weapons expert

Chapter 150 Smith's Means

Back at the barracks, Assad thoughtfully separated and locked up the few people named by Xu Ziling, and put them under guard so that they had no chance to speak.

Several people separated and went back to their room, and Xu Ziling told them about his discovery.Of course, he just said that when he was observing the battlefield, he accidentally discovered that one of the Freedom Army had a tattoo. They got some terrorist news from them.

After the Free Army abandoned their weapons and surrendered, Xu Ziling took off the shirts of several Free Army soldiers to check. Yang Kaiming and the others also saw it, and there was no doubt in their hearts that what he said was just an excuse.

In Sharp Sword, there are professional intelligence personnel. The three of them are naturally not particularly proficient in interrogation, but Smith is different. This guy usually uses unscrupulous methods to complete tasks. He is very good at torture, so Xu Ziling The three of them entrusted this task to Smith, and Smith also wanted to show his hand in front of them. As soon as they said it, he immediately agreed to let them rest assured that this matter was entrusted to him, and he promised to handle it well. .

In fact, it's not that the three of them, Xu Ziling, can't handle this matter, but it's because of Smith.During the days when they were together with Smith, Smith always tried his best to do what he did, and they also felt it. Perhaps the most important thing in a team is trust.

And this trust is gradually cultivated. No one can trust a stranger who comes out suddenly, especially Smith is from another country.But after so many days of contact, they think Smith is worthy of their trust.

Of course, it is impossible for them to fully trust him. It is undeniable that during the period from Afghanistan to Syria, Smith’s role is self-evident. Let him get in touch with some secrets and give him some tasks, so that the cohesion between their teams can be increased faster.

After a few people decided on this matter in the room, they left the room to interrogate those people.

When they came to the room where the Freedom Army was detained, the guards had obviously received Assad's instructions. When they saw a few of them coming, they didn't ask any questions, but directly opened the door and let them in.

The inside was transformed from a large room into individual small cells, like the cells commonly found in prisons.One room after another, the doors are also welded with thumb-thick steel bars. In this way, important people can be detained separately, and it can also effectively prevent people from escaping.

The guards took them to several single rooms, signaled that these were the people they wanted, and then told them to point to the end of a row of cells, and told them that a small room over there was a place for interrogation, and there were tools and the like in it. Yes, and then handed the keys of a few single rooms to the leader Smith, told them to greet them loudly if they had anything to do, and then turned and went outside.

Although these people surrendered, when they saw Xu Ziling and the others, they all looked at them with fierce eyes, as if they wished to eat them up.Probably seeing a few of them coming over, thinking that they would do something to them, completely lost the honesty when they were captured.However, except for Xu Ziling, everyone among them is a person who has experienced many battles, so they don't care about their eyes. Although Xu Ziling has not fought many times, he has had a lot of headshots, and his nerves can be regarded as passed. After a lot of training, he turned a blind eye to these eyes.

Smith walked around in front of several people's cells, selected one of the most vicious-looking people, opened the cell door, and pulled him out.Every hand of these captured people was helped. At this time, Smith pulled him, and he cursed at Xu Ziling and the others incomprehensible, while struggling hard, but no matter how hard he tried, he could still break free. Not Smith's big hand.

Smith said before that he doesn't need the help of Xu Ziling and the others, just let them watch. With such words in front, Xu Ziling and the others will naturally not help him at this time. Seeing him dragging the prisoner to interrogate the young They went to the house, and they followed directly without saying a word.

After entering the small room, I saw dark red blood stains on the ground and a row of torture instruments such as whips and iron rods on the wall, and these things were also stained with blood.Seeing this, Xu Ziling knew that Assad and the others had done a lot of bloody things here, but the person who did it today was changed.

Xu Ziling and the others also wanted to see Smith's methods, so none of them spoke, but just followed behind and watched.Entering the room, Smith first glanced at the whole room, and when he saw a simple wooden frame for tying people, he pulled the prisoner and walked over, while he kept struggling and yelling, tied him in above.

After tying him up, Smith didn't interrogate him, but tore a piece of his clothes and stuffed it in his mouth.Although this guy couldn't make a sound, he still looked at Smith fiercely with his eyes, and made a "woooooo..." sound from his mouth.

Xu Ziling felt a little strange, let's interrogate him, and gag him before asking, what's going on?I looked at Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng, and found that they were also confused, so I had to continue reading patiently.

Smith was completely deaf to his "Woooo..." sound, just looked at Xu Ziling and the others, signaled him to start with his eyes, then took a whip from the wall, and put the whip aside in a half-filled tank of water. The inside of the water tank was soaked for a while, and when the whip was wet, he whipped it up and lashed at the prisoner.

"啪", there was a loud sound of the whip being thrown away, and the clothes on the prisoner were torn, "Wuuu...", a bloodstain appeared from his torn clothes, and his body was also in pain. The whole body wanted to curl up, but his hands were tied again, which couldn't make him do what he wanted, which made him suffer even more.

Smith didn't even look at him, he whipped one whip, and then whipped it again and again, and because the prisoner's hands were tied to the frame, he could only yell "Woooo..." and twist his body to reduce pain.However, his movements were no match for Smith's one whip after another. After a while, more than a dozen whips fell on him.

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