weapons expert

Chapter 290 The Logo of the Temple Organization

"Look quickly, is it a poisonous poison weapon all over the body?"

The intelligence organization has not found out the source of the chemical weapons that appeared in Syria some time ago. If the chemical weapons that appeared under the pyramid are the same as those in Syria, it means that the source may be here. After all, chemical weapons are not Production can be produced.

Now Xu Ziling is most concerned about this chemical weapon, so he didn't look at other things about the underground project, but directly asked the lion to pass on the picture about chemical weapons.

The lion also knew that this matter was of great importance, so he immediately shared the picture.

In the screen, the chemical weapons mentioned by the lion are contained in a sealed box. The scanned image penetrates the box, and Xu Ziling sees the ammunition.

The appearance is no different from ordinary rpg rockets. If there is no skull-shaped logo on the dark body, which means it is a weapon of mass destruction, Xu Ziling really thinks that this is an ordinary rpg rocket.

The information obtained earlier showed that the chemical weapons that appeared in Syria were also chemical ammunition fired by rpg. Looking at this now, the type of ammunition is the same as that in Syria. It’s just from the appearance However, Xu Ziling still couldn't see whether this kind of ammunition was the same as the kind of ammunition with systemic poisoning agent that appeared in Syria.

"Can you find out what type of chemical weapon this is? And what kind of people are there?"

For a moment, Xu Ziling thought a lot. If it can be proved that the chemical weapons that appeared in Syria were obtained from here, and if this Ahmed is really a member of the Temple organization as the intelligence said, then this underground base must be Something to do with the Temple organization, something to do with the Americans.

In this way, the Americans vigorously criticized the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government forces. Isn't that a thief calling for a thief?

This is another shocking conspiracy!

After hearing Xu Ziling's words, the lion immediately began to search for proofs that could prove the type of chemical weapons. At the same time, it also paid attention to the faces of personnel appearing in the underground base.

The place where they saw the chemical weapons just now was a storage warehouse, and the scanning screen quickly moved forward. After passing through a few rooms, they saw a large house of about 400 square meters.

"This is their production workshop!"

Xu Ziling exclaimed when he saw some machines in the room, the people in chemical protective suits sitting in front of the machines, and the finished or semi-finished rockets in front of them.

"Let's see who are those people wearing chemical protective suits?"

Now that I have seen the production workshop, it is easy to know what type of ammunition this is, so Xu Ziling immediately asked the lion to see who these workers are.

"it is good!"

The scanned images immediately penetrated the chemical protective suits, and the faces of those people were checked.

"All Arabs, no Americans."

After checking several people, they all found that they were Arabs, not the Americans that Xu Ziling imagined. The lion couldn't help talking to Xu Ziling in frustration.

"No!" As soon as the lion finished speaking, Xu Ziling came to his senses, "Look for the leader or those R&D personnel. Those who do these trivial things will definitely not be Americans. If there are Americans who do this kind of thing, then they will also So worthless."

After hearing what Xu Ziling said, the lion immediately felt that what he said was right. After all, this is an Arab country. They must have a lot of people to build such a base. It is impossible that these people who do small things are also American.

So the lion immediately looked for those who seemed to be leaders or scientific researchers in the base.

Searching in a large area, the speed of the lion is very fast. Within ten seconds after Xu Ziling finished speaking, the lion found a room that looked like a laboratory.

Everyone in the laboratory is also wearing chemical protective clothing, and there are highly toxic signs on the walls of the room and on some instruments.

There were many test tubes filled with colorful liquids on the workbench. Seeing these, Xu Ziling could immediately be sure that the people inside were definitely researching poisons related to chemical weapons.

It may be because it is night now, so there are not many people working in the room, so the lion inspected all the people in the room in a few moments.

"It seems that this is really a stronghold of the temple organization."

After scanning the people working in the room, none of them had Arab faces, but all of them were Western faces.With such a result, both of them can almost confirm that this is an underground base of the temple organization.

"Take a closer look at those instruments and equipment."

In order to confirm, Xu Ziling asked the lion to carefully check the source of all the equipment in the room, because he is also in this business and knows the particularity of some laboratory instruments. Just by looking at these things, he can confirm where they come from.

The lion separated the screens of all the equipment and instruments in the room one by one, and asked Xu Ziling to look at them one by one. When Xu Ziling saw a mechanical arm for synthetic reagents, he stopped the lion and said No need to look any further.

