weapons expert

Chapter 238

(I have been outside for a while, and the update time is a bit unstable, sorry. Thanks to Yiguang, chubby for showing the monthly tickets of several book friends!)

"There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty: Be careful and make no big mistakes." James said this, but his tone was not so serious. In his heart, he had the same idea as Jim, thinking that this was just an easy task.

The appearance of the target proved that the information given by the sharp sword was correct.So Gao Xianxian immediately sent the news back to the fleet headquarters,

This mission is very important. Although it is not sure whether the submarine mentioned in the intelligence will come, Tang Jiannian, the commander of the fleet, did not go home during this period, and his basic necessities have always been at the headquarters.

In the early hours of the morning, after receiving Gao Xianxian's report, he was not at all annoyed at being woken up at this time. When he heard that it was a "Seawolf-class" submarine, he was as excited as Gao Xianxian was at that time. Commander's demeanor.

"You must keep it, no matter what the price is, you must bring it to the surface of the sea, do you hear?" When Tang Jiannian gave Gao Xianxian an order, he was almost roaring.

The sea wolf class costing billions of dollars is a good thing.As the commander of the fleet, he was also jealous when he saw it. If it was before, he really didn't have much confidence in capturing a submarine of this level.

But now with No. 051 and the "Eagle Eye" system as a big killer, getting the Seawolf-class submarine up is no longer something that can only be thought about.

Although it is impossible to take it as your own after capturing it, as long as it is brought to the surface of the sea, there is always a way for your own people to visit it. As long as people go in, I believe there will always be some gains.And he even believes that the Americans will never give up on submarines like the "Sea Wolf".

This can be used to negotiate, and the Americans should pay something to redeem their submarines. In this way, there will be more things to talk about.

Thinking of this, Tang Jiannian's old face burst into smiles.

"The commander asked us to get this Seawolf class up at all costs. Let us discuss the specific details of the operation." After Gao Xianxian hung up the communication with Tang Jiannian, he turned around and said to several people.

"What's there to discuss? We're going at the current speed. Anyway, they're still hundreds of kilometers away from the waters of Huangdao, so don't disturb them. We just need to calculate their approximate destination, and then tell them The other two ships, when we get to a certain distance from them, the three ships will encircle together and send anti-submarine helicopters directly to send them a sonar signal. If they don't come up, we will just drop a few depth charges. I can’t believe it, they haven’t come up yet.”

Xu Ziling's method is very rude, but it is indeed the simplest and most practical.

Between countries, there has never been any deep affection. You have broken into other people's territorial waters, and you deserve to be killed. Who told you to run into other people's homes without making a sound.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the best result of this mission is to bring the target to the surface of the sea.As for using weapons to destroy the target, they never even thought about it.

The goal this time is different from the last one. Last time, the rc-135 was still a Global Hawk unmanned aircraft, and none of them had large weapons. If they were shot down, they would be shot down.

But this time we are facing the most advanced attack submarine in the United States. It is equipped with more than [-] missiles. If there is a fight, if the opponent launches a missile, the result will be unacceptable. of.

Of course, it is impossible for the Americans to launch their missiles under normal circumstances, but this kind of thing is also uncertain. What if the American people go crazy and launch missiles, what should we do?

Therefore, Tang Jiannian never thought of destroying the target this time like last time. This is why he believed that the three ships including No. 051 were already capable of this mission and did not send any more ships. Submarines came to cooperate with their actions.

Several people listened to Xu Ziling's method, thought about it, and didn't think there was a better way. According to his method, let the Americans know their situation. As long as they don't want a war, they will inevitably rise up.

"Okay, just follow your method. If they don't take the initiative to come up like this, I will launch torpedoes immediately, and I will definitely not let them have the opportunity to launch missiles."

Gao Xianxian was also ruthless, fearing that if something went wrong, he even said the words of launching the torpedo at the first time.

"Okay, you and those two ships have a breath, anyway, it's still early, I'll go back to sleep first." Xu Ziling looked at the time, and found that it was still very early, and there was at least one day before the target met. Time, it's okay now, it's really better to go back and continue to sleep.

Seeing his heartless appearance, the others were speechless. They couldn't figure out how he would be in the mood to go back to sleep when he was about to face such an important moment.

