weapons expert

Chapter 125 Found Abnormal Conditions

【Due to some reasons, these days it is changed to one chapter a day, but the number of words is only a thousand less, forgive me...】

Once in Maristan, head north into the mountains.The road is an extremely uneven gravel road, and Xu Ziling is still worried about whether the dilapidated van will fall apart after a few 10 minutes' journey.Fortunately, when Xu Ziling arrived at the designated destination, the scene he imagined did not appear, which made him really relieved.

The area between Mount Timlan and the Herder River is Xu Ziling's target.The car drove to the foot of the remaining mountain range of Timlan Mountain, and there was no way to go. After saying hello to Abu, Xu Ziling got out of the car with his equipment and went into the mountain area, and soon disappeared. .

"Lion, start work." After walking a few hundred meters into the mountain, Xu Ziling stopped and asked the lion to start scanning, while he himself assembled the tiger that had been in the bag and had been dismantled into parts.Put pistols, sabers and other equipment in each pocket of the tactical uniform.

"How is it? Are there any traces?" Xu Ziling prepared all his things, put on his backpack, and held the tiger in his hand. Xu Ziling continued to walk towards the mountain and asked the lion at the same time.

"No, those with guns found quite a few!"

"Normally, there are too many people with guns in this country. You keep looking, I'll hurry. Remember to scan the inside of the cave, so don't miss any clues."

While walking, I raised my hand to check the time. It was 30:[-] a.m. Chinese time, which was [-]:[-] a.m. Afghan time.Lost contact for three days, hope they are still persisting.Xu Ziling took a deep breath, quickened his pace, and walked deep into the mountain.

"Zi Ling, I forgot to tell you something."

"what happened?"

"This new gadget increases my scanning distance."

"What?" Xu Ziling immediately became happy when he heard the lion say that the scanning distance had increased.Looking at the darkness in front of him, and thinking of the endless mountains, he was really worried that it would be difficult to find Yang Kaiming and the others.Lion now says his scanning distance has increased, which is a natural surprise for him. "You mean this new tactical watch? How far has it increased?"

"Yes, that's it. There are many precision components in this thing, so that I can now scan a radius of [-] kilometers, which is about a third longer than before."

"That's great!" Hearing that he can now scan a distance of [-] kilometers, Xu Ziling thought that the chances of finding Yang Kaiming and the others would not increase. Haven't heard from you?"

"After changing this thing, I went to calculate their routes with you, and I was busy sorting out useful information. I haven't used it yet, and I just learned about it."


If he and the lion's calculations were correct, Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng's current location would not be more than a hundred kilometers away from Xu Ziling.According to this route, when they come from Beirao, they must pass through the northern part of Timlan Mountain, and Xu Ziling's current position is in the south. Therefore, as long as Xu Ziling crosses Timlan Mountain and reaches the north, he should be able to find Yang Kaiming and the others. traces of past.

Of course, all of this is under the assumption that Xu Ziling's calculations are correct. If it is confirmed that Yang Kaiming and the others have passed here, then Xu Ziling has reached the northern position, which is behind Yang Kaiming and the group of mercenaries, and in front of Sharp Sword's support troops.As long as he can catch up with the mercenary team in time, he can rescue Yang Kaiming and the others from the predicament.

If the reality is not what he and the lion calculated, then it will be troublesome.So at this time, I can only pray that he and the lion did not make a mistake in their calculations. Yang Kaiming and the others have already entered this zone.

Fortunately, the mountainous area here is not like the mountainous area in the southwest of Tianchao. It is a plateau mountainous area. The rocks are rugged, which makes Xu Ziling's speed up the mountain not much slower than that of walking on flat ground.

Wang Shan ran to death, this time Xu Ziling finally understood the meaning of this sentence.Although in the dark night, he could see the shadow of Timlan Mountain when he looked up, but after running for more than an hour in the dark night, he still felt that the mountain in front of him was always so far away.

With all the equipment in his body, plus running all the way up the mountain for more than an hour, Xu Ziling's breathing became a little messy.In order to ensure his strength, he slowed down a little bit and continued to walk north.For several hours, no trace of Yang Kaiming and the others were found, but many militants hiding in the cave were found.

Now Xu Ziling only cared about finding Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng as soon as possible, so when he found these people, he didn't bother to pay attention to them. As long as the lion said that there were militants, he would make a detour.

