weapons expert

Chapter 273 The Sturdy Dragon

When the mind is concentrated, everyone forgets the passage of time.

An hour and a half was coming soon, and Lao Bai also said in the channel that he would arrive at the attack position in 5 minutes.

"Attention all personnel, fully cooperate with Xiaolong's attack."



Now that the sky was bright and there were moving figures in the village, Xu Ziling was lying on the tree, carefully looking at the positions of the three rooms with poisonous thorns, not relaxing at all.

Through the lion's scan, the movements in these rooms could not be hidden from Xu Ziling at all. There was only one transmitter in each room, but there were three to five people in it.

The previous consideration was to kill the person operating the launcher, but when Xu Ziling saw that there were many people in each room, he changed his mind.

Hitting someone is better than destroying the launcher at the first time, because killing a person who operates the launcher, there is another person who can continue to shoot the stinger, but if the launcher is broken at the first time, someone There is no way to have such an idea.

So Xu Ziling decided that when Lao Bai started to attack, he would immediately pass through the lion's scan and use the huge power of the tiger to directly penetrate the wall and destroy the launcher.

5 minutes can be said to pass in the blink of an eye.

The people who entered the attack state soon heard the sound of a helicopter coming from the two mountains in the east, followed by Lao Bai's words in the channel:

"Get into the attack position and immediately carry out the first round of air strikes."

Xiaolong's speed is very fast, but his voice is also very loud, especially in such a quiet morning in the mountains, he has reached the attack position, which means he is not far from the village.

Xu Ziling and the others heard the sound of the helicopter, so of course the people in the village could hear it too.

While Lao Bai was speaking, Xu Ziling saw the guards on the watchtower at the entrance of the village pointing in the direction of Xiaolong and yelling at the people on the ground.

Immediately, an armed man in a fortification on the ground took out a small horn from nowhere, and immediately pressed it, so that the harsh beep sounded throughout the small mountain village.

The alarm sounded, and then the whole village began to riot, and soon some panicked armed men came out from every house, and all of this was just ten seconds after Xu Ziling and the others heard the sound of the helicopter. within the bell.

When the siren sounded, the people in the room with the stinger got up immediately, and the village head was the fastest. From the image sent by the lion, the militant in charge of the stinger didn't even have time to wear clothes. After wearing it, he immediately opened the stinger launcher in the box in the corner of the room, and began to pick up the missiles, preparing to load the missiles on the launcher.

"You move the fastest, then you die first."

From Xu Ziling's point of view, this guy stooped to load the stinger, and his back was facing Xu Ziling's muzzle. That is to say, if Xu Ziling fired at the launcher, the bullet would definitely hit the human body first. , to hit the dispenser.

That's why Xu Ziling had the above words.

Through the image sent by the lion, Xu Ziling pointed the muzzle of the gun at the people in the house from the scope, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The body shook slightly, and the bullet shot out of the barrel, directly hitting the target.

Ignoring the fact that the wall of the house was made a big hole by the bullet, and also ignoring that the other people in the room were frightened by the sudden change, he immediately moved the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the room where the village stinger was located.

As soon as Xu Ziling's gun rang out, Lao Bai manipulated Xiaolong and began to show his power.

The first target to be hit was the watchtower and fortifications at the entrance of the village. Lao Bai's deputy did not choose rockets, but directly used a Red Arrow air-to-ground missile.

The person who can be selected by Zhu Gang as the firepower of Xiaolong is naturally a simple person. He did not directly choose the bullet point as the platform of the watchtower, but chose the bottom bracket of the watchtower.

Press the launch button, and the first red arrow on the right side of Xiaolong immediately detaches from the mount, then ignites, and flies directly towards the bullet point.


The red arrow quickly hit the target, the flames soared into the sky, and the air waves brought by the huge explosion flattened the fortification below the watchtower close to the watchtower.

And because the watchtower was hit on the outer bracket, it suddenly fell to one side. As a result, the huge watchtower platform fell, just on top of another fortification on the ground.

In this way, the people in the two fortifications and the watchtower were killed before they could even fire a single shot.

Although the buildings in the small village were irregular, they were generally built on both sides of a main road on the side of the mountain. After Xiaolong fired the first red arrow, his deputy chose rockets.

Aiming at the buildings built on both sides of the main road is a rain of rockets.

In this actual battle, Xiaolong came with a full load, so four rocket launchers on each side and eight rocket launchers were hung on the short wings.

