eclectic mission

203 Things Happen

()Mei Yidan smiled coquettishly: "So confident, okay, then I'll give you a chance!"

Chen Yi was overjoyed: "Thank you Mr. Mei!"

Mei Yidan said indifferently: "You're welcome, the workplace is no better than being at home. If you don't have real skills, I won't give you face."

Chen Yi said to herself: "I know this very well, Mr. Mei, my aunt is the ladder for me to enter the door of Meixiang Group. If I can't stand firmly in Meixiang Group, it depends on myself!"

Tang Sanmu interjected with a smile: "Wait, cousin, you said you messed with me, why did you go to Meixiang Group again?"

Chen Yi was puzzled: "Going to Meixiang Group, isn't it just to hang out with you?"

Tang Sanmu shook his head: "Cousin, wait for me to make a phone call. I am in great need of talents right now. Since my cousin is so confident in her own talents, please help me. Yidan has a lot of talents. If you don't have more, you won't have more. Quite a few."

Mei Yidan smiled coquettishly: "Chen Yi, if you hang out with him, your position must be higher than that in Meixiang Group, that's for sure, hehe..."

Chen Yi was worried: "Miki, don't throw your cousin into a small company, break up the company, then your cousin will be useless!"

Tang Sanmu smiled, walked aside, and dialed Yang Qing's phone number.

"Come back soon, I'm so busy! Come back soon, even if you can't help me, you can give me a massage to relieve my fatigue!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Sister Qing. I'll go back the day after tomorrow. Sister Qing, is your assistant to the president available?"

"Where did she come from? This position is very sensitive. I don't trust her absolutely. I won't let her be the assistant to the president."

"No one is fine, I will give you one."

"Dead man, I'm working hard, you won't have a new love again, and you still have to put her by my side! What do you mean? Do you not trust me?"

"Sister Qing, look at what you said. I am at my grandfather's house. I have a cousin. Listen carefully, she is a cousin. She is a famous college student with seven years of experience in the workplace. She is a very talented person. I will I want her to help you and lighten your burden."

"Is it really my cousin?" Yang Qing didn't believe it.

Tang Sanmu struggled: "It's definitely a blood cousin, so don't think about it!"

"That's good, let her come here, I'm so busy! By the way, what are you doing at Grandpa's house?"

"My grandma is celebrating her [-]th birthday today, Yidan, Sister Man, Yun Ke and Yun Zi are all here, hehe..."

"Ah...they all sent congratulatory gifts."


"I don't care, I have no money, you give me my 100 million! Mei Yidan sent 100 million, I have to give 100 million! This 100 million, you give me!" Jiao.

Tang Sanmu slapped his mouth, why are you so cheap and tell the truth!


Tang Sanmu's phone was gone, and Yun Zi was already very impatient sitting, so she pulled Yun Ke and left: "Sister, let's go out for a stroll."

Yun Ke actually didn't want to go out.Although she didn't speak, Yun Ke felt that the atmosphere was very warm. Yun Ke, who was an outcast since she was a child, liked the warmth of this big family very much, but Yun Zi couldn't sit still and was forcibly pulled away by her.

After a long time, Tang Sanmu came back sweating: "Cousin, it's agreed, the position of assistant to the president, you will go to Zhonghai with us the day after tomorrow."

Chen Yi was stunned: "Assistant to the president! How big is the company?"

Mei Yidan smiled and said, "It's huge! It's big enough for you to give full play to your talents, don't worry!"

Mei Yidan had just finished laughing when her cell phone rang, and at the same time, Tang Cuicui's cell phone rang too.It was Nalan Qinyun who called Mei Yidan, and Fang Yiyi who called Tang Cuicui.

Fang Yiyi's tone was very angry: "Mom, grandma won't tell me about her [-]th birthday, and she won't tell me about that bad mistress either!"


Tang Cuicui answered the phone with a smile on her face, while Mei Yidan looked at Tang Sanmu with a sly smile after answering the phone!

Tang Sanmu was furious: "Yidan, what's wrong?"

Mei Yidan didn't answer Tang Sanmu, but said to Tang Cuicui: "Mom, things are getting serious, you can arrange a room for grandparents, uncles and aunts to have a small meeting together."

Tang Cuicui was taken aback when she heard that: "What's wrong?"

Mei Yidan looked at the people in the room: "Mom, go talk in the room."

