weapons expert

Chapter 240 Depth Charge vs Sea Wolf Class

The people on the Jimmy never thought about it. Now their every move has been under the nose of others, and they always think that with the advanced Seawolf-class submarine, the Chinese people can't find them at all.

He believed in the "Jimmy" too much, so James made a decision to complete the detection mission first, move on, and get close to the unknown type of ship, so as to find out what type of ship the Chinese people have newly equipped.

As soon as the Jimmy moved, the people on No. 051 immediately discovered it. At this time, their position was less than ten kilometers away from the high seas, and the distance between them and the submarine was less than sixty kilometers.

"Hey... I finally moved. It looks like I've taken the bait." Gao Xianxian clenched his fist with one hand and slammed the palm of his other hand hard, and said excitedly.

"Continue sailing, and when we reach the high seas, we will start to return, and then slowly bring them in."

Xu Ziling is also very happy in his heart, his method has worked, of course it is something to be happy about, isn't it?

"The other party has moved." No. 051 continued to sail slowly, and immediately reported the news to Tang Jiannian.

"Okay... Pay attention to your actions, and don't let them see the flaws."

Since the beginning of the fishing operation, Tang Jiannian has not been broadcasting for a moment at the fleet headquarters, and has been tense, waiting for the news of No. 051. When he heard the report of the success of the plan, he felt a lot more relaxed.

The speed was not very fast, but they were not very far away from the high seas, so it didn't take long for No. 051 to reach the high seas.

This is the place where the course is scheduled to be changed. Upon arriving at the place, under the order of Gao Xianxian, No. 051 drew an arc-shaped white line on the sea surface, immediately changed course, and started sailing northward along the borderline of the South China Sea. .

Changing course at the territorial waters did not arouse the slightest suspicion of the "Jimmy", and it was still following tens of kilometers away from No. 051.

After sailing for ten kilometers, No. 051 changed course again and headed directly towards Huangdao. At this time, the "Jimmy" behind still had no scruples, followed No. 051 stubbornly, and broke into the South China Sea.

Seeing such a situation, everyone in the captain's room of No. 051 applauded.After making enough gestures, isn't this the moment you've been waiting for?

"Keep the speed and continue sailing. We must lead the target to our hinterland, so that it can't run away."

Up to now, the plan should be only half completed, because the Jimmy has just entered the territorial waters of the Celestial Dynasty. If there is any mistake on Xu Ziling's side, then the Jimmy will be alerted. If it fails, they will turn around and run away , Xu Ziling and the others were the fastest, and they couldn't catch up.

Therefore, in order to prevent it from running away, it must be led within [-] kilometers of the sea.

At this distance, even if they found something abnormal, they would have no time to run.

After a tense half an hour, the Jimmy finally entered the hinterland of the South China Sea. At this time, the other two ships that had already been notified, in two directions from the north to the south, had quietly run behind the Jimmy and cut off its traffic in one fell swoop. The retreat, together with No. 051, formed a triangular encirclement enclosing the Jimmy.

"Something's wrong..." James yelled seeing the sonar system showing that the two ships of known type were behind them and suddenly accelerated.

Although there was no abnormality in the ships that had been tracking, but looking at the actions and headings of the other two ships, and looking at the ships in front of them, an idea suddenly appeared in James' mind.

Could it be that the people of their celestial dynasty knew their whereabouts long ago?Ahead of them, was the ship they had been following a decoy?Seeing the two ships behind, if the ship in front stopped again, wouldn't it be a standard encirclement posture?

Thinking of this possibility, James' scalp tingled.How did the people of the Celestial Dynasty know they were coming?Don't they already have more advanced subs that are all around us all the time and we just haven't noticed?

James' voice startled Jim. Looking at his ugly face, Jim hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? James."

"Take a look for yourself..." James pointed to the sonar system, a triangle formed by the three Chinese ships, and answered Jim with a pale face.

"The fish are falling." Looking at the Seawolf-class submarine ten kilometers behind No. 051 on the radar, he finally realized something was wrong and stopped immediately. Gao Xianxian said with a smile.

"Turn around immediately and approach the target."

"No. [-] ship, No. [-] ship, immediately move forward at full speed according to the coordinates, and encircle them."

A series of orders went on, and the three ships began a formal encirclement of the target.

