weapons expert

Chapter 128 When the "robber" robbed Abu's friend

The image sent by the lion shows that in a small canyon three kilometers north of Xu Ziling, there is an armed man with a gun riding a motorcycle.Even more coincidentally, the direction he was heading was also in the northeast direction.That is to say, as long as Xu Ziling passed through from here to the north quickly, he could stop the motorcycle at the exit of the small canyon.

"It's done." Thinking of saving such time, Xu Ziling decided to be a robber.

After letting the lion find the shortest route, Xu Ziling began to stride towards the small canyon in the north.

After climbing over two hills at the fastest speed, we reached the exit of the small canyon.Xu Ziling's speed was very fast, coupled with the shortest route chosen by the lion, Xu Ziling reached the mouth of the canyon, and the militant on the motorcycle was still about a kilometer away from the mouth of the valley.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, the entire valley is S-shaped, and the bottom of the valley is not very wide, but it becomes narrower at a place 200 meters away from the exit.There happened to be a huge rock protruding from the mountain, blocking the view from the valley to the exit.Xu Ziling thought about it, and felt that Taniguchi was suitable for his "robbery and robbery" operation.

How can I drive a motorcycle intact?Once the location was decided, a new problem arose.From the lion's scan, it was found that this car was an antique car. Xu Ziling was really afraid that if there was a collision, the car would break down.Out of nowhere?Kill militants?This is not acceptable. According to these two methods, the motorcycle will lose control. Xu Ziling doesn't want the car to break, so he vetoed these two methods.

The car cannot be damaged, so he has to get out of the car by himself.How can I get him out of the car by himself?Xu Ziling kept thinking in his heart.

"That's right." Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought to himself: If there is something special on the road, as long as people are curious, then he will definitely stop to take a look.

What should I put to attract his attention?Xu Ziling thought about it, but still felt that guns were the most attractive thing for militants.So he took out the Type 92 pistol from the pocket of his tactical suit, unloaded the bullet, and put it in the middle of the road.

And his people quickly ran to the side of the hillside, climbed behind a rock, and then set up a tiger, aiming at the exit of the valley.

"Tudu..." As the sound of motorcycle engines became clearer and clearer, the figures of militants appeared behind the huge protruding mountain 200 meters away from the entrance of the valley.Seeing him getting closer and closer to the pistol in the middle of the road, Xu Ziling became more and more nervous, for fear that he might not have seen the pistol in the middle of the road.I kept praying in my heart: "I must see it... I must see it."

The fact was not unexpected. There was still a distance of 20 meters from the gun. The militants saw the gun on the ground, braked and stopped the motorcycle immediately.

I saw him park the car, holding the gun on his back with both hands, first carefully looked around, waited for a while, and then slowly walked forward when he saw that there was nothing unusual.When he walked slowly to only a few meters away from the gun, Xu Ziling could clearly see the smug smile on his face from the scope.

"It's almost there." Now he is more than ten meters away from the car, and he is not afraid of any damage to the car, but Xu Ziling doesn't want his life either. After all, the militants in Afghanistan have never harmed the Chinese Empire, and he doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. I just want to get the car smoothly. As for whether he will go to the United States or European countries to carry out terrorist activities in the future, that is none of Xu Ziling's business.

Aiming at a distance of two meters in front of him, Xu Ziling pulled the trigger of the tiger. Within a short distance of a few hundred meters, the explosion sound of the bullet hitting the ground and the slight gunshot were transmitted to the ears almost at the same time.

The warhead hit the ground, forming a large cone-shaped hole with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of half a meter.The sudden change made the militant stunned. Probably due to the impact of the long-term war, he suddenly came to his senses, lay down immediately, and looked around vigilantly, trying to find out who attacked him.

Xu Ziling also knew that he would not give in right away. Seeing him crawling still, he fired two more shots in a row. The bullet holes formed by the two shots were exactly in the shape of a triangle with the first shot.

The people crawling on the ground only heard two explosions, and found that there were two more bomb craters around them. Seeing that the distance between the three bomb craters was not too much, they just formed an equilateral triangle. He knew that he had met a master.Although it is said that the militants will not be shot to death, he is not willing to die for no reason.And from these three craters, he knew that the other party had no intention of killing him, so he put the gun on the ground, then raised his hands high, and slowly stood up.

Xu Ziling saw that he had dropped the gun on the ground, but he was still worried, and asked the lion to scan his whole body to make sure that there was no weapon on him, and then he stood up from behind the boulder.

