eclectic mission

159 1 pee pee

() Tang Sanmu lifted Yang Qing up, and Yang Qing's two long legs immediately wrapped tightly around Tang Sanmu's waist.Tang Sanmu grabbed Yang Qing's two white and tender buttocks with both hands and adjusted the angle, even if he didn't need to look, he could still find the way forward.Yang Qing's warm place has already become unbearably muddy, and the mouth of the stream is also greasy*slippery, Tang Sanmu easily blocked the mouth of the stream.The warm, tight and narrow tolerance made Tang Sanmu feel refreshed!

"Oh..." Yang Qing let out a long, heart-wrenching long moan.Enriched!Finally fulfilled!The heart that had been emptied all night was finally completely filled by Tang Sanmu!Yang Qing let out a long breath, and sprayed Tang Sanmu's fragrant breath on Tang Sanmu's face: "My man, hurry up... even faster... go in..."

Tang Sanmu let out a low growl, no longer worried about whether Yang Qing would be able to bear it anymore, he turned on his horsepower and slammed wildly...

Yang Qing grabbed a huge one, stuffed it into Tang Sanmu's mouth, her lower body pressed forward to withstand Tang Sanmu's impact, her head was kept swinging back and forth, and with Tang Sanmu's impact, a black hair fluttered along with it.Yang Qing's pretty face was extremely red and intoxicating, her eyes were blurred, the dark eyes were out of focus, and she rolled her eyes from time to time.

Yang Qing is enjoying it contentedly, what she wants is this kind of solid enrichment!What I want is such a wonderful stimulus!What I want is this crazy love!What he wanted was Tang Sanmu's crazy dash!At this time, Yang Qing didn't think about having a child, what she thought about was just spending the rest of her life with Tang Sanmu like this!

Soon, Yang Qing lost herself and said nonsense: "In the future, when I want you, I will send you s*b, s*b is not stupid*b, s*b is not up... I will send You text, you have to come over... fuck me! Even if you are climbing on your sister, you have to come over, otherwise, I will... I don't want you..."

Tang Sanmu trembled when he heard it, almost erupted.Yang Qing, how did she know about the tricky relationship between herself and her sister?However, at this moment, Tang Sanmu didn't have the heart to ask this, so he adjusted his mood and continued to rush...

Gradually, Yang Qing no longer had the strength to hug Tang Sanmu's neck, and the long legs clamped around Tang Sanmu's waist also became weak.Yang Qing was struck by Tang Sanmu's strong impact, her soul was free, her whole body was numb and weak, and her body trembled non-stop.If it wasn't for Tang Sanmu supporting the two buttocks, Yang Qing would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"Husband... on the bed..." This was the first time Yang Qing called her husband in her life!

It was like calling out the soul with a tender voice, almost defeating Tang Sanmu again.Tang Sanmu paused for a moment, put Yang Qing on the bed, standing under the bed, buried his head and continued to rush.

What is the highest state?Returning to basics is the highest level!No matter what you do, once you reach the state of returning to the basics, everything will become simpler.At this moment, Tang Sanmu has entered the realm of returning to nature, using the simplest moves, whipping Yang Qing!Momentum, Tang Sanmu has it!Tenacity, Yang Qing is using her special physique to test Tang Sanmu.Tenacity, Tang Sanmu must also have it!

People say that women are made of water.This sentence is most appropriate for Yang Qing.From the very beginning to now, the stream on Yang Qing's body has never stopped!

Yang Qing seemed to be in a stormy sea, her body and mind were torn, and she really wanted to grab someone to rely on.The sheets were too thin and felt unreliable in the hand.Yang Qing grasped Tang Sanmu's void with her hand, moaning coquettishly intermittently, forming a sentence: "Husband...your head...hug..."

Tang Sanmu obediently stretched his head over.Yang Qing seemed to have grabbed hold of a life-saving straw, and hugged Tang Sanmu's head fiercely on her chest.The towering mountain peaks squeezed in the middle, making Tang Sanmu more out of breath.

Yang Qing is powerful, Tang Sanmu has experienced it a long time ago, and it is not easy to defeat her.Yang Qing's ability is at least five times stronger than Xiao Man's!Against Yang Qing, Tang Sanmu could only persevere, and persevere!

