eclectic mission

200 Unfamiliar relatives

() Tang Cuicui's hometown is in the countryside of Tongshan County.Tang Cuicui's father used to work in Tongshan County, and then transferred to the city until retirement.Therefore, Tang Sanmu's two uncles and one aunt also worked in the city.

Because Tang Cuicui's mother is celebrating her [-]th birthday, a life of [-] is rare since ancient times!Tang Cuicui's cousins ​​in the countryside, cousins, it is also necessary to go to the city to celebrate their birthdays!A few days ago, relatives in the countryside had made an appointment with Tang Cuicui to go to the city together.

Tang Cuicui woke up early and made breakfast for her son and daughter-in-law.

"San'er, the neighbors say that our family is in the city by car, and there are four small cars parked downstairs, filling up the open space downstairs, hehe... Saner, there are eight relatives in the country, big or small. Individuals, four cars can be taken together. In this way, they don’t have to squeeze into the minibus.”

Tang Sanmu smiled and said: "That is necessary. Mom, should we leave after breakfast?"

"Yes, go early. The relatives in the country are coming soon. As soon as they arrive, we will set off."

Yun Zi ate a poached egg and stuffed her mouth full: "Mother Tang, I want you to sit in our car."

"Okay, okay, Mama Tang sits in the baby's car."

Tang Cuicui took Yun Ke and Yun Zi's car, but Mei Yidan was not familiar with the situation, so Su Fang sat in Mei Yidan's car.Xiao Man is already half a local, and he is very familiar with the city, so don't worry that she is not familiar with the road conditions.

When Tang Sanmu left, the four beauties were still dawdling upstairs, Tang Sanmu didn't think too much, and walked in the front with a few uncles and aunts under their guidance.With Tang Sanmu's habit, as long as the wheels turned, he couldn't slow down, and he reached his destination in less than an hour.

Tang Sanmu's grandfather is a retired cadre of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, Tang Sanmu parked his car downstairs and felt something was wrong!Tang Sanmu estimated that his parents would not arrive until half an hour at the earliest, and that was the problem. Tang Sanmu had been outside since he was a child, and even his blood relatives, grandparents, uncles and aunts were all strangers, let alone those cousins. .

Okay, then I have to bite the bullet and introduce myself!Tang Sanmu followed his uncle and aunt into the grandfather's house.

The condition of the grandfather's house is good. At the moment, there are quite a few people in the family, and there are several elderly people drinking tea in the spacious living room. Tang Sanmu recognized his grandfather and grandmother at a glance, and his mother, Tang Cuicui, inherited the advantages of the two elders. The shadow of the mother can be vaguely seen on the face of the second elder!

However, the problem came again. After the uncles and aunts said their birthday speeches, they also sent gift bags.Tang Sanmu was shocked, why?Tang Sanmu's body was empty without a dime, and the gift bags were all on the people behind!

Uncles and aunts were arranged to drink tea. At this time, everyone in the family looked at Tang Sanmu. This young man stood silently, and he was still very strange. No one knew who it was.

Tang Sanmu smiled and walked up: "Grandpa, grandma! Grandma, I wish you good health and longevity!"

"Are you... are you Xiao Sanmu from Cuicui's family?" Those who can call grandpa and grandma can naturally reveal their identities. The other grandchildren and elders are very familiar, only Tang Sanmu can be so strange.

Tang Sanmu smiled: "Yes, grandpa and grandma, I am Xiao Sanmu."

Immediately, there was a whoosh, several people gathered around Tang Sanmu, Tang Sanmu looked him up and shouted: "Hello uncle, hello aunt, hello elders, brothers and sisters."

Tang Jifeng laughed loudly: "As expected of a grandson, you can recognize me as an uncle at a glance! Haha..."

Tang Lianlian touched Tang Sanmu's head affectionately, and said with a smile: "Little Sanmu has such good eyes, how do you know that I am an aunt?"

Tang Sanmu never put away his smiling face: "You two, at least six points like my mother, can I not recognize you?"

Tang Sanmu's grandmother stretched out her hand tremblingly, holding Tang Sanmu, her old eyes were very moist: "Little Sanmu, you are finally back, I heard from your mother a long time ago that your illness is cured. But, you Why don't you visit grandpa and grandma? Little Miki, you can't imitate your mother's stubborn temper, you should come to grandpa and grandma's house more often, you know!"

