"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xu Ziling saw that the expressions of the two were exactly the same, knowing that he had committed public anger, he hurriedly apologized.

"I want to say that I have designed two sets of plans for the gun, one for our own use. The other can be exported after use. Of course, we will not make any changes for our own family. For the exported gun, I will not describe my double rifling method. Even if you adjust it a little bit, it needs to measure the wind speed and calculate the ballistic like an ordinary sniper rifle. But even so, it is more powerful than foreign sniper rifles of the same level, but you think, if it is a hostile force with the same sniper rifle, If we meet one of our people again, if two people find each other at the same time, one of them is still counting ballistics, and our side has already fired. Don’t you think that’s a beautiful scene? And if they know such a secret, let’s not talk about us. I don’t admit it, even if they get the samples and have no materials, they can’t make the same gun as ours. They use their own materials to make a few rounds, and dozens of rounds will explode the barrel. Our guns are better than their country’s guns It is powerful and easy to use, but you have to buy our guns. Don’t you want to see such a situation?”

Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng laughed loudly after hearing Xu Ziling's plan.I have to say that once Xu Ziling's plan is implemented, it will indeed be very satisfying.It makes people unhappy, but they have to endure it.

In the past few days, Yang Kaiming and Li Chengdu lived in the dormitory of the special police team and did not go home.

Xu Ziling also hung out for two days, getting up at 5:30 in the morning, carrying a weight of 5000 meters, and then coming back for breakfast.After breakfast, I practice hooking ladders and crawling across wires back and forth hundreds of times.After eating Chinese food, it was another exercise to resist exposure to the sun. Holding a gun, the barrel of the gun was hung from a red brick with a rope, and stood motionless under the sun for two hours.Then it was shooting training.After dinner in the evening, it was another 5000 meters with a load.In this way, after two days in the special police team, Xu Ziling had to leave the special police team and return to school when the school was about to officially start.

Woke up early in the morning, went downstairs and ran on the school playground for a while, waited until the body ran away before calling it a day, and went to the restaurant for breakfast.Seeing that there was still some time left, he went back upstairs and took a shower, and when he went downstairs, he threw the clothes to be washed in the laundry room.

The student uniforms in the school are military uniforms. Xu Ziling looked at his student ID card and couldn't help but smile. He had a military officer ID card, and now he has a student ID card.I almost couldn't tell who I was.Along the way, I saw many students entering their own classes, and Xu Ziling found this year's weapon automation major classroom after a while.

The weapon automation major of the National University of Science and Technology not only has relatively high cultural requirements, but also has relatively high physical requirements.Many people who are afraid of suffering, have high grades, and have money in their families will not choose military schools except those who really love this industry.Those with slightly worse grades who like to take the military as a career also chose other majors in the school.Therefore, the number of people majoring in weapon automation has not been very large in the past, so this year is no exception.

Xu Ziling looked around the classroom and estimated that there were about forty to fifty people.When all the people arrived, the person in charge on the stage took a roll call and divided all the people into two classes.The teachers of each class were also introduced.Then the teachers of the two classes said some things again, and the whole morning passed in a daze.

After listening dizzily all morning, everyone in the classroom ran away as soon as the dismissal was announced.There was also no chance for Xu Ziling to meet his classmates.Starting tomorrow, the school will officially start classes. There will be a lot of physical training in the first few months of this semester.Looking at the densely packed schedule, Xu Ziling's head grew bigger. He has never been the kind of student who follows the rules.Besides, the school's physical training team meant nothing to him at all.

I feel a little hungry, so I have to get rid of this problem, don't think about it for the time being, it's more important to fill my stomach.

I have to say that the gap between military academies and general academies is quite large. Not to mention anything else, it is the food in the cafeteria. I have heard countless people in the Internet say that the steamed stuffed buns in the cafeteria of their school can smash glass, and the dishes If there are vegetable worms in it, it will be treated as an extra meal.However, every food in the military school is quite delicate and delicious.

After enjoying a delicious meal, Xu Ziling walked around the campus, thinking that he should find something to do, otherwise it would be boring to stay in the dormitory all afternoon.After much deliberation, he could only look for Xia Xueyi to see if there was anything wrong with him.

I called Xia Xueyi, asked where she was, and learned that she had just had dinner and was about to leave the restaurant, so I told her where I was and waited for her to come.

After a while, Xia Xueyi came over. "Are you okay this afternoon?"

"It's just nothing, nothing to do. I'm thinking about seeing if you have anything to do there, and I'll be your assistant too."

