weapons expert

Chapter 300 Something Happened

"Come out in whatever shape you want."

Xu Ziling really didn't know what to change for a while, so he simply let the lion decide for himself.

"it is good!"

As soon as the lion's words fell, Xu Ziling felt the dagger in his hand suddenly squirmed, the hilt continued to extend, and the blade began to change shape at the same time.

"Sapper shovel?!"

Seeing that the dagger in his hand turned into an engineering shovel in a few seconds, Xu Ziling screamed out even though he was mentally prepared.

When he was a child, he read Journey to the West, and Sun Dasheng’s Golden Cudgel could be changed in length and shortened, so he thought it was very powerful, but now looking at the things in his hand, he suddenly felt that this should be more powerful than the Golden Cudgel?


Looking at the dark blade in front of the engineer shovel, Xu Ziling praised it.

"Change it to another look."

The thing is good, but this is not the place to test its performance. After holding it in his hand for a few times, Xu Ziling hurriedly made the lion change into another form.

The lion finally found something on the same planet as him. He is very happy because he is completely humane, and he naturally responds to Xu Ziling's requests.

Daggers, screwdrivers, long swords, saws... and dozens of other changes, and a few hours passed like this.

Although there is no place for experimentation, Xu Ziling can imagine the sharpness of other forms from the sharpness of the dagger itself.

After getting such a treasure, after trying all the functions, even lying on the bed, Xu Ziling was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all.

In the end, without knowing when, he fell asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning, Smith came to call the door, saying that he was going to put the things he got in the pyramid last night into the bank first, and he was going to contact the buyer.

With business, Xu Ziling didn't delay, quickly washed up, left the hotel without eating breakfast, and drove directly to the headquarters of Swiss Bank in Egypt.

No matter where it is, it is always easy to do things if you have a relationship. When you arrive at the bank, Smith's acquaintance, that is, the person in charge of the bank, has long been waiting.

Smith also often had the bank's safe business before, and the person in charge of the bank didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the arrival of the two of them. He just regarded it as an ordinary business and led the two directly into the underground safe business area.

After providing the two with a large safe, he took the relevant information to go through the formalities, leaving the two to store their things in their room.

In such a room, the bank did not install monitoring equipment for the safety of the customer. As soon as the person left, the two of them immediately opened the box and put each item into the safe.

Afterwards, they got the certificate of the safe business in the hands of the person in charge, and the two left the bank.

"I'm going to contact the buyer, are you going back to the hotel over there?"

After getting in the car, Smith asked Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling thought about it, and felt that his business now was to consider how to reveal the underground base, so he said:

"Go back to the hotel over there first, the task has made some progress, I want to take a good look at it."

Under Xu Ziling's misleading, Smith always thought that Xu Ziling had installed a tracker or something on Ahmed's side. Hearing what Xu Ziling said, he drove towards the hotel without asking any further questions.

He arrived at the hotel soon, and because Smith was busy with his business, he didn't get out of the car. When Xu Ziling got out of the car, he drove away, and Xu Ziling went back to the room alone.

After returning to the room and putting down the things, Xu Ziling sat down and considered the report.

If the underground base was just an ordinary base, Xu Ziling could just use his own means to destroy it without reporting it.

However, this base is involved in the chemical weapons incident in Syria, so it is not suitable for such a method. He believes that as long as the chemical weapons incident is reported, the country must have something that can be used, which is better than the method he simply destroyed. The benefits are much more.

Things have not been considered clearly, but the accident came.

While Xu Ziling was thinking, the phone rang.Picking up the phone to look, only to find that it was Yang Kaiming calling.

"Is there anything unusual over there?"

As soon as the call was connected, Yang Kaiming asked very seriously.

As soon as Xu Ziling heard Yang Kaiming's words, he knew that there must be something wrong. He asked the lion in his mind, and found that there was nothing abnormal in the underground base.

"No! Is something wrong?"

"Yes, something happened! This morning, the embassy was shelled by the opposition."

"Ah..." Xu Ziling was startled when he heard the news, "My side is completely normal and there is absolutely no problem. How is the situation? Are there any casualties?"

"The situation is fine, only one was slightly injured, and our side has not been exposed. Is this just a coincidence?"

Yang Kaiming was also a little puzzled. He thought that Xu Ziling's side had been exposed, which caused the temple organization to react.