"Old Gao, let the anti-submarine helicopters on the ship dispatch and drop sonobuoys over their heads to let them know that we have spotted them so that they don't run away." In the current situation, as long as the Seawolf class doesn't jump the wall in a hurry and force them to float It was already done, but in order to prevent them from running around in vain, Xu Ziling still asked Gao Xianxian to launch the anti-submarine helicopter.

The anti-submarine helicopter was already ready to launch. After hearing Xu Ziling's suggestion, Gao Xianxian picked up the communicator and shouted: "The anti-submarine helicopter is dispatched."

After dispatching No. 051, he did not forget to give the same order to No. [-] ship and No. [-] ship, so the helicopters on the three ships immediately lifted into the air and quickly rushed over the target.

"How is it possible...how is it possible..." On the Jimmy, Commander James and Deputy Jim were both pale and frighteningly pale.

James just found out that something was wrong, and when he showed Jim that the two ships behind them were accelerating abnormally, they found that the ship of unknown type in front suddenly changed its course, made a 360-degree turn, and then accelerated and came straight at them.

Looking at the two sides of the back, the three ships in front all accelerated to align with them in the center. Even at this time, they knew that they had been fooled.

While ordering the submarine to stop, they were really surprised. How did the Chinese ships find them?

At this time, the personnel on the boat also discovered their situation at this time. Looking at the appearance of the two commanders, they all panicked and dared not speak. For a while, the inside of the submarine became strange. Be quiet.

"Beep... beep..." Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded in the boat, and the alarm light kept flashing at the same time.

"Report: The Chinese have spotted us, and we have anti-submarine helicopters on top." The soldier in charge of the sonar hurriedly reported.

It had been hoped that they had not been found.But with the dispatch of anti-submarine helicopters, this last glimmer of hope was shattered, and both James and Jim saw despair in each other's eyes.

The waiting process was very uncomfortable. Twenty minutes had passed since the anti-submarine helicopter dropped the sonar buoy on the Seawolf-class submarine, but the submarine on the bottom of the sea hadn't responded yet.

The people on No. 051 waited a little anxiously, suffering in their hearts, but they still waited quietly, waiting for the Jimmy to respond.


"Don't wait, what a waste of time, I don't have that much time to spend with them, Lao Gao, please ask Commander Tang, let's drop depth charges." Another 10 minutes passed, and the Jimmy still didn't respond.Xu Ziling got a little impatient for waiting, so he proposed to throw some depth charges to them.

"Yeah, show them some color, otherwise they really don't know how long they will spend with us." Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng, like Xu Ziling, are people who are good at using force. After hearing Xu Ziling's words, they immediately got together Nodding and shouting.

Gao Xianxian and Tang Mingwu's experience is different from Xu Ziling's and the others. Xu Ziling and the others usually only use light weapons such as guns when they move, but when the two of them are at sea, once they move, they are powerful weapons. A few are just as random.

Hearing what the three of them said, and having seen Xu Ziling's good fighting skills before, they didn't have much reaction to their propositions. At the same time, they were a little anxious to wait. The two looked at each other and nodded, agreeing with their opinions. Immediately pick up the communicator and contact Tang Jiannian.

"We approved it. But you have to be careful, just scare them, and don't really sink the target. If it is really lost, I will let you dive down and get it up."

Reported the situation to Tang Jiannian, and after a discussion at the headquarters, Tang Jiannian returned Gao Xianxian with such an answer.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission."

After hanging up the communication, Gao Xianxian smiled contemptuously at the others, "You heard that too? Be sure to drop the bomb more accurately."

"Haha...it's none of our business, the three of us are just playing soy sauce." The voice of the communicator had been connected to the PA system of the command center, so several people could clearly hear Tang Jiannian's words.

"..." Gao Xianxian and Tang Mingwu looked at Xu Ziling's shamelessness and were speechless.

After the joke, Gao Xianxian became serious.Ordered No. 051, who was still some distance away from the target, to drive directly to the target, and at the same time ordered to prepare depth charges and drop them as soon as they reached the place.

Judging from the data on the "Eagle Eye", the target's current depth is 550 meters. At this depth, there is no problem with depth charges.Besides, the purpose of dropping the depth charges is only to warn the target and force them to float up, not to destroy the target.

No. 051 soon reached the surface of the sea several hundred meters away from the target. Xu Ziling used radar to calculate the current and other conditions, and concluded that this distance was the best if he wanted to frighten the submarine without hurting it.

After arriving at the location, Gao Xianxian gave the order to drop depth charges.With an order, two bombs that had already been prepared on the side of the ship were thrown from the slide rails.

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