No matter what they thought, Xu Ziling left the captain's cabin after speaking, and returned to his own cabin.He was so relieved, and he had his own reasons.

The existence of the lion makes his views on many things different from others.Just like this time, Gao Xianxian and the others all had the idea that the target would fire, so they were always worried.

But Xu Ziling didn't think so. Just now, the lion had communicated with him. Finally, after the calculation of the lion and the judgment of Xu Ziling, they agreed that the other party would not be able to fire, at least they would not use those powerful weapons, because No matter how overbearing the Americans are, they cannot bear the crime of instigating war.

Now that it is determined that the fire will not be fired, there is nothing to worry about.

However, he returned to his cabin, and did not go back to sleep as he said, but talked to the lion about the "Seawolf-class" submarine.

He recognized the "Sea Wolf" at a glance before, but he only knew the appearance and some basic data of the "Sea Wolf", and was not familiar with the detailed information, so of course he had to figure it out at this time.

"Lion, give me the specific data of the Seawolf-class submarine." Lying on the small bed in the narrow cabin, Xu Ziling immediately said to the lion.

"There is some information, but it is not complete."

The lion answered Xu Ziling, and at the same time pulled out the relevant information.

Most of the information in the Lion database is downloaded from the Sword Force, and submarines of the "Sea Wolf" class, like aircraft like the F-35, are protected by the top secrets of the United States. be particularly strict.

Without the leakage of information, other countries would certainly not have received such complete information.

"It's just to be expected."

Xu Ziling sighed, this is a fact, there is no way to change it, if there are detailed information, it would have been created a long time ago, and there is no time to wait for him to spend this energy.

The "Seawolf-class" submarine is the most advanced nuclear fast attack submarine in the United States today. Its length is more than 130 meters, and its width has reached more than 12 meters. Its underwater displacement is more than 2000 tons, and its underwater maximum speed is 35. festival or more.

In terms of weapons, in addition to having eight torpedo tubes, it also has anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles.

After reading the incomplete information, Xu Ziling finally had a more detailed understanding than before.He is very interested in some of these technologies, and of course there are others that he is not interested in.

Interested, weapons aspect is for sure.Apart from other things, he is quite interested in the Tomahawk missiles equipped on the Seawolf class.Then there are the submarine's power system, submarine system, silent technology, and multi-mission platforms suitable for special missions and mine warfare.

What I am least interested in is the sonar system above. This thing, the technology of Americans is leading in the world, but when it comes to Xu Ziling, it has become tasteless.

With the "Eagle Eye" system, what is the use of sonar in future submarines?Is it used to take up space?Therefore, in the entire submarine, Xu Ziling was least interested in the sonar system.

"Idiot, just because you're not interested doesn't mean others aren't interested. If you get him out and sell him to other countries, I promise you will get a lot of money." Listening to Xu Ziling's nagging about the uselessness of the sonar system, the lion hates it. Iron is not steel, and he cursed at him bitterly.

"Hey... that's really the case. Why am I so stupid? Let me think about it... It shouldn't be a problem for this thing to sell for [-] million U.S. dollars."

After hearing what the lion said, Xu Ziling realized the function of this thing.Thinking about how stupid I am, just thinking about it is useless to me, and I don't think about it at all, but it makes them jealous to other countries.

"Absolutely a lot of people want it." Lion said with certainty.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...you can sell it at that time There are a lot of technologies that we don’t need, and these can be sold for money, it seems that we should plan well.”

The lion's reminder reminded him that he still has a lot of technologies related to aircraft, many of which he can't use, and these technologies are all from famous factories, and can be applied to many types of fighters , he believes that as long as the relevant news is released, there will be a lot of people who will buy it.

But thinking about it this way, I thought in my heart that the sources of these technologies are all unknown, and what kind of means should be used to sell them.

"It's really not easy to make money." After thinking for a long time, Xu Ziling didn't come up with a good method. It would definitely not work to do it blatantly. In private, he didn't have such a channel.

"Idiot, you can't do it yourself, you won't ask someone to help you, you forgot that guy Smith, he has been in the mercenary world for so many years, he must be familiar with these things, when the time comes, just throw them to him and let him operate them .”

In the end, the lion saw Xu Ziling's dullness, and finally couldn't stand it and said it.

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