Slowly walk down the hill to the flat ground.Xu Ziling held the gun in his hand all the time, and he didn't let down his vigilance. The muzzle of the gun was still aimed at him. As long as he made any abnormal movements, Xu Ziling would pull the trigger without hesitation.

There was still 20 meters away from him, Xu Ziling shouted to him in English: "Go slowly, don't make any changes, I don't want to hurt you,"

The militants probably understood Xu Ziling's words and did not resist. They walked forward slowly with their hands raised in accordance with his request.Xu Ziling didn't let him stop until he had walked a distance of five meters.

"Are you from the Celestial Dynasty? I have something to say." When Xu Ziling walked up to him and was about to tie him up first, the militants spoke up.

Hearing what he said, Xu Ziling stopped what he was doing, continued to point his gun at him and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Unexpectedly, this person was not afraid of his gun at all, and did not answer Xu Ziling's question, but stammered and asked Xu Ziling in non-standard Chinese dialect: "Ni... why are you arguing...Ni Shi... Tim Chao Ren? (How do you prove that you are from the Celestial Dynasty?)”

Xu Ziling was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was speaking the Chinese dialect, so he was amazed that a random person he met in the mountains could speak the Chinese dialect. When did the Chinese language become so popular in the world?

Thinking that this person might really have something to say, he asked in Chinese dialect: "What's the matter with you? Tell me!"

This person probably understands the Chinese dialect, but his speech is not standard.As soon as Xu Ziling's words came out of his mouth, he became excited and shouted loudly in English: "Great, great." Regardless of Xu Ziling's gun pointed at him, he walked up to Xu Ziling and wanted to say something to him .

Of course, Xu Ziling couldn't let him get close. Seeing him approaching, he took two steps back, pointed the gun at his head, and warned loudly, "Don't move."

At this time, this person realized his current situation, and immediately raised the hand he had just put down, and smiled embarrassedly at Xu Ziling, "I really have something to say, don't shoot."

Seeing him being honest again, Xu Ziling nodded, "Say it."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I also have good friends who work in your company. What I want to tell you is that some of my friends found a group of bastards chasing two people from China. I don't I don't know if you are together, but I hope it can be of some use to you."

Front?After hearing what he said, Xu Ziling's first reaction was that Yang Kaiming's whereabouts were known by the armed men. Who knows what these armed men would think of the Celestials?Xu Ziling became anxious when he thought of this, but he still asked him calmly: "Where is it? How many people are there?"

"To the east, about eighty kilometers away, there are twelve people chasing the two of them." He thought Xu Ziling was with them, explained the situation and added: "But don't worry, the people of the Celestial Dynasty are our friends. Someone is going to help."

Someone went to help?Could it be those eight people?As soon as he said it, Xu Ziling thought of the militants who were about to attack the mercenary team.

"Is it eight people?"

Hearing what Xu Ziling asked, he was stunned for a moment, and then nodded hurriedly: "Yes, the eight people are all my friends, and I'm going there now. I'm going to kill these dogs with them."

Although he matched up with what he knew, he still couldn't believe him.The devil knows that these militants will treat the Chinese people as friends. If I really believe him casually, I will be a real idiot.

Seeing that Xu Ziling remained silent, the person in front of him knew that he didn't believe him, and hurriedly explained: "Really, my friends all regard the Chinese people as friends, and many of our family members are also in the mines that your Chinese government cooperates with our country. work in the field, your country is good friends, help us mine, let us make money, unlike other countries, only know to come to us to grab ore. And I have a good friend who works in your ore prospecting company in China, your people are all Call him Abu, he said that as long as you meet a friend from the Celestial Dynasty, you will believe him when you mention his name."

Abu?I really didn't expect to meet Abu's acquaintances here.It seems that this guy has a lot of friends. There are still people he knows in such a valley. No wonder he can be a professional guide.

"Are you Abu's friend?" Xu Ziling heard Abu's name from him, and actually believed him, and dropped the gun aimed at him.Asking him at this time is just a matter of inertia in thinking, because after all, it is too surprising to meet someone who knows Abu in this deep mountain.

"Yes... yes..." Seeing that Xu Ziling moved away from the gun pointed at him, he immediately nodded with a smile, "I'm Abike, we have known Abu since we were young, and our family members are also Abu I was introduced to work in your Tianchao company. You Tianchao people are friends, so this time someone found out that someone was chasing after your Tianchao friend, so we went to help. But I was out yesterday to do something, and I only found out when someone texted me, so is rushing over."

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