weapons expert

Chapter 212 Confusion Tactics

One of the well-known advantages of drones is that their take-off distance is very short.

The stern of No. 197 is the same helicopter takeoff and landing pad as No. 151, and this landing pad now happens to be the takeoff runway of wz-00.

From the Hawkeye system, it can be seen that all the preparation personnel are standing on the deck, and Xu Ziling started to ignite and start the drone in the drone's operating system.

The engine of the plane started, and the people on deck 187 could hear the roar of the plane, but as Xu Ziling operated the system, wz-00 began to taxi, and then began to accelerate within a short period of time, and finally at an arrow-like speed In the middle, drive out of the landing pad and rush into the sky above the sea.

Inside the flight operating system, Xu Ziling looked at the electronic chart and steered the wz-00 towards the direction of the Global Hawk.

In terms of speed, the WZ-00 and the Global Hawk are almost the same. According to his estimation, both the WZ-00 and the Global Hawk are at the current speed, so the two planes should meet at a distance of [-] kilometers.

Two hundred kilometers, so it takes ten minutes, but Xu Ziling is also worried about one problem, that is, the Global Hawk's reconnaissance system is indeed better than wz-00. Spot wz-00 at a long distance, so will it slip away right away?

In terms of speed, the two planes are about the same, but the range of the Global Hawk is several times that of the WZ-00. If the Global Hawk really makes the move to slip away, then the WZ-00 is considered to have electromagnetic missiles, but if it is not within the range If the Global Hawk runs away, Xu Ziling and the others can only sigh in relief.

After much deliberation, the only thing Xu Ziling thought of was to use the superstition of the people of country m on the stealth ability of the global hawk, and use wz-00 to confuse the people of country m with the attitude that they have not discovered the global hawk, making them mistakenly think that their global hawk has not been discovered, and then After waiting for it to enter the range of the electromagnetic missile, immediately launch the missile to shoot it down.

Therefore, the drone rushed out of No. 187, and Xu Ziling did not let the wz-00 go into the air immediately, but kept it close to the sea and flew at a low altitude.Although flying at low altitude can make radar from the sea unsearchable, it cannot avoid the high-altitude Global Hawk UAV, but it is precisely this that can confuse the operator of the Global Hawk UAV.

The low-altitude flight controlled by Xu Ziling is not the same as the low-altitude flight of a pilot flying a fighter jet.

The low-altitude flight of fighter jets does not have completely standard measuring instruments in terms of height, and it all depends on the pilot's own technology.Moreover, when flying at low altitudes, since the resistance of the air is greater than that at high altitudes, the requirements for the aircraft itself are relatively high. Therefore, there are many restrictions. The low-altitude flight of fighter jets is generally at a height of about 200 meters, which is already Quite a terrific pilot.

But the UAV is different. Its model is small, and the flight operating system has been specially modified by Xu Ziling. Xu Ziling has been controlling the wz-00 to fly at an altitude of about 20 meters above sea level.

The UAV quickly disappeared from the line of sight of the formation personnel, but the personnel on board quickly discovered the abnormality. In the UAV monitoring system, the positioning signal from the UAV can be received normally, but in the radar Above, there was no trace at all, as if such a drone had never flown out.

Xu Ziling was in charge of the whole process, and he had given the order before, so those who wanted to know what was going on could only keep it in their hearts and did not ask aloud.

For such a situation, Xu Ziling was also in agreement. No one came to disturb him, and he just didn't have to explain, and he could do his things with peace of mind.

But the low-altitude flight is just Xu Ziling wanting to test the low-altitude flight performance of the drone, so after flying for a certain distance, Xu Ziling controls the drone and starts to pull it up, 100 meters... 1000 meters... wait until it rises to 8000 meters At high altitude, the distance between the two planes was exactly [-] kilometers.

Two hundred kilometers is exactly the distance that the radar on the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane can scan.

In terms of the stealth performance of the wz-00 UAV, at this distance, the Global Hawk should not be able to find it, but no one knows whether the relevant technology has been updated on the Global Hawk, so in order to ensure that it can confuse the people of M country , at this distance, Xu Ziling started his performance.

Controlling the drone, doing various maneuvers, or suddenly accelerating, or suddenly decelerating, sometimes at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and sometimes descending to an altitude of hundreds of meters above sea level.