"Is it like this?" Xia Xueyi pressed her right index finger against her chin and pondered for a while, "All right, come with me, Mr. Li has started to study that special steel project again, and you should follow along Look, maybe it can really help."

When two people came to the laboratory, Li Litian was already busy. He was experimenting, taking notes, and paying attention to the reaction of the experiment.Very busy.

Li Litian watched the microscope seriously, and Xu Ziling walked to the computer and looked at the experiment records.After looking through the records carefully, Xu Ziling knew that if things continued like this, there would be no results for a while.How to reveal the secret unintentionally?

Li Litian watched Xu Ziling flipping through the experiment records, but he didn't blame him.Called Xu Ziling, moved his mouth to the microscope, "You also look at the specific reaction."

Knowing that there is no result, but I have to put on a show.He walked forward, looked at it for a while before raising his head, "It doesn't seem to have any effect?"

"Well, it really doesn't work." People who are scholars are very cute. Mistakes are mistakes, and they can admit them with a normal heart. Unlike officials in the Celestial Dynasty, even if they are wrong, they will continue to be wrong. Will not admit to being wrong.

"We all know that rare earths are widely used in various fields, and the same is true in material applications. Mr. Li, should we pay more attention to this aspect?" Xu Ziling said.

Li Litian thought for a while before saying: "We can indeed pay more attention to this aspect. Now our country has also produced rare earth steel, but for military use, the effect is still not satisfactory."

"A lot of new discoveries are made unintentionally. I thought it was a stupid way. I just used the formula last time and added 17 kinds of rare earth elements. Is it possible to produce the results we need?"

"However, not all of the 17 elements can have an effect on steel." It seems that no matter how profound the knowledge is and how prominent the status is, the thoughts of people are occasionally trapped in a corner of the ivory tower.Li Litian also took the previous theory as a textbook, and did not think that among the 17 rare earth elements, in addition to the known ones, there would be other elements that would have a huge effect on the qualitative change of steel under certain conditions .

Just as Xu Ziling was thinking about what he should say, Li Litian's eyes lit up, "Yeah, why haven't I thought about it, the molecular structure of ordinary steel may not work with rare earths, it doesn't mean it can't work with our current Ah. Your idea is good, but if this is the case, the workload will be heavy. Do you have anything to do during this time, come and help me, Xiaoxia can't do it alone, so it's better to find someone else to help more familiar."

Well, it seems that don't worry about having nothing to do.Xu Ziling recounted the course situation, and Li Litian was blunt when he heard it, "Now the freshmen mainly focus on physical training and basic knowledge, which is of no use to you. I'll go and explain to your teacher, and you can come and help. Besides It seems that you are not the kind of person who will honestly learn knowledge that is useless to you, you probably came here today with the idea of ​​being lazy, right?"

His plan was ruthlessly punctured, Xu Ziling was not embarrassed, he smiled, "You are always so bright-eyed, I still haven't hidden this little abacus. Anyway, there are people here, I will be a coolie, and it's okay by the way Learn something from you. That's the best of both worlds."

Li Litian smiled and said: "No need to flatter, extraordinary people do extraordinary things, sometimes there is really no need to follow the rules. Alright, stop gossip and do things quickly."

Xu Ziling is sometimes a lazy person, but he is also a studious person.In terms of theory, I have a certain amount of knowledge, but in terms of practice, it is extremely unfamiliar, just like the last time in the laboratory, although the final results came out, but the process was bumpy.Xia Xueyi, who was his assistant, was once puzzled by his unfamiliarity with the instruments and his clumsy movements.Later, Xia Xueyi was shocked to learn that before he came to the laboratory, he had never touched other experimental equipment except for ordinary microscopes, test tubes, and beakers at school.How can it be?Watching Xu Ziling's movements become proficient day by day, the steps of the experiment came out one by one, until the final experiment was successful.Recalling the real unfamiliarity of Xu Ziling on the first day he came in, and looking at the proficient and rounded movements now, and the results of the experiment, Xia Xueyi felt absurd in her heart, and was in a daze when she saw Xu Ziling's unfamiliar movements before. It's an illusion.

After much deliberation, there is no result, I can only sigh: This is a genius.Later, when he told Li Litian everything he had seen, the old man who never talked and laughed laughed a lot, "In such a big dynasty, can't there be a genius? We just lack such talents, so there are so many of them. We are walking behind others."

yes!In such a huge celestial dynasty, can't there be a genius?Xia Xueyi asked herself in her heart.

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