eclectic mission

235 Big turning point

() After the Tianquan star mole is illuminated, not only the Yuheng star mole, Kaiyang star mole, fluctuating light star mole and auxiliary star mole are brighter, but what surprised Tang Sanmu is that the other three moles on Dou's body, Tianji Star mole, Tianxuan star mole and Tianshu star mole, the previous light black color has all disappeared, and the three moles have all turned into flesh color!

Could it be that the Tianquan star mole serves as a link between the past and the future?The original light black color of the three moles on Dou's body has disappeared. Does this mean that these three moles will also be lit up soon?For these, Tang Sanmu can only guess. This guess has strengthened Tang Sanmu's determination to go to Dangyang Mountain to find Mrs. Huaqi's tomb!If you find Mrs. Huaqi's tomb, you may know some information about Huajian, and you may understand some inside information about the Big Dipper Mole!

However, one thing Tang Sanmu can be sure of is that the star mole of Tianquan is lit up, this is a very important turning point!There are three important points. The first is the variation of dragon qi. Dragon qi can be fused with true qi, and dragon qi can run around the sky along the cultivation path of the master's secret book "Extraordinary Tao"!As the dragon energy circulates around the sky, the dragon energy becomes more and more pure, and the dragon energy becomes stronger and faster!

Second, the lighting of the Tianquan star mole brought Tang Sanmu into a whole new realm, and this kind of realm gave Tang Sanmu an extra perception ability!This kind of realm also made Tang Sanmu more closely connected with the Big Dipper!

Thirdly, the lighting of the star mole of Tianquan allows Tang Sanmu and Yingjie's woman to double cultivate!Tang Sanmu reckoned that Xiao Man, Mei Yidan, Yang Qing and Fang Yiyi's four daughters will soar rapidly in the future!

As for Yue Xinxian, who was lying on the bed, due to the gradual withdrawal of his skills, the flourishing magic flames in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his eyes became as deep as the sea!Turning his head to look at Tang Sanmu who was in a daze, his deep eyes flashed: "Is it possible that as long as I continue to do things with you in the future, my progress will speed up!"

Tang Sanmu jumped onto the bed, stroked the thick, long, pitch-black ink feather in the Moon Heart String Taoyuan, and said lightly: "At this moment, do you want to have sex with me, or is it because you want to enter the country quickly? In your heart, apart from rapidly increasing your skills, do you have any other feelings?"

These words made Yue Xinxian a little excited, the devilish energy in his eyes quickly filled, and the devilish energy was churning like a devil flame, giving people an extremely mysterious feeling: "It is of course what I think in my heart that I can quickly increase my skills! As for my heart Don't you have some other feelings, in fact, you know better than me, don't you?"

Because of the excitement, the instinctive demon energy erupted, and Yue Xinxian's body, which was as white as jade, also emitted a faint black halo at this moment.Tang Sanmu knew that because of Yue Xinxian's double cultivation, she also entered a whole new realm!At this moment, Yue Xinxian is a dark horse rising strongly in the ancient martial arts world!

Tang Sanmu's hands left her Taoyuan, and both hands swam over Yue Xinxian's body lovingly.White as jade and covered with a black halo, this strange and contradictory phenomenon, in Tang Sanmu's eyes, is a strange and wonderful sight.

Yue Xinxian moved her body slightly, and lay down more flat to facilitate the swimming of Tang Sanmu's hands. At the same time, she fell in love with her eyes slightly, enjoying Tang Sanmu's caress very comfortably.Whispering in his mouth, he asked: "What feelings and thoughts do I have in my heart, are you very clear about it, aren't you?"

"Yes! Xinxian, I found that you are the most obedient now." Tang Sanmu lowered his head, held a grape in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

"No, I'm in pain." Yue Xinxian wanted to lift Tang Sanmu's head that was buried on her chest: "I want to understand now, our double cultivation is not a shortcut for you to practice, because you didn't understand the dual cultivation before. Fa, the two of us were able to cultivate together by mistake. Then, what was the shortcut to your previous practice? Do you still want to hide it from me? Could it be that you pushed me just because Coveting my beauty?"

Tang Sanmu didn't answer, but devoted himself to kissing Yue Xinxian's beautiful body.Before, Yue Xinxian didn't want to prepare for work, which made Tang Sanmu skip a lot of wonderful explorations. Now, Tang Sanmu wants to make up for this link.

"Are you listening to me? I have a very strange perception now! I sense it. I suddenly have four very close relatives. Although I don't know who they are, I know they are all women. ! I only have a brother, not a sister, how could I suddenly have such a strange feeling?"

Tang Sanmu was taken aback for a moment, and raised his head: "Are you sure you sensed four close women?"

"Sure!" Yue Xinxian said decisively.

Yue Xinxian's affirmative answer made Tang Sanmu stunned.In the past Tang Sanmu was a little strange, just talking about Yang Qing, although she talked about Tang Sanmu's faults, but she didn't feel any rejection towards Xiao Man, Mei Yidan and Fang Yiyi!Moreover, no matter it was Xiao Man, Mei Yidan, or Fang Yiyi, after they knew the identities of the other three women, they didn't say any discordant words.Could it be that because of the special mission entrusted to them by the mole of the Big Dipper, they have a special relationship because of their tacit understanding?