Even a strong bull will get tired if he keeps plowing the field.Tang Sanmu, the bull, was also tired, but he insisted and refused to admit defeat.Just holding on doesn't mean you will win. Just when Tang Sanmu was about to be defeated, Yang Qing uttered a fairy voice that made Tang Sanmu sound like heaven!

"Honey, let's pee together, oh..." No matter how powerful Yang Qing is, there is a limit, just when Tang Sanmu couldn't stand it anymore, she lost first.His body was tense, and his whole body was shaking like rice sifting.

Tang Sanmu made a quick dash and a low growl, pressing tightly against Yang Qing's body, erupting freely and drippingly.In the room, the sound of the two people's breathing continued for a long time.At the same time, a more intense fragrance filled the entire room and lingered for a long time.

After a long time, Yang Qing caressed Tang Sanmu's head buried on her chest, and said with a light smile, "Could it be that if I wait a little later, you will hand in the gun first?"

Tang Sanmu remained silent, this was really a headache.If among the women who lit up the Big Dipper's mole, there were three as powerful as Yang Qing, Tang Sanmu worried that within two years, they would be sucked into mummies by them!

Yang Qing patted Tang Sanmu's face: "Tell me, it's been so long since I sent you a text message, did I happen to be crawling on top of your sister Fang Yiyi before? Me or your sister, which one makes you more comfortable? But It's a waste of time to ask this question. Fang Yiyi is your sister, and you must be boiling with animal blood when you crawl on top of her, hehe..."

Tang Sanmu raised his head: "Damn woman, don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, you call me a dead woman!" Yang Qing pinched Tang Sanmu: "Did I talk nonsense, I just lit up your auxiliary star, and your Yuheng star is also lit up, that's you My sister lit it up! My fur is orange, what color is your sister's?"

Well, this Tang Sanmu is really hard to answer, if he denies that his sister Fang Yiyi lit it up, then Yang Qing will definitely ask who lit up Yuheng star.Talking about another woman in a woman's bed is a big no-no.So Tang Sanmu buried his head and shut up again.

"Oh, I really envy Yiyi, there is meat to eat at any time, and I want to eat meat once, it's so rare."

Tang Sanmu slapped Yang Qing's ass: "Don't you only want children, why are you so jealous?"

Yang Qing was annoyed, and grabbed Tang Sanmu: "Even if I want a child, you are also the child's father! You talk to me in this tone? You are heartless!"

Tang Sanmu laughed and said: "Who says I have no conscience, let me tell you, in this life, you can only be my woman!"

"If I want to be someone else's..." Yang Qing stopped in the middle of her sentence, because Tang Sanmu, who was still smiling just now, now has a terribly seyin expression!Yang Qing quickly turned her tone, and said angrily, "A tyrant! Possessiveness is super powerful!"

Tang Sanmu regained his smiling face, and said hehe: "Why don't you live there too, then you can eat meat at any time."

Yang Qing's eyes lit up: "Really? There are only two rooms over there, and I'll sleep with you? Will your sister fight me, hehe..."

Tang Sanmu wanted to slap himself very much, and said what he couldn't say, didn't he ask for it himself!

"Is that okay? I'll move in and live in a room with you. Talk to me."

"No! If you want to go there, you have to share a room with my sister. I'll put you two together on the bed, and then, hehe..."

Yang Qing said contemptuously: "You are bragging! You are hard to deal with me alone, and you still want to play a game of one dragon and two phoenixes?"

Forehead!Tang Sanmu choked heavily!

"Have you rested yet? Come on after resting." Yang Qing giggled and straightened her buttocks.

Yu* girl, Yang Qing is a developed yu* girl!To be honest, Tang Sanmu still hasn't rested in such a short period of time.Tang Sanmu, desperate for face, took a roundabout tactic: "Take a bath first, and went out fishing with friends for a day today. Didn't you smell the fishy smell on my body?"

"No, but you smell of sweat and have a strong masculinity, I like it, hehe..."

Tang Sanmu was sweating, and couldn't help saying, picked up Yang Qing and went into the bathroom: "The smell of sweat is the smell of sweat, what are you talking about male smell, go take a bath."

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