eclectic mission

150 Dabo Tong Yanling Xinran

() "Xiao Chang!"

Tang Xiaochang turned around and saw that his big eyes were full of surprises. Then he threw away the mop and rushed forward: "Dad!"

Tang Sanmu picked Tang Xiaochang up and turned around: "Little darling, Dad has worked so hard to find you."

Tang Xiaochang kissed Tang Sanmu's face for a long time, then said coquettishly: "Dad is stupid, I have told you many times, if you look for places with many big houses, you will find Xiaochang's. Stupid dad took so long to find."

"Little darling, have you always lived here?" Tang Sanmu was astonished, he had come to Ling Yexue several times, why hadn't he seen Tang Xiaochang?

"That's right, I've been living with the eldest mother over there."

"Your eldest mother also lives here?"

"That's right, the big house next door to the second mother's big house is the home of Xiao Chang and the eldest mother."

Tang Sanmu was astonished!It turned out that Tang Xiaochang had been under his nose all along, but it took him so long to see her!Tang Sanmu came to the courtyard with Tang Xiaochang in his arms, and pointed to a villa not far next door: "Does the eldest mother live there?"

"Giggle... stupid dad, it's that big house over here." Tang Xiaochang giggled.

The two villas are less than a hundred meters apart, who would have thought that Ling Yexue would hide Tang Xiaochang in such a close place.When Tang Sanmu looked around, Ling Yexue just came out from the gate of the villa.

Seeing Tang Sanmu hugging Tang Xiaochang talking and laughing at a glance, Ling Yexue panicked, this illiterate would not come to snatch Xiaochang.Ling Yexue ran over in a panic, and said with a dark face, "What are you doing here!"

"Second mother, of course Dad is here to look for Xiao Chang. Xiao Chang is so happy. Dad has finally come. From now on, Xiao Chang, father and mother, can be together. Kindergarten children will stop laughing Xiao Chang doesn't have a father, hehe..."

Tang Xiaochang's clear and clear childish voice hit Tang Sanmu and Ling Yexue's heart word by word, and Tang Sanmu gently touched Tang Xiaochang's little head: "Little baby, do some children laugh at you for not having a father?" ? You tell them you have a father."

"Yes, the other children are picked up by their father and mother in turn, but Xiaochang has only his mother to pick them up. They laugh that Xiaochang has no father. Xiaochang told them that Xiaochang has a father, but they just don't believe it. They told me to take my dad to show them before I believe it, but my stupid dad just couldn’t find Xiao Chang. It’s all right now, I’ll show my dad to the kids on Monday, yeah... "

Ling Yexue sniffled lightly: "Xiao Chang, why didn't you tell the eldest mother and the second mother about this matter?"

"Why did I tell you, you will worry about Xiao Chang. Anyway, Xiao Chang really has a father. When father comes, show it to the children, and they will believe it."

Tang Sanmu looked at Ling Yexue and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, you have to believe that we are destined. From the time we met Xiao Chang, to now we have become Xiao Chang's father and mother. Fate The three of us are destined to be a family!"

Ling Yexue snorted: "Starting from Monday, I will leave the task of picking up Xiao Chang to you, anyway, you are too idle."

"Daughter-in-law, I'm very idle, and you know why it hurts?"


"Dad, Mom, what is egg pain? Is there a little *chicken* chicken in the egg, and the little *chicken* chicken hurts very much."

Ling Yexue scolded with a cold face: "Xiao Chang, children, don't ask such questions."

Tang Xiaochang turned his mouth: "The second mother is so fierce, it's better to be the first mother, hum!"

Tang San immediately echoed: "That's right, I was still worried that your second mother is too cold-tempered to take care of you, as expected. Xiao Chang, we ignore her, you take Dad to meet your eldest mother."

"Father, that's not the case. The second mother is a bit fierce, but she is very kind to Xiao Chang and loves Xiao Chang very much."

Hearing what Tang Xiaochang said, Ling Yexue's cold, remorseful face immediately raised high, and looked at Tang Sanmu proudly.

"Father will love Xiaochang even more in the future, let's go and meet the eldest mother."

Ling Yexue stopped her: "What do you mean by what you said just now? You are sowing discord between our mother and daughter?"