And each rocket pod can carry 96 ammunition, that is to say, Xiaolong brought [-] rockets this time.

Lao Bai manipulated Xiaolong to quickly leap over the small village, and in this attack, eight rocket launchers were shot out of four, that is, 48 ​​rockets.

The result was that in the small village below, all the buildings near the main road of the village were completely taken care of by the rockets.

The entire main road of the village is about a hundred meters long.And the buildings on both sides only look like a dozen buildings, with 48 ammunition down, which means that each room is basically divided into four.

Think about it, a house originally made of wood was suddenly taken care of by four rockets, what was the result?

All Xiaolong's ammunition has been fed by Xu Ziling. The current rockets are no problem against ordinary armored tanks, let alone wooden houses.

As soon as dozens of ammunition went down, the ground could only see flames everywhere, and soon formed a line of flames from the village head to the village tail.

Those who didn't have time to run out of the house, didn't have a reaction, went straight to God.And those who just ran out of the house, many people were affected by the explosion.

Fortunately, he was not injured, but he was also stunned by the violent blow. Unluckily, some were knocked down by the blast wave, some were hit by explosives flying from the explosion, and even more unlucky, those who were close to the building He was directly hit by a rocket, and for a while, the whole village was crying continuously, with broken limbs flying around.

Xiaolong's performance was actually only a few seconds, and at this time, it was Xu Ziling who had just destroyed the launcher of the second stinger at the end of the village.

He originally wanted to kill this one, and then kill the one in Kunjia's house, but what he didn't expect was that before he could do anything, Kunjia's house was blown up by a burst of rockets from Xiaolong. There are no more.

Let the lion scan it, and also get the result that Kunjia was killed along with the last poisonous stinger.

Knowing that Kunjia was killed for no reason like this, Xu Ziling felt a little sad for him.However, seeing that the village became a mess under Xiaolong's attack, leaving only a few buildings far away from the main road, he was also shocked by seeing Xiaolong's actual combat ability for the first time.

The air defense force was completely destroyed, and the two heavy machine guns at the entrance of the village were also killed by Xiaolong in the first place. Xu Ziling found that he had nothing to do with him on the battlefield.

He looked up and saw that Xiaolong had already flown over the small village, and after a circle, he began to turn around again, and even in the process of turning around, the red arrow on the mounting rack under the short wing was still fired from time to time.

The targets are those buildings that were not taken care of in the rocket attack array just now.

At this time, only 20 seconds had passed since Xiaolong launched the first missile. In such a short time, all the armed personnel who were violently attacked were beaten.

They have seen a lot of small gun stations, but they have never experienced a regular battle like today. The sudden attack made them unable to react at all.

There are the most houses on both sides of the main road. Under the attack of rockets, many people who did not have time to escape were blown away by the first round of blows.

As soon as the people in the houses that were not taken care of by the rockets came out, the smart ones among them found that their leader's house was also destroyed. Looking at it like that, they would not think that their leader was still alive, so they walked away He ran up the mountain, ready to escape.

The stupid ones started shooting at the helicopters flying over the village with their guns.

Although Xiaolong is in an attacking state, its speed is still very fast. This group of rabble who have not received formal training at all, holding those old guns, can't hit the plane at all.

Even if a stray bullet hit the plane, the fuselage material that Xu Ziling specially made at the beginning could completely resist ammunition of this caliber, making Xiaolong have no scruples.

When these people found that what they were doing was useless, they found that the helicopter turned around and came towards them again, followed closely by missiles.

In this way, Xiaolong turned around and attacked again, and soon there was no intact building in the entire village.

And at this time, less than a minute had passed since the start of the battle.

Xu Ziling has been lying on the tree all the time, watching Xiaolong's performance, watching the red arrows being fired one by one, and looking at the whole small village, there is no trace of integrity.

His mouth twitched.

You know, Yang Kaiming and the others would not launch an attack if the helicopter attack hadn't stopped, but now that Xiaolong was attacking back and forth, Xu Ziling found that there was no such thing as Yang Kaiming and the others on the battlefield.

The first rocket attack caused the death and injury of many militants, and after the U-turn, it simply used air-to-ground missiles. , Even if it didn't hang up, it also didn't have the ability to do it.

Therefore, among the [-] or so people in the entire mountain village, except for those who were smarter and ran into the mountains when they saw something was wrong, the rest either died or had no fighting ability.

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