weapons expert

Chapter 282 Confirming the Negotiation

Chapter 280 Two


Smith readily agreed to Xu Ziling's request.

The matter of selling Patriot missiles was a sensitive topic. Several people expressed a few words with emotion, but quickly changed the subject and did not bring it up again.

Speaking of the next itinerary for the three of them, Xu Ziling planned to meet with Assad first, to settle the details of the arms deal first, and then to investigate the matter of the temple.

Ostrich saw that they planned this way, and said that he and Xuanyuan would prepare relevant information in the next few days, and hand them over to them after they finished the deal.

Since Smith arranged accommodation for Xu Ziling and the others, they only had a meal at Xuanyuan and the others, and followed Smith to their place of residence without much chat.

The house Smith arranged is a foothold for Smith himself here, and like his house in Palmyra, it is also in a rich area.

Since Aleppo was the focus of the fighting, Xu Ziling and the others entered the community in a car and found that the whole community was quiet.

Looking at the villas by the road, all they saw were the gates closed.

"There are not many people here now. The rich are afraid of death. Now there are guns and cannons here every day, so everyone who can run away."

Seeing Xu Ziling sitting next to him looking outside, Smith explained why it was so quiet inside.

"Ha ha……"

The three of them are not surprised by his explanation. After all, not everyone has the ability to protect themselves like them.

The people who can live in these villas are all rich. As long as they don't have other status like Smith, of course they are afraid that shells will fall here, so they must run as far as they can.

But this is just right for them, there are so many people, and now there are not many people here, and their whereabouts are kept secret.

This is just a foothold, so I didn't purposely build a luxurious house, it's just an ordinary villa, which is not conspicuous in the whole community.

After entering the villa, Smith had already prepared the room to live in. Xu Ziling and the three of them entered a room and looked at it. They thought it was pretty good. After putting down their things, they immediately went out to the living room.

"Smith, this is the place you are most familiar with. Is there a safer place? I can meet Assad then."

Several people sat down in the living room, and Xu Ziling said to Smith.

Not going to see Assad in the military, this was discussed by several people when they were in Sharp Sword. In this sensitive period, everyone has reason to believe that Assad must be under surveillance, let alone Ah. Thad is the man behind him.

The matter of the patriot must be discussed in person, but Xu Ziling will definitely not go to the barracks to meet Assad, because as long as he goes to see him, his whereabouts will definitely be known by the Americans. Once something happens in Syria, people will be able to find Xu Ziling soon.

Although he is not afraid of Americans, of course things that can be avoided must be avoided.

Therefore, the meeting place must be decided by him. In this way, with the help of the lion, it can be ensured that his whereabouts will not be known by the Americans.

"There must be a place, but I don't know if you think it's suitable?"

Smith thought about it for a while, and while answering Xu Ziling, he took out a map from his body, intending to show a few people the place he thought of.

Seeing Smith's actions, Yang Kaiming, Li Cheng, and Xu Ziling crowded over immediately, and cast their eyes on the map Smith was holding.

"Here... here... and here."

Smith pointed out several places, and the three of them thought about it, and finally chose a small town called Saifera in the south of Aleppo.

The reason why a few people decided this place is because it is only 100 kilometers away from the city of Aleppo, and this town is called a small town, but it is actually a small village. There are more than [-] buildings in the whole town. , the distance from the street to the end is only a few hundred meters.

The town is surrounded by empty land. As long as there is any accident happening around, you can just stand on the tallest building in the town and you can see it at a glance. Someone will follow up on Assad's problems.

Of course, the most important reason is that this small town is a stronghold for Smith and the others here. When there are no missions, other members of the team live here.

And at this time, it was time for their team to rest, that is to say, the other team members were here at this time.

In this way, in case of any accident, with these people, there is also the power to fight back.

Several people, including Smith, think that they have good skills, but if Assad leaks the news and those people with ulterior motives use dozens of people to deal with them, they will be embarrassed , Maybe the boat capsized in the gutter by accident.

Although such a thing may not happen, the world is impermanent, and the concentration of people is a guarantee, isn't it?

"The sooner the meeting, the better. Let me see how it will be tomorrow?"

After the location was decided, it was time to determine the time for the meeting. Xu Ziling thought that there was still something to be done about the temple, so he wanted to settle this matter quickly, so he asked Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng for their opinions.

