eclectic mission

131 Fire Soul

() Under Mei Hanxiao's constant urging, Tang Sanmu and Yang Qing's plan to prepare for the third battle aborted.After Tang Sanmu sent Yang Qing back to the hotel where she and Ling Yexue stayed, he rushed back to Mei Hanxiao's villa.

Mei Hanxiao's eyes searched Tang Sanmu for a while: "You are too mean. You have eaten glutinous rice cakes in the middle of the night, and you didn't bring some back for me to taste. I have never eaten glutinous rice cakes, really!"

Tang Sanmu sweated profusely!He stammered and said: "Mr. Mei, that glutinous rice cake is not ready yet, it's not ready yet, really, you are in a hurry, I rushed back before the glutinous rice cake was ready."

"Okay, remember, next time you go to your hometown, bring back some glutinous rice cakes."

Tang Sanmu secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Okay, okay. Mr. Mei, you are waiting for me in my room. Will Yidan have any idea if he knows?"

"I put Yidan into a coma. She won't wake up until morning. Let's go. Hope tonight can be fruitful."

Tang Sanmu said: "Wait, Mr. Mei, I've been here for so long, and I still haven't figured out what the task is. Can you tell me first, I'm really holding back."

Mei Han smiled and looked at the time: "It's too late to talk about it now, let's talk about it after tonight. If there is something tonight, you will understand the seriousness of the matter even more when you talk about it."

Tang Sanmu nodded helplessly, and the two followed the action route of the previous night, sneaking to that point last night to lurk.Tang Sanmu felt that tonight was much quieter than last night. There had been no abnormal noises. Tang Sanmu faintly felt that something was going to happen. Could it be that this is the calm before the storm?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was 03:30 in the middle of the night. Tang Sanmu still didn't see Mei Hanxiao who was not far away.Tang Sanmu thought for a while, and sneaked to Mei Hanxiao's side, this time, Mei Hanxiao didn't dodge any more, but stared at Tang Sanmu not to get too close.

Tang Sanmu said to Mei Hanxiao with his lips: "It's really an inexplicable task."

Mei replied with a smile on her lips: "Wait! Don't be long-winded!"

Alright, Tang Sanmu shrugged his shoulders, and when he was about to lie down, a red light suddenly appeared in the forest some distance to the right!Then, all the people lurking in the dark rushed towards the red light, and immediately there was the sound of fighting.Tonight, it really paid off!Tang Sanmu couldn't figure out the situation, so he had to look at Mei Hanxiao and act according to her wishes.

Mei said with a smile on her lips: "Don't make a move yet, and don't disperse first, stay close to monitor, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! But one thing must be done, when the time is right, grab that red glowing thing, and destroy it with all your strength, it won't be destroyed Just take it away!"

Tang Sanmu nodded, followed behind Mei Hanxiao, and dived towards the red light.When he found the ambush position, Tang Sanmu took a closer look at Zhong Yang, slightly startled.This thing is really weird!

In the forest, many figures were scrambling for the red glowing thing.To be precise, it wasn't a thing, but a humanoid flame that was bigger than the middle finger!The human-shaped flame emitted a dazzling red light, just like a fire elf, jumping happily in the forest, many people tried to catch him, but all of them were in vain.

What a cute little guy, Mei Hanxiao actually ordered to destroy it, the most poisonous Mei Hanxiao's heart, Tang Sanmu asked, "What is this?"

Mei replied with a smile on her lips: "This is Huo Po, you must get it!"

There were more and more people robbing the soul of fire, and a scuffle broke out immediately.Huo Po didn't care about these things, but the strange thing was that it just didn't go out within a certain range, and just jumped for joy. Sometimes, he even jumped on someone in a mischievous manner, and immediately, that person would be killed. Besieged and died.Even so, everyone is still chasing Huo Po without fear of death.

After chasing for a long time, no one was able to catch Huo Po, so some strong men began to clear people, first clearing out the hostile forces, and their own people could slowly catch Huo Po.There were quite a few people who had such thoughts, and immediately, no one was chasing Huo Po, and everyone started fighting.

Soon, the forest was completely destroyed, Tang Sanmu and Mei Hanxiao had to retreat, both of them were worried that if they went out at this time, they would be besieged by the hidden masters.Needless to say, the powerful masters all have the same idea as Tang Sanmu and the others, let others beat them half to death, and then come out to take advantage.

However, the plan didn't change quickly, Tang Sanmu and Mei Hanxiao happened to hide, and Huo Po, who hadn't jumped out of a certain range, suddenly ran away, and ran to Tang Sanmu and Mei Hanxiao's hiding place!