Only at this time did Tang Sanmu realize that what his father said was right, the people in the grandfather's family still had a lot of affection for his mother!Tang Sanmu smiled and said: "Grandma, Xiao Sanmu knows that he is wrong, and Xiao Sanmu will definitely come here often in the future."

Tang Sanmu's grandfather also said in a hoarse voice: "This is good, this is good. Xiao Sanmu, my grandfather said it many years ago, Cui Cui and Su Fang, they are all family members of this family! But, Cui Cui Cui her, oh..."

Regarding the matter of the elders, Tang Sanmu couldn't say anything, so he could only laugh along with him.Fortunately, many people came to celebrate the birthday, and the Tang family had to entertain guests, so Tang Sanmu was able to escape temporarily.

"Sanmu, drink a glass of water." A beautiful woman came over, handed Tang Sanmu a glass of water, and said with a smile, "I'm my cousin Chen Yi, let's get to know each other."

"Hi cousin!" Tang Sanmu took the water and said, "Thank you!"

Cousin Chen Yi is a beauty, in her body, Tang Sanmu saw the sophisticated temperament of a beauty in the workplace, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Chen Yi smiled and said, "Why, is it because you see your cousin is pretty, or is it because of some other reason that you keep staring at me like this?"

Tang Sanmu smiled and said: "Cousin, I was thinking that you should be an elite in the workplace."

A strange look flashed in Chen Yi's eyes, and in Chen Yi's perception, Tang Sanmu, a cousin who didn't study and was still a sick man, never expected him to have such a look: "Tell me, why do you have such an idea? "

"It's easy to see, temperament! Cousin has the temperament of an elite in the workplace! Cousin, where did you get a high school?"

Chen Yi's eyes lit up: "My cousin, I am currently unemployed and just resigned. Otherwise, I wouldn't have time to come back to celebrate grandma's birthday. Miki, what are you doing now?"

Tang Sanmu joked: "What else can I do, I'm idling in Zhong Hai, cousin, when you find a job, take me and follow you."

Chen Yi put away her smiling face and said solemnly: "Okay! When my cousin has a place to live, I will definitely find you a comfortable job! Miki, my cousin keeps her word! Of course, if Miki has a better place to go, cousin would be happier."

Tang Sanmu was taken aback when he heard that, this cousin still had a feeling of pity for him, so she made the promise straight away!Tang Sanmu knew that Chen Yi did this because she wanted to find a better job for her cousin who had no education!

Tang Sanmu felt a slight touch in his heart. From his mother's family, he felt the affection of blood: "Thank you, cousin!"

"You're welcome, Miki, my cousin will take you to meet those brothers and sisters who just want to fool around. They are hiding in the balcony and playing cards. Let me introduce you." Chen Yi took Tang Sanmu in. On the balcony inside, the balcony was very wide, like a room. On a table in the middle, more than a dozen people were playing cards in a smoky atmosphere. On the table, there were piles of hundred-yuan bills.

Chen Yi clapped her hands: "Stop, let me introduce you. This is Tang Sanmu, Aunt Cui's son. Let's get to know each other."

The card players stopped immediately, and a man in his thirties, wearing a Jing uniform, stood up and shook hands: "Miki, I am your eldest cousin Tang Yong, and this is your eldest cousin Hu Xin... "

These are all strangers!Tang Sanmu greeted everyone one by one. The eldest uncle has two sons and a daughter, the second uncle has a son and a daughter, and the aunt also has a son and a daughter. The daughter is Chen Yi, and the other son is Chen Ping.Together with their spouses, this is a big family.

"Sanmu, come here, smoke mine." Tang Yong saw that Tang Sanmu had taken out a pack of five yuan cigarettes and was about to send them out, so he immediately handed over his Furong Wang.

Tang Sanmu took a Furong King with a smile, and put away his own cigarette.Because Tang Sanmu saw that all the cigarettes on the table were mid-to-high-end cigarettes, so he realized that his cigarettes were really not up to the grade.

"Miki, do you want to come and play?" Second cousin Tang Cheng asked with a smile.

Chen Yi scolded with a smile: "Second brother, don't lead Sanmu down!"

Tang Cheng smiled and said: "Today's day is different, it's just for fun, whether Miki wants to play or not, if you want to play, the second brother will give you the seat."

Tang Sanmu waved his hand and said: "I don't know how to play, second brother, you play."

Suddenly remembering Tang Sanmu's situation, Tang Cheng smiled awkwardly, said nothing, and put his mind into the poker table again.

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