"Okay, finish it early, and go to work early."

Yang Kaiming nodded and agreed to the time Xu Ziling said.

Li Cheng didn't speak, but nodded in the same way, agreeing with what Xu Ziling said.

"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon, Smith, please inform your brother and pay attention to the movement around you."

The time has also been confirmed, and Xu Ziling is ready to notify Assad. After all, the meeting time is tomorrow, and Assad's arrangement also takes time. The sooner he is notified, the sooner he can prepare.

Several people reviewed the arrangement again and found no loopholes, so they asked Xu Ziling to notify Assad.

"Old friend, are you here?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Assad couldn't wait to ask.

"Well, I'm here, let me inform you now, let's meet tomorrow afternoon and formally talk about specific matters."


When Assad heard Xu Ziling's proposal to meet, he happily agreed.

So Xu Ziling told Assad the specific time and place. After listening to Assad, he said that he would keep their meeting a secret without Xu Ziling's instructions.

In his heart, Xu Ziling was not afraid that there would be problems in this meeting. Even if they leaked the news and let the Americans or other people know, so what?

With the lions around and the people still tens of kilometers away, he would know that, if this was the case, maybe he could give them a counter-ambush.

But of course he won't say it out of his mouth. He just maintained his affirmation of Assad's stability.

Assad was in a hurry to notify his superiors, so the two didn't say much, and quickly hung up the phone.

"Why don't we just go there today?"

After hanging up the phone with Assad, Xu Ziling asked Yang Kaiming.

We will meet tomorrow. Although Smith is very familiar with the venue, and there are members of his team there, but in this kind of matter, it is better to go to familiarize yourself first.

It's a big deal, and you can't be too prepared.

"That's right, I think we might as well go there today, so we can get acquainted with that side."

Yang Kaiming hadn't answered yet, Li Chengcheng said, not that he didn't trust others, but mainly because this matter was too important, and if he didn't go to it himself, he couldn't feel relieved.

"Well, let's go now."

Compared with the two of them, Yang Kaiming was more straightforward, stood up, and said that he would go over immediately.

Smith followed their ideas. When he saw a few people saying that he would go there today, he immediately said that he was going to drive, and he left the house and went to the garage.

Seeing that Smith was so straightforward, the three of them went back to the room, took their things, and came out immediately.

When they arrived outside the house, Smith drove another car in the villa, and was already waiting in the yard. The three got into the car, started the car, and soon left the community.

Out of the city, soon on the empty road.

The place was only forty kilometers away from Aleppo, and Smith did not drive slowly, so a few people arrived at the ground in a little over half an hour.

The car entered the town and walked along the street until the other end of the town, before Smith drove the car to a small three-story courtyard at the end of the town.

The horn rang a few times in a random manner, and the gate of the yard opened from the inside, and the figure of one of their team members appeared behind the gate.

The car drove into the yard, and the people behind closed the door quickly, and did not come over to say hello to a few people, and re-entered his position - an outward observation point in the yard.

As soon as the car stopped, several other members of the team came out of the house.

Seeing Xu Ziling who got out of the car, he walked over to say hello with a smile, and reached out to help them carry things.

Although we haven't been together very often, we have met several times together. We can't say they are very good friends, but they can be regarded as some people who get along well.

Seeing how enthusiastic they were, Xu Ziling and the three of them didn't show any pretense, they threw the things over, and the group got together and entered the room.

Entering is the living room. Xu Ziling and the others who walked in saw the living room full of beer and playing cards on the table at a glance.

Yang Kaiming looked at the chaotic living room and said with a smile:

"You guys are having a great time."

"This group of guys can't help it. It's not like the country here. You can't find a decent woman. You can only drink and play poker to pass the time."

Hearing Yang Kaiming's teasing, Smith half-excused and half-explained.

Think about it, too.What they are facing is that there are things that cannot be explained tomorrow. Whenever they take a break after a mission, they always look for something to relax. Syria is not without sex, sex and entertainment industries.

It's just because of the women here, these people look down on them, and the entertainment industry has stopped long ago because of the exchange of fire between the government forces and the rebels, which makes them want to go out to play, and there is no place to go, a bunch of big men I can only stay in the house, drinking and playing cards to pass the time.

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