However, what he discovered along the way also shocked him.Among the more than a dozen forces found, there are three or five people at the least, and the largest one has hundreds of people. Every force is all AK firearms. As long as there are more than ten people involved, there must be a bazooka , and the hundred-member organization, in addition to firearms and bazookas, actually had a lot of short-range surface-to-air missiles.

Seeing such a scene, it is not difficult for Xu Ziling to imagine how hard the Americans fought in the Afghan war.

Vast mountains, complex terrain.into the mountains?There is no way, you can only walk, there are too many people, those people hide when they see them, the caves and buried mines everywhere make it impossible for you to find people.Fighter planes can't take off casually. If they don't find the target, they can't launch missiles randomly.As for the helicopter, when you get to the mountainous area, you are looking for death. Before you see the figure, someone suddenly appears from nowhere and gives you a missile or a rocket launcher, but the helicopter does not run away at all.

However, Xu Ziling would never sympathize with those American soldiers who died in Afghanistan, and even gloated in his heart, who told you to come here?You deserve it if you die, it's your life if you don't die.

After running at a constant speed for ten minutes, Xu Ziling started to run with all his strength again.Fortunately, the mountains here are not steep, and there are not many obstacles except for the detour of armed forces, so the speed of travel is not slow.

After walking at such a constant speed and at full strength for several hours, Xu Ziling was only half the distance to the north.

Just after running over a small hill, Xu Ziling saw that there was still half the distance, and was about to sit down and take a rest to replenish water.But the lion said, "I found something unusual."

"What?" Xu Ziling, who had already sat down on a rock, stood up suddenly and asked the lion hurriedly.

"Look, there seems to be traces of a battle. And it hasn't been too long." The lion replied, while transmitting the scanned impact to Xu Ziling's mind.

What the lion sent was a partial image that had been enlarged by him. Xu Zi looked at it, and it showed a bloody 5.8mm warhead in the grass, and there was a small pile of black soil beside it. It looked like it had been burned. . 5.8mm bullet?Isn't this the bullet used by the Ninety-Five Gun Clan?Yang Kaiming and the others used Xu Ziling's reformed Ninth Five-Year Plan for this operation. Could this be the bullets fired from their guns?

"Get farther away." Compared with the guns that use 5.8mm bullets, it is not only the Ninety-five guns of the Celestial Dynasty. Xu Ziling still needs to combine the situation to determine whether Yang Kaiming and the others have passed by here.So I asked the lion to pull the frame away a bit to see if there were any other clues around.

"I can't zoom out. If you want to see if there is any other situation, then you have to run. This is the farthest scanning distance I have. This image is the edge of my scanning distance. If you zoom out, you can't see it." to what?"

The lion's answer stunned Xu Ziling, and then he realized that the lion's scanning was synchronized with his movements.If you advance one point, the lion will scan one more point.It should be that the lion happened to scan the warhead just now, so he stopped, so he couldn't see anything else.

He had no choice but to put the water in his hand, which he had not had time to unscrew, into the bag again, picked up the bag and continued to run.

While running, he said to the lion: "Synchronize the image."

As soon as the lion synchronized the image, Xu Ziling felt something was wrong after running for a few steps. Once he paid attention to the image in his mind, his eyes did not look at the road under his feet, as if what he was walking was the scene in the image sent by the lion.The unnaturalness made him feel top-heavy, and he couldn't get used to walking a few steps, so he had to tell the lion to turn off the simultaneous transmission.

"Lion, turn it off. I paid attention to this image, but I couldn't notice my feet. I just run, and when I see the complete situation, you call stop."

"Haha... You can't do two things at once. Okay, run quickly, I'll call you when you get there."

As soon as Xu Ziling expressed his feelings, the lion was overjoyed.The images are synchronized in your mind, which is the same as watching a movie in a movie theater. The scene in the movie is in front of you, but when you take a step, you find that you are still in the movie theater.Running like this, of course, feels weird.

Anxious to know if it had anything to do with Yang Kaiming and the others, Xu Ziling ignored the lion's joke and kept running away from him.After running at his fastest speed for several minutes, about 1000 meters, the lion called him to stop.

Regardless of his shortness of breath, Xu Ziling asked the lion to quickly send the image.

"It can be confirmed that it has been a battle. Look here, here, here, there are bullets and shell casings. And you here and here, it is obvious that there are two parties. Looking at the other traces on both sides, there should be few people here. One side was running, and the one with more people was chasing after it. But someone on the chasing side was injured, and their people treated the wound here, and then started to catch up again."

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