Because when he saw this mechanical arm, he could tell at a glance that this thing is definitely the most core technology of Mi Fang.

He knew about this thing before. When he set up his own laboratory, he still wanted to get one of these things, but even through the relationship of Haitian Group, he still couldn't get it.

This incident also let him know that this thing is definitely not something that money can buy, because Zhao Xueqin told him at that time that such things have the same protection level as f-35 in the United States, no matter how old you are The power of the Americans will not allow it to flow to other countries.

But now here, Xu Ziling actually saw one. From this, it can be imagined that this underground base is definitely related to the Americans.

"md. Is this made by the US government or the Temple organization? Lion, you should first check the entire base and see if there is anything else that can prove that this is the Temple organization's stronghold?"

Seeing such a device, Xu Ziling was a little bit surprised again.

Although he knew before that the Temple organization has great powers, even the Seawolf-class submarine can arrange people to go aboard, but now the things he sees in his eyes can also be produced by the U.S. government. Previously, the intelligence said that Ahmed had Possibly a Templar member.

But this news has not been confirmed. From contacting the American people to creating such a base, it is not necessarily a member of the Temple Organization, but it can also be produced by cooperating with the American government. So Xu Ziling thought of this, but instead It is not sure whether this is a base of the temple.

Xu Ziling was thinking about something, and the lion started to search immediately after hearing what he said.

"I found it, and I can be sure that this is definitely a base of the Temple organization."

After a while, the lion's voice interrupted Xu Ziling's thinking.

"How can you be sure?"

Xu Ziling asked immediately.

"Look," said the lion, zooming in on one of the symbols in the image of a document.

"Is this the symbol of the Temple organization?"

The magnified part of the lion is a logo-like pattern on the document.The pattern is very simple, there is a vague palace inside a circle, but there are some weird trace lines on the palace.

Seeing this thing, Xu Ziling remembered that he had seen such a pattern in the materials obtained at the temple base on the small Mediterranean island at that time.

Because this pattern was only seen once before, and never seen again, so this thing was put aside. If the lion hadn't brought it up, he believed that he would continue to forget it.

"Yes. I compared the pattern last time, and it's exactly the same."

While the lion was talking, he recalled the image he obtained in the Mediterranean Sea last time, and the two patterns were enlarged at the same time.

"Moreover, I also found a badge with such a pattern, so this must be the logo of this organization."

After Xu Ziling finished watching the two pictures with the same pattern, the lion called up another picture of a badge.

"Where did you find this thing?"

Xu Ziling was really surprised by the appearance of this thing. When dealing with the temple organization a few times ago, he did not find such a badge.

"On Ahmed's body."

The images changed and kept zooming out, only then did Xu Ziling realize that the badge that the lion just made was in the inner pocket of Ahmed's clothes.

Now that the underground base has been discovered, Xu Ziling forgot about Ahmed for a while. When he saw him at this time, he remembered that they originally wanted to find him.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziling said to the lion calmly:

"I think this badge is only for the core members of the organization. The two people in the previous Seawolf-class submarine and the former K are not considered core members, so they don't have badges at all. It seems that this pattern is theirs. The logo of the organization."

"It must be. It seems that this Ahmed is more important than the information above."

The lion also said with emotion.

When the lion mentioned this, Xu Ziling thought of Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng. Now that he has found a base of the Temple organization, their side is not so important.

"Let's not talk about this first, let's confirm whether the chemical weapons in Syria are the same as those here."

What happened here happened one after another. Originally, it was necessary to confirm whether the chemical weapons on both sides were the same at the beginning, but it has not been completed until now.

But now that everything he was anxious to figure out was clear, Xu Ziling immediately remembered it.

"Okay. I'll collect some data here, you get the data over there, and then I'll know after comparing."

To confirm this matter, it cannot be determined by looking at the same appearance, what is needed is some relevant data, so that there can be no mistakes.

So the lion said that he collected the weapons data of the underground base and asked Xu Ziling to get the data of the chemical weapons used in Syria.

"Okay, I'll call right away and have someone pass it on."

Xu Ziling does not have the data on the residues of chemical weapons explosions in Syria, and it is not in the information provided by Ostrich and Xuanyuan, so this thing can only be obtained from Assad.

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