And the Hawkeye system also keeps showing the movement of the Global Hawk, 150 kilometers... 00 kilometers... 00 kilometers... and finally 00 kilometers. At this time, Xu Ziling can be sure that at this distance, the Global Hawk is absolutely It was wz-[-] that was discovered.Because in the radar system that comes with wz-[-], the global hawk has also been discovered at this time. How to say, the radar system of the global hawk cannot be worse than wz-[-].

But when wz-00's radar detected the global hawk, Xu Ziling immediately handed over the control of wz-00 to the lion, and he was paying attention to the movements of the global hawk in the eagle eye system.

Because he is a person, he has to keep an eye on the Global Hawk and control WZ-00, he thinks he can't do it, but the lion is different, he has no consideration in this aspect at all.

However, it is impossible for Xu Ziling to leave everything to the lion alone, so he pays attention to the Global Hawk, and let the lion control the wz-00, and they are constantly communicating with each other in their minds.

The lion's operation is more precise than Xu Ziling's, so under his control, wz-00's various maneuvers seem smoother than Xu Ziling's operation.

However, Xu Ziling looked at the reaction of the Global Hawk, and it was the various experimental movements of the lion that perfectly confused the people of country m.

Because in the Hawkeye system, the Global Hawk he had been paying attention to within this distance did not have any abnormalities at all, and he still flew to the sea area where Xu Ziling and the others were located according to the original navigation.

Seeing this, Xu Ziling was overjoyed.As the distance got closer and closer, he believed that the current Global Hawk must have been paying attention to the wz-00, and the high-powered camera on it had been filming the various flight movements of the wz-00.

wz-00 is a model released by the Chinese government a long time ago, and there is no question of whether it will leak secrets. People in country m will only think that it is an improved model of wz-00 when they see its current experimental actions. Conduct flight tests.As long as this can attract the Global Hawk's attention and prevent it from finding out that something is wrong and turning around and running away, that is the most important thing.

Electromagnetic missiles are not commonly installed weapons, and Xu Ziling doesn't know why there is such a thing on No. 187.

I learned from the lion that this electromagnetic missile is not yet perfect, and the one on No. 187 happens to be a short-range air-to-air missile, and its maximum range is [-] kilometers.

Because of this distance, his launch distance is also quite strict, and he must be as close to the target as possible before launching.

In other words, if you want to use WZ-00 to shoot down the Global Hawk with electromagnetic missiles, you must launch the missile when the WZ-00 is within [-] kilometers of the Global Hawk.

And it was this distance that made Xu Ziling feel the pressure.Because once the Global Hawk finds something is wrong, it will run away immediately, and the missiles will not be able to hit it. If it goes after it, the wz-00 is not as good as the Global Hawk in terms of speed or range.

However, judging from what we have seen so far, the lion's performance has had a good effect, and the people of country m were really confused.

But Xu Ziling also prayed in his heart that such a good situation must be maintained until the distance between wz-00 and the Global Hawk is within [-] kilometers, so that he can launch the missile.

The distance is getting closer and closer. While the lion controls wz-00 to continue performing various actions, it sometimes descends and sometimes climbs. However, in these actions, the climbing height is more and the descent is less. It seems timeless When descending, when climbing, but in general, the altitude of wz-00 is getting higher and higher.

The Global Hawk climbed skillfully with such fancy movements, and the Global Hawk never felt anything unusual.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Ziling felt happier.


Although the two planes are flying at normal speeds now, the distance between them is getting closer when the two speeds add up.

The wz-00 does not approach the Global Hawk in a straight line. When the distance reaches 8000 kilometers, the height of the Global Hawk is 00 meters, while the wz-[-] just reaches [-] meters. Altitude and speed, they will pass by one high and one low in a very short time.

Perhaps in the eyes of the people of M country, they are still superstitious about the stealth ability of the Global Hawk. Until now, they thought that wz-00 hadn't found them yet. fly over.

It's a pity that just after the straight-line distance of 00 kilometers between the two planes, after Lion's careful calculation, he immediately controlled the wz-[-] to pull up sharply and began to climb quickly.

The sudden pull of wz-00 made Global Hawk realize that it was a trap.

The controllers quickly reacted, and the remote control of the Global Hawk immediately turned to flee, because they knew that at such a distance, they had no other choice but to escape. After all, the Global Hawk came here, it is Those who came to conduct investigations did not carry weapons, unlike wz-00, who came prepared.

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