"Daughter-in-law, you're overthinking. Let's go and meet my sister-in-law. Wife, Xiao Chang's eldest mother, should be your sister." Tang Sanmu wrapped his arms around Ling Yexue's waist and left.

It was the first time that Tang Sanmu hugged his waist affectionately like this, let alone not used to it, this kind of behavior also made Ling Yexue furious: "Let go of me, you rascal."

"Why let go, hug your daughter, hug your daughter-in-law, isn't that what a man should do."

"Rogue, you have to understand, we are not engaged, and we have no book, I am not your daughter-in-law, we have nothing to do with each other, let me go!"

Tang Sanmu stood still: "Daughter-in-law, do you want to get the book? Are you afraid that I will be snatched away because I am too good? Don't worry about this, the daughter-in-law in my heart is you. If the daughter-in-law is really worried , how about we take the notebook on Monday, get married quietly, and bridal chamber first, how about it?"

Ling Yexue was not in the mood to get angry, but felt powerless, how could she meet such a shameless and top-notch rascal!Ling Yexue sighed: "To be honest with you, if it wasn't what Grandpa meant, I would never get along with a man like you. I don't know what Grandpa likes about you. In my eyes, you are nothing but Apart from being good at picking up girls, she is really useless in other aspects.”

Tang Sanmu wasn't angry either, he laughed and said, "Daughter-in-law, I'm good at fighting, it's not like you don't know this advantage. I don't care if you like me or not, anyway, I do like you."

Ling Yexue sneered: "You fight well, that's a martial artist! No, you haven't been to school, you can't even be called a martial artist, you are a reckless man!"

Tang Sanmu continued walking with Ling Yexue in his arms: "It doesn't matter if you're a martial artist or a reckless man. The two of us, one of us, one of civil and military, are perfectly matched."

Ling Yexue couldn't break free from Tang Sanmu's strong embrace, and she was about to leave the courtyard. When she left the courtyard, it would be a shame to be seen by others!In Ling Yexue's heart, although she accepted her grandfather's arrangement, she would never be able to get along with Tang Sanmu so intimately.

"I'll tell you again, let me go! Otherwise, I'll bite you! Let me go, and I'll follow you." Ling Yexue said hard and softly.

Tang Sanmu also knew that he shouldn't make his wife angry too much, so he let go of his hand: "Follow obediently, husband and wife must remember."

Ling Yexue stared at Tang Sanmu coldly, with thick skin, Tang Sanmu was the best in the world!

"Aunt Lin, please cook more meals for two people for dinner." Ling Yexue said to a woman doing housework in the hall.

After entering Ling Xinran's villa and seeing Aunt Lin, the nanny, Tang Sanmu understood why she was the only one living in Ling Yexue's villa.It turned out that Ling Yexue's eating and drinking were all on this side.Aunt Lin should also be doing the daily cleaning at Ling Yexue's side.

Aunt Lin is a peaceful woman in her 40s.Even though Aunt Lin was the nanny, Ling Yexue spoke to her very respectfully.

"Lin nainai, this is my father, Lin nainai, make more delicious food at night." Tang Xiaochang said sweetly.

Aunt Lin laughed in harmony: "It turns out that Mr. Tang is here, and I'm going to prepare dinner right now. Mr. Tang, you can do whatever you want."

"Dad, sit down first. I'll go upstairs and call the eldest mother down to show you. Dad, let me tell you that the eldest mother is fine."

As soon as Tang Xiaochang's words fell, a person upstairs screamed and laughed in surprise: "Yeah! Yeah... hehe... I have another book in my collection! Another person reads my book! Yeah... Aunt Lin, add food tonight, add food, let's celebrate, hehe..."

Tang Sanmu was very surprised to hear it, book?collect?Still so joyful, what is Ling Xinran doing?Tang Sanmu looked at Ling Yexue, only to see Ling Yexue shaking his head and sighing, with a helpless expression on his face.

At this time, Ling Xinran came downstairs with slippers on her slippers and shouted 'tap, tap'. Tang Sanmu looked towards the stairwell. Looking at Ling Xinran, the tea in his mouth slowly flowed out along the corner of his mouth.

Tang Sanmu had fantasized about Ling Xinran's appearance many times, some were beautiful, some were ugly, but when he saw her today, it turned out that what he had thought before was completely wrong!Ling Xinran turned out to be a little beauty with a childlike face and huge *ru!

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