These people jumped the wall in a hurry!Hearing this, Xu Ziling's first reaction was.

During this period of time, some countries headed by the Celestial Dynasty in the world have become more and more supportive of Syria. Of course, the Americans are not happy, and they must have used this method to warn?

md, do you really think we are soft persimmons?Squeeze if you want?Xu Ziling thought hard.

Come and don't reciprocate, it seems that we have to move a bit, otherwise these people really think we are afraid!

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling decided to tell the story of the underground base right now. He doesn't care how the higher ups use this matter, but his idea is that this place must be blown up.

"I just have something to tell you..."

Just do what you want, Xu Ziling immediately told Yang Kaiming about the underground base.


Yang Kaiming's voice raised several degrees, his tone was dignified and unexpected.

He really didn't expect Xu Ziling to get such a big piece of information just a few days after he came here.

"Really! I found an opportunity and put an image collector on the target. I will send you the video later. See what it means. I mean, just clear this place."

In order to reassure Yang Kaiming about the source of the information, Xu Ziling fabricated another surveillance incident.

"Don't worry, just pass it on to me first and let the higher-ups decide. This is not a trivial matter, and this place is not like the Mediterranean Sea. An accident will happen if you are not careful. Anyway, these guys will definitely not be let go."

Yang Kaiming was really afraid that Xu Ziling would make a big incident like the one in the Mediterranean, so he hurriedly told him not to act rashly.

Last time, the small island was surrounded by the sea, so it would be blown up if it was blown up, but this time the place is only a few tens of kilometers away from the capital of Egypt. If it really blows up, it must be a big event.

Originally, the current situation in Egypt is not very stable. If there is such a bombing, it is unknown what changes will happen.

Xu Ziling also knew that this place was different from the Mediterranean Sea, and he never thought that he would take care of the base alone. As long as the base was destroyed, he would be happy. As for whether he did it himself, he didn't care.

After interrupting the communication with Yang Kaiming, Xu Ziling immediately asked the lion to make a video about the secret shooting angle of the underground base, and immediately passed it on to Yang Kaiming.

With the shelling of the embassy, ​​both Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng temporarily stopped their investigation work and lived with Ostrich and Xuanyuan.

When Xu Ziling passed through the video, Yang Kaiming immediately opened it on the computer and notified Li Cheng, Ostrich and Xuanyuan at the same time.

Hearing that there was something important, the three of them immediately put down what they were doing when they heard Yang Kaiming's shout, and ran to Yang Kaiming's room.

"Look at this video first!"

Seeing that all three people had arrived, Yang Kaiming turned the computer screen to a position so that several people could also see it.

Although the three of them didn't understand what Yang Kaiming meant, they knew that there was a deep meaning in his expression, so they watched the video seriously.

"This seems to be underground?"

The first thing that appeared in the video was the long underground passage from Ahmed's house to the pyramid. Although the picture was a little blurry due to the lighting problem, Li Cheng could still see it at a glance.

The video was made by Lion. For the sake of reality, there is no sound in the video, but from the speed of sight in the video, several people can tell that they should be in the car now.

"This passage is not short!"

Xuanyuan calculated according to the speed of sight movement.

"Well, keep reading."

Yang Kaiming didn't express any opinions, but let them continue to read.

In the video, the line of sight quickly slowed down, and came to a brightly lit passage. At the end of the passage, there was a tall door. .

"Which underground base should this be!"

Seeing this, Li Cheng said another sentence.

The screen continued to advance, and soon arrived at the chemical weapons production workshop that Xu Ziling saw.

At first, the few people didn't see it clearly, they only saw a workshop, but after a close-up shot, they finally saw clearly what the workshop in the picture was doing.

"This is producing chemical weapons!"

Seeing this, Li Cheng, Xuanyuan, and Ostrich exclaimed at the same time.

Not to mention the three of them, but Xu Ziling told him that Yang Kaiming had the same surprise in his heart as they did, but he didn't show it like they did.

The research room, training base, and many trainees, these scenes appeared in the video one by one. After watching the entire video, including Yang Kaiming, several people were shocked and speechless.

It is obvious in the picture that it is an underground base. How much manpower and material resources are invested to have such a long underground passage, so many people, and such a large venue?

Who the hell made this up?

It's all puzzling.

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