So, Tang Cuicui found all the people, entered the room and waited for Mei Yidan to speak.Of course Xiao Man was there, and Chen Yi, whose curiosity could kill a cat, also sneaked in.

Mei Yidan looked around and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal, just a few people know that grandma is celebrating her [-]th birthday, so I'll bring them a congratulatory gift."

Tang Cuicui smiled and said, "If you bring a gift, bring a gift, Yidan, why do you have a meeting?"

Mei Yidan said indifferently, "I don't want to cause chaos by talking about it outside."

Tang San suddenly felt bad!Sure enough, Mei Yidan took out her checkbook again, signed four of them, and handed them to Tang Sanmu's grandmother: "Grandma, this is a little filial piety from a few juniors, they are too late to come, let me give them a congratulatory gift first." .They are called Nalan Qinyun, Ling Yexue, Yang Qing and Yuekong."

Except for Tang Sanmu, Mei Yidan and Xiao Man, the whole room was dumbfounded again!Cheque!See you again!

Tang Sanmu's grandmother was also a well-bred old lady. She didn't accept the check, but said, "Yidan, tell them that it's enough if you have the heart. We can't ask for such a heavy gift."

Seeing that grandma didn't pick it up, Mei Yidan smiled and slipped the check to Tang Sanmu: "I don't care if you give it to grandma. From now on, the three of them don't come to trouble me. If they want to look for it, they can look for you, haha..."

Tang Sanmu frowned: "How did Yue Kong know? Why did he come to join in the fun!"

Mei Yidan smiled and said: "Senior sister, Zhenggong, concubine, Yiyi, and Qixing Group's lawyer Yue Xinxian, they just happen to be working together, if you call the concubine, they will know everything, hehe..."

Tang Sanmu struggled, looked at the four checks in his hand, 400 million!These women are all showing off their wealth!Yuekong, what are you doing here!

Tang Sanmu forced the check into his grandma's hand: "Grandma, you must take these gifts, otherwise, your little Sanmu will have a disaster befall him, oh..."

"400 million...this..." Tang Sanmu's grandmother stammered.

The room suddenly became dead silent!

After a long time, Su Fang said in a low voice: "Okay, okay! Mom, you take what I gave you!"

Tang Jiquan took a deep puff of his cigarette, and stood up abruptly: "Okay! We are excited and happy to have such a promising grandson! Mom, you want it!"

Tang Sanmu's grandmother took the check and sent it in a daze for a while: "Okay, I'll take it! While all of you are here, I'll make it clear that it's useless for me and your father to have so much money. Here's 400 million, plus Yidan and the others have 300 million, a total of 700 million! Of the 700 million, your dad and I keep 100 million, and the remaining 600 million, the boss, the second child and Lianlian each have 200 million! Cui Cui, you will lose it, you Say it's okay!"

Tang Cuicui nodded: "Mom, it should be like this."

Tang Sanmu's grandmother immediately distributed the checks to Tang Jiquan, Tang Jifeng and Tang Lianlian.After the three brothers and sisters sighed, they all took it silently.They also know that the kindness to Cui Cui in the past has been rewarded now, although they don't care about Cui Cui's return.

Tang Sanmu's grandmother smiled and said, "I had a really happy 100th birthday! Cui Cui and Xiao Fang are back, and Xiao Sanmu has a bright future. I am very happy! Jiquan, the cost of the birthday that you discussed earlier, the three of you Share it equally, no need now, we will pay for these expenses, there is [-] million here, hehe..."

Mei Yidan immediately interjected: "Grandma, I paid for the expenses of the birthday party, and I should pay for it. I don't know if fireworks are allowed in the city. If it is allowed, how about letting him have an all-night fireworks tonight?" ? Grandma is on her [-]th birthday, so it should be a big deal..."

Mei Yidan's words made everyone speechless again.

Xiao Man said with a smile: "Yidan, it's impossible to let it stay overnight. It will affect the rest of the citizens. However, if it is put before 10:30 in the evening, we can consult with the relevant departments. It should be possible. Fireworks ah , can be regarded as having fun with the citizens. Of course, you, a rich woman, can do this kind of thing, and other people are not so grand."

Mei Yidan sighed suddenly: "Both my parents died when I was young, and I was found by my aunt when I was in junior high school. I have always depended on my aunt for life, but my aunt rarely came back. Most of the time, I was alone. I have no elders, let alone talk about it. I have always been filial to my elders, and now I finally have grandparents and relatives, Sister Man, if you say my money is not spent on relatives, who should I spend it on?"

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