The opportunity is once in a thousand years, two phantoms pounced on Huo Po at the same time, this time, Huo Po did not run away again, Mei Hanxiao held it tightly in the palm of his hand, at the same time, the red light disappeared.

Mei smiled: "You block it! I'm going northeast!"

Without giving Tang Sanmu a chance to speak, Mei Hanxiao flashed away, and at the same time, countless figures rushed towards the hiding place of the two!

"Roar!" Tang Sanmu yelled, and struck out both fists at the same time, the two figures coming from the front flew out, blocking the ones rushing from behind.However, after such a delay, Tang Sanmu was also surrounded by people coming from both sides, and fell into a siege.

The people surrounding Tang Sanmu only knew that Huo Po had disappeared in this place, so of course they thought that Tang Sanmu had already obtained Huo Po, and they all attacked Tang Sanmu frantically.Those who can come to participate in this battle must be masters from all sides, and there are too many people. Tang Sanmu killed a dozen of them, and the attack of the besieging crowd did not weaken at all.It was very difficult for Tang Sanmu to leave.

At this moment, there was a strange movement from behind the crowd, eight people formed a formation, like a drill, drilled a way, and killed Tang Sanmu.

Tang Sanmu could tell that the eight people used the Celestial Dragon Flying Formation to kill the enemy. In addition to the strength of the eight people, the eight people were like a wandering dragon, and no one could stop them for a while.Seeing the eight people approaching, Tang Sanmu immediately raised his vigilance. In such a melee scene, even the compatriots of the Celestial Dynasty must be highly vigilant before they know the enemy or us!

"Let's go! Let's stop it!" The person holding the dragon's head shouted in a low voice.

Tang Sanmu was startled when he heard this, he could hear this person's voice, the thin voice was exactly Bai Dingyang!Bai Dingyang led people to form a dragon formation to help Tang Sanmu stop the enemy, Tang Sanmu was confused for a moment.

"Go!" Seeing Tang Sanmu in a daze, a female voice in the middle of the formation shouted.

This was Ling Jia's voice. After hearing Ling Jia's voice, Tang Sanmu didn't even think about it. With the cooperation of eight people, he broke through the encirclement and chased after Mei Hanxiao.

However, Tang Sanmu still couldn't figure out why Tiansha, the people from Tianwei Erfu would join forces to stop the enemy for him.Tang Sanmu couldn't figure it out because he didn't know how Tianfu evaluated the bergamot Tang Seng.The two masters of Tianfu have said that even though they don't know who Tang Seng is, he must be from the Celestial Dynasty.Every action of the bergamot Tang Seng outside coincides with the purpose of Tianfu, such a person, Tianfu can regard him as an ally.The second palace master also explained that under special circumstances, when there is a consensus on national interests, if there is an opportunity to cooperate with Tang Seng's actions, try to cooperate as much as possible!

The eight people, Bai Dingyang and Shu Zhijian, also rushed over to snatch the Huo Po, but when they found out that the Huo Po had fallen into the hands of Tang Seng with Buddha Hands, the eight of them quickly met their heads, and the result of the discussion was to fully cooperate with Tang Seng with Buddha Hands!The fire soul is in the hands of the Buddhist monk Tang Seng, which is equivalent to being in the hands of the Celestial Dynasty.Bai Dingyang and Shu Zhijian cannot have any selfishness on matters related to the major interests of the country like this!Therefore, the eight of them unified their minds in an instant, and fully cooperated with the bergamot Tang Seng to break through!

Besides Mei Hanxiao, after Mei Hanxiao left in a flash, her first thought was to destroy the soul of fire in her palm!First of all, Mei Hanxiao concentrated all her skills into her palm, trying to use her true energy to disperse the fire soul!However, Huo Po only made a 'squeak' sound, even if Mei Hanxiao tried her best, she couldn't hurt it at all!

Mei Hanxiao immediately gave up this method, and took out a special bottle from the tool bag, which contained aqua regia!Mei Hanxiao's intention was to stuff Huo Po into the bottle and see if the aqua regia could melt it!

Just as the bottle was taken out, something strange happened in front of her. Mei Hanxiao looked up, frowned immediately, and put the bottle into the tool bag again.The people sent by the American forces have finally made a move!Before, they hid very well, and Mei Hanxiao never noticed their whereabouts. At this juncture, the two sides finally met!

Standing in front of Mei Hanxiao are two Iron Men!The black iron armor emits a faint black light in the night!

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