"Xinxian, tell me specifically how you feel in your heart."

Yue Xinxian was very puzzled: "If I want to be specific, I can't say why, I just think that I still have four very close sisters, and these sisters are so close that we can give everything to each other! Why? Have such a strange feeling? Could it be because you pushed me just now? If so, then I have to find the reason on you!"

Tang Sanmu took out his mobile phone and saw that it was already six o'clock in the morning. Tang Sanmu knew that at this time, Yang Qing should get up for a morning run, so Tang Sanmu dialed Yang Qing's number.

Yang Qing who answered the phone immediately asked: "Bad man, did you light up another mole? It's strange, I suddenly felt that you lit up another mole! Before you pushed Yidan and Yiyi At the time, I didn't have the slightest perception, but this time, I have a very strong perception, that is, I have another sister!"

After being dazed for a while, Tang Sanmu stammered and said: "Qingqing wife, wait...I'll call the three of them first to see if they have this perception, I'm dizzy..."

After calling Xiao Man on the phone, Xiao Man's soft voice came over: "Congratulations husband, you have taken another big step towards success. Husband, I'm curious, who is she?"

Tang Sanmu said stupidly: "She is Yue Xinxian, the eldest lady of the Yue family. Sister Man, how did you know, I'm dizzy!"

"Hehe... Another masterpiece, hubby, you are so awesome! I woke up suddenly in a deep sleep, and then felt that I had an extra sister. Okay, hubby, you are 'busy', woke up suddenly, and then couldn't fall asleep for a long time , Now I’m sleepy again, I’ll sleep for a while, and I’ll be busy at the exchange meeting tomorrow, it’s the last day, I’m going to persevere.”

Tang Sanmu looked at the phone in a daze for a while, then dialed Mei Yidan's number.

Mei Yidan said flatteringly, "Who is that Xiaoliu?"

"What little six?"

Mei Yidan snorted and said: "If Ling Yexue is the main palace, they will be ranked according to the order of downfall. Sister Man is the second, Sister Yang Qing is the third, I am the fourth, Yiyi is the fifth, and now the sixth who is it?"

Listening to Tang Sanmu's phone calls, with Yue Xinxian's current skill, she could hear the content of the phone calls clearly.Yue Xinxian also figured it out, and co-authored herself to become a primary school student!Yue Xinxian snatched the phone and said angrily: "Xiao Si on the opposite side, okay, even if I am Xiao Liu, I am Yue Xinxian, who are you?"

Mei Yidan laughed out loud when he heard this: "Hehe... Interesting, interesting! Xiao Liu on the opposite side, let me tell you, I am Xiao Si Mei Yidan, I lit up the Kaiyang star mole, what did you light up? "

"President Mei of Meixiang Group!" Yue Xinxian whispered, glanced at Tang Sanmu, and said, "What mole? President Mei, I don't understand."

Mei Yidan smiled coquettishly: "If you don't understand, let that scoundrel explain it to you. I'm so sleepy after being woken up by you in the middle of the night! I need to catch up on sleep, bye."

Yue Xinxian returned the phone to Tang Sanmu: "What kind of mole did Mr. Mei say? What do you mean?"

Tang Sanmu put his lower abdomen up: "Look carefully, you should see clearly first, and then ask questions. It's really troublesome, why do you have to explain it every time? Now it can make you feel the same, why don't you just let you do it directly?" Understand the origin of the whole thing."

Yue Xinxian has a super power in her body, her eyes are naturally sharp, and with a slight glance, she can clearly see the vision of the Big Dipper mole on Tang Sanmu's lower abdomen. Combined with what Mei Yidan said, Yue Xinxian couldn't help exclaiming: "Then Which mole did I light up?"

"Tianquan star mole. This is the shortcut for me to practice. Every time I light up a mole, my cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds! Now, you understand. This time you light up the Tianquan star mole, and I benefit even more Big, maybe, you are the only one among the five women who cultivates, and you have opened up a new path of dual cultivation."

"Unbelievable! Really unbelievable! How could such a thing happen..." Yue Xinxian caressed the Big Dipper mole on Tang Sanmu's lower abdomen, and kept talking to herself.

"The inconceivable things don't stop there, look at your black feather, it's this one, haha..." Tang Sanmu tugged at the black feather in the Moon Heartstring Peach Blossom and said with a smile.

Yue Xinxian stared at the thick, long, pitch-black ink feather on her body, and was speechless.

Tang Sanmu remembered the matter of the feather cover. The function of this feather cover is more useful to Yue Xinxian who has cultivated. Tell Yue Xinxian the function of this feather cover. Then, in the battle between Yue Xinxian and the enemy Among them, it should be able to play a decisive role.Just imagine, the feather cover can relieve Yue Xinxian from a crisis, and when Yue Xinxian fights against the enemy, it is equivalent to an extra life!

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