it be that Gu Bo is also one of the six chiefs of the Heavenly Killing Mansion?Huang Wuyi too?It's just that a few people called it that openly outside, aren't they afraid of revealing their identities?Tang Sanmu was puzzled.

Shu Zhijian didn't give Tang Sanmu time to think: "Monk, you are Gu Bo's brother, that is, our brother. Let me have a drink with you."

Seeing Shu Zhijian drank a full glass of spirits in one gulp, Tang Sanmu smiled wryly.To be honest, before this, Tang Sanmu didn't regard Gu Bo as a brother, Tang Sanmu only regarded Gu Bo as a friend.Brothers are not called casually, those who can share weal and woe together, those who can go through life and death together, and those who can stab each other are the real brothers!Can Gu Bo share the joys and sorrows with himself?Can you go through life and death with yourself?Can he do anything for his brother?This point, Tang Sanmu is not sure.Since he was not sure, Tang Sanmu would not treat Gu Bo as a brother casually. Whether he and Gu Bo could change from friends to brothers would depend on their future contacts.This is Tang Sanmu's view of brothers!

Since Gu Bo is still not sure whether he is a brother or not, it is even more difficult for Shu Zhijian to be sure!However, Tang Sanmu still drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Among friends, drinking like this is also legitimate.Moreover, when it comes to drinking, Tang Sanmu is not afraid of anyone.

Tang Sanmu just put down the wine glass, Huang Wuyi drank the wine in the glass, and turned to Tang Sanmu to light the bottom of the glass: "Monk."

Tang Sanmu had no choice but to drink another glass, and said casually: "I said, everyone, we are here for dinner, not for wine competition. I think we can drink as we please."

"He's really not a man!" Mei Hanxiao took the spirits and poured a full glass: "Tang Sanmu can't afford to be tough, Young Master Shu, Young Master Gu, Wuyi, let's drink."

Tang Sanmu heard a black thread!Damn, if there is a chance, you Mei Hanxiao will let you know whether I, Tang Sanmu, belong to a man!If there is a chance, I will let you, Mei Hanxiao, know that I, Tang San, are too tough for you!Depressed to be depressed, Tang Sanmu was not provoked, but ate the dishes on his own.

However, after Tang Sanmu said this, both Shu Zhijian and Huang Wuyi were embarrassed to ask Tang Sanmu to drink, because they were not familiar with each other.Gu Bo also smiled, he didn't know how much Tang Sanmu could drink, but he knew that Shu Zhijian and Huang Wuyi were two wine barrels, and it wouldn't be good to force Tang Sanmu to get drunk, so Gu Bo didn't Ask Tang Sanmu to drink, and drink with Shu Zhijian, Huang Wuyi and Mei Hanxiao.

"Monk, let's drink too. You can drink red wine too. Don't worry, you will never get drunk with this wine, haha..." Mei Yidan didn't want to talk to Tang Sanmu, but was cooperating with Mei Hanxiao to run on Tang Sanmu. Miki.Mei Yidan felt that the things that could make Tang Sanmu unhappy were the things she wanted to do now.

Tang Sanmu was confused, why was he so unpopular?It seems that if you don't show your efforts, you will really give them a bad look!Tang Sanmu pushed away Mei Yidan's upside-down red wine, stood up and grabbed a bottle of spirits, opened the bottle cap, and blew on it!

The audience was stunned!

After drinking a bottle of spirits, Tang Sanmu said calmly, "You guys, who will drink with me?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.Tang Sanmu glanced around, and his eyes fell on Ling Jia. Although Ling Jia didn't speak just now, her eyes despised Tang Sanmu the most.

Ling Jia stood up in a panic: "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Mei Hanxiao, come and drink with me? Didn't you say that I can't afford to be hard, so I'll show you hard now. Come on, let's blow a bottle each before we talk." Tang Sanmu approached Mei Hanxiao again and provocatively.

Mei Han smiled slightly, and quickly stood up, chasing after Ling Jia: "Well, I'll go to the bathroom too."

Tang Sanmu laughed loudly: "Mei Hanxiao, now I'm too hard for you, haha..."

Ling Yexue put the wine glass heavily on the table, finally talked to Tang Sanmu, and said coldly: "What are you talking about! You have the ability to drink with me, dare you come!"

Tang Sanmu was sweating, Tang Sanmu still knew how his wife's drinking capacity was, last time she only drank half a bottle of low-alcohol alcohol, and sprayed it all over the bed.Of course Tang Sanmu wouldn't drink with Ling Yexue, he was the one who felt sorry for his daughter-in-law when he got drunk.

Tang Sanmu sat down resentfully, and poured a glass of wine: "Shu Shao, let's have a drink."

Shu Zhijian breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay to drink from a wine glass, monk, and said in fear, you can't blow into the mouth of the bottle."

"Haha..." Tang Sanmu laughed loudly: "Then let's drink cup by cup."

Shu Zhijian quickly said: "Monk, you can't just ask me to drink alone, everyone should drink together."

"Okay, let's have a drink first." Tang Sanmu gulped it down.

In other words, after Ling Jia escaped from the room, she didn't go to the bathroom, saying that she went to the bathroom was just an excuse to escape.Looking at Tang Sanmu's posture of drinking, if he finds him to fight for wine, if he doesn't escape, he will kill himself!Ling Jia didn't dare to enter the room again, but wandered to the lobby on the third floor.

When Ling Jia came to the hall, there happened to be a blond drunk wandering crookedly in the hall and calling on the phone. The drunk spoke English, and the content of the phone was molesting women in obscenities.Ling Jia frowned, turned around and left.

When the drunk saw Ling Jia, his drunken eyes lit up!Immediately hung up the phone and chased after him: "Hello, beauty, please stay, let's chat..."

A drunk, Ling Jia didn't intend to argue with him at first, but the drunk rushed forward and wanted to grab Ling Jia's shoulder while talking nonsense, which made Ling Jia furious!Who is Ling Jia?If he was molested like this, would he still be ashamed?Ling Jia, who was burning with anger, turned around and kicked the drunkard away!

"Ah..." The drunk's screams startled many people.

In a room across the hall, more than a dozen people rushed out immediately.Ling Jia looked at it and frowned again. Among the people who rushed out, there were actually three people from the Celestial Dynasty. Ling Jia was so familiar with these three people that she was no longer familiar with them!

Among these three people, there is Bai Dingyang who is known as the 'Prince of the Capital'!Ling Jia also knew another hidden identity of Bai Dingyang, Bai Dingyang, the dragon head of Tianwei Mansion!It seems that not only Tianwei Mansion dispatched people for this sudden incident in Paris, but the leader Bai Dingyang personally led the team!

The other two, one is the eagle-headed panfeng, and the other is the wolf-headed Song Canyi!Bai Dingyang, Pan Feng, and Song Canyi are the three most powerful leaders of Tianwei Mansion, and they all dispatched to Paris. It seems that Tianwei Mansion wants to do something in this emergency!

"Ling Jia, what's going on." It was Yingshou Panfeng who asked.

Before Ling Jia could speak, a red-haired devil screamed in blunt Chinese: "What else could be going on, this bitch kicked my brother unconscious!"

The sound of a bitch made Ling Jia furious!Ling Jiayin rushed over with a sullen face, and slapped her out.As soon as the red-haired devil sealed off his move, Ling Jia felt a chilly breath go up his arm.

Ling Jia's heart shuddered!The power is applied to the arms, and the coldness on the arms disappears invisible.The other party turned out to be a very good master!

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