weapons expert

Chapter 307

Back at the place where they were separated, Yang Kaiming and the others also came back one after another, so they walked to the village while understanding each other's observations.

The two directions of true north and west are different from the other two directions, but hilly terrain. Although such terrain is suitable for combat, this area is a place to contact the opposition forces and is only suitable for short-term raids , once the war lasts for a long time, it is possible that support from the opposition will emerge from here.

According to the observations of Kevins and Li Cheng, if they attack in these two directions, if the battle cannot be resolved in a short time, then they are likely to be caught in a state of front and rear attack.

So attacking from these two directions can only be used as a backup plan.

"It seems that we can only find a way on this front."

Each of them reported the observed situation, but none of them thought of a suitable battle plan, Xu Ziling said helplessly to several people.

"Well, you asked Mushroom to talk about the plan before, and you can tell us in detail to see if it can be used?"

Yang Kaiming was also helpless, but remembering that Mushroom had told him that Xu Ziling had a plan, he asked.

"My idea is this..."

Xu Ziling immediately expressed his thoughts to several people.

Without aerial firepower and missiles, just relying on their uniform light weapons and the poor heavy firepower of the government army, even if Xu Ziling and his party have high combat effectiveness, they have nothing to do.

After Xu Ziling finished talking about his thoughts, several people felt that this method was the best one under the current situation.

So I immediately decided to use this plan, walking along the way, and expressing my opinions along the way to improve it.

"You first destroy the tanks and armed pickups that are wandering around, and at the same time let the government forces strengthen their firepower on the southern line to attract some of the opponent's personnel, and then we will attack from the west. You can help us clear the heavy firepower at the sniper point."

After several people finished talking, Yang Kaiming finally settled the tone with a punch, and decided the method of action.

"Then when will you act?"

Li Cheng asked.

It is also very important to choose the right time for action. Now that the action plan has been determined, they must of course find a good time.

Regarding Li Cheng's question, Yang Kaiming thought about it.

"It's dark, when the line of sight is relatively poor, which is good for hiding our actions."

Yang Kaiming's consideration was indeed correct. They wanted to attack the open space, and the night was their best concealment tool.

Moreover, the equipment Kevins prepared for them includes not only night vision equipment, but also thermal imaging equipment, so there is no problem in fighting night battles.

Since they have no advantage in terrain and personnel, let's win in terms of equipment. According to their understanding, the armed personnel on the opposite side do not have these high-tech equipment.

Otherwise, they and the government army would have fought a night battle since they fought here.


Everyone nodded to show their understanding.

Back in the village, Assad, who had received news of their return, was already waiting at the gate of their temporary command center.

When Yang Kaiming saw him, he dragged him to a quiet place without saying a word, and told them their plan of action.

If people are needed to attract the opponent's firepower, people from the government army must be used, and the place where the battle is fought is another country. No matter where you say it, you have to explain it to Assad.

It’s just that this is just a formality. Since the mercenary incident last year, Assad has been very enthusiastic about Xu Ziling and the others. Things like today are just small things. Of course, they will agree, not to mention the fact that their domestic The higher-ups also ordered him to befriend Xu Ziling, the "arms dealer".

So, when Yang Kaiming said this, Assad didn't say anything else, and immediately agreed, saying that he would definitely do what they needed to do well.

Assad's cooperation was expected by Xu Ziling and the others. They discussed how to cooperate with each other during the operation, and it was noon.

Although it was on the battlefield, under Assad's careful arrangements, Xu Ziling and the others still had a good meal.

In the afternoon, all of Xu Ziling and the others did not sit idle just because the method of action was determined, but continued to observe the situation on the opposite side in all directions of the front line, in case there was any change in the situation that would lead to the failure of the action.

Fortunately, until the evening, the two sides tacitly stopped the exchange of fire, and did not find anything unusual on the other side. Instead, they left the investigators as usual, and then began to rest.

Seeing such a situation, everyone who was worried that they would not be able to act on time felt relieved, began to check the equipment for the last time, and prepared to act.

At this time, Xu Ziling finally opened the box that had not been opened all this time, and packed the tiger that had been disassembled inside.

The team that came to be responsible for the security of the embassy this time also fully considered the situation on the Syrian side. In terms of bullets, whether they are ordinary sniper bullets, armor-piercing bullets, or special bullets made by military factories, they are all equipped with a lot.

It was precisely because of seeing this that Xu Ziling came up with this plan of action, because if the special ammunition developed by himself was not among the ammunition, he really had no confidence in being able to destroy the opponent's armored tank at this distance.

Loaded the gun, sorted and loaded the magazines, and placed them on the ground of the mound. Seeing that the time was still early, he simply let the lion pay attention to the movement of the opponent, and he simply slipped to the back of the mound, picked up the dry food in his pocket, and ate it. up.

He is not a traditional sniper, and this place is not afraid of detection methods such as drones in the sky, so he has no concept of lurking without moving at all.

Eating dry food when he was hungry and drinking water when he was thirsty, this was nothing more than a normal behavior for him. After lying here all afternoon, his stomach still felt a little empty.

After he finished eating his dry food slowly and drank half a bottle of water, the sky had been completely dark for a while, and Yang Kaiming's voice announcing "the start of action" finally came from the headset hanging on his ear.


Xu Ziling responded in the channel, and immediately lay down on the mound again, loaded the equipped magazine on the tiger, then put the gun in a suitable position, and stared at the opposite side through the multi-functional scope.

While staring at the opposite side, he let the lion pay attention to Yang Kaiming's situation on their side.

Through the lion, he "saw" Yang Kaiming and Li Cheng leading all the members of Smith's team, taking advantage of the night to quietly walk away from the east with their waists bent.

The armed personnel on the opposite side did not have high-tech reconnaissance equipment at night, so they used the method of flares and scouts to guard against night attacks.Assad had told them about this situation before, and Yang Kaiming and the others had also seen it when it was dark.

As soon as it got dark, flares were fired from the opposite side. The flares fell at a high altitude, and the light was extremely bright, clearly illuminating the distance of hundreds of meters around.

After observing the flare bombs fired by the opponent several times, and finding that the time intervals between the several launches were all intervals, Yang Kaiming decided that they would take advantage of the half-hour interval in between to march towards the opposite position.

Yang Kaiming and the others carefully moved towards the intended attack location, while Xu Ziling stared at the opposite side, paying attention to the situation on the other side.

Time passed quickly, and in less than 10 minutes, Yang Kaiming and the others also advanced a distance of about 600 meters, less than a kilometer away from the opposite frontline position.

And at this moment, Xu Ziling, who had been paying attention to the situation on the other side, noticed that the investigators on the opposite side began to move.

"There is a situation!"

Seeing this, he immediately said it in the channel.

"All concealed!"

Hearing Xu Ziling's news, Yang Kaiming made a gesture to stop his progress, and immediately issued an order from his mouth, and immediately lay down on the ground at the same time.

As soon as Yang Kaiming ordered, the rest of the team members immediately threw themselves on the ground and lay there motionless.

"what happened?"

As soon as he got down, Yang Kaiming whispered to Xu Ziling in the channel.

Just now Xu Ziling looked at the man who appeared in the scope, holding a telescope in his hand, and looked towards the open space. Seeing that he kept looking in all directions, he knew that this guy was a routine investigation.

"Lion, quickly look at the opponent's telescope."

When he saw that the man had a telescope in his hand, Xu Ziling hurriedly asked the lion to find out what type of telescope the man had.

Because the binoculars that can be used at night are not night vision, but thermal imaging. If the night vision binoculars are good, because there are many kinds of night vision binoculars, generally the line of sight is definitely not very clear at this distance. , but if it is thermal imaging, then this operation can only end here, of course he has reason to be anxious.

"It's okay, the other party is just a low-light night vision telescope."

The lion quickly gave the answer.


Hearing such a result, Xu Ziling's tensed heart suddenly relaxed.

At this moment, Yang Kaiming's voice of inquiry happened to be heard.

"Be careful! The person in charge of the investigation has come out, and the other party has a low-light telescope."

He immediately answered Yang Kaiming in the channel.

It may be that the two sides have never had a night battle. The opponent's investigators thought that the government army would not attack them at night, so his actions were obviously perfunctory. He looked around with a telescope and the time had not exceeded 1 In a few minutes, the telescope was retracted, and the man also retreated, returning to his hiding place.


Seeing this situation, Xu Ziling immediately notified again in the channel,

And Yang Kaiming, who got the signal, immediately got up from the place and called all the personnel to move on, so the group began to advance towards the